How do i generate a pair of random values relative to an incrementing seed? - node.js

I have a grid with 200 lines and 200 columns.
I want to generate random pairs of coordinates i,j by using a numeric seed. This seed is a value i am incrementing each time I generate a pair of numbers.
After 40,000 values have been generated, all pairs of coordinates are unique amongst themselves, as there is no i,j and m,n where i=m and j=n.
For example:
seed 0: generates 43,12
seed 1: generates 154, 62
and so forth...
The seed implies the same input with the same function generates the same result, I am fine with that.
I am aware I need some sort of pseudorandom algorithm, as using the computer time or something might generate two identical pairs, but where do I start?

If you want every seed to return a random point, and all of those points to be unique, the easiest way to do it is to put the points in an array, shuffle the array, and then use integer seeds to index the shuffled array. For example, seed=0 would get whatever element happened to be shuffled into the first position.
It seems a bit easier to me to let integers represent the pairs, so make an array from 0 to 40000 (ie, 200x200), shuffle this, and then use seeds in the range 0 to 40000. To convert the integer, n, to a point pair use, i=n%200 and j=(n-i)/200.
Of course, since you want each seed to return a unique point, you must have equal or fewer seeds than the number of points,

You need a random number generator that you can set the seed value for. Seems like you're aware of that. You can't set the seed for Math.random() but there's plenty of pseudorandom number generators out there. I suggest you take a look at seedrandom.js.


How to get the order relationship between string elements in linear time?

I have a string and I want to get the order relationship between string elements in linear time.
For example, the string "abc", there are three partial order relations, namely ab, bc, ac
If you want to generate all the ordered pairs - well there are n^2 of those, so you won't even be able to print them in linear time.
However, if you just need to be able to lookup the ordering of two characters for some larger algorithm (and they are all unique in the original string):
You could build a map of characters to their index in the string in a single pass (linear time). Then, whenever you need to know the ordering of a given pair, look up and compare their indices in constant time.

Find lexicographically smallest string with given hash value [Competitive Coding]

I encountered the following problem for which I couldn't quite find the appropriate solution.
The problem says for a given string having a specific hash value, find the lowest string (which is not the same as the given one) of the
same length and same hash value (if one exists). E.g. For the
following value mapping of alphabets: {a:0, b:1, c:2,...,z:25}
If the given string is: ady with hash value - 27. The
lexicographically smallest one (from all possible ones excluding the
given one) would be: acz
Solution approach I could think of:
I reduced the problem to Coin-Change problem and resorted to finding all possible combinations for the given sum. Out of all the obtained solutions, I sort them up and find the lowest (or the next smallest if the given string is smallest).
The problem however lies with finding all possible solutions (even in a DP approach) which might be inefficient for larger inputs.
My doubt is:
What solution strategy (possibly even Greedy) could give a better time complexity than above?
I cannot guarantee that this will give you a lower complexity, but a couple of things:1 you don't need to check all the space, just the space of lexicographic value less than or equal to the given string. 2: you can formulate it as an integer programming problem:
Assuming your character space is the letters, and each letter is given its number index[0-25] so a corresponds to 0, b to 1 and so forth. let x_i be the number of letters in your string corresponding to index i. You can formulate your problem as:
min sum_i(wi*xi)
st xi*ai = M
sum_i(wi*xi)<= N
xi integer
Where wi= 26^i, ai is equal to hash(letter(i)), n is the number of letters of the original string, N is the hash value of the original string. This is an integer programming problem so you can try plugging it to a solver. The original problem is very similar to subset sum problem with fixed subset size (where the hash values are the elements you are summing over, and the subset size is the length of the string) so you might also want to take a look at that, although as you will see from the answer it is a complicated problem.

Looking for a way to distinguish identical string entries for index use

I am making a function in python 3.5.2 to read chemical structures (e.g. CaBr2) and then gives a list with the names of the elements and their coefficients.
The general rundown of how I am doing it is i have a for loop, it skips the first letter. Then it will append the previous element when it reaches one of: capital letter/number/the end. I did this with index of my iteration, and then get the entry with index(iteration)-1 or -2 depending on the specifics. For the given example it would skip C, read a but do nothing, reach B and append to my name list the translation of Ca, and append 1 to my coefficient list.
This works perfectly for structures with unique entries, but with something like CaCl2, the index of the iteration at the second C is not 2, but zero as index doesn't differentiate between the two. How would I be able to have variables in my function equal to the value at previous index(es) without running in to this problem? Keeping in mind inputs can be of any length, capitalization cannot change, and there could be any number of repeated values

How to compare two dicts based on roundoff values in python?

I need to check if two dicts are equal. If the values rounded off to 6 decimal places are equal, then the program must say that they are equal. For e.g. the following two dicts are equal
{'A': 0.00025037208557341116}
{'A': 0.000250372085573415}
Can anyone suggest me how to do this? My dictionaries are big (more than 8000 entries) and I need to access this values multiple times to do other calculations.
Test each key as you produce the second dict iteratively. Looking up a key/value pair from the dict you are comparing with is cheap (linear cost), and round the values as you find them.
You are essentially performing a set difference to test for equality of the keys, which requires at least a full loop over the smallest of the sets. If you already need to loop to generate one of the dicts, you are at an advantage as that'll give you the shortest route to determining inequality soonest.
To test for two floats being the same within a set tolerance, see What is the best way to compare floats for almost-equality in Python?.

Count no. of words in O(n)

I am on an interview ride here. One more interview question I had difficulties with.
“A rose is a rose is a rose” Write an
algorithm that prints the number of
times a character/word occurs. E.g.
A – 3 Rose – 3 Is – 2
Also ensure that when you are printing
the results, they are in order of
what was present in the original
sentence. All this in order n.
I did get solution to count number of occurrences of each word in sentence in the order as present in the original sentence. I used Dictionary<string,int> to do it. However I did not understand what is meant by order of n. That is something I need an explanation from you guys.
There are 26 characters, So you can use counting sort to sort them, in your counting sort you can have an index which determines when specific character visited first time to save order of occurrence. [They can be sorted by their count and their occurrence with sort like radix sort].
Edit: by words first thing every one can think about it, is using Hash table and insert words in hash, and in this way count them, and They can be sorted in O(n), because all numbers are within 1..n steel you can sort them by counting sort in O(n), also for their occurrence you can traverse string and change position of same values.
Order of n means you traverse the string only once or some lesser multiple of n ,where n is number of characters in the string.
So your solution to store the String and number of its occurences is O(n) , order of n, as you loop through the complete string only once.
However it uses extra space in form of the list you created.
Order N refers to the Big O computational complexity analysis where you get a good upper bound on algorithms. It is a theory we cover early in a Data Structures class, so we can torment, I mean help the student gain facility with it as we traverse in a balanced way, heaps of different trees of knowledge, all different. In your case they want your algorithm to grow in compute time proportional to the size of the text as it grows.
It's a reference to Big O notation. Basically the interviewer means that you have to complete the task with an O(N) algorithm.
"Order n" is referring to Big O notation. Big O is a way for mathematicians and computer scientists to describe the behavior of a function. When someone specifies searching a string "in order n", that means that the time it takes for the function to execute grows linearly as the length of that string increases. In other words, if you plotted time of execution vs length of input, you would see a straight line.
Saying that your function must be of Order n does not mean that your function must equal O(n), a function with a Big O less than O(n) would also be considered acceptable. In your problems case, this would not be possible (because in order to count a letter, you must "touch" that letter, thus there must be some operation dependent on the input size).
One possible method is to traverse the string linearly. Then create a hash and list. The idea is to use the word as the hash key and increment the value for each occurance. If the value is non-existent in the hash, add the word to the end of the list. After traversing the string, go through the list in order using the hash values as the count.
The order of the algorithm is O(n). The hash lookup and list add operations are O(1) (or very close to it).
