Exclude level from modx frendly url - modx - friendly-url

I'm wondering, if it's even possible to exclude certain level from Modx Friendly-urls.
I would like to get from this:
to this:
I saw looking in Modx System settings and mod_rewrite for .htaccess but couldn't make it work.
Did anyone have the same problem?

Your level 2 item is just a folder or landing page with no content? That's why you want to hide it? You can use the Freeze URI setting in the child resources to hide the folder.

I found a solution:
I have installed Custom URLs extra: http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/CustomUrls
It works like a charm.


Setting up .htaccess for the first time

Totally lost on how to set up a .htaccess file, bunch of stuff and only been able to redirect and set index.
I have a site https://subdomain.domain.com/views/list.html and I want it to show up as https://subdomain.domain.comIve been able to hide the views/list.html from that main page with DirectoryIndex views/list.html but when i come back to it from within the website it still shows up as subfolder.Also is it possible for other subfolder files to not show up as subfolder but as something else? e.g. https://subdomain.domain.com/views/add.html show up as https://subdomain.domain.com/addproduct
Have you thought about trying PHP indexing? Make a folder structure and place the indexer in the correct folder. As for the subbing, it should be possible, least from what I recall.

Removing extensions with .htaccess on Drupal site

How do you use .htaccess to remove extensions. On the website, I want old links to work, but, site layout has changed. I want to map
to rediredt(mapped) to
I have moved from a standard html site to a Drupal site and the new page names have been defined to look like the original pages names, except the lack of .html extensions.
I know it doesn't answer your question directly but what about this:
Edited: if it's not enough try this:

.htaccess or symbolic link (symlink)

I have a website with multiple folders and I was trying to fix them in my .htaccess. After a little while, I have a big .htaccess with rules that conflicts.
Now every time I want to add a folder I have to add it to the .htaccess.
I did some research and I found out I can create symbolic link instead, so no more .htaccess
In both solution I have to create or modify something so for me its the same result at the end but is it a better practice to create instead symbolic link ?
Symbolic links are faster yes (like Aki said) but here's my thoughts on this.
if you have images, css or js files then you don't need to rewrite or create symbolic links. You can use the full URL (eg /images/...) or use a common domain like i.domain.com (or anything you want) and refer all your JS, Images and CSS there. Eg: i.domain.com/logo.jpg or js.domain.com/site.js.
This way, you never have to think about rewriting rules or create links you might forget one day.
This one is very easy to manage and maintain if you need to add images, change js or update your CSS since you only have one point of entry and automatically everything be updated.
use symblink, .htaccess has to be proccesed by apache whereas the symblink are proccess by the OS which is faster.
creating 100 rules vs 100 symblink, if the rule you looking for is at the last you will have to parse all of them then use the one you need.

Erase '#' from url

I didn't understand how to make this work so I hope you know because I didn't found more solutions:
I have implemented jquery cycle in wordpress with the window.location.hash to make an individual url from each slide (example here http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/perma.html)
Now I have an indez with some selected photos of differents categories that works with hashes like localhost/prueba/#men/#work61, localhost/prueba/#women/#work15, etc...the trick is that I have also the category /men/ and the photo #work61 permanetly cause the index may change but not the photo in the category indeed. So what I need is change the url without reloading from /#men/ to /men/ and if they share a link they will always go to the right photo and section (did I explain it well ?)
I have been testing many ways to arrive, with history.js and even with the aisle Pushestate but I didn't found the right solution. Lately I have made this with htaccess and it's closely what I need
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /prueba/
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/$ $1/#$2 [NE,R]
This changes me from localhost/prueba/men/work61 to localhost/prueba/men/#work61 but if I tried to add a hash to the first folder (#men), an also only work if somebody put the link directly
Any idea? Thanks in advance
I think you need to understand the URI specification, section 3.5 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-3.5. Essentially, in the context of a web browser displaying HTML documents, the URI fragment (after the #) refers to a subset of the resource (page).
Basically if you removed the # from your URL, you will not be referring to a different subset of the same resource, but another resource entirely. So another page will be requested.

Domain name slash user name redirect to PHP page

I would like to find a way for users to be able to type their username after my domain name to access their public profile page.
For example, if you type youtube.com/username it shows that user's channel page. The resulting page is the same as youtube.com/user/username.
So with my website, I have mydomain.example/users/profile.php?name=username
It's a bit more complicated, with PHP and variables and subdirectories and everything... I would like that same page to display when I type mydomain.example/username
I really have no idea where to start with this, but I suspect it would be something in the .htaccess file, which I do have access to.
Thanks for any help!
edit: sorry this is a few days old, I've been having some other troubles and I haven't been able to test it until now. Anyway, it isn't working...
Just to recap, I want mydomain.example/username
to filter to
edit2: I found this also on stackoverflow... link text i tried tweaking that, and what was mentioned here a few days ago... but it still won't work. Any ideas?
I also keep finding pages that recommend the strategy this guy used: link text but it looks like that would cause more problems than it's worth.
Any ideas?
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^user/(.*)$ profile.php?name=$1 [NC,B,QSA]
