How to extract each color bar and copy them in a table? - excel

I made a diagram to show unique columns with several colors in each, as shown in the picture.
I have hundreds of that to make and I have no idea about how to do that.
I would like to know if it's possible to extract each color bar separately and copy them under "Icons". I am not sure if the word "extract" is the correct term, but I would like to display a raw-image of that color bar.
Maybe a formula?
I am able to use Office Excel and Libreoffice Calc.
Thank you so much.

These are instructions to do this manually, but this would be an ideal project to apply VBA and automate these tasks.
The idea is to create each category of stacked bar as its own individual chart, which can then be exported or copied to an image file.
This is based on the "spark lines" concept, which is small, eye-catching graphics embedded within the text of a document, as opposed to large graphics. MS added some sparklines functionality in recent versions of Office apps, and although MS "spark lines" doesn't support stacked bar chart type, the same thing can still be accomplished with a little work.
Step 1: Select one row of the data and do Insert Chart, stacked bar.
Step 2: Select data and Switch Rows & Columns.
Step 3: Delete the gridlines, axes, chart border, etc., .
Step 4: Expand the Plot Area so that it covers the entire Chart Area, and format the data series to 0% gap width.
Step 5: Apply your colors to each point in the series.
Step 6: Resize the chart to fit on a cell.
Finally now that you have created some ChartObjects you can manipulate them. ChartObjects can be Exported as image files, or copy/paste-special as images, bmp, or enhanced metafiles, etc.


Excel - Change bar graph to all same colour

I have a bar graph as seen below, I need to change the colour of all the bars to let's say green.
Currently the only way I have been able to find to do this is click each individual date and then the fill bucket green as excel doesn't allow you to CTRL + Click multiple elements. Is there a way to change the colour of all the bars shown in one go?
Worth mentioning I can not change the colours by creating a "values table" as the workbook is locked and I have to do this for several different graphs.
That's happening because you have created the chart using every date as an individual serie. I suggest to use the "Switch Row/Column" option and became all the dates as a unique serie, so all the bars will have the same color.
In the other hand if you need to keep the chart as you shown on the picture shared, is possible to change every bar at once but just using a VBA code.

Color the gaps between stacked columns in Excel/ThinkCell

Can I do that in Excel or PowerPoint, maybe with necessary add-ins like Think Cell? I wouldn't want to do that manually by using shapes or overlaying one type of chart over another.
An example of such chart from McKinsey research:
To create such a chart I would assume that the author either colored it manually (not so unlikely if the picture is a one-off, consultancies have lots of people for such tasks) or used the following trick: The picture you showed consists of two charts (leaving the pillars on the right hand side out of scope):
The bar chart with all the numbers and texts in front
And in the background an area chart without numbers and texts
While 1) will only have columns for 2012, 2013, ... 2017 it is necessary that 2) is more granular and contain y-values for the following x-values 2012-left, 2012-right, 2013-left, 2013-right and so on.
In the end there will be quite some fine-tuning required.
All the best.

Excel - Changing design of bars in charts

In excel charts can we change design of bars from
Background: I have taken agile project plan excel template from, but I didnt like the bars without arrows and hence I want to change these bars to look something like bars in
Lead here is appreciated.
Half... Let me show and you decide :)
This arrow is not a chart object. It's a shape, a drawing:
However, we can use shape object in Excel charts.
Remove text (you'll see in the last picture why) and Copy the excel object (picture above).
Mark the chart series you want to replace (notice I marked all of them, small circles)
Then just paste :D!!
Notice one bar has a border line, just click on the bar -> "Fill & Line" -> "Border" -> "No Line" to hide the border line around your shape object.
You can do it individually with different colours. When the graph changes the size of your bars changes too (according to your data). It's a bit more "maintenance" but looks better. General rule, the better it looks, the more "special" it is (more manual involvement)...

Change color of data label placed, using the 'best fit' option, outside a pie chart - Excel 2010

I am working with a pie chart whose data labels are added using the best fit property. Most of those labels are placed by Excel inside the pie, but some of them are placed outside.
Because of some series colors are so strong, the data labels had to be defined as white. Of course, the labels placed outside the pie wont be visible if I don't manually change their color (to black, for instance)
What I am trying to do is to conditionally change the label's color according to where Excel placed it (white inside the pie, black outside it), as in the following image:
I have been searching for a solution, but it seems that nobody had a similar problem.
Does anyone know if Excel allows this or does someone know a trick to bypass it?
There is a way to do this in Excel.
When you click on the chart, and go to Layout under Chart Tools.
Once there, go to Data Labels.
When you click on that, it will display a drop-down menu. At the bottom of the menu, click on More Data Label Options.
It will pull up a new window. On the sidebar of the new window, click on Number.
Then, under Category click on Custom.
In the textbox shown under Format Code, type in [Black][<0.05]0%;[White][>=0.05]0%
Click Add.
It should format the numbers outside the pie chart in your example black, and the numbers inside the pie white. If you had different data, you could format it the same, but you would have to change the number in the brackets after the color to the number one higher than number outside of the pie. It would be like this: [Black][<(number one higher than number outside of the pie)]0%;[White][>=(number one higher than number outside of the pie)]0%
Screenshot of Pie Chart Formatting

Excel: labels on a scatter chart, read from array

Here I have a chart
I did a right-click -> "Add labels" , and it read them from my a(H/C) row. Basically, I want it to read label values from the CO2/CH4 row instead, so they would be 0,0.5,1,2,5,10 instead. Of course, I want the chart itself to remain the same, so, the x values of dots are in row "b(O/C)", their y values are in "a(H/C)" row, and their respective labels are read from "CO2/CH4". Can it be done automatically and how (preferrably, without scripting magic)? Rewriting them manually is a pain, really.
You will get the desired results by following the steps below:
Step 1: Click on the Chart
Step 2: Select the Design Tab in Ribbon Bar (Note: “Design Tab” appears only when the Chart is selected)
Step 3: Click on “Select Data” feature in the Design Tab as shown in Screen Shot 1
Step 4: Click on Edit Button as shown in Screen Shot 2
Step 5: Change the Series Name Rage and the data range in “Series Y Values:” as highlighted in Screen shot 3
What about adding the different points as different series and using the series names as labels (instead of the y-values) ?
If you need the "line" between the points (or if you need to add a trendline...), keep the serie you already have (with every point) without labels
Excel 2013 added the capability to use text from worksheet cells as data point labels. If you don't have 2013 (your screen shot looks like 2010), or even if you do, you can use Rob Bovey's free Chart Labeler add-in
