Request DTO map to Domain Model - servicestack

I have the following Domain Model:
public class DaybookEnquiry : Entity
public DateTime EnquiryDate { get; set; }
public int DaybookEnquiryTypeId { get; set; }
public string AccountNumber { get; set; }
public int UserId { get; set; }
#region Navigation Properties
public virtual User User { get; set; }
public virtual DaybookEnquiryType EnquiryType { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<DaybookQuoteLine> QuoteLines { get; set; }
This is inside of a project named DomainModel. Entity is just a base class which my domain models inherit from, it contains an Id field.
I then have other projects inside my solution called ServiceInterface and ServiceModel. ServiceInterface contains all my services for my application and ServiceModel contains my DTO's and routes etc.. I'm trying to follow the guidelines set out here: Physical Project Structure
My EnquiriesService contains a method to create a new enquiry in my database using a repository:
public void Post(CreateEnquiry request)
// Not sure what to do here..
// _repository.Insert(request);
My CreateEnquiry request looks like so:
[Api("POST a single Enquiry for Daybook.")]
[Route("/enquiries", "POST")]
public class CreateEnquiry : IReturnVoid { }
As you can see, the CreateEnquiry request object is empty. Do I need to add properties to it to match my Domain Model and then use AutoMapper or something similar to map the fields to my Domain Model and pass that into my repository?
The Insert method on my repository looks like so:
public virtual void Insert(T entity)
DbEntityEntry dbEntityEntry = DbContext.Entry(entity);
if (dbEntityEntry.State != EntityState.Detached)
dbEntityEntry.State = EntityState.Added;

Yes. Your Service request, in this case CreateEnquiry needs to have all the properties you need in order to do whatever it is you want to do!
I've seen two different models for Create vs Update:
Use one request objects called, say, SetEnquiry that has a nullable id field. When null and using the POST HTTP verb, it internally creates a new object. And when not null and using the PATCH HTTP verb, it internally updates an object. You can use ServiceStack's implementation of AbstractValidator<T> to add logic such as if POST then id field needs to be null; and if PATCH then id field cannot be null. This will help ensure your data is always as it needs to be.
Create two request objects -- one for Create and one for Update. The Create doesn't even have an id field, and the Update has one and requires it. You can use the same validation technique used above, except applied to each class independently, so you don't need the conditional check of if this verb do this; if that verb do that.
How you map to your data model is up to you. You can use something like AutoMapper or you can use ServiceStack's built-in TranslateTo and PopulateWith methods. I personally take a middle ground: I created my own object extension methods called MapTo and MapFrom that interally call TranslateTo and PopulateWith respectively. Why did I do this? Because then I control those extensions inside my own namespaces and when I need to do special mappings (like a column name doesn't match up, or one object is more complex than the other, or I simply want to ignore a particular column from one of the objects) I simply overload the MapTo and MapFrom with explicit types, giving it higher specificity than the generic methods.
So back to your question specifically. Assuming you're using the built in TranslateTo your service method might look like this:
public void Post(CreateEnquiry request)
One more thing: I generally return the object itself when doing a Create and Update. As fields can change (auto-calculated fields, for example) I like to return the object back to the caller. This is preference and has no real bearing on the answer I'm giving you. Just throwing it out there!


Get request with multiple inputs in ServiceStack API

I am creating a endpoint that accepts multiple parameters. I was wondering what the proper way of doing this in ServiceStack is, as I know that the routes can be defined like this:
But does not that mean that EquipmentIds has to be defined before ManufacturerIds and ColourIds, otherwise the API will interpret it incorrectly?
I would like to specify the parameters I use, and then not include the rest when they are not used.
A unclean url would then look like this ?EquipmentIds=1&ColourIds=1
I found the following solution, but this one was from 2011
Multiple Optional Parameters with ServiceStack.Net.
Is there a new solution for this, or is that still the proper way of doing things?
The URL should be a "resource identifier" where any Query String arguments are modifiers to that resource request.
So you shouldn't put complex types in the /path/info which are unlikely to form part of Resource Identifier for that route.
Your route should be self-describing as to what it's a resource identifier of. Stuffing a an anonymous bunch of ids in the URL doesn't make it a clean URL, it still needs to be semantically correct and self-describing at what the different path components contain.
It's hard to know the right Route to use when it's not clear what Service this is used for, but if this was a Car Search Service the appropriate URL would be something like:
Just as when you use a Search Service like Google, they don't try to pack everything in the route, which is only used to identify you're making a search request. Everything else including the search query is added to the query string, e.g;
Which in ServiceStack would just be defined as:
public class SearchCars
public List<int> EquipmentIds { get; set; }
public List<int> ManufacturerIds { get; set; }
public List<int> ColourIds { get; set; }
Or it can be easily auto implemented in AutoQuery with:
public class SearchCars : QueryDb<Car>
public List<int> EquipmentIds { get; set; }
public List<int> ManufacturerIds { get; set; }
public List<int> ColourIds { get; set; }

CRUD and Query with ServiceStack - Need to get rid of some confusion

I am a bit confused with ServiceStack 'old' and 'new' API and need some clarification and best practices, especially with Request / Response DTO's and routing. I watched some courses on Pluralsight and have the first three books listet on in my electronic bookshelf.
I like to 'restify' an existing application which is built using DDD patterns which means I have a high level of abstraction. The client is WPF and follows the MVVM pattern. I have 'client side service', 'server side service' and repository classes (and some aggregates too). I use NHibernate 4 (with fluent API and a code-first approach) as ORM. Only my repository classes know about the ORM. I have DTO's for all my Entity objects and in my WPF client I only work with those DTOs in the ViewModel classes. I heavily use AutoMapper to 'transfer' Entity objects to my DTO's and vice versa.
My confusion starts exactly with these DTO's and the Request / Response DTOs used in ServiceStack. Here is a very much simplified example of an Address Entity which illustrates the problem:
All my Entity Objects derive from EntityBase which contains basic properties used in all Entities:
public abstract class EntityBase : IEntity
public virtual Guid Id { get; protected set; }
public virtual DateTime CDate { get; set; } //creation date
public virtual string CUser { get; set; } //creation user
public virtual DateTime MDate { get; set; } //last modification date
public virtual string MUser { get; set; } //last modification user
// some operators and helper methods irrelevant for the question
// ....
public class Address : EntityBase
public string Street { get; private set; }
public string AdrInfo1 { get; private set; }
public string AdrInfo2 { get; private set; }
public string ZipCode { get; private set; }
public string City { get; private set; }
public string Country { get; private set; }
Of course there are collections and references to related objects which are ignored here as well as database mappers, naming conventions etc. The DTO I have looks like this:
public class AddressDto
public Guid Id { get; set; } // NHibernate GUID.comb, NO autoincrement ints!!
public DateTime CDate { get; set; }
public string CUser { get; set; }
public DateTime MDate { get; set; }
public string MUser { get; set; }
public string Street { get; private set; }
public string AdrInfo1 { get; private set; }
public string AdrInfo2 { get; private set; }
public string ZipCode { get; private set; }
public string City { get; private set; }
public string Country { get; private set; }
To use this with ServiceStack I need to support the following:
CRUD functionality
Filter / search functionality
So my 'Address service' should have the following methods:
GetAddresses (ALL, ById, ByZip, ByCountry, ByCity)
AddAddress (Complete AddressDTO without Id. CDate, CUser are filled automatically without user input)
UpdateAddress (Complete AddressDTO without CUser and CDate, MDate and MUser filled automatically without user input)
DeleteAddress (Just the Id)
For me it is pretty clear, that all Requests return either a single AddressDto or a List<AddressDto> as ResponseDTO except for the delete which should just return a status object.
But how to define all those RequestDTO's? Do I really have to define one DTO for EACH scenario?? In the books I only saw samples like:
[Route("/addresses", "GET")]
public class GetAddresses : IReturn<AddressesResponse> { }
[Route("/addresses/{Id}", "GET")]
public class GetAddressById : IReturn<AddressResponse>
public Guid Id { get; set; }
[Route("/addresses/{City}", "GET")]
public class GetAddressByCity : IReturn<AddressResponse>
public string City { get; set; }
// .... etc.
This is a lot of boilerplate code and remembers me a lot of old IDL compilers I used in C++ and CORBA.....
Especially for Create and Update I should be able to 'share' one DTO or even better reuse my existing DTO... For delete there is probably not much choice....
And then the filters. I have other DTOs with a lot more properties. A function approach like used in WCF, RPC etc is hell to code...
In my repositories I pass an entire DTO and use a predicate builder class which composes the LINQ where clause depending on the properties filled. This looks something like this:
List<AddressDto> addresses;
Expression<Func<Address, bool>> filter = PredicateBuilder.True<Address>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(address.Zip))
filter = filter.And(s => s.Zip == address.Zip);
// .... etc check all properties and dynamically build the filter
addresses = NhSession.Query<Address>()
.Select(a => new AddressDto
Id = a.Id,
CDate = a.CDate,
//.... etc
Is there anything similar I could do with my RequestDTO and how should the routing be defined?
A lot of questions raised here have been covered in existing linked answers below. The Request / Response DTOs are what you use to define your Service Contract, i.e. instead of using RPC method signatures, you define your contract with messages that your Service accepts (Request DTO) and returns (Response DTO). This previous example also walks through guidelines on designing HTTP APIs with ServicesStack.
Use of well-defined DTOs have a very important role in Services:
You want to ensure all types your Services return are in DTOs since this, along with the base url of where your Services are hosted is all that's required for your Service Consumers to know in order to consume your Services. Which they can use with any of the .NET Service Clients to get an end-to-end Typed API without code-gen, tooling or any other artificial machinery.
DTOs are what defines your Services contract, keeping them isolated from any Server implementation is how your Service is able to encapsulate its capabilities (which can be of unbounded complexity) and make them available behind a remote facade. It separates what your Service provides from the complexity in how it realizes it. It defines the API for your Service and tells Service Consumers the minimum info they need to know to discover what functionality your Services provide and how to consume them (maintaining a similar role to Header files in C/C++ source code). Well-defined Service contracts decoupled from implementation, enforces interoperability ensuring that your Services don't mandate specific client implementations, ensuring they can be consumed by any HTTP Client on any platform. DTOs also define the shape and structure of your Services wire-format, ensuring they can be cleanly deserialized into native data structures, eliminating the effort in manually parsing Service Responses.
Auto Queryable Services
If you're doing a lot of data driven Services I recommend taking a look at AutoQuery which lets you define fully queryable Services without an implementation using just your Services Request DTO definition.

Domain events are customer defined, not hard-coded

Requirements for our SaaS product are to build a domain layer where any attribute or combination of attributes that are changed could trigger a domain event - and subsequently kick off a custom process, or notification.
So, I am hesitant to add tons of code to the domain layer that kicks off tons of DomainEvent objects which may not make sense to many tenants.
Each tenant will have the ability to (through a UI screen):
1. define which attributes they care about (e.g. "amount") and why (e.g. amount is now greater than $100)
2. define what happens when they change (e.g. kick off an approval process)
This seems like a business rules engine integration to me along with a BPMS. Does anyone have thoughts on a more lighter-weight framework or solution to this?
You could publish a generic event that has its constraints/specification defined against a unique Name. Let's call the event SpecificationEvent. Perhaps you would have a SpecificationEventService that can check you domain objects that implement a ISpecificationValueProvider and return a populated event that you could publish:
public interface ISpecificationEventValueProvider
object GetValue(string name);
public class SpecificationEventService
IEnumerable<SpecificationEvent> FindEvents(ISpecificationEventValueProvider provider);
public class SpecificationEvent
private List<SpecificationEventValue> _values;
public string Name ( get; private set; }
public IEnumerable<ISpecificationEventValue> Values
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<ISpecificationEventValue>(_values); }
public class SpecificationEventValue
public string Name { get; private set; }
public object Value { get; private set; }
public SpecificationEventValue(string name, object value)
Name = name;
Value = value;
So you would define the custom events in some store. Possibly from some front-end that is used to defined the constraints that constitute the event. The SpecificationEventService would use that definition to determine whether the candidate object conforms to the requirements and then returns the event with the populated values that you can then publish.
The custom code could be registered in an endpoint where you handle the generic SpecificationEvent. Each of the custom handlers can be handed the event for handling but only the handler that determines that the event is valid for it will perform any real processing.
Hope that makes sense. I just typed this up so it is not production-level code and you could investigate the use of generics for the object :)

How to exclude property in EF using PCL?

I've got a POCO defined, something like this:
public class Customer
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime DOB { get; set; }
[System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.NotMapped] // <- this is what I want to do, but can't in PCL
public AccountCollection Accounts { get; set; }
The above has the "NotMapped" attribute, which is what I want - but it's not available in a portable class library (PCL). The thing is, the class I need is defined in an assembly that WILL be used on the portable device but it will be filled from entity framework on the web, which DOES have access to the NotMapped attribute. If I could find a way to add the property to EF's "NotMapped" list, that would be ideal.
Is there a way to get this to work? That is, a way to do what "NotMapped" does programmatically?
I've considered other workarounds, but none of them are ideal:
Could create a DAL separate from my domain layer and translate
between the two (but requires mapping and two models instead of one)
Could write custom EF queries and updates to ignore the property (but means writing all the linq/SQL/procs myself)
Found the answer in the Context's OnModelCreating() overload. Accessing the modelBuilder parameter it's possible to find the entity and ignore specific properties. This works even when the POCO is defined in a PCL.
For example:
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// Ignore Customer.Accounts
modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>().Ignore(c => c.Accounts);

How can I bind multiple 'Keys' to a single property on a Service Stack Request DTO

I have a DTO that goes something like this:
public class Request {
public id ASpecificIdentifier { get; set; }
public string PreciseDescription { get; set; }
public string FirstPartOfSomeonesName { get; set; }
Whilst I'm happy accepting this as the official 'Input', I would also like to be able to bind them to multiple keys. The reason for this will be serialized to a client in an encrypted JSON object, so I would like to keep the length down.
For example they should also be able to pass:
"Desc":"My Issue",
How can I achieve this? I have looked around at the Attributes supplied but non seem to be able to allow this behaviour?
You could create multiple DTOs for each scenario you allow (set of named parameters). Then in your service you would have to handle each DTO and translate them a common DTO to take action.
Or Another way would be to have a DTO that takes a generic key/value parameter. This will make your DTOs very flexible but you will lose some of the advantages of strong typing.
For Example:
public class Request {
Dictionary<string,string> Properties { get; set; }
