Node.js Express + Jade (Active Class on Lined Item) - node.js

How would I set an active tag to a class depending on the URL?
In the example below '/' (Home) is set to active.
a(href='/') Home
a(href='/about') About
a(href='/contact') Contact
Would it be better to inject something into the page to identify it as the active page?

Here's what I do, like hexacyanide's example,
res.render('/path', {
path: req.path
..and in layout.jade:
a(href='/') Home
a(href='/about') About
a(href='/contact') Contact

You can also consider adding id to body tag, with will be telling you on what page you are. And then you can specify simple CSS rules dependent of that id. It's very popular scheme, for example provided by Wordpress.
For this id you can use Jade variable provided by render method.
In your express code:
res.render('/', { id : 'home' });
In template:
and later in ul.nav
a(href='/') Home
a(href='/about') About
a(href='/contact') Contact
#home ul.nav li.home {
background: red;
#about ul.nav li.about {
background: red;

Take a look at Jade's conditionals, documented on GitHub. You would want to pass the path to the render in Express like so:
res.render('/path', {
path: req.path
Then in Jade, you would use a conditional like so:
if path == 'home'
//active styling
//not active


How To Add paragraph alignment to a Pug template?

I have this code currently, :
doctype html
title= title
body {
font-family: Verdana;
font-size: 13px;
background: #42f495
h1 Welcome!
h2 Please Wait
p= sq
I want to align paragraph to center but not getting how to do it using Pug.
First, you need to indent all of the tags to be further in than the body tag to make this all work properly.
To assign a style to a paragraph do this:
Here are two different ways to assign a css class to a paragraph (they will produce the exact same results):
.cssClassExample { text-align:center; }
If you want to assign a class based on a pug variable do this:
- var cssClassVariable = "myClass"
p(class= cssClassVariable)

Asp directory listing unfolding

I'm using ( example: ) to list a directory we use to upload some things clients need.
I would like to make it list the folders only and opening them with a click instead of showing everything off.
How can I do that ?
Use this CSS in your page:
ul ul {
And add jQuery to your page and this script:
$('ul li b').on('click', function(){

How to disable link to phone number when on Desktop?

How can I add a phone number to a website that is clickable but hides the link when I'm browsing on a website that doesn't support touch.
I could use Modernizr to set it up although. I don't know how.
<p><img src="assets/images/bt_calltoaction.gif" alt="View Projects" width="306" height="60"></p>
Could you just have the code in twice? i.e...
<div class="desktoptel">0800 000 000</div>
<div class="mobiletel"><a href="tel:0800-000-000">0800-000-000</div>
Then just 'display:none;' on the relevant class depending on your browser sizes?
I was just dealing with this issue, looking up solutions, and I found this thread (and a few others). I have to confess that I couldn't get any of them to work properly. I'm sure I was doing something wrong, BUT I did figure out a cheat.
As others have pointed out, changing the CSS to hide the visible link indication (color, text-decoration, cursor) is the first and easiest step. The cheat is to define a title for the tel link.
<p>Just call us at <a class="cssclassname" href="tel:18005555555"
title="CLICK TO DIAL - Mobile Only">(800) 555-5555</a>.</p>
By doing this, not only is the visible indicator of a link disguised (via CSS - see examples from others), but if someone does hover over the link, the title will pop up and say "CLICK TO DIAL - Mobile Only". That way, not only is there a better user experience, but your client doesn't accuse you of having a broken link!
For me the easiest, yet simplest method without any new classes / setup is via css:
color: #3399ff;
a[href^="tel"]:hover {
text-decoration: none;
color: #000;
pointer-events: none;
cursor: default;
/* Adjust px here (1024px for tablets maybe) */
#media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
a[href^="tel"]:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #3399ff;
pointer-events: auto;
cursor: pointer;
Html just goes like this:
(+12)3 456 7
This works for modern browsers & IE 11+. If you need to include 8 < IE < 11 add the following to your javascript, since pointer-events dont work in IE:
var msie = window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE ");
if (msie > 0){
var Elems = [], Tags = document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='tel']");
//Nodelist to array, so we're able to manipulate the elements
for (var i = 0; i < Tags.length; i++ ) {
Elems[ i ] = Tags[ i ];
for(var i = 0; i < Elems.length; i++){
Elems[ i ].removeAttribute('href');
EDIT: i found another answer on another thread, that may be useful for you - SO - Answer
I recently had this same problem. This problem is all over stackoverflow and everywhere else. How do you hide 'tel:' prefix and keep it from blowing up in regular browsers. There's no good single answer.
I ended up doing it this way:
first I use metalanguage to filter browser vs mobile (like php/coldfusion/perl) based on useragent string:
regular exp match for "/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|BlackBerry/i",CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT
that gives me an if/else condition for desktop browser vs phone.
Next, my href tag looks like this: <a class="tel" id='tel:8005551212' href=''>800-555-1212</a>
Use CSS to style the .tel class in desktop stylesheet so it doesn't look like a link to desktop browsers. the phone number can still be clicked but its not obvious, and it wont do anything:
/* this is in default stylesheet, styles.css: */
color: #000;
/* it should be re-styled in mobile css: */
text-decoration: underline;
color: #0000CC;
Finally, I do a little jquery on the mobile links. The jQuery gets the id from the class, and inserts it into the href property, which makes it clickable for phone users.
The whole thing looks like this:
<!-- get regular CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/styles.css" type="text/css" media="Screen" />
<!-- get user agent in meta language. and do if/else on result.
i'm not going to write that part here, other than pseudocode: -->
if( device is mobile ) {
<!-- load mobile CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/mobile.css" type="text/css" media="handheld" />
<!-- run jQuery manipulation -->
<p> Call us today at <a class="tel" id='tel:8005551212' href=''>800-555-1212</a>!</p>
One caveat to this approach: id's should be unique. If you have duplicate phone numbers on a page that you want to link, change the id to name, then you use jQuery to loop through them.
You could use css media queries to control when its viewed as link and when not.
a[href^="tel:"] {
pointer-events: none;
anything below 768px will work as link, above that, just as text.
if you just wanted to disable the click on the mobile screens:
if(typeof window.orientation !== 'undefined'){
$('a[href^="tel:"]').on('click', function(e){
Hope this helps :)
I've had success with this using Modernizr, specifically the touch test. It's not a perfect solution in that it doesn't do anything to help tablets or touch-enabled laptops, but it works in most desktop browsing situations.
Call us at: 1-800-BOLOGNA
.no-touch {
color: black; /* use default text color */
pointer-events: none; /* prevents click event */
cursor: text; /* use text highlight cursor*/
The above CSS targets links with class="call-us" on non-touch devices which covers the majority of desktops.
Note that pointer-events is supported in all modern browsers but IE only supports it in versions 11+. See the compatibility chart.
Another solution, still imperfect, would be to use along with Modernizr.touch to detect screen width and touch capability and then inject the phone link with jQuery. This solution keeps the phone link out of the source code and then only appears on touch devices smaller than a certain width (say 720px which will probably cover most phones but exclude most tablets).
Ultimately, it's up to the browser vendors to come up with a bulletproof solution here.
I found the best way. I get that this is old, but I found a very easy way of doing this.
Using this code below
//This is the logic you will add to the media query
.not-active {
pointer-events: none;
cursor: default;
In your CSS make use of media queries.
So make a media query for all desktops
#media only screen and (min-width: 64em) {
/* add the code */
.not-active {
pointer-events: none;
cursor: default;
Now all desktop sized pages wont be able to click on it.
it seems this could be done with a simple media query for most browsers. Something like this is working like a charm for me:
<style type="text/css">
#mobil-tel {
#media (max-width: 700px) {
#mobil-tel {
and on the desktop link, leave out the 'href', on the mobile link, put in the 'href'.
Just thought I would add my two-cents worth to (what is turning out to be a rather lengthy) discussion.
I basically use the onClick event (on the link) to execute Javascript to return a boolean true or false. If the return value is true, i.e. some variable or function that tests if the device is a phone returns a value true, then the href URL is followed by the browser. If the the return value is false, then the href URL becomes, in effect, inactive. (Standard HTML behavior, way before HTML5.)
Here is what I mean:-
<title>tel markup example</title>
<script src=""></script> <!-- Does not really matter what version of jQuery you use -->
var probablyPhone = ((/iphone|android|ie|blackberry|fennec/).test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement);
function initialize() {
if ( !probablyPhone ) {
alert ("Your device is probably not a phone");
( function( $ ) {
$( '.call' ).css ( "text-decoration", "none" );
$( '.call' ).css ( "color", "black" );
$( '.call' ).css ( "cursor", "default" );
} )( jQuery );
<body onLoad="initialize();">
Please ring (some fictitious number in Australia): +61 3 9111 2222
Note that I also added some re-formatting of the link to make it appear to the user as if it's just ordinary text.
Here is a gist I created.
Just to finish this post/ answer, credit for writing succinct JavaScipt code for detecting a phone (based on the user agent and the ontouchstart event) goes to a fellow Melbournian rgb in this stackoverflow post
Here is a simple jquery-based solution which I developed to solve this problem. See code comments for explanation.
// Use event delegation, to catch clicks on links that may be added by javascript at any time.
jQuery(document.documentElement).on('click', '[href^="tel:"]', function(e){
// These user-agents probably support making calls natively.
if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
// Do nothing; This device probably supports making phone calls natively...
} else {
// Extract the phone number.
var phoneNumber = jQuery(this).attr('href').replace('tel:', '').trim();
// Tell the user to call it.
alert("Please call "+phoneNumber);
// Prevent the browser popup about unknown protocol tel:
} catch(e){
console.log("Exception when catching telephone call click!", e);
My approach is similar to another approach above; there are a few considerations I take into account:
As we know, there is no good programmatic way to detect support. This is a rare case where we are forced to parse the UserAgent string.
This should be client side; there is no need for server side detection.
There are now desktop browsers that can handle tel: links; Chrome's behavior on the desktop is, at worst, to do nothing when clicked. At best, you can make a call with Google Voice.
Because doing nothing when clicked is Chrome's fallback behavior, we should use that behavior as a fallback on all browsers.
If your page takes responsibility for creating tel: links, it should take responsibility for all tel: links and disable autodetection in the browser.
With all of this in mind, I suggest first adding a meta tag to your <head>:
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"/>
Then, define a JavaScript function that parses the UserAgent and returns true if and only if we think the browser will not bring us to an error page when the link is clicked:
function hasTelSupport()
return /Chrome\/|Mobile( Safari)?\/|Opera M(in|ob)i\/|w(eb)?OSBrowser\/|Mobile\;|Tablet\;/.test(navigator.userAgent);
Then, call that function from the onclick attribute in your link:
Call Me
This will allow tel: links to be clicked on Chrome, Edge, iOS Safari, Android Browser, Blackberry, Dorothy, Firefox Mobile, IE Mobile, Opera Mini, Opera Mobile, and webOS. The links will do nothing when clicked on other devices or browsers.
Please use international format for your tel: links. In other words, the first characters should be a + and a country code.
Thanks to TattyFromMelbourne's post I am now using a pretty simple bit:
My button id="call" will make the phone call based on his "probablyphone" test function but also will scroll down to the contact info section either way giving the button a working use no matter what.
I aslo replaced the alert with an empty function, to remove the pop-up.
<a id="call" href="#contact">PHONE US</a>
$("#call").on('click', function() {
var probablyPhone = ((/iphone|android|ie|blackberry|fennec/).test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement);
var link = "callto:15555555555";
if ( !probablyPhone ) {
window.alert = function() {};}
else{window.location.href = link;}
You can use css3 media queries to detect a mobile window and hide the link accordingly.
Alternately, if you want to show the link and just disable click functionality, use jquery function:
and disable the click functionality on the link using
One way of handling this is to create two separate divs and use display:hidden.
<div class="mobile-desktop"><p>123-456-7890</p></div>
<div class="mobile-mobile">123-456-7890</div>
In your css set your mobile break points. This part is really up to you. Let's say
#media only screen (min-width: 768px){
.mobile-mobile {
#media only screen (max-width: 767px){
This should let you hide one div based on screen size. Granted 789 is just a number I picked, so pick a size you believe is mobile. You can find them online at like this site I found on Google or others like it. Lastly, this is just a quick css markup, you might have to tinker but the idea is there.
This way works without adding any more CSS.
Try replacing the a tag with something else like a span tag, but only for mobile browsers of course. Benefits are that you are not cloaking this a with CSS preventing default action while keeping it still as a link. It won't be a anymore, so you won't have to worry.
I've created an example to here. Bold phone there works this way, see code below.
I took piece of code from one of the respondent to define if browser is mobile. And you have to mark these links with class="tel" or find a way to determine if the href has "tel:" in it. JQuery is also required.
// define if browser is mobile, usually I use Anthony's Hand mobile detection library, but here is simple detection for clarity
var probablyPhone = ((/iphone|android|ie|blackberry|fennec/).test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement);
if ( !probablyPhone ) {
// find all the A with "tel:" in it, by class name
var span = document.createElement('span');
// SPAN inherits properties of A, you can also add STYLE or TITLE or whatever
span.innerHTML = this.innerHTML;
span.className = this.className;
// replace A with SPAN
this.parentNode.insertBefore(span, this);
Input this into custom css and call it a day: { color: #FFFFFF; cursor: default; /* no hand pointer */ }
Change your color as needed.
I am adding the following css through javascript when mobile device is detected.
The js code is:
var a = document.getElementById("phone-number");
if (Platform.isMobile()) // my own mobile detection function
a.href = "tel:+1.212.555.1212";
$(a).css( "pointer-events", "none" );
In my target site, all phone link markups are in this pattern:
111-222-3333. My solution is such simple:
function setPhoneLink() {
if (screen.width > 640) {
Device-width: mobile<640; tablet >=768 and <1024; desk >=1024.
Don't use the screen size as a requirement for that.
You can use CSS media query like this:
#media (pointer: fine) { /* this is for devices using a mouse, maybe a pen */
a[href^="tel:"] { /* select only "tel:" links */
pointer-events: none; /* avoid clicks on this element */
#media (pointer: coarse) { /* this works for mobile phones */
More info:
#media screen {.telephone {pointer-events: none;}}

Express, jade layout file rendering body but not rendering head

My problem is with my jade layout file not rendering correctly. The body is rendered but the head tags in the produced html are empty. I have tried to render the layout.jade file separately and it works perfectly.
Here is my layout.jade file
title= title
link(rel='stylesheet', href='stylesheets/style.css')
script(type='text/javascript', src='javascripts/jquery-1.7.2.js')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='stylesheets/pictogram-button.css')
include partials/header
div!= body
include partials/footer
And here is my index.jade file
p 로그인이 필요하신 분은
p Oopa Roopa 관리팀으로 문의해 주세요!
li(style='border-left:1px solid #999; padding:0 0 0 20px;')
span.text_yellow ID
span.text_yellow PASSWORD
p(style='width:100px;') LOGIN
And here is the function in my express app that renders the index file.
adminLogin : function (req,res) {
res.render( 'index', {
title: 'Admin Login',
pageCategory: 'Admin Login',
pageName : 'index'
Thank you in advance for any help you an give me.
In express 3, layouts were removed in favor of template inheritance as explained here. The jade readme describes how this works, and an additional example is here.
You will need to replace div!= body with block body (or similar). Then at the top of index.jade, you'll want to add extends layout. Finally put the contents of index.jade under a block body (or whatever name you used in layout.jade).

Highlighting current page in the nav

I need to highlight the current page in my left nav.
The nav has to be loaded externally via an .shtml include:
<!--#include file=""-->
My urls take the form of:
but sometimes just: (eg one word no hyphen)
My nav lists it as 'Mission critical'
How can I highlight the ul li with "class=selected"? I've seen something like this:
var path = location.pathname.substring(1);
if ( path )
$('.leftmenuNav ul li a[#href$="' + path + '"]').attr('class', 'selected');
Can't quite get my head around the string splitting etc...
Sample nav bar:
<li>Corporate responsibility</li>
<li>Our approach</li>
Okay, the jQuery syntax was slightly wrong. This should work:
var path = location.pathname.substring(location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
if ( path )
$('.leftmenuNav ul li a[href="' + path + '"]').attr('class', 'selected');
Also, make sure the leftmenuNav is right (your code above doesn't show it)
