WSPBuilder for vs 2012 - sharepoint

I am new to SharePoint 2013. I am using trial version vs 2012. I want to use the WSPBuilder to develop the web parts. I have install the WSPBuilder and it is not showing in vs 2012.
I have used the below link but not solved the issue.
I have done the copy and past the "Microsoft Visual Studio" and "Microsoft Visual Studio Macros" hot applications and given the version as "11.0". It is working.
Can any one help me

WSP Builder had it's use back in the SharePoint 2007 days, where Visual Studio had no support for SharePoint packages.
Ever since the release of Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012 there is no real need for WSP Builder anymore.
In order to use Visual Studio 2012 with SharePoint 2013 you will have to install an additional package though. To install it, launch the Web Platform Installer (or download the installer if it's not on your server from In the installer, search for SharePoint. From the results, install Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012.
Launch Visual Studio and when you create a new project/solution you should see a Office/SharePoint category. Underneath there, pick the SharePoint Solutions category. If you just want to create a single webpart in a WSP file, then the easiest is to pick the "SharePoint 2013 - Visual Web Part" project item. That will set you with a project containing a feature, a visual webpart that you can extend with your own code, etc. Build the webpart and you will end up with a WSP file in your debug/release folders that you can deploy to your server (or by simply pressing F5 it will automatically deploy it to the farm / site you specified when creating the project).
If you use F5 to deploy, don't forget to add the webpart to a page after deployment as Visual Studio will not do that for you (Edit a page, switch to the insert tab in the ribbon, pick your webpart. Your webpart will be under the 'custom' category if you don't modify the elements.xml file of the webpart).


Cant find File System, Registry icon in WIX setup project in Visual Studio

I installed WIX in my machine.
I followed the video of link description here
I can not find any way to add File Systems, no icon for it, no context menu entry on project.
I am using Visual Studio 2012.
That's the Add-In Express designer for WiX in the video. It's a paid for component.
Installing WiX on your system only adds project templates to Visual Studio. It's a free installer/packaging engine that uses XML (scripting) to build MSI's and etc and doesn't come with a designer.
WiX is quite a steep learning curve, if you want the editor then I suggest you check out the Package & Deployment add-in Microsoft re-introduced for VS2013, it's on VisualStudio Gallery. Brian Harry blogs about it here:
Visual Studio 2013 has a free Community Edition that you can use. You add the Installer add-on:
Then what you have is the same Visual Studio installer setup projects as you had in VS 2010.

Cant open visual studio sharepoint project

I had been setting up new sharepoint development environment with SP2013 standalone and Visual Studio 2012 on a VM. After installing Sharepoint 2013, I installed visual studio 2012. However when I open a sharepoint project I get an error (screen dump provided here What could be it? Should I re-install from scratch or is it a problem with SP2013 vs VS2012?
After installing the developer tools I managed to import sharepoint2013 templates. you can download the template here.

Create a setup file in Visual Studio 2012

I have a windows form project and I want to create an installation package for this project. How can I create a setup file in Visual Studio 2012 ? My project is without data base.
How to create a Setup package using Visual Studio 2012.NET?
Microsoft released the Visual Studio Installer Project extension in April of this year, the catch is it's for VS2013, not VS2012.
The 'lite' InstallShield option remains in VS if you need something with more flexibility.
Advanced Installer also has a free version that includes an extension for VS. This is a commercial tool but the extension is included in the free edition as I said, for more advanced features you need to purchase a Professional or higher licenses and edit the project direct from Advanced Installer GUI, not from VS. (but you can still use the project in the VS solution, so you get the MSI built at the end of your build process)
Visual Studio setup projects (vdproj) are not supplied with VS 2012
There are several solutions for you:
You could use InstallShield instead.
If you don't want or
can't use InstallShield for any reason, you could try WiX. This
toolset builds Windows installation packages from XML source code.
If you only use Windows Presentation Foundation (.xbap), Windows Forms (.exe), console application (.exe), or Office solution (.dll) you could look at ClickOnce. To use this you should right click on the project file in the solution explorer and select "Publish" from the pop-up menu.
Alternatively you can use previous version of Visual Studio (2010).

Loading a Windows Azure Project from Gallery into Visual Studio 2012

I have a Windows Azure web site. I started this web site as a New -> Compute -> Web Site -> From Gallery. Once here, I chose the Orchard CMS. I have the site successfully running in Windows Azure. My challenge is, I want to do some customizations to it.
How do I get this code into my local Visual Studio 2012 instance so that I can:
Make customizations to the site with Visual Studio 2012.
Check it into source control so other on my team can work on it
I saw the following post: However, this only talks about opening the site in WebMatrix. I want to skip WebMatrix and go straight to Visual Studio if possible.
Download WebMatrix and click the Visual Studio button in the ribbon. It must create a solution file for you to then access your website via Visual Studio. I don't have an Azure website at the moment to try it with.
You may need to tweak the registry to get the VS 2012 to open properly:
Type regedit and select the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
Locate VisualStudio.DTE and change the CurVer to
Finally change the CLSID to {059618E6-4639-4D1A-A248-1384E368D5C3}
You do not need to use WebMatrix at all; another option is to just download the files from FTP and then create a VS solution and add the files you downloaded.
From Visual Studio you can easily deploy the solution to TFS and to your azure website.
As a side note, as of today (January 28th, 2014) the registry edit proposed by SilverNinja is no longer needed, I was able to open VS 2013 Professional from Webmatrix without editing the registry.

Is Visual Studio 11 beta missing the "Add Deployable Assemblies" menu option?

In Visual Studio 2010 SP1, there is an option on the right-click menu on a web project to Add Deployable Assemblies. Phil Haack blogged about it here.
In Visual Studio 11 beta and Visual Studio 2012, this option appears to be missing. Thankfully, you can easily round trip solutions between VS 2010 and VS 11 so I could just open the solution in VS 2010 to add the MVC assemblies to the _bin_deployableAssemblies folder.
Is it just my installation thats broken or do I need to install anything else to get this working?
The Add Deployable Assemblies dialog was a feature that enabled you to deploy MVC or Web Pages projects. It was necessary because in older versions all the assemblies were installed into the GAC on your dev machine but you wouldn't necessarily know if that was the case on the server. Thus this tooling gesture that made your project bin-deployable.
Starting with MVC 3 Tools Update we are now using Nuget package references, which means that your project is automatically bin-deployable. Since the tooling gesture is no longer necessary it was removed from VS 11.
