Segmentation fault when calling backtrace() on Linux x86 - linux

I am attempting to do the following - write a wrapper for the pthreads library that will log some information whenever each of its APIs it called.
One piece of info I would like to record is the stack trace.
Below is the minimal snippet from the original code that can be compiled and run AS IS.
Initializations (file libmutex.c):
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
static int (*real_mutex_lock)(pthread_mutex_t *) __attribute__((__may_alias__));
static void *pthread_libhandle;
#ifdef _BIT64
#define PTHREAD_PATH "/lib64/"
#define PTHREAD_PATH "/lib/"
static inline void load_real_function(char* function_name, void** real_func) {
char* msg;
*(void**) (real_func) = dlsym(pthread_libhandle, function_name);
msg = dlerror();
if (msg != NULL)
printf("init: real_%s load error %s\n", function_name, msg);
void __attribute__((constructor)) my_init(void) {
printf("init: trying to dlopen '%s'\n", PTHREAD_PATH);
pthread_libhandle = dlopen(PTHREAD_PATH, RTLD_LAZY);
if (pthread_libhandle == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror());
load_real_function("pthread_mutex_lock", (void**) &real_mutex_lock);
The wrapper and the call to backtrace.
I have chopped as much as possible from the methods, so yes, I know that I never call the original pthread_mutex_lock for example.
void my_backtrace(void) {
#define SIZE 100
void *buffer[SIZE];
int nptrs;
nptrs = backtrace(buffer, SIZE);
printf("backtrace() returned %d addresses\n", nptrs);
int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) {
printf("In pthread_mutex_lock\n"); fflush(stdout);
return 0;
To test this I use this binary (file tst_mutex.c):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
pthread_mutex_t x;
printf("Before mutex\n"); fflush(stdout);
printf("after mutex\n");fflush(stdout);
return 0;
Here is the way all this is compiled:
rm -f *.o *.so tst_mutex
cc -Wall -D_BIT64 -c -m64 -fPIC libmutex.c
cc -m64 -o -shared -fPIC -ldl -lpthread libmutex.o
cc -Wall -m64 tst_mutex.c -o tst_mutex
and run
LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/ ./tst_mutex
This crashes with segmentation fault on Linux x86.
On Linux PPC everything works flawlessly.
I have tried a few versions of GCC compilers, GLIBC libraries and Linux distros - all fail.
The output is
init: trying to dlopen '/lib64/'
Before mutex
In pthread_mutex_lock
In pthread_mutex_lock
In pthread_mutex_lock
./ line 1: 25023 Segmentation fault LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/ ./tst_mutex
suggesting that there is a recursion here.
I have looked at the source code for backtrace() - there is no call in it to locking mechanism. All it does is a simple walk over the stack frame linked list.
I have also, checked the library code with objdump, but that hasn't revealed anything out of the ordinary.
What is happening here?
Any solution/workaround?
Oh, and maybe the most important thing. This only happens with the pthread_mutex_lock function!!
Printing the stack from any other overridden pthread_* function works just fine ...

It is a stack overflow, caused by an endless recursion (as remarked by #Chris Dodd).
The backtrace() function runs different system calls being called from programs compiled with pthread library and without. Even if no pthread functions are called explicitly by the program.
Here is a simple program that uses the backtrace() function and does not use any pthread function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
int main(void)
void* buffer[100];
int num_ret_addr;
num_ret_addr=backtrace(buffer, 100);
printf("returned number of addr %d\n", num_ret_addr);
return 0;
Lets compile it without linking to the pthread and inspect the program system calls with the strace utility. No mutex related system call appears in the output.
$ gcc -o backtrace_no_thread backtrace.c
$ strace -o backtrace_no_thread.out backtrace_no_thread
No lets compile the same code linking it to the pthread library, run the strace and look at its output.
$ gcc -o backtrace_with_thread backtrace.c -lpthread
$ strace -o backtrace_with_thread.out backtrace_with_thread
This time the output contains mutex related system calls (their names may depend on the platform). Here is a fragment of the strace output file obtained on an X86 Linux machine.
futex(0x3240553f80, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 2147483647) = 0
futex(0x324480d350, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 2147483647) = 0


error:argument type 'xx' is incomplete for hiding call to ptrace example code

I'm testing an antidebug solution with ptrace method; and i compile the program by using ndk21e cross-compile.
The problem is that it compiles successfully with gcc, but fails with ndk cross-compile.
ndk cross-compile compiles all other programs without problems
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
void *handle;
long (*go)(enum __ptrace_request request, pid_t pid);
// get a handle to the library that contains 'ptrace'
handle = dlopen ("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", RTLD_LAZY);
// reference to the dynamically-resolved function 'ptrace'
go = dlsym(handle, "ptrace");
if (go(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0) < 0) {
puts("being traced");
puts("not being traced");
// cleanup
return 0;
And it shows the error like the picture as follow:
gcc compileresult and cross-compile error result
How can i solve this problem. Thanks.

Issue with dlopen and weak symbols

I have the following sequence
executable (main) ---- (dlopen)---> ---(dynamically linked)--> in turn dynamically links to invokes a function from, but also has a weak definition (within foo.c which is compiled into
Now, invokes a function from (say invoke_foo_func_ptr() and this function >invokes a function pointer which stores the symbol that is defined as weak. My expectation is that >invokes_foo_func_ptr invokes the strong symbol, but it always goes to the weak symbol. Pls see the >code below for details.
PS: Dont ask me to explain the reason particular sequence of execution, but I am open to >workarounds.
foo_strong.c --> gcc -g -fPIC -shared -rdynamic foo_strong.o -o
foo.c: --> gcc -g -fPIC -shared -rdynamic -L/users/ardesiga/cprogs/ld_r foo.o -o
app.c: --> gcc -g -fPIC -shared -rdynamic -L/users/ardesiga/cprogs/ld_r -lfoo -lfoo_strong app.o -o >
/* foo_strong.c */
foo_weak_func (char *msg)
printf("[%s:%s] Reached strong, with msg: %s\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, msg);
/* foo.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "foo_ext.h"
#include "foo_weak.h"
int __attribute__ ((weak)) foo_weak_func (char *msg)
printf("[%s:%s], Reached weak, with msg: %s\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, msg);
typedef int (*func_ptr_t) (char *msg);
func_ptr_t foo_func_ptr = foo_weak_func;
invoke_foo_func_ptr (char *msg)
printf("Inside %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
if (foo_func_ptr) {
} else {
printf("foo_func_ptr is NULL\n");
/* app.c */
#include "foo.h"
app_init_func (char *msg)
printf("Inside %s:%s\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
/* main.c */
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
void *dl_handle;
char *lib_name;
app_init_func_t app_init_func;
if (!(argc > 1)) {
printf("Library is not supplied, loading\n");
lib_name = strdup("");
} else {
lib_name = strdup(argv[2]);
printf("Loading library: %s\n", lib_name);
dl_handle = dlopen(lib_name, RTLD_LAZY);
if (!dl_handle) {
printf("Failed to dlopen on %s, error: %s\n", lib_name, dlerror());
app_init_func = dlsym(dl_handle, "app_init_func");
if (app_init_func) {
(*app_init_func)("Called via dlsym");
} else {
printf("dlsym did not file app_init_func");
return (0);
My expectation is that invokes_foo_func_ptr invokes the strong symbol, but it always goes to the weak symbol.
Your expectation is incorrect and everything is working as designed.
Weak symbols lose to strong symbols when you link a single ELF binary. If you were to link a normal (strong) function foo and a weak foo into, the the strong definition would have won.
When you have multiple ELF images, some with strong foo, and some with weak foo, the first ELF image to define foo (regardless of whether weak or strong) wins. The loader will simply not look for any additional ELF images in its search scope once it finds the first image that does provide a definition for foo.
Dont ask me to explain the reason particular sequence of execution
That is quite an obnoxious thing to say.
I have a guess as to what your reason may be, and a solution for it, but you'll have to provide your reason first.

Reserve a virtual address range in dynamic linker

Is there a way to reserve a particular range of virtual address space in a process memory map to stop (dynamic linker) from loading any shared objects into that range. Something like a system wide configuration option that reserves a particular range.
I want to be able to map a region of shared memory into exactly the same virtual address space in several processes so that my pointers in my data-structures will still work. I know I could redesign to use offsets instead of pointers but I don't want to do that.
You can do this by creating a simple shared object and running it via LD_PRELOAD. Compile the following code:
#include <sys/mman.h> // for mmap, munmap, and related constants
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void my_program_init() __attribute__((constructor));
void *const address = ((void*)0x10000000);
const int size = 0x1000;
void my_program_init() {
printf("Hello from my_program_init!\n");
int fd = shm_open("/mysharedmem", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666);
if (fd == -1) {
if (ftruncate(fd, size) == -1) {
void* shared_mem = mmap(address, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_FIXED, fd, 0);
if (shared_mem == MAP_FAILED) {
with the following options:
gcc -shared -fPIC -o myso.c
Then you can run your program like this:
LD_PRELOAD=./ ./your_prog
The so is then loaded before any runtime linking happens in your program. The function in the so tagged as a constructor runs immediately and uses mmap to reserve the memory you want for your shared block.
You can see this working with the following example program:
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char *data = (char*)0x10000000;
const char *message = "Hello, world!\n";
memcpy(data, message, strlen(message));
printf("Wrote %ld bytes to memory at address %p %s\n", strlen(message), data, data);
return 0;
If you run this without the LD_PRELOAD it will segfault, but if you include the preload the shared block of memory is available as expected.
$ LD_PRELOAD=./ ./a.out
Hello from my_program_init!
Wrote 14 bytes to memory at address 0x10000000 Hello, world!
You can construct your own tests to validate that the memory block is actually shared but the easiest check is to recompile the test program again without the memcpy and see that the string is still there from the first run of the program.

linux ptrace() get function information

i want to catch information from user defined function using ptrace() calls.
but function address is not stable(because ASLR).
how can i get another program's function information like gdb programmatically?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
void error(char *msg)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
long ret = 0;
void *handle;
pid_t pid = 0;
struct user_regs_struct regs;
int *hackme_addr = 0;
pid = atoi(argv[1]);
ret = ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, pid, NULL, NULL);
error("ptrace() error");
ret = waitpid(pid, NULL, WUNTRACED);
error("waitpid ()");
ret = ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, pid, NULL, &regs);
error("GETREGS error");
printf("EIP : 0x%x\n", (int)regs.eip);
return 0;
ptrace is a bit ugly, but it can be useful.
Here's a ptrace example program; it's used to make I/O-related system calls pause.
You could of course also study gdb, but ISTR it's pretty huge.
You might also check out strace and ltrace, perhaps especially ltrace since it lists symbols.
You probably want to call a function that resides in a specific executable (probably, a shared object). So, first, you will have to find the base address this executable is mapped on using
After that, you need to find the local offset of the function you are interested in, and you can do this in two ways:
Understand the ELF file format (Linux native executable format), and searching the desired function using the mapped file (This requires some specialty)
Using a ready to use elfparser (probably readelf tool) to get the function offset under the executable. Note that you will have to figure out the real local offset since this tool usually gives you the address as if the executable was mapped to a specific address

GLIB: g_atomic_int_get becomes NO-OP?

In a larger piece of code, I noticed that the g_atomic_* functions in glib were not doing what I expected, so I wrote this simple example:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "glib.h"
#include "pthread.h"
#include "stdio.h"
void *set_foo(void *ptr) {
g_atomic_int_set(((int*)ptr), 42);
return NULL;
int main(void) {
int foo = 0;
pthread_t other;
if (pthread_create(&other, NULL, set_foo, &foo)== 0) {
pthread_join(other, NULL);
printf("Got %d\n", g_atomic_int_get(&foo));
} else {
printf("Thread did not run\n");
When I compile this with GCC's '-E' option (stop after pre-processing), I notice that the call to g_atomic_int_get(&foo) has become:
and g_atomic_int_set(((int*)ptr), 42) has become:
((void) (*(((int*)ptr)) = (42)))
Clearly I was expecting some atomic compare and swap operations, not just simple (thread-unsafe) assignments. What am I doing wrong?
For reference my compile command looks like this:
gcc -m64 -E -o foo.E `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` -O0 -g foo.c
The architecture you are on does not require a memory barrier for atomic integer set/get operations, so the transformation is valid.
Here's where it's defined:
This is a good thing, because otherwise you'd need to lock a global mutex for every atomic operation.
