Referencing an instance of a given class in sequence diagrams - uml

I have to model a system where an object of the class Person will invoke the static method getBook(...) : Book on the class Book which will return an instance of a particular book.
How do you reference the book instance obtained by the operation?
As of now, I can think of two approaches, neither of which I have ever seen/used, which is why I am looking for the correct approach.
The first approach is to invoke methods directly on the book instance obtained, e.g. if the reference returned by getBook(...) : Book is named matchingBook, I would use matchingBook.doSomething(...), much like having a local variable.
The second way, which I find more in the line of sequence diagrams is to let the book instance returned by the operation appear with its own lifeline, e.g. next to the Book class, and referencing it with an arrow labeled doSomething(...).
However, with the second approach, it is not that obvious that this object is in fact the one returned by the operation.

The second approach is the correct. To show that you are pointing to the returned object (matchingBook), you can add the variable name to the title of the lifeline, like this:

The second approach is the correct one. Anytime you call operations on an object returned by a first operation, you can't do better than a name match between the result of the first call and the lifeline.
Anyway I don't really understand what you expect of the first way: where would you put matchingBook.doSomething(...)? on a arrow pointing which lifeline?


If instances are really just pointers to objects in Python, what happens when I change the value of a data attribute in a particular instance?

Suppose I define "Class original:" and create a class attribute "one = 4." Then I create an instance of the class "First = original()." My understanding is that First now contains a pointer to original and "" will return "4." However, suppose I create "Second = original()" and then set " = 5." What exactly happens in memory? Does a new copy of Class original get created with a class attribute of 5?
I've created a Class original with class attribute one. I then created two instances of this class (First and Second) and verified that id( and id( are pointing to the same place. They both return the same address. However, when I created Third=original() and set = 5 and then check id( it appears to be pointing somewhere else. Where is it pointing and what happened? When I check it still returns "4" so obviously the original object is not being modified. Thanks.
It appears you are asking about a piece of code similar to this:
class Original:
def __init__(self, n): = n
first = Original(4)
second = Original(4)
third = Original(5)
# 140570468047360
# 140570468047360
# 140570468047336
Suppose I define "Class original:" and create a class attribute "one = 4." Then I create an instance of the class "First = original()." My understanding is that First now contains a pointer to original
No. The variable references the instance you created, not the class. If it referenced the class, there would be no way for you to get at the instance you just created.
The instance will, somewhere in its object header, of course contain a pointer to its class. Without that pointer, method lookup wouldn't be possible, since you wouldn't be able to find the class from the instance.
and "" will return "4."
Yes. The attribute one of first contains a pointer to the object 4 (which is an instance of the class int).
[Note that technically, some Python implementations will perform an optimization and actually store the object 4 directly in the attribute instead of a pointer to the object. But that is an internal implementation detail.]
However, suppose I create "Second = original()" and then set " = 5." What exactly happens in memory? Does a new copy of Class original get created with a class attribute of 5?
No. Why would you need a separate copy of the class? The methods are still the same for both instances. In fact, that is precisely the reason why methods in Python take the instance as their first argument! That way, there need only be one method. (This is actually the same in every OO language, except that in most other languages, this argument is "invisible" and only accessible using a special keyword like self in Ruby, Smalltalk, Self, and Newspeak or this in Java, C#, and Scala.)
I've created a Class original with class attribute one. I then created two instances of this class (First and Second) and verified that id( and id( are pointing to the same place. They both return the same address. However, when I created Third=original() and set = 5 and then check id( it appears to be pointing somewhere else.
It is not quite clear to me what your question is here. and both point to 4, so they both point to the same ID since they both point to the same object. points to 5, which is obviously a different object from 4, so naturally, it has a different ID.
It is, in fact, one of the requirement of IDs that different objects that exist at the same time must have different IDs.
Where is it pointing and what happened?
Again, it is not quite clear what you are asking.
It is pointing at 5, and nothing happened.
When I check it still returns "4" so obviously the original object is not being modified.
Indeed, it isn't. Why would it be?

VBA subclass reference

In this post there is the description of "subclass" usage in VBA. I'm looking for the next step of it: when I have first subitem added I want to use it and don't know how.
When I write baseItem(1).itemName it doesn't work.
I assume it's just because that baseItem is not a collection or an array, but I don't know any other way.
Welcome to SO!
In vba like many other languages it is a Property. You call them directly and not numerically, but you need to write GET/LET methods unless the class is public (that is not really encapsulation to simply access directly).
baseItem.itemName would be your call.
But ... As I said before, better that you write accessor(s) to your class as methods.
Here is a guy that sets the tone for OOP in VBA (for me):
He is a driver of the Rubberduck project.
I would ask you to ask yourself if you really need a class, I will often use 4-10 dictionaries of keys holding arrays. I could wrap them in a class but why bother? What I need is a searchable and editable ("array"-the dictionary of arrays).
I have very few class modules written, it seems that one can operate without it many times.
I assume it's just because that baseItem is not a collection or an
The baseItem itself is not a collection nor an array. It is just an object of type BaseClass. But this object baseItem wrapps a collection so we maybe could say it is almost a collection.
The problem with this object though is, that as it is defined now in the answer you mentioned, it provides no way how the clients can get to this collection. The class BaseClass needs to be modified so it provides access to this inner collection for the client of this class. With access e.g. some public function is meant which will return something from this collection.
Add something like this to the BaseClass:
Public Function getSubItem(index As Variant) As SubClass
Set getSubItem = subClassCollection.Item(index)
End Function
Now objects which will be at runtime created based on this class definition will provide access to the inner collection via this function getSubItem. The code which will use this function will look like this. So it is now almost that what you are trying to achieve.
Dim name As String
name = baseItem.getSubItem(1).itemName
Debug.Print name ' Prints "Something" in output window
But it could be made even exactly to what you are trying to achieve. When exporting the file of BaseClass.cls and adding Attribute Value.VB_UserMemId = 0 to the very beginning of function getSubItem and importing it again to project.
Public Function getSubItem(index As Variant) As SubClass
Attribute Value.VB_UserMemId = 0
Set getSubItem = subClassCollection.Item(index)
End Function
Now you can really write your code exactly that way you wanted. HTH
Dim name As String
name = baseItem(1).itemName
Debug.Print name ' Prints "Something" in output window
For more information about Creating A Default Member In VBA have a look e.g. here.

uml/ocl access to parent class name

I try to write ocl to add constraint to child (animal), but the constraint must user parent class name (mamifere). I think the first version doesn't work, and I think there is a nicer solution that the second example. Help me please ?
image for example animal:
That looks strange. Your first constraint tells (provided it's linked to animal) that the type of aninmal must be mamifere, but mamifere inherits from animal. That does not make sense.
The second variant does not make sense either. Provided the constraint applies to anything on the diagram, each instance must be named mamifere2. So you can have only instances with name == mamifere2. Especially strange with a vivipare2 instance.
I don't see where you model any child relation at all. So I'm just guessing you mean this:
A child has two parents (well, for humans there now can be more). And there can be * children which must have the same type as the parents (so you can't model mules or the like).

when to use cross-reference and when use containment reference?

I need to implement a domain specific language. I have a panel and some shapes on it.
'panel' name = ID '(' title = STRING',' bgcolor = Color',' width = INT',' height = INT ')''{'((rects += Rect)| (ellipse += Ellipse)|(arcs += Arc)|)*'}'
and each shape has a unique rule with some other features. for example:
'roundrectangle' name = ID '{'
(fill ?= 'filled' (fillpattern?='fillpattern' fillpaint=Paint)?)?
(stroke?='stroke' str=Stroke)?
'paint' paint=Paint
'coordination' x=INT ',' y=INT
'dimention' height=INT ',' width=INT
'arc' archeight=INT ',' arcwidth=INT
as it obvious in this DSL, I used some references. But I don't know this rules is correct or I should use cross-reference in those?
This rule works fine and I receive the correct output that I expected. But I know when a feature is not of the basic type (string, integer, and so on), it is
actually a reference (an instance of EReference),this is a containment reference, although for non-containment references, the referenced object is stored somewhere else,
for example, in another object of the same resource or even in a different resource.
And point is that a cross-reference is implemented as a non-containment reference.
I need to know when I should use cross-reference and when use containment reference?
As far as I know the difference is as following:
A containment-reference is if you want to reference to the content of a rule so it's just lazy for redefining the rule's content everytime you use the containment-reference.
A cross-reference behaves a bit different: If you use a cross-reference the parser need the user having typed in content of the rule the cross-reference refers to beforeallowing him to refer to that already typed in content.
An example would be a real programming language: A Method call would be a cross-reference as the method of this name should already be declared somewhere in the code because otherwise it doesn't exist. In contrary the normal code would be implemented as a containment-reference as it can be used (for example) within a class, a field or a method and the code you are typing in just needs to fullfill the existance of a few keywords and structures but these are only defined in the parser itself and needn't be defined by the user himself before beeing able to use them.
I hope I have illustrated it well enough so you now know about the difference and the meaning of these reference types.
Greeting Krzmbrzl
Your grammar describes the AST of your language. Therefore, a meta model is derived from your grammar. To describe references between your AST elements you can use containmend references and cross references. A containment reference is used if you want to describe a parent-child relation where the child object is "created" / declared during the parent object is created. A cross reference is used if the parent object points to a child object which is created / declared in an other parent object. To "draw a picture": A containment reference is a top -> bottom reference and a cross reference is a left -> right reference.
For example assume you have a field (private int field = 42;) or method (public void foo() {...}) declaration of a Java class. This declaration is modeled with a containment reference, because a Java class contains field and method declarations. On the other you have a statement field++; within the method body of foo(). There you use the former declared field foo and it is modeled as a cross reference.
In general I would say: Any declaration is modeled as a containment reference and any usage of an already declared whatever is modeled as a cross reference.

what does getType do in antlr4?

This question is with reference to the Cymbol code from the book (~ page 143) :
int t = ctx.type().start.getType(); // in DefPhase.enterFunctionDecl()
Symbol.Type type = CheckSymbols.getType(t);
What does each component return: "ctx.type()", "start", "getType()" ? The book does not contain any explanation about these names.
I can "kind of" understand that "ctx.type()" refers to the "type" rule, and "getType()" returns the number associated with it. But what exactly does the "start" do?
Also, to generalize this question: what is the mechanism to get the value/structure returned by a rule - especially in the context of usage in a listener?
I can see that for an ID, it is:
String name = ctx.ID().getText();
And as in above, for an enumeration of keywords it is via "start.getType()". Any other special kinds of access that I should be aware of?
Lets disassemble problem step by step. Obviously, ctx is instance of CymbolParser.FunctionDeclContext. On page 98-99 you can see how grammar and ParseTree are implemented (at least the feeling - for real implementation please see th .g4 file).
Take a look at the figure of AST on page 99 - you can see that node FunctionDeclContext has a several children, one labeled type. Intuitively you see that it somehow correspond with function return-type. This is the node you retrieve when calling CymbolParser.FunctionDeclContext::type. The return type is probably sth like TypeContext.
Note that methods without 'get' at the beginning are usually children-getters - e.g. you can access the block by calling CymbolParser.FunctionDeclContext::block.
So you got the type context of the method you got passed. You can call either begin or end on any context to get first of last Token defining the context. Simply start gets you "the first word". In this case, the first Token is of course the function return-type itsef, e.g. int.
And the last call - Token::getType returns integral representation of Token.
You can find more information at API reference webpages - Context, Token. But the best way of understanding the behavior is reading through the generated ANTLR classes such as <GrammarName>Parser etc. And to be complete, I attach a link to the book.
