htaccess - Fetch static content from different path if page is HTTPS - .htaccess

As per the guidelines to speed up site, I have off-loaded all my static content (JS|CSS|IMAGES) to a subdomain
The site is working fine but the problem arises when I load the secure pages. Browser throws a warnings for "InsecureContent" being loaded into my page.
We have ssl for only root domain not subdomain. I can't get another one but want to handle it this way. As the subdomain folder can be accessed inside the root folder i want this.
I want to handle this with .htaccess this way ->
When referer is https ://
Rewrite http :// to https ://
Somebody help me doing this.

Not going to help at all. In order for anything inside an htaccess file to get processed, the request has to have been received by the webserver. When your browser pops up the "Insecure Content" warning, it hasn't sent the request yet. This warning pops up when negotiating the SSL connection, and in your case, your cert doesn't cover the domain the request is being made to. That means adding any sort of redirect on the server's end isn't going to help. You're still going to see the warning.
You need to ensure that your content points to somehow, by either using a relative URI base or maybe absolute URLs that explicitly point to http://.
Another option may be to use some kind of javascript on the client side.


DNS redirect of a url to another url

We are currently looking at identifying the best approach to carry out a redirection of a url folder to another url folder o a separate domain. We have tried a few options but have been unable to make this work. Any other redirection options such as apache, html etc are not possible. This url is only accessed through the browser by an application to download some files. This application cannot be changed but needs to download these files from another location.
Hence, we need to redirect the following:
Any ideas how we can achieve this?
Note: we have full control of DNS of the domain1 and there are no plans to use this domain.
You can't do that with DNS alone. The DNS never sees the "path" part of the URL. You need a webserver aware of the situation who can provide a 302 redirect.

Prevent https access to domain

We're seeing some minor issues with a cache and https on a non-secure site/domain.
The site doesn't have a certificate and therefore is not https. URLs are generated dynamically on the site though, so if someone manually visits the site using https, https will be used in the relative URLs - this is an issue for images and external resources as they then get blocked.
On an individual basis this doesn't worry me, the real issue is that if the above happens on a page that hasn't yet been cached, the cache reflects the https error in the URLs, and attempts to serve https resources to normal users, thereby leaving all external resources blocked. We've just seen this happen on a set of pages.
I have no idea why someone would be attempting to access the site using https, but unfortunately it seems to happen.
Is there any way to route all https traffic directly to http? It's a frustrating issue as the site doesn't purport to be secure, doesn't have a certificate, and therefore security issues like this are meaningless - ideally https requests should just be being parsed as http.
Any help appreciated!
Turns out after some research that this may not be possible. The method suggested in the comments should work (with the addition of an on/off flag for the condition), however it only works if SSL is available. i.e. if https isn't working in the first place, it doesn't seem you can build conditions around it.

HTAccess Open only to Website

To secure my site I placed blank htmls along with an htaccess file in every subdirectory but I didn't realize the denying all access would also mean denying access from the website itself. When I try to load a page, and it goes into the Images folder, the server responds with:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
So how do I change this htaccess code:
order allow,deny
deny from all
Options All -Indexes
To deny access to everything outside of the website, meaning the website itself can access its own content (images, js, css) but no one outside can.
You've already accomplished your stated goal, but obviously that's not really what you're after. Basically everybody that browses to your site is coming from outside and requesting assets from your server. When I request index.html, or any other page from your server, it doesn't send me a complete package as it were, with all of the page's assets wrapped up inside, it just sends me the text that comprises index.html. At that point the browser parses that and handles it accordingy; when it comes across an image tag that has a src on your server, it fires off a new request for that asset, and hopefully your server sends it back in response. [Yes, I realize that was all ridiculously simplified.]
As you've got things set up now, you're denying access to anybody and everybody that requests any assets from your server, which is why you're getting the 403 responses. So whatever it is you actually want to do is going to require a more tightly focused approach. I'll take a stab at it and guess that what you really want to do is prevent people from hot-linking your images?

Secure Canvas - Should every http request on the canvas page also change to https?

Since 1st Oct is coming. I am working on Secure Canvas URL stuff.
My canvas url is like I can make this domain and server SSL ready without a problem.
My question is, should every http request made by also change to https?
e.g. I import some JS, CSS, images from to my canvas page, should i configure alos can be accessed via https, or I can just leave this domain alone, still use http to get those content?
thank you very much.
You should make all content served over https or the browser will show warnings.
Facebook policies clearly mention that all the Page Tabs and iFrame Applications shal have an SSL certificate..
Any external content like images and JS included on your site shall also come from secured hostings hence the Https:// else your shall not be complying to FB Policies..
Gives the fact that FB has been very strict on punishing defaulters i dont think any app developer can take risk ..

stop accessing website content from other domain

how can i stop accessing my website content [like image,swf,pages etc.] from other domain?
suppose my server has a myflash.swf file in my server with live url . i want this flash can't be accased by any other domain using the live url. is it possable?
thanks in advance.
If its HotLinking that you wish to disable, these links may help you:
Htaccess Disable Hotlinking Code Generator
Disable Hot-Linking of images and other files
There is a HTTP header called referrer. It usually contains the site which request your swf to download.
When the Referrer value matches your domain name name, you can serve the content. Otherwise reject it.
