Dynamically read in Column - excel

I have a problem. I spent hours designing a form which works just great with all your feedback. Today, everything went wrong. The reason for this is simple. A few new columns got added and, obviously, the data my form is reading in is now wrong.
Thus I was thinking of trying the following...
Rather than using the column number as below
TK = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "S").Value 'everything in the form refers to the active row
I could possibly use the column headings in Row 1.
Is that possible ? This way the spreadsheet can have columns added up to as many as a user would like and the form would dynamically scan for the right heading and get the column number that way.
My thought is, on opening the form, read in all the headings, pick out the ones I need and assign them to a variable. Then I use my normal code and substitute the variable into the column section.
It sounds easy, but I have no idea how to do this.

Use the versatile Find to give you a quick method of detecting where your header is - or if it is missing
Find details here
In the code below I have specified that the search must return
an exact match (xlWhole)
a case sensitive match (False)
The match can be a partial match (xlPart) if you were looking to match say Game out of Game X
Const strFind = "Game"
Sub GetEm()
Dim rng1 As Range
Set rng1 = ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Find(strFind, , xlValues, xlWhole, , , False)
If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Your column is " & rng1.Column
MsgBox strFind & " not found", vbCritical
End If
End Sub

Why use a loop? There's no need to.
Dim col as variant
Col = application.match("my header", rows(1), 0)
If iserror(col) then
'not found
TK = cells(activecell.row, col)
End if

For this purpose I usually use a function which runs through the headers (in the first row of a sheet) and returns the number of the column which contains the value I have searched for.
Public Function FindColumn(HeaderName As String, Sht As String) As Long
Dim ColFound As Boolean
Dim StartingPoint As Range
ColFound = False
Set StartingPoint = Sheets(Sht).Range("A1")
Do While StartingPoint.Value <> ""
If UCase(Trim(StartingPoint.Value)) = UCase(Trim(HeaderName)) Then
FindColumn = StartingPoint.Column
ColFound = True
Exit Do
Set StartingPoint = StartingPoint.Offset(0, 1)
End If
If Not ColFound Then FindColumn = 0
End Function
If the first row of your sheet named "Timeline" contains headers like e.g. "Date" (A1), "Time" (B1), "Value" (C1) then calling FindColumn("Time", "Timeline") returns 2, since "Time" is the second column in sheet "Timeline"
Hope this may help you a little.

Your thought is a good one. Reading in column headers to calculate addresses is one way to avoid hard coding - e.g.
Sub Test()
Dim R As Range
Set R = ActiveSheet.[A1]
Debug.Print ColNo(R, "Col1Hdr")
End Sub
Function ColNo(HdrRange As Range, ColName As String) As Integer
' 1st column with empty header is returned if string not found
ColNo = 1
Do While HdrRange(1, ColNo) <> ""
If HdrRange(1, ColNo) = ColName Then Exit Do
ColNo = ColNo + 1
End Function
Another way I frequently use - and I must admit I prefer it over the above, is to define Enum's for all my tables in a seperate "definition" module, e.g.
Public Enum T_VPN ' sheet VPN
NofHRows = 3 ' number of header rows
NofCols = 35 ' number of columns
MaxData = 203 ' last row validated
GroupNo = 1
CtyCode = 2
Country = 3
MRegion = 4
PRegion = 5
City = 6
SiteType = 7
' ....
End Enum
and use it like
Sub Test1()
Debug.Print ActiveSheet(T_VPN.NofHRows, T_VPN.Country)
End Sub
As you can see, the usage is simpler. Allthough this is again "some kind" of hardcoding, having all definition in one place reduces maintenance significantly.


Various Troubles with VBA (Excel Maros)

I would briefly like to start off with I have never touched VBA let alone excel macros until a couple days ago.
I need to transfer and convert data of 1000 rows (4 columns) from one sheet (Sheet 1) to another (Sheet 2).
A quick description of what I'm given, each row is an object, I have 4 columns.
The first one (column) is the Object ID, the second one is the Object name, the third one explain the what of the object and the final column explains the how. This is a very simplified version as explaining the entire project would be complicated.
On the second sheet, I have 6000 rows all with the object's IDs and Names however the What and How are missing.
My goal is to take the what and how of an object from this sheet, convert the wording to a form in which the second sheet accepts and make sure it gets added to the proper ID.
I have tried multiple code samples I have found online to try and select and organize into tables (arrays) the information from the first sheet, I failed miserably.
Converting the What and How
The second sheet has a very strict format in which everything can be written. In my mind (Lua is my main language), I would have a dictionary or table with all possible ways of the How/What could be written on the first sheet and checking each one to see if they match then change it to the corresponding sheet 2 format. Let me show you. (This is the what. There'd be another table for the how which I'll show below)
local MType = {
["Industrial"] = {"MILPRO : Industrial","Industrial"};
["Public Saftey"] = {"MILPRO : Public Saftey", "Public Saftey"};
["Military"] = {"MILPRO : Military","Military"};
["Paddling"] = {"Recreation : Paddling","Paddling"};
["Sporting Goods"] = {"Recreation : Sporting Goods","Sporting Goods"};
["Outdoor"] = {"Recreation : Outdoor", "Outdoor"};
["Hook & Bullet"] = {"Recreation : Hook & Bullet", "Hook & Bullet"};
["Marine"] = {"Recreation : Marine","Marine","Marina / Lodge"};
["Sailing"] = {"Recreation : Sailing","Sailing"};
["Unknown"] = {"UNKNOWN"}
local CType = {
["Multi-Door"] = {"Multi-Door","Multi-door"};
["Dealer & Distributor"] = {"Distributor","Dealer & Distributor"};
["Independant Specialty"] = {"Independant Specialty","Specialty"};
["OEM"] = {"OEM","OEM - VAR"};
["Internal"] = {"Internal","Sales Agency","Repairs Facility"};
["Rental"] = {"Rental / Outfitter", "Rental"};
["End User"] = {"End User"};
["Institution"] = {"Institution","Government Direct"};
["Unknown"] = {"UNKNOWN"}
The first position in each table (table = the curly brackets) is the format in which the second sheet accepts. The rest in the tables is how they might be written in the first sheet. (This is how I imagine this would go down. Idk the functions and limits of VBA)
Matching the Information to the Proper IDs
Every object has an ID 6 characters long ranging from 000100 to 999999. When taking information from the first sheet, I need to make sure it gets placed back in the row with the right ID in the second sheet (Note there's 1000 rows on the first sheet and 6000 on the second sheet).
Final notes: The IDs are stored as text and not numbers (If they need to change lmk). Both sheet's information are within tables. I'll probably be using this method for other similar sheet 1s. Any conversions (for the what and how) that fail should be marked down as Unknown.
A Visual Representation of the 2 Sheets
Sheet 1 Format
Sheet 2 format
We can create a 2 dimensional array to hold all the pairs of one dictionary, then check against each element using a For..Next loop.
Sub transcribe()
On Error GoTo Handler
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim WS1 As Worksheet, WS2 As Worksheet
Dim ID1 As Range, ID2 As Range
'This is assuming youre working in Sheets 1 and 2
Set WS1 = Sheets(1)
Set WS2 = Sheets(2)
'This is assuming your tables are in these locations
Set ID1 = WS1.Range(WS1.Cells(1, 1), WS1.Cells(10, 1))
Set ID2 = WS2.Range(WS2.Cells(1, 1), WS2.Cells(20, 1))
Dim cellx As Range
Dim rowID1 As Integer
Dim FieldA As String, FieldB As String
Dim IDfound As Boolean
IDfound = True
Dim arrayA(1 To 10, 1) As String
arrayA(1, 0) = "MILPRO : Industrial"
arrayA(1, 1) = "Industrial"
arrayA(2, 0) = "MILPRO : Public Saftey"
arrayA(2, 1) = "Public Saftey"
'... etc. You have to complete this array with all the pairs of your dictionary of Field A
'array(X, 1) holds what you expect to find in table 1, and array(X, 0) holds what you want to write down in table 2.
Dim arrayB(1 To 9, 1) As String
arrayB(1, 0) = "Multi-Door"
arrayB(1, 1) = "Multi-Door"
arrayB(2, 0) = "Distribuitor"
arrayB(2, 1) = "Dealer & Distribuitor"
'... etc. You have to complete this array with all the pairs of your dictionary of Field B
'array(X, 1) holds what you expect to find in table 1, and array(X, 0) holds what you want to write down in table 2.
'Now we sweep each cell in Table 2
For Each cellx In ID2.Cells
'And we search its ID for a match in Table 1.
rowID1 = Application.Match(cellx.Value, ID1, 0)
If IDfound = True Then
'We then write down the values of Field A and B in the found row
FieldA = ID1.Resize(1).Offset(rowID1 - 1, 2).Value
FieldB = ID1.Resize(1).Offset(rowID1 - 1, 3).Value
'And we call a function (see below) to correct their values
cellx.Offset(0, 2).Value = corrected(FieldA, arrayA, 10)
cellx.Offset(0, 3).Value = corrected(FieldB, arrayB, 9)
cellx.Offset(0, 2).Value = "ID not found"
cellx.Offset(0, 3).Value = "ID not found"
IDfound = True
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
IDfound = False
Resume Next
End Sub
Function corrected(Field As String, arrayX As Variant, UB As Integer) As String
'This is the dictionary-like function
Dim found As Boolean
'We sweep each element in the dictionary array until we find a match
For i = 1 To UB
If Field = arrayX(i, 1) Then
corrected = arrayX(i, 0)
found = True
Exit Function
Exit For
End If
'If no match was found, we will write that down in the result
If found = False Then
corrected = Field & " - Not found in dictionary"
Exit Function
End If
'This code should never be reached, its just for foolproofing
corrected = "Error"
End Function

Excel - How do programmatically convert 'number stored as Text' to Number?

I'm looking for a simple Excel VBA or formula that can convert an entire row in Excel from 'number stored as Text' to an actual Number for vlookup reasons.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Better Approach
You should use INDEX(MATCH) instead of VLOOKUP because VLOOKUP behaves in an unpredictable manner which causes errors, such as the one you're presumably experiencing.
INDEX ( <return array> , MATCH ( <lookup value> , <lookup array> , 0) )
Using 0 as the last argument to MATCH means the match must be exact
Here is some more in-depth information on INDEX(MATCH)-ing
Add zero +0 to convert a value to a number.
This can be (dangerously) extended with IFERROR() to turn non-numeric text into a zero:
For the inverse, you can catenate an empty string &"" to force the value to be a string.
If 0 is not used as the last argument to MATCH, it will find all sorts of unexpected "matches" .. and worse, it may find a different value even when an exact match is present.
It often makes sense to do some extra work to determine if there are duplicates in the MATCH lookup column, otherwise the first value found will be returned (see example).
Help with MATCH comes from here, notably the matching logic the 3rd argument controls.
This should work if you add it before your vlookup or index/match lines:
Sheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Value = Sheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Value
I did find this, but does anyone have a formula as well?
Sub macro()
Range("F:F").Select 'specify the range which suits your purpose
With Selection
Selection.NumberFormat = "General"
.Value = .Value
End With
End Sub
Try this:
Sub ConvertToNumber()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim cl As Range
For Each cl In Selection.Cells
cl.Value = CInt(cl.Value)
Next cl
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
To use it, simply select the relevant block of cells with the mouse, and then run the macro (Alt+F8 to bring up the dialogue box). It will go through each cell in the selected range and convert whatever value it holds into a number.
I wrote a custom vlookup function that doesn't care about data formats. Put this into a module in VBA and use = VLOOK instead of = VLOOKUP
Public Function VLook(sValue As String, rDest As Range, iColNo As Integer)
' custom vlookup that's insensitive to data formats
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Set wsDest = Sheets(rDest.Parent.Name)
iLastRow = wsDest.Range(wsDest.Cells(100000, rDest.Column).Address).End(xlUp).Row
If iLastRow < rDest.Row + rDest.Rows.Count Then
For X = rDest.Column To rDest.Column + rDest.Columns.Count
If wsDest.Cells(100000, X).End(xlUp).Row > iLastRow Then iLastRow = wsDest.Cells(100000, X).End(xlUp).Row
Next X
End If
sValue = UCase(Application.Clean(Trim(sValue)))
For X = rDest.Row To iLastRow
If UCase(Application.Clean(Trim(wsDest.Cells(X, rDest.Column)))) = sValue Then
VLookDM = wsDest.Cells(X, rDest.Column + iColNo - 1)
Exit For
End If
Next X
End Function
The easiest way I can think of is using the built-in function =VALUE(TEXT_TO_CONVERT_TO_STRING).

How to check if the previous and next records are sequential in Excel

I have an excel Spreadsheet of values. I am trying to build a string of values which will look at all the records in the sheet and determine which ones are the same (based on a sequence)..
As you can see by the picture, there are three columns (E, F, G) which contain the source data. (source ID, target ID and Connection ID).. essentially there can only be one combination of source to target relationships, so I will need to merge any duplicate connections.
so far I have managed to find when they are duplicates by:
concatenating the source and target (Col H)
looking for duplicates (and ordering them) using the formula
and Now I am trying to build a string which will be used to merge the records.
Essentially I am trying to build a function which looks for all exact strings in Col H, and then looks at the sequence(I) and builds a string like so:
34~62~65 (which tells me that connection 34 must merge with 62 and then 65)
Problem is that I have not managed to do this.
current formula in Col J is:
but as you can see its only pairwise, not actually looking for the duplicates in sequence (i.e. 1 then 2 then 3 etc)
A while ago I wrote a quite an extensive UDF for a friend of mine to deal with this problem. It is supposed to look exactly like a VLookup, except for an additional parameter UniqueOnly and a Separator.
What it does is it looks up a value based on a different cell just like VLookup, but unlike Vlookup it returns all possible values as a result, not just one.
It is used like this:
=LookupConcatenate(LookupValue,LookupRange,LookupColumn, [Optional UniqueOnly = 0], [Optional Separator = ", "])
And the code is:
Public Function LookupConcatenate(LookupValue As Range, LookupRange As Range, Column As Integer, Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, Optional Separator As String = ", ") As String
' by Marek Stejskal
Dim rngMatch As Range
Dim rngLookup As Range
Dim varMatch As Variant
Dim varIndex As Variant
Dim intFoundAll As Integer
Dim strFoundAll() As String
Dim intFoundUnique As Integer
Dim strFoundUnique() As String
Dim blnFound As Boolean
Dim strResult As String
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
Set rngLookup = LookupRange
Set rngMatch = rngLookup.Columns(1)
Do While 1 = 1
' Match function
varMatch = Application.Match(LookupValue, rngMatch, 0)
' Exit checking if MATCH returned no value
If IsError(varMatch) Then Exit Do
' Index function
varIndex = Application.Index(rngLookup, varMatch, Column)
intFoundAll = intFoundAll + 1
' Adding space to ALL array
ReDim Preserve strFoundAll(1 To intFoundAll)
' Checking if the new result is in ALL array
blnFound = False
For i = 1 To UBound(strFoundAll)
If strFoundAll(i) = CStr(varIndex) Then
blnFound = True
Exit For
End If
' If new result is unique add it to UNIQUE array
If blnFound = False Then
intFoundUnique = intFoundUnique + 1
ReDim Preserve strFoundUnique(1 To intFoundUnique)
strFoundUnique(intFoundUnique) = CStr(varIndex)
End If
' Add the new result to ALL array
strFoundAll(intFoundAll) = CStr(varIndex)
' Shortening ranges
Set rngLookup = rngLookup.Resize(rngLookup.Rows.Count - varMatch).Offset(varMatch)
Set rngMatch = rngLookup.Columns(1)
' Creating result string
If UniqueOnly = True Then
If intFoundUnique = 0 Then
strResult = ""
For i = 1 To UBound(strFoundUnique)
strResult = strResult & IIf(strResult = "", "", Separator) & strFoundUnique(i)
Next i
End If
If intFoundAll = 0 Then
strResult = ""
For i = 1 To UBound(strFoundAll)
strResult = strResult & IIf(strResult = "", "", Separator) & strFoundAll(i)
Next i
End If
End If
LookupConcatenate = strResult
Exit Function
LookupConcatenate = Err.Description
End Function
To make this work for you, you will first need to switch the order of Connection and ID and then you can put on row 2 the formula like this:
=LookupConcatenate(G2, G2:J100, 2, 0, "~")
So if you want to do this without VBA, the only way is to build the string as you go down each row. What I mean is the final data would look like:
This does not meet the full requirements of all of column "F" containing the full concatenated string. But the last unique row of ID would contain the final string.
The formula to put in column F (assuming your data is aligned as in the picture here)
This works even if the rows are not sorted, (and it actually does not use the sequence column at all). Here is a picture with additional rows added as test data:
You actually then could create the column you are searching for, by adding a column containing:
That would give the following final result:

excel vba split text

Please be aware that I am working with a series of ~1000 line medical information databases. Due to the size of the databases, manual manipulation of the data is too time consuming. As such, I have attempted to learn VBA and code an Excel 2010 macro using VBA to help me accomplish parsing certain data. The desired output is to split certain characters from a provided string on each line of the database as follows:
will need to be split into
Active Row Active Column = 99204 ActiveRow Active Column+3 = OFFICE/OUTPATIENT VISIT, NEW
I have researched this topic using Walkenbach's "Excel 2013: Power Programming with VBA" and a fair amount of web resources, including this awesome site, but have been unable to develop a fully-workable solution using VBA in Excel. The code for my current macro is:
Sub EasySplit()
Dim text As String
Dim a As Integer
Dim name As Variant
text = ActiveCell.Value
name = Split(text, "-", 2)
For a = 0 To 1
Cells(1, a + 3).Value = Trim(name(a))
Next a
End Sub
The code uses the "-" character as a delimiter to split the input string into two substrings (I have limited the output strings to 2, as there exists in some input strings multiple "-" characters). I have trimmed the second string output to remove leading spaces.
The trouble that I am having is that the output is being presented at the top of the activesheet, instead of on the activerow.
Thank you in advance for any help. I have been working on this for 2 days and although I have made some progress, I feel that I have reached an impasse. I think that the issue is somewhere in the
Cells(1, a + 3).Value = Trim(name(a))
code, specifically with "Cells()".
Thank you Conrad Frix!
Yah.. funny enough. Just after I post I have a brainstorm.. and modify the code to read:
Sub EasySplit()
Dim text As String
Dim a As Integer
Dim name As Variant
text = ActiveCell.Value
name = Split(text, "-", 2)
For a = 0 To 1
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3 + a).Value = Trim(name(a))
Next a
End Sub
Not quite the colkumn1,column4 output that I want (it outputs to column3,column4), but it will work for my purpose.
Now I need to incorporate a loop so that the code runs on each successive cell in the column (downwards, step 1) skipping all bolded cells, until it hits an empty cell.
Modified answer to modified request.
This will start on row 1 and continue until a blank cell is found in column A. If you would like to start on a different row, perhaps row 2 if you have headers, change the
i = 1
line to
i = 2
I added a check on the upper bound of our variant before doing the output writes, in case the macro is run again on already formatted cells. (Does nothing instead of erroring out)
Sub EasySplit()
Dim initialText As String
Dim i As Double
Dim name As Variant
i = 1
Do While Trim(Cells(i, 1)) <> ""
If Not Cells(i, 1).Font.Bold Then
initialText = Cells(i, 1).text
name = Split(initialText, "-", 2)
If Not UBound(name) < 1 Then
Cells(i, 1) = Trim(name(0))
Cells(i, 4) = Trim(name(1))
End If
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
just add a variable to keep track of the active row and then use that in place of the constant 1.
Dim iRow as Integer = ActiveCell.Row
For a = 0 To 1
Cells(iRow , a + 3).Value = Trim(name(a))
Next a
Alternate method utilizing TextToColumns. This code also avoids using a loop, making it more efficient and much faster. Comments have been added to assist with understanding the code.
EDIT: I have expanded the code to make it more versatile by using a temp worksheet. You can then output the two columns to wherever you'd like. As stated in your original question, the output is now to columns 1 and 4.
Sub tgr()
Const DataCol As String = "A" 'Change to the correct column letter
Const HeaderRow As Long = 1 'Change to be the correct header row
Dim rngOriginal As Range 'Use this variable to capture your original data
'Capture the original data, starting in Data column and the header row + 1
Set rngOriginal = Range(DataCol & HeaderRow + 1, Cells(Rows.Count, DataCol).End(xlUp))
If rngOriginal.Row < HeaderRow + 1 Then Exit Sub 'No data
'We will be using a temp worksheet, and to avoid a prompt when we delete the temp worksheet we turn off alerts
'We also turn off screenupdating to prevent "screen flickering"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Move the original data to a temp worksheet to perform the split
'To avoid having leading/trailing spaces, replace all instances of " - " with simply "-"
'Lastly, move the split data to desired locations and remove the temp worksheet
With Sheets.Add.Range("A1").Resize(rngOriginal.Rows.Count)
.Value = rngOriginal.Value
.Replace " - ", "-"
.TextToColumns .Cells, xlDelimited, Other:=True, OtherChar:="-"
rngOriginal.Value = .Value
rngOriginal.Offset(, 3).Value = .Offset(, 1).Value
End With
'Now that all operations have completed, turn alerts and screenupdating back on
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
You can do this in a single shot without looping using the VBA equivalent of entering this formula, then taking values only
as a formula
=IF(NOT(ISERROR(FIND("-",A1))),RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("-",A1)-1 ),A1)
Sub Quicker()
Dim rng1 As Range
Set rng1 = Range([a1], Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
With rng1.Offset(0, 3)
.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(NOT(ISERROR(FIND(""-"",RC[-3]))),RIGHT(RC[-3],LEN(RC[-3])-FIND(""-"",RC[-3])-1 ),RC[-3])"
.Value = .Value
End With
End Sub

Reference a cell by its column name

I want to update the contents of a cell in a workbook. My code looks a little like this:
ProductionWorkBook.Sheets("Production Schedule").Cells(StartRow, 1).Value = EstJobName(i)
The cells are referenced using Cells(StartRow, 1) Where StartRow was a pre-declared and pre-defined integer variable that specifies the row and "1" denotes the column.
Now, I want to change this code to reference the columns by the column HEADERS instead.
For example, the header of a column is: "Fab Hours Date", how do I reference that?
Yes, you can simply use the letter name for the column in quotes:
Cells(StartRow, "A")
Edited to answer your further question:
to look for a specific column name, try this:
columnNamesRow = 1 ' or whichever row your names are in
nameToSearch = "Fab Hours" ' or whatever name you want to search for
columnToUse = 0
lastUsedColumn = Worksheets("Foo").Cells(1, Worksheets("Foo").Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For col = 1 To lastUsedColumn
If Worksheets("Foo").Cells(columnNamesRow, col).Value = nameToSearch Then
columnToUse = col
End If
Next col
If columnToUse > 0 Then
' found the column you wanted, do your thing here using "columnToUse" as the column index
End If
Here are two different functions to get what you want. To use them, you'd have to put them in your code.
Function ColumnNumberByHeader(text As String, Optional headerRange As Range) As Long
Dim foundRange As Range
If (headerRange Is Nothing) Then
Set headerRange = Range("1:1")
End If
Set foundRange = headerRange.Find(text)
If (foundRange Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "Could not find column that matches header: " & text, vbCritical, "Header Not Found"
ColumnNumberByHeader = 0
ColumnNumberByHeader = foundRange.Column
End If
End Function
Function ColumnNumberByHeader2(text As String, Optional headerRange As Range) As Long
If (headerRange Is Nothing) Then
Set headerRange = Range("1:1")
End If
On Error Resume Next
ColumnNumberByHeader2 = WorksheetFunction.Match(text, headerRange, False)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not find column that matches header: " & text, vbCritical, "Header Not Found"
ColumnNumberByHeader2 = 0
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Example Calls:
ColumnNumberByHeader ("Extn")
ColumnNumberByHeader("1718", Range("2:2"))
Or in your case:
ProductionWorkBook.Sheets("Production Schedule"). _
Cells(StartRow, ColumnNumberByHeader("Fab Hours Date")).Value = EstJobName(i)
ProductionWorkBook.Sheets("Production Schedule").Range("A" & StartRow).Value = EstJobName(i)
Unless you mean the column is a named range you defined?
ProductionWorkBook.Sheets("Production Schedule").Range("E"& StartRow).Value = ...
will do the job.
Though keep in mind that using hard coded references like the column letter will risk that the macro breaks when the sheet is edited (e.g. a column is inserted). It's therefore better to use a named range and Offset to access:
ProductionWorkBook.Sheets("Production Schedule").Range("StartCell").Offset(StartRow-1).Value
Now you only need to provide the name StartCellto your fist cell (make sure that it's a local name in the Name Manager)
