Gradle: Force Custom Task to always run (no cache) - groovy

I wrote up a custom Gradle task to handle some dependency resolution on the file system where the paths are configurable. I want tasks of this type to always run. It seems though they only run once, I'm guessing because the inputs never seem to change.
I am aware of using configurations { resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds' } to effectively disable the cache, but I only want it to apply to very specific tasks. Also am aware of --rerun-tasks command line prompt, which is also similar. Neither feel like the best solution, there must be a way to set this up properly in the custom task definition.
Follows is my current implementation. I also had a version prior where the first 3 def String statements were instead #Input annotated String declarations.
class ResolveProjectArchiveDependency extends DefaultTask {
def String archiveFilename = ""
def String relativeArchivePath = ""
def String dependencyScope = ""
File outputFile
void resolveArtifact() {
def arcFile = project.file("dependencies/"+dependencyScope+"/"+archiveFilename)
def newArcFile = ""
if(project.hasProperty('environmentSeparated') && project.hasProperty('separatedDependencyRoot')){
println "Properties set denoting the prerelease environment is separated"
newArcFile = project.file(project.ext.separatedDependencyRoot+relativeArchivePath+archiveFilename)
} else {
newArcFile = project.file('../../'+relativeArchivePath+archiveFilename)
println "Warn: Could not find the latest copy of " + archiveFilename + ".."
if(!arcFile.isFile()) {
println "Error: No version of " + archiveFilename + " can be found"
throw new StopExecutionException(archiveFilename +" missing")
if(!arcFile.isFile()) {
println archiveFilename + " jar not in dependencies, pulling from archives"
} else {
println archiveFilename + " jar in dependencies. Checking for staleness"
def oldHash = generateMD5(new File(arcFile.path))
def newHash = generateMD5(new File(newArcFile.path))
if(newHash.equals(oldHash)) {
println "Hashes for the jars match. Not pulling in a copy"
//Copy the archive
project.copy {
println "Copying " + archiveFilename
from newArcFile
into "dependencies/"+dependencyScope
def generateMD5(final file) {
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]
int read = 0
while( (read = > 0) {
digest.update(buffer, 0, read);
byte[] md5sum = digest.digest()
BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(1, md5sum)
return bigInt.toString(16)
Here's an example of usage of the task:
task handleManagementArchive (type: com.moremagic.ResolveProjectArchiveDependency) {
archiveFilename = 'management.jar'
relativeArchivePath = 'management/dist/'
dependencyScope = 'compile/archive'
outputFile = file('dependencies/'+dependencyScope+'/'+archiveFilename)

You can achieve this by setting outputs.upToDateWhen { false } on the task.
This can be performed in your build.gradle file:
handleManagementArchive.outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
It can also be done in the constructor of your custom task.
ResolveProjectArchiveDependency() {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }


Commands not all working in J2ME app

Part of my j2me project involves use of the filesystem, so I'm starting with a simple file browser. The current issue I'm facing is the implementation of the command processor. To wit:
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {
if (c.getLabel().equals("Exit")) {
// File retrieval code (or call to it) to go here later.
if (c.getLabel().equals("Enter")) {
current_name = getRidOfTrailingSlash(current_name)
+ "/" + mainscreen.getString(mainscreen.getSelectedIndex());
// + "/" + "MemoryCard/";
if (! setName(current_name)) {
dirlist = rootlist;
current_name = "/";
if (c.getLabel().equals("Up Dir")) {
if (current_name.equals("/")) return;
current_name = getRidOfTrailingSlash(current_name);
if (setName(current_name)) current_name = current_fc.getPath();
else current_name = "/";
if (current_name.equals("/")) dirlist = rootlist;
else {
try {
dirlist = current_fc.list();
} catch (IOException ioe) {}
if (c.getLabel().equals("Create")) {
// Create code to be added later
if (c.getLabel().equals("Delete")) {
// Delete code to be added later
} // End of command actions
I am working on debugging the code for "Enter", and plan to write the code for "Create" and "Delete" at a later date. So for now I have them exit to an expected Security exception.
The code that sets up the commands is as follows:
public String getRidOfTrailingSlash(String s) {
if (s.equals("/")) return "";
int len = s.length();
String end = s.substring(len - 1);
if (end.equals("/")) s = s.substring(len - 2);
return s;
public List makeFileList(Enumeration names, String[] cmds) {
int i,s,cmdtype;
String c;
List l = new List(current_name, List.EXCLUSIVE);
while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
c = (String) names.nextElement();
l.append(c, null);
s = cmds.length;
for (i=0; i<s; i++) {
c = cmds[i];
if (c.equalsIgnoreCase("Exit")) {
cmdtype = Command.EXIT;
} else
if (c.equalsIgnoreCase("Up Dir")) {
cmdtype = Command.BACK;
} else {
cmdtype = Command.BACK;
// I've also tried using ITEM, OK, and one or two other
// command types for the default. Same effect.
l.addCommand(new Command(c, cmdtype, 1));
return l;
private void showDirs() {
String commands[] = { "Enter", "Up Dir", "Create", "Delete", "Exit" };
mainscreen = makeFileList(dirlist, commands);
My current issue is that the commands are not all being executed. "Exit" and "Up Dir" are working properly. However, the other three commands don't function at all in the Emulator. They show up in the menus, but selecting them does absolutely nothing when they should be routing the program flow through the System.exit() calls. If I select any of these any number of times, "Up Dir" and "Exit" still work afterward. Furthermore, the select function in the file list doesn't do anything either.
On the phone that I'm writing this for (An LG Rumor Reflex), the select function (checking and unchecking items in the list) works, as do the commands "Create", "Delete", "Up Dir", and "Exit". However, the "Enter" command doesn't even appear in the menu!
What am I doing wrong, and why the different behavior on the phone versus the Emulator?

Creating a Test Report from Project level tear down script

I have generate a report based on an execution of a test suite where it creates a folder directory and insert a file displaying the report. This is compiled within a TearDown Script at Test Suite level. Below is the code:
def groovyUtils = new
def dataFolder = groovyUtils.projectPath
def failedTestCases = 0
def succeedTestCases = 0
def totalTestCases = 0
def testCaseFailed = ""
def testCaseSucceed = ""
def date = new Date()
def folderTime = date.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss")
def hotelId = context.getProperty('hotelid')
def hotelname = context.getProperty('hotelname')
def hoteltype = context.getProperty('hoteltype')
//def propertyValues = ""
//def correlationid = messageExchange.modelItem.testStep.testCase.testSuite.Project.namegetPropertyValue("correlationid")
//Create a folder directory for the responses
RootResultFolder = dataFolder + "\\Test Reports" + "\\xxx_WebAPI - " + folderTime + "\\"
CreateResultFolder = new File(RootResultFolder)
//context.setProperty("RootResultFolder", RootResultFolder)
def fileName = "WebAPI Test Report.txt"
def rootFolder = RootResultFolder + fileName
def logFile = new File(rootFolder)
{"Error a file named " + fileName + "already exisits")
runner.results.each { testCaseResult ->
def name =
if(testCaseResult.status.toString() == 'FAILED'){
failedTestCases ++
testCaseFailed += "- $name - HAS FAILED \n\n"
//propertyValues += "hotelid - $hotelid, hotelname - $hotelname, hoteltype - $hoteltype \n\n"
testCaseResult.results.each{ testStepResults ->
testStepResults.messages.each() { msg -> msg }
succeedTestCases ++
testCaseSucceed += "- $name - SUCCEED \n\n"
testCaseResult.results.each{ testStepResults ->
testStepResults.messages.each() { msg -> msg }
logFile.write "TOTAL TEST CASES SUCCEED: $succeedTestCases of $totalTestCases" + "\n\n" +
testCaseSucceed + "---\n\n" +
"TOTAL TEST CASES FAILED: $failedTestCases of $totalTestCases" + "\n\n" +
testCaseFailed + "\n\n"
What I actually want to do is move the code from Test Suite level and place it in the tear down script at Project level. Now when I run the code from there, it does not generate the file, I'm assuming I need to place the correct paths in as I am not moving to test suite to test case but from project to test suite to testcase to test steps.
My question is really on syntax, I want to develop a report when the whole project is run, it outputs the following results:
Project Name - is it success or failed. If one suite failed then project fails else it passes
Test Suite - Take name of each test suite in project and if passes then place 'Succeed' next to name of test suite else place 'Failed' next to name of test suite
Name of all test cases within test suite. Like the one in screenshot really, 'succeed' next to test cases that have passed and 'failed' next to those that haven't.
Finally the property values. If a test case has failed, capture the property values for that failed test case so we can track which values were entered that caused the failure of the test.
Can somebody help me with the relevant syntax to perform these so then I can peice it into my code and manipulate?
def groovyUtils = new
def dataFolder = groovyUtils.projectPath
def date = new Date()
def folderTime = date.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss")
//Create a folder directory for the responses
RootResultFolder = dataFolder + "\\Test Reports" + "\\xxx - " + folderTime + "\\"
CreateResultFolder = new File(RootResultFolder)
//context.setProperty("RootResultFolder", RootResultFolder)
def reportFileName = "WebAPI Test Report.txt"
def rootFolder = RootResultFolder + reportFileName
def logFile = new File(rootFolder)
If you look at the TearDown Script of the project, it shows as below i.e., the variables already initialized by soapui.
Issue with your script
So if you look at it, there is runner variable. Also the same variable is available at TearDown script of test suite level. But, these are instances of different Objects. The script used in OP was of suite level which you aware and that is why you are not seeing in the result.
Here is the project level TearDown Script and following in line comments.
* Below is the TearDown script for SoapUI Project level
* Which create a custom report in a given file
* Modify the variable "reportFileName" below
//Modify the file as needed for report file
//def reportFileName = '/tmp/abctestreport.txt'
//Adding the below as user wants specific directory
//Get the project path
def dataFolder = new
//Create today's date for storing response
def today = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd")
def filePrefix = "${dataFolder}/TestReports/xxx_WebAPI_${today}" as String
def fileNamePart = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'")
//creating filename dynamically.
def reportFileName = "${filePrefix}/xxx_WebAPI_TestReport_${fileNamePart}.txt" as String
//NOTE: Not required to edit beyond this point
* This class holds the test case details
class TestCaseResultHolder {
def log
Map<String, String> properties = [:]
boolean status
def createProperties(testCase) {
testCase.getPropertyNames().each { key ->
properties[key] = testCase.getPropertyValue(key)
def getCaseResult(caseRunner, caseName) { "Checking test case status ${caseName}"
if ( caseRunner.status.toString() == 'FAILED' ){
log.error "Test case $caseName has failed"
for ( stepResult in caseRunner?.results ){
stepResult.messages.each() { msg -> msg }
return false
} else { "${caseName} is passed"
def buildCaseResult(caseRunner, caseName) {
status = getCaseResult(caseRunner, caseName)
if (!status) {
* This class holds the test suite details
class SuiteResultsHolder {
def log
Map<String, TestCaseResultHolder> casaeResults = [:]
int testCaseCount = 0
int passedCasesCount = 0
int failedCasesCount = 0
def buildSuiteResults(suiteRunner, suiteName){ "Building results of test suite ${suiteName}"
for ( caseRunner in suiteRunner?.results ) {
def caseName =
def tcHolder = new TestCaseResultHolder(log: log)
tcHolder.buildCaseResult(caseRunner, caseName)
casaeResults[caseName] = tcHolder
if (tcHolder.status) {
} else {
def getStatus() {
(0 < failedCasesCount) ? false : true
* This class holds the project details
class ProjectResultsHolder {
def log
Map<String, SuiteResultsHolder> suiteResults = [:]
int suiteCount = 0
int passedSuitecount = 0
int failedSuiteCount = 0
def buildProjectResults(projectRunner, projectName) { "Building results of test project ${projectName}"
for(suiteRunner in projectRunner?.results) {
def suiteName =
def suiteResultsHolder = new SuiteResultsHolder(log: log)
suiteResultsHolder.buildSuiteResults(suiteRunner, suiteName)
suiteResults[suiteName] = suiteResultsHolder
if (suiteResultsHolder.status) {
} else {
def getStatus() {
(0 < failedSuiteCount) ? false : true
//Get the status string based on boolean
def getResult(status){ status == true ? 'SUCCEED' : 'FAILED'}
//Draws a line
def drawLine(def letter = '=', def count = 70) { letter.multiply(count)}
//Gets the summary report
def getSummaryReport(project, projectResultHolder) {
def report = new StringBuffer()
report.append("\t\t\tTest Execution Summary\n")
report.append(drawLine('-', 60)).append('\n')
report.append("Project : ${}\n")
report.append("Result : ${getResult(projectResultHolder.status)}\n")
report.append("Total test suites executed: ${projectResultHolder.suiteCount}\n")
report.append("Test suites passed: ${projectResultHolder.passedSuitecount}\n")
report.append("Test suites failed: ${projectResultHolder.failedSuiteCount}\n")
//Gets the test case report
def getTestCaseReport(testCaseReport) {
def report = new StringBuffer()
report.append(drawLine('-', 60)).append('\n')
report.append("\t\tTest Case Details:\n")
report.append(drawLine('-', 60)).append('\n')
testCaseReport.each { kase, tcReport ->
report.append("Name : ${kase}\n")
report.append("Status : ${getResult(tcReport.status)}\n")
if (!tcReport.status) {
report.append("Properties : ${}\n")
//Get the detailed report
def getDetailedReport(projectResultHolder) {
def report = new StringBuffer()
report.append("\t\t\tTest Execution Detailed Report\n")
projectResultHolder.suiteResults.each { suite, details ->
report.append("Test Suite : ${suite}\n")
report.append("Result : ${getResult(details.status)}\n")
report.append("Total Cases : ${details.testCaseCount}\n")
report.append("Cases Passed : ${details.passedCasesCount}\n")
report.append("Cases Failed: ${details.failedCasesCount}\n")
//Save the contents to a file
def saveToFile(file, content) {
if (!file.parentFile.exists()) {
file.parentFile.mkdirs() "Directory did not exist, created"
assert file.exists(), "${} not created"
def holder = new ProjectResultsHolder(log: log)
def finalReport = new StringBuffer()
finalReport.append(getSummaryReport(project, holder))
def reportFile = new File(reportFileName)
saveToFile(reportFile, finalReport.toString())
And here is the generated output:

Groovy Half-mock with MockFor

I want to test the following class:
public class DBSync {
public dbNotify( String path ) {
if (!path) {
def pathIndex = path.lastIndexOf(File.separator)
if (pathIndex > 0) {
def folder = path[0..pathIndex - 1]
def fileName = path[pathIndex + 1..path.length() - 1]
println "Syncing from directory $folder for filename $fileName"
if (fileName.contains(EXCLUDE_FILE_PATTERN)) {
println "Filename is $EXCLUDE_FILE_PATTERN skipping db write "
writeToDB(folder, fileName)
public writeToDB ( folder, file ) {
// inserting to database
The test class is:
public class TestDBSync {
public void test() {
def dbSyncContext = new MockFor(DBSync)
def file = ""
def folder = "data"
def path = folder + File.separator + file
def called = false
// Expect at least one call
mockDBSyncContext.demand.writeToDB(1..1) { String folderargs, String fileargs -> called = true }
mockDBSyncContext.demand.dbNodify(1..1) { String pathargs -> return }
// Obtaining a usuable mock instance
def mockDBSyncProxy = mockDBSyncContext.proxyInstance()
// Fake calling the method
mockDBSyncContext.use {
mockDBSyncProxy.dbNotify(path )
// Verify invoked at least once?
The test is failing and I am getting the following error:
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: No call to 'dbNotify' expected
at this point. Still 1 call(s) to 'writeToDB' expected.

How to use not equalto in Groovy in this case

I just want to print files which are not located in ss
def folder = "./test-data"
// println "reading files from directory '$folder'"
def basedir = new File(folder)
basedir.traverse {
if (it.isFile()) {
def rec = it
// println it
def ss = rec.toString().substring(12)
if(!allRecords contains(ss)) {
println ss
Your question isn't exactly clear, but it looks like you're just trying to do
if (!allRecords.contains(ss)) {
println ss
in the last part of your code segment.

Tail a file in Groovy

I am wondering is there is a simple way to tail a file in Groovy? I know how to read a file, but how do I read a file and then wait for more lines to be added, read them, wait, etc...
I have what I am sure is a really stupid solution:
def lNum = 0
def num= 0
def numLines = 0
def myFile = new File("foo.txt")
def origNumLines = myFile.eachLine { num++ }
def precIndex = origNumLines
while (true) {
num = 0
lNum = 0
numLines = myFile.eachLine { num++ }
if (numLines > origNumLines) {
myFile.eachLine({ line ->
if (lNum > precIndex) {
println line
precIndex = numLines
Note that I am not really interested in invoking the Unix "tail" command. Unless it is the only solution.
I wrote a groovy class which resembles the basic tail functionality:
class TailReader {
boolean stop = false
public void stop () {
stop = true
public void tail (File file, Closure c) {
def runnable = {
def reader
try {
reader = file.newReader()
def line
while (!stop) {
line = reader.readLine()
if (line) {
else {
finally {
} as Runnable
def t = new Thread(runnable)
The tail method taks a file and closure as parameters. It will run in a separate thread and will pass each new line that will be appended to the file to the given closure. The tail method will run until the stop method is called on the TailReader instance. Here's a short example of how to use the TailReader class:
def reader = new TailReader()
reader.tail(new File("/tmp/foo.log")) { println it }
// Do something else, e.g.
// Thread.currentThread().sleep(30 * 1000)
In reply to Christoph :
For my use case, I've replaced the block
line = reader.readLine()
if (line) {
else {
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
... != null => to ensure empty lines are outputted as well
while (... => to ensure every line is read as fast as possible
