Haskell, return a tuple - haskell

i have this code, it's the formulae of combination without repetitions:
combinaciones :: Int ->[Int]->[[Int]]
combinaciones 0 _ = [[]]
combinaciones _ [] = []
combinaciones k (x:xs) = [x:ys | ys <- combinaciones (k - 1) xs] ++ combinaciones k xs
combinationsN :: Int ->Int->[[Int]]
combinationsN n k = combinaciones k [1..n]
My problem is that i want return a list of lists with the number of lists in the list, a couple: ([[Int]], Int). How can i do that?

Here is the simple version - it's probably possible to do it more efficiently by counting along, but this is what I can come up with at 1am.
combinationsWithCount :: Int -> [Int] -> ([[Int]], Int)
combinationsWithCount n xs = let cs = combinaciones n xs
in (cs, length cs)
Edit: OK, let me try to write the smart version too.
combinaciones :: Int -> [Int] -> ([[Int]], Int)
combinaciones 0 _ = ([[]], 1)
combinaciones _ [] = ([], 0)
combinaciones k (x:xs) =
let (first, firstN) = combinaciones (k - 1) xs
(second, secondN) = combinaciones k xs
in ([x:ys | ys <- first] ++ second, firstN + secondN)
Absolutely no guarantees that this does the right thing, I'm half-asleep. ;-)


Is there a way to use "<=" for pattern matching in Haskell?

I have the following code, that drops every nth element in a list.
dropEvery :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropEvery xs n = f xs n ++ dropEvery (drop n xs) n
f ys 0 = []
f ys 1 = []
f [] m = []
f (y:ys) n = y : (f ys (n-1))
I would like to make it a bit shorter and was wondering if there is a way to use "<=" in pattern matching. I tried doing this using a where clause, which did not work, why?
f ys m = []
m <= 1 || ys == []
How can I shirk this redundancy? Is there a nice way to use "less or equal" in pattern matching?
EDIT: I tried this using guards
f ys m
| m <= 1 || null ys = []
| otherwise = (head ys) : (f (tail ys) (n-1))
You can work with a guard:
dropEvery :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropEvery xs n = f xs n ++ dropEvery (drop n xs) n
f ys i | i <= 1 = []
f [] _ = []
f (y:ys) n = y : (f ys (n-1))
If the condition in the guard is satisfied, then that clause "fires" and thus in this case will return an empty list [].
You will however get stuck in an infinite loop, since you write f xs n ++ dropEvery (n xs) n but drop 3 [] will return [], and thus it will keep calling dropEvery with an empty list.
You can make use of recursion where we each time decrement n until it reaches 0, and then we make two hops, so:
dropEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
dropEvery n = go (n-1)
where go _ [] = []
go i (x:xs)
| i <= 0 = go (n-1) xs
| otherwise = x : go (i-1) xs
We can also work with splitAt :: [a] -> ([a], [a]) and with a pattern guard:
dropEvery n [] = []
dropEvery n ds
| (_:ys) <- sb = sa ++ dropEvery n ys
| otherwise = sa
where (sa, sb) = splitAt (n-1) ds

How to report an error in Haskell code

I am writing a program that returns every rth element from a list. The list can be any type. I want to report an error when r is zero but my code isn't working (it is working fine when I comment out the error line). Can anyone tell me how to report an error in this situation
rthElem :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
rthElem _ [] = []
rthElem 0 (x:xs) = "Error"
rthElem n (x:xs) = rthElem' n 1 (x:xs) where
rthElem' n i (x:xs) = (if (n `divides` i) then
[x] else
++ (rthElem' n (i+1) xs)
rthElem' _ _ [] = []
divides x y = y `mod` x == 0
You could use Maybe or Either in this case.
This is how Maybe looks. Nothing will be our "error".
rthElem :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
rthElem _ [] = Just []
rthElem 0 (x:xs) = Nothing
rthElem n (x:xs) = Just (rthElem' n 1 (x:xs)) where
rthElem' n i (x:xs) = (if (n `divides` i) then
[x] else
++ (rthElem' n (i+1) xs)
rthElem' _ _ [] = []
divides x y = y `mod` x == 0
main :: IO ()
main = case (rthElem 0 [1..5]) of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Error"
Just elm -> print elm
Another way is using Either. Either will return Left or Right. Left will be our "error".
rthElem :: Int -> [a] -> Either String [a]
rthElem _ [] = Right []
rthElem 0 (x:xs) = Left "Error"
rthElem n (x:xs) = Right (rthElem' n 1 (x:xs)) where
rthElem' n i (x:xs) = (if (n `divides` i) then
[x] else
++ (rthElem' n (i+1) xs)
rthElem' _ _ [] = []
divides x y = y `mod` x == 0
main :: IO ()
main = case (rthElem 0 [1..5]) of
Left err -> putStrLn err
Right elm -> print elm
The best way is using Either. Read more about error handling here.
If you really want to print an error and show it you could use the error function, error :: String -> a
rthElem 0 (x:xs) = error "Error msg here"
But there is a plenty better ways to do this , and you should figure out which one fits in your case , you can use Maybe, Either even monads , here is an interesting link with examples http://www.randomhacks.net/2007/03/10/haskell-8-ways-to-report-errors/
You could use exceptions but you'd also have to transform your function into an IO action.
rthElem :: Int -> [a] -> IO [a]
rthElem _ [] = return []
rthElem 0 _ = ioError $ userError "Error"
rthElem n l = return $ rthElem' n 1 l where
rthElem' n i (x:xs) = (if (n `divides` i) then
[x] else
++ (rthElem' n (i+1) xs)
rthElem' _ _ [] = []
divides x y = y `mod` x == 0

Haskell function to check if substring "100" is present in the binary expansion of a decimal number

Define a function nohundred :: Int -> Int such that for a positive number n nohundred n is the nth positive number such that "100" does not occur as a substring in its binary expansion.
decToBin :: Int -> [Int]
decToBin x = reverse $ decToBin' x
decToBin' :: Int -> [Int]
decToBin' 0 = []
decToBin' y = let (a,b) = quotRem y 2 in [b] ++ decToBin' a
check :: [Int] -> Bool
check (z:zs)
|((z == 1) && (head (zs) == 0) && (head (tail zs) == 0)) = True
| otherwise = check zs
binToDec :: [Int] -> Int
binToDec l = sumlist (zipWith (*) (iterate f 1) (reverse l))
sumlist :: [Int] -> Int
sumlist [] = 0
sumlist (x:xs) = x + (sumlist xs)
f :: Int -> Int
f j = (2 * j)
nohundred :: Int -> Int
nohundred n = if ((check fun) == True) then (binToDec (fun)) else (nohundred (n+1))
fun = decToBin n
The above code gives error :-
*Main> nohundred 10
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list...
The desired output is 14.
*Main> nohundred 100
The desired output is 367...
Can anyone suggest the cause of error?
This function is partial:
check (z:zs)
|((z == 1) && (head (zs) == 0) && (head (tail zs) == 0)) = True
| otherwise = check zs
When called with a one- or two-element list, the first check will call head on an empty list. Additionally, it does not cover the empty-list case. The idiomatic way to write this is:
check (1:0:0:zs) = True
check (z:zs) = check zs
check [] = False
Additionally, your nohundred function takes a number and finds the next higher non-hundred number; but you want the nth non-hundred number, which is a very different thing.

How can I extract list of similar elements from a haskell list

Given a list such as [1,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,2,4,0,0] and an index, how can I extract consecutive patterns of 0 in Haskell. For example if the given index is between 1 and 3 inclusive, the result is [0,0,0] if it is between 5 and 8 [0,0,0,0] and so on
First, build a list where run lengths are stored for each number:
runs :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
runs = map (head &&& length) . group
so e.g.
runs [1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0] == [(1,1),(0,3),(1,1),(0,4),(1,2),(0,2)]
Then, index into this list by walking it in run length-sized steps:
indexRuns :: Int -> [(a, Int)] -> [a]
indexRuns i [] = error "Index out of bounds"
indexRuns i ((x, l):rs)
| i < l = replicate l x
| otherwise = indexRuns (i - l) rs
You can do this in O(n) time:
extract :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [a]
extract _ [] = []
extract idx (x:xs) = extract' x [x] 1 xs
extract' _ _ _ [] = [] -- Index out of bounds
extract' v vs n (r : rest)
| idx == n = vs ++ (takeWhile (== v) rest)
| (v == r) = extract' v (r:vs) (n+1) rest
| otherwise = extract' r [r] (n+1) rest
This will count the number of zeros around the index
numZeros 0 (1:_) = 0
numZeros i (1:rest) = numZeros (i-1) rest
numZeros i theList
| i < zeroLen = zeroLen
| otherwise = numZeros (i-zeroLen) $ drop zeroLen theList
zeroLen = length (takeWhile (==0) theList)
You can replicate 0 the appropriate number of times to get the final list.
f = f' (takeWhile (== 0)) where
f' c n xs | n < 0 || null xs = []
f' c n (1:xs) = f (n - 1) xs
f' c 0 xs = c xs
f' c n (0:xs) = f' ((0:) . c) (n - 1) xs
Or even more obfuscated
f n xs = g (splitAt n xs) >>= takeWhile (== 0) where
g (xs, ys#(0:_)) = [reverse xs, ys]
g _ = []
Some tests:
main = mapM_ (\i -> print $ (i, f i [1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0])) [-1..13]

Drop nth Element from list

I have been teaching myself Haskell for a month or so and today I was reading the solution of 16th problem and came up with a question.
Here is a link : http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/99_questions/Solutions/16
Basically, this question asks to make a function that drops every N'th element from a list.
For example,
*Main> dropEvery "abcdefghik" 3
The first solution in the link is
dropEvery :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropEvery [] _ = []
dropEvery (x:xs) n = dropEvery' (x:xs) n 1
dropEvery' (x:xs) n i = (if (n `divides` i) then [] else [x])++ (dropEvery' xs n (i+1))
dropEvery' [] _ _ = []
divides x y = y `mod` x == 0
My question is why dropEvery defines the case of empty lists while dropEvery' can take care of empty list?
I think dropEvery [] _ = [] can be simply eliminated and modifying a bit of other sentences as following should work exactly the same as above and looks shorter.
dropEvery :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropEvery xs n = dropEvery' xs n 1
dropEvery' (x:xs) n i = (if (n `divides` i) then [] else [x])++ (dropEvery' xs n (i+1))
dropEvery' [] _ _ = []
divides x y = y `mod` x == 0
Can anyone help me figure out about this?
I think they are the same and the author could have simplified the code as you suggested. For the heck of it I tried both versions with QuickCheck and they seem to be the same.
import Test.QuickCheck
dropEvery :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropEvery [] _ = []
dropEvery (x:xs) n = dropEvery' (x:xs) n 1
dropEvery' (x:xs) n i = (if (n `divides` i) then [] else [x])++ (dropEvery' xs n (i+1))
dropEvery' [] _ _ = []
divides x y = y `mod` x == 0
dropEvery2 :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropEvery2 xs n = dropEvery' xs n 1
dropEvery' (x:xs) n i = (if (n `divides` i) then [] else [x])++ (dropEvery' xs n (i+1))
dropEvery' [] _ _ = []
divides x y = y `mod` x == 0
theyAreSame xs n = (dropEvery xs n) == (dropEvery2 xs n)
propTheyAreSame xs n = n > 0 ==> theyAreSame xs n
And in ghci you can do
*Main> quickCheck propTheyAreSame
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
I also tested a few corner cases by hand
*Main> dropEvery [] 0
*Main> dropEvery2 [] 0
*Main> dropEvery [] undefined
*Main> dropEvery2 [] undefined
So them seem to the same.
So our learning outcomes:
Quickcheck is perfect for this kind of stuff
Don't underestimate yourself. :)
