Show All Sharepoint List Items in Infopath Form - sharepoint

I was wondering how I can pull the sharepoint list items data and display it in the Infopath form. I have a feeling I will have to use the repeating table but can't seem to figure it out/find tutorial. I'd like to display columns, ex. "Book Title", "Author", "Notes" and have it just pull data and make rows automatically. Thanks

Figured it out, once you make a data connection to your sharepoint list library, you just set it as the repeating table properties.
Double click on "Repeating Table"
Change Binding
Select the data source then select the FOLDER that contains the columns data, then next
Add the columns you want to display and your done.
Preview to double check


Adding multiple rows to sharepoint list from excel - contains person objects

I have a SharePoint list that contain columns of the type "person or group", and I have an excel file of rows I want to add to the SharePoint list. Normally with other SharePoint lists, I can simply go into the "grid view" mode on the list and paste all the excel rows in. However, this method is not working for the columns of type "person or group". Is there another way to do this?
Thank you.
Try entering email id in the Excel column. It will import fine into the Person or Group field.

Hidden Column in Sharepoint 2013 shows up in excel download

I have a SharePoint 2013 list where I hide a column "Incremental Number" on the list view but when I download the list it shows up in the excel download. I checked the modified view setting and the hidden column is checked off. How can I NOT show it in excel download? This Column-"Incremental Number" is used to create another column which is an ID column.
The “Export to Excel” function is used to export all items in the current view. It means, the columns and items in the exported table are determined by the current list view. So make sure you have selected the correct view before exporting the list.

InfoPath 2013 unable to change table to repeating table

I'm trying to create a table with a repeating row in InfoPath 2013 (editing a Sharepoint 2013 custom list in case that matters). I'm unable to post a screenshot of the table to show you, but it is a 2-row, 2-column table with text in the first row, a Date/Time field in the 1st column of the 2nd row, and a text field in the 2nd column.
When trying to create this repeating table, I'm getting a prompt that says "InfoPath cannot automatically create a field or group in the section containing this control. To set the binding, select a field or group in which to store the control's data:" (I would post a screenshot of this too, but reputation is too low)
Any ideas as to why this is happening? I'm having trouble finding out exactly how repeating controls work in InfoPath and how to create them.

SharePoint 2007: Custom Lookup columns

I would create two separate lists, and have the data entered in list 1 populate some of the data columns in table 2. Example: Request Name (single line of text), Description (Multi lines of text), Type of Request (Choice), and Completion Date (date).
When I go to the second list, I select 'Lookup', then 'Get information from:', select the first list, and all I see are "ID", "Content Type", "Version" and the "Title".
What do I need to do to get the columns from list 1 to appear in the 'Lookup' section of table 2?
The lookup field will only use text columns (regular text, calculated field with output type of text and computed columns that output text). You could probably fill out the additional fields by the means of a simple SharePoint Designer workflow that will run on item creation in the second list and fill out the columns.
I have been able to do this by creating a Feature with a custom List Definition using the FieldRef, JoinColName, JoinRowOrdinal, and JoinType attributes.
For more information, see SharePoint 2010: Set field value from query triggered by choice box selection.
I think programming will be needed you will have to use something like smartpart and create your own control that will read from database and show the data as you need it

Filling rows of a repeating table on opening the form

In my Infopath form I use a repeating table. On opening this form on sharepoint I would like to have some rows of the repeating table filled out using information from an other list. I use content types.
What i am working on is a Timesheet system where the user can register how many hours a week he worked on different projects.
I would like that by creation of a timesheet some predefined projects will be already inserted, meaning that the repeating table will have for example 5 rows already with 5 favourite or most used projects selected based on a separate PetProject list.
When I looked at the workflow in the list where the timesheet is being created I couldn’t find the column projectname in the dropdown so I cant give it a value. When I went to look in the Form settings of TimeSheets I saw that projectname cant be selected/edited, its in plain black whereas the other columns are blue and clickable. I thought its probably because the value of projectname is merged from the different rows in the repeating table.
Is there any way I can work around this problem and assign a value to projectname by creation of the timesheet?
Thank you so much!
I think that you will need to write some code to query the data that you are after and add the data to new rows in the repeating table.
There is a loading event that you can hook into to then query a secondary data source and then
add the row to the repeating table.
Will this run with in infopath as a thick client or will it run as a browser based form using infopath form service?
