lazy loading issue for attached entities - c#-4.0

I've changed my DAL codebase from ObjectContext (EF4) to DbContext (EF5).
My problem is when i attach an entity to DbSet and access a navigation property i got null instead of an object, however in my old code (ObjectContext case) it was returning me object and no null.
I can solve issue by explicit loading but it's a lot of pain to find all codes that uses navigation properties of attached entities.
Is there a clear solution?


"Error: this process has called an NSArray-taking method..." when iCloud pushes managed objects

For every managed object that is sent via iCloud update, this warning/error is sent to the console:
*** ERROR: this process has called an NSArray-taking method, such as
initWithArray:, and passed in an NSSet object. This is being
worked-around for now, but will soon cause you grief.
My managed objects are Clients and have a one to many relationship with assessments as shown below.
class Client: NSManagedObject {
//other NSManaged vars are here
#NSManaged var assessment: NSOrderedSet
Judging by the timing of this error (during ubiquitous updates) and the fact that this is my only use of NSSet objects in my project, I can presume that a function during this update is being passed an NSOrderedSet when its expecting an NSArray.
Turning off iCloud removes the errors.
I found two other folks with a very similar issue:
Using iCloud enabled Core Data NSArray-taking method
Core Data Relation between Objects
However, neither offers any solution to my problem. Everything is working fine right now, however "it will soon cause you grief."
If this isn't resolved here, I'll take this issue up with the apple dev support.
I figured it out how to fix this error after much research. (No help in from the Apple Dev forums).
This is error is caused by the Swift 1.2 upgrade. They encourage you to use their new Set<> class instead of NSSet. The error was a vague way of reinforcing that claim.
Ordering of my data was ultimately handled by my NSFetchedResultsController, so I didn't need the stored data to be ordered. So I set out on a task to change the data type for my one to many relationship from NSOrderedSet to Set.
So I created a new data model, selected my relationship and unchecked "Ordered" in the data model inspector. Then migrated to the new model in the next run. (as shown below)
Once that was done, I changed the data type in my managed object subclass from NSOrderedSet to Set. (or Set). That generated compiler errors that were easy to fix throughout my code.
The new Set class easily converts to an array: Array(mySet)
To insert an object to the set, there's an easy insert method. foo.mySet.insert(objectToInsert).
Side note: Converting my relationship to a Set also fixed some weird ordering issues I was having with my table views and the NSFetchedResultsController.
Then I ran the program, generated data, uninstalled the program. Ran the program again and watch the glorious iCloud data populate without the annoying errors.
Boom. I hope this saves someone out there the 10 hours of turmoil (I tried a lot of different things..) I spent to fix this.

Xpages bean vs object data

What's the difference? When should I prefer one over another?
And some minor questions related to this:
if I have object data, when is saveObject called?
it looks like garbage collector recycles all my domino handles. I tried to downcast then clone it, but it didn't help (how does it know its still a domino object?). Is there a workaround?
if I create "var tmpVar = new package.TestClass()" from xPages, it gets recycled on update. But if I create java object from bean it stays there. Correct?
Managed beans are exactly that, managed by the XPages runtime. They are created as and when there is a first call to them. Although they have an empty constructor, managed-properties elements in the faces-config allow you to define values (and I believe you can add SSJS code to the faces-config to compute the values).
Object data sources allow you to handle what's created when, and it means they can be scoped to a smaller level than viewScope - to a Panel or Custom Control. The saveObject method is called by a Save All Datasources event. In reality, if you're coding object data sources, you'll code a button and call the relevant method rather than use a simple action.
Java variables can get recycled, but Domino objects are only recycled via two methods. The first is calling recycle() methods, the second is at the end of each request, when the session gets recycled. Because recycle() calls recycle all child elements, everything gets recycled at the end of a request. Which is why you can't store Domino objects in scoped variable or any other persisted object (i.e. a bean). Note that objects like DateTimes, RichTextStyles etc are children of the session, not of any more granular Domino object like a NotesItem or NotesRichTextItem.
var tmpVar = new package.TestClass() will only get persisted beyond the current request if you store tmpVar somewhere. If you're using that code in a crerateObject method, return tmpVar will pass that instance of TestClass into the Data Object.
I go back and forth on pure Managed Beans vs. Data Object. I was using a lot of Data Objects for a while but then ran into some issue with the JSF lifecycle I think that I just couldn't make work. Not sure if a repeat or custom control was involved. So I pretty much have gone back and given up on them for now.
Other then that problem I had I'm not sure there's a ton of difference. I think dataObject can tend to be a little more confusion. Since you can set it on an XPage - but you can change the scope of it to session or application I believe. But if you do then that seems messier and hard to find then making the bean in the faces-config.
I'm not sure about the saveObject part of your question.
You never want to put a pure domino object inside a bean, or scoped variable because they are not serializable and will be tossed by the garbage collector at some point that will likely be most inconvenient to you.
if you just do "var tmpVar = new package.TestClass()" then yeah that will get killed pretty quick because of limited life of that variable. if you want to create an object that way and keep it around longer put it in a true scope: viewScope.put("myObject", tmpVar);
I have a video where I tried to give examples of I think 4 ways to use java Objects. In the blog posting are some really good comments by Tim Tripcony which might give you further information.

Preventing StackOverflowException while serializing Entity Framework object graph into Json

I want to serialize an Entity Framework Self-Tracking Entities full object graph (parent + children in one to many relationships) into Json.
For serializing I use ServiceStack.JsonSerializer.
This is how my database looks like (for simplicity, I dropped all irrelevant fields):
I fetch a full profile graph in this way:
public Profile GetUserProfile(Guid userID)
using (var db = new AcmeEntities())
return db.Profiles.Include("ProfileImages").Single(p => p.UserId == userId);
The problem is that attempting to serialize it:
Profile profile = GetUserProfile(userId);
produces a StackOverflowException.
I believe that this is because EF provides an infinite model that screws the serializer up. That is, I can techincally call: profile.ProfileImages[0].Profile.ProfileImages[0].Profile ... and so on.
How can I "flatten" my EF object graph or otherwise prevent ServiceStack.JsonSerializer from running into stack overflow situation?
Note: I don't want to project my object into an anonymous type (like these suggestions) because that would introduce a very long and hard-to-maintain fragment of code).
You have conflicting concerns, the EF model is optimized for storing your data model in an RDBMS, and not for serialization - which is what role having separate DTOs would play. Otherwise your clients will be binded to your Database where every change on your data model has the potential to break your existing service clients.
With that said, the right thing to do would be to maintain separate DTOs that you map to which defines the desired shape (aka wireformat) that you want the models to look like from the outside world.
ServiceStack.Common includes built-in mapping functions (i.e. TranslateTo/PopulateFrom) that simplifies mapping entities to DTOs and vice-versa. Here's an example showing this:
The alternative is to decorate the fields you want to serialize on your Data Model with [DataContract] / [DataMember] fields. Any properties not attributed with [DataMember] wont be serialized - so you would use this to hide the cyclical references which are causing the StackOverflowException.
For the sake of my fellow StackOverflowers that get into this question, I'll explain what I eventually did:
In the case I described, you have to use the standard .NET serializer (rather than ServiceStack's): System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer. The reason is that you can decorate navigation properties you don't want the serializer to handle in a [ScriptIgnore] attribute.
By the way, you can still use ServiceStack.JsonSerializer for deserializing - it's faster than .NET's and you don't have the StackOverflowException issues I asked this question about.
The other problem is how to get the Self-Tracking Entities to decorate relevant navigation properties with [ScriptIgnore].
Explanation: Without [ScriptIgnore], serializing (using .NET Javascript serializer) will also raise an exception, about circular
references (similar to the issue that raises StackOverflowException in
ServiceStack). We need to eliminate the circularity, and this is done
using [ScriptIgnore].
So I edited the .TT file that came with ADO.NET Self-Tracking Entity Generator Template and set it to contain [ScriptIgnore] in relevant places (if someone will want the code diff, write me a comment). Some say that it's a bad practice to edit these "external", not-meant-to-be-edited files, but heck - it solves the problem, and it's the only way that doesn't force me to re-architect my whole application (use POCOs instead of STEs, use DTOs for everything etc.)
#mythz: I don't absolutely agree with your argue about using DTOs - see me comments to your answer. I really appreciate your enormous efforts building ServiceStack (all of the modules!) and making it free to use and open-source. I just encourage you to either respect [ScriptIgnore] attribute in your text serializers or come up with an attribute of yours. Else, even if one actually can use DTOs, they can't add navigation properties from a child object back to a parent one because they'll get a StackOverflowException.
I do mark your answer as "accepted" because after all, it helped me finding my way in this issue.
Be sure to Detach entity from ObjectContext before Serializing it.
I also used Newton JsonSerializer.
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(EntityObject, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings { PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects });

Core Data - NSFetchedResultsController bug

It seems controllerDidChangeContent: is being called as soon as I create a new managed object in my context. The documentation seems to suggest this method is called only once you save: the context.
This "bug" if it is one, is causing my application to crash because as part of my table view cell, I need to load other managed objects that don't exist at the time of creating the main managed object.
Someone seems to have spotted this too, please check out the following link and I would love to hear your opinions on this:
More information
Although the link I added to this post showcases an example using two NSManagedObjectContext, my application is using one context, but the controllerDidChangeContent: is being messaged none the less as soon as an object is created in the one and only context, and controllerDidChangeContent: is being called a second time when I save: this context. It is to my understanding that this method should only be messaged when the context is saved.
The solution is to avoid dealing with more than one managedObjectContext. If your cell needs to load other managed objects, it should still use the same managed object context as the main managed object.
I have yet to see a use case where it is absolutely unavoidable to use more than one managed object context referring to the same model active at the same time.

Regarding MOSS or WSS 3.0, What parts of the API might have been implemented better?

Such as:
Sealed Methods you might have liked to extend
Exceptions thrown are more vague than is helpful
Elimination of Connected Content which was a major feature in MCMS 2002
HTML is stripped from fields when stored and returned. No easy option to work around this problem
Creating an SPWeb takes an eternity.
Nonexistant migration path from MCMC 2002
I wish that the Sharepoint object model was purely managed code. Although having .NET wrappers is convenient, having to worry about disposing the many objects that implement IDisposable is a pain. It's so easy to run into memory issues when dispose does not get called in a WSS app. And I thought the reason for moving to .NET was to free developers from having to deal with memory management...
How about refactoring Properties that result in additional database calls to methods instead, for example the Items property on SPList.
Any of the SPList API could use a complete rewrite. Trying to deal with libraries with nested folders is a complete nightmare with the list being completely flattened with no obvious hierarchical structure.
Another wonderful addition would be adding interfaces to SPWeb, SPList and other Sharepoint classes to aid testing.
Has anyone seen this method: This method shows the unbelievable nonsense that Sharepoint exposes to developers.
My personal favourite is the SPField.GetFieldValue Method. I have no idea why they designed it the way they did, but to me it does hardly make sense. To get a object out of a ListItem you have to do somethine like:
SPField field = ((SPList)list).Fields.GetField("FieldName");
object fieldValue = field.GetFieldValue(((SPListItem)item)[field.Title].ToString());
Getting an object out of a ListItem is IMO a basic operation, so this should not be that complicated.
Inconsistencies when passing field names to methods or arrays. For example:
SPFieldCollection.ContainsField(): Internal name or display name
SPFieldCollection.GetField(): Internal name or display name
SPFieldCollection.GetFieldByInternalName(): Internal name
SPFieldCollection.Item: Display name
SPListItem.Item: Internal name or display name
SPListItem.GetFormattedValue(): Internal name or display name
SPViewFieldCollection.Exists: Internal name
To put the icing on the cake, there is usually no documentation about whether a method takes internal and/or display name.
