primefaces panelgrid update from datatable - jsf

I am getting "Cannot find component with identifier "contentForm:tabView:form:addressDialogPanel" referenced from "contentForm:tabView:form:addressBookTable" " error. How can I update my panelGrid inside the widget?
<h:form id="form">
<p:dataTable id="addressBookTable">
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" listener="#{addressBookController.onRowSelect}"
update="contentForm:tabView:form:addressDialogPanel" oncomplete="" />
<p:dialog id="addressDialogId" widgetVar="addressDialog">
<h:panelGrid id="addressDialogPanel" columns="2" cellpadding="4">

The main problem is that you are giving the wrong client ID of component's. Also p:tabView is a component it is not a form. When you define a h:form, it generates a standart HTML form element. And when you submit the page JSF uses POST to submit your data into backing bean. So nesting them is going to occur lot's of issues that you don't expect. You should seperate forms into sections like sideForm or searchForm or etc.
You should detect the correct client ID of your component when you try to update it. You can do this with your browser's developer settings(press f12 for chrome). Then select component with the magnifier button and give that ID into update property. Just like here:
You should read to learn basics of JSF for example from here


Primefaces Command button causes page reloading

I am working an primefaces application, I am using
Primefaces 5.x version, Jsf 2.x
which has tabview
in one of the tabs I have command button, by clicking on it pdf export should happen.
For the first time click on button page is getting reloaded, from the second time on words request is going to bean page and downloading is working correctly.
this is my code snippet for command button :
<h:form id="mainForm">
<p:tabView id="myId" activeIndex="#{bean.currentTabIndex}" dynamic="true" cache="false">
<p:tab title="vehicle" id="vehId" styleClass="panelBack">
<h:form id="exportForm">
// some code
<p:commandButton value="export" process="#this" actionListener="# {bean.export()}" ajax="false" id="exportButton" />
If I make dynamic = false, it's working. I mean after clicking export button request is going to bean class, export is working.
What would be the problem? Can somebody help me?
Thank you
Yes your problem is most likely nested that is not allowed in JSF.

Multiple values for the update attribute on p:commandButton

I am new in Primefaces, i would like to know if i can use two values for the attribute update on primefaces commandButton component:
My code
<p:messages id="messages" ...../><!-- not always updated -->
<p:commandButton ....action="search" update="#all :messages"/>
<p:panel header="Number of element in the the table:#{bean.number}">
<!--not always updated -->
<!-- always updated -->
When i did this, the header of the panel component is not updated.
When i put only update="#all", the messages component (p:messages) is not updated even with autoUpdate="true"
Can you help me please !
Don't use #all, is bad practice (
If you want to update a specific component or form you can use jQuery Selectors: PFS (PrimeFaces Selectors) - Showcase
So, you can put an id on the second form and specify it in the update attribute.

p:commandButton with p:fileDownload and no ajax only works in second click

I'm using JSF 2.0, Primefaces 3.4.2, Spring 3.1.2.
I'm facing a similar problem of the guy of this link: h:commandButton works from the second click.
Like him I'm not using ajax in the <p:commandButton> but I'm using a <p:fileDownload /> inside the button tag.
I have two views: "list.xhtml" and "downloadView.xhtml". In I send a DataModel from view "list.xhtml" to view "downloadView.xhtml" as a request attribute as shown in the code below:
FacesUtil.getServletContext().setAttribute("myDataModelFromRequest", this.myDataModel);
The bean is anotted with #Scope("view")
In view "downloadView.xhtml" I populated succesfully a dataTable with the DataModel sent from request. But the problem happens when I click in the button to download the file. It only works on second try.
I already tried to change the return of my method from null to "downloadView" but the problem was not solved.
In debug mode I noticed that only enter in the "downloadMethod()" on second click.
Anyone have an idea to solve it?
public String viewListMethod() {
//some work here...
FacesUtil.getServletContext().setAttribute("myDataModelFromRequest", this.myDataModel);
return "downloadView";
<h:form id="formId" prependId="false">
id="dataTableId" var="myVar" value="#{myDataModelFromRequest}"
paginator="true" rows="10" paginatorPosition="bottom" paginatorAlwaysVisible="false">
<f:facet name="header">
bla bla bla
<p:column selectionMode="multiple" style="width:18px" />
//collumns here...
<p:commandButton id="btDownload" ajax="false" value="Download" icon="ui-icon-document" >
<p:fileDownload value="#{myBean.downloadMethod()}" />
The scope "view" on spring doesn´t exist... So you created your own, right? Just to check...
I had that kind of problem once, and I think it was something to do with validation... the
immediate=true attribute solved my problem.
This is something to do with the scope of the page. Your problem is due to partial rendering of page. Initially when you load the page it is not getting loaded fully and because of that the button is not part of that particular view when you try to click on the button for the first time. Try to make you view proper or explicitly render the page from the backing bean before displaying the page

How to update a component inside of dataTable from outside of it

I am using Mojarra implementation of JSF 2.1 with Primefaces 3.2.
My problem approximately looks like this:
<p:dialog id="someDialog">
<h:form id="dialogForm">
<p:commandLink action=".."update=":someForm:someUIRepeat:someDataTable:someInputTextArea"/>
<h:form id="someForm">
<ui:repeat id="someUIRepeat" value=".." ..>
<p:dataTable id="someDataTable" value=.. >
<p:inputTextarea id="someInputTextarea" value=../>
.. here go other columns
The issue is that when I click on the commandLink in the dialog the inputTextarea is not updated. However, if I write this in the update of the commandLink:
then the whole dataTable gets updated and the inputTextarea updates as well, but the values in the fields located in other columns get erased after I click on the commandLink in the dialog.
The reason why I put dataTable inside of ui:repeat is that I need to bind a dataTable with each row of one collection and I think it's not related to my problem.
Any ideas how I can solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,
for start try this
added onclick="jQuery('#someForm:someButton').click();"(check the exact id of your hidden button) to your <p:commandLink inside the dialog
set the update to update=":someForm:someUIRepeat:someDataTable"
and add
<h:commandButton id="someButton" style="display:none">
<f:ajax execute="#form"></f:ajax>
to <h:form id="someForm">
explanation: the purpose of the hidden button is to execute (send its values) the form to the server so that when you do call update the fields wont be erased...

JSF Primefaces TabView problems

I asked this in the PF Forum but no one seems to want to answer so I though I'd try my luck here.
I have a ui:repeat that is not being updated correctly after an Ajax call when it is within a TabView.
Simple scenario is I have a ui:repeat pointing at an ArrayList (ArrayList contains simple pojos with a String). Within this I have an h:inputText whose value is the pojo's String getter/setter. The ui:repeat is contained within a h:panelGroup. I use a p:commandButton to run an action to update the ArrayList (just add a couple of objects to it a Math.random value for the String) and then update the h:panelGroup. The updated values in the ArrayList are not reflecting in the ui:repeat input fields. This only appears to be affecting input fields as outputText fields do update correctly. Also if I do the same for a p:dataTable the input field are updated correctly. If I remove the Tabview and Tab tags it works fine.
As it works when removing the Tabs I can only assume this is a bug and not designed to work like this. If someone could please confirm if this is so or if there is a viable work around. I need to use a ui:repeat as my fields are not in a tabular format. This has only occurred since migrating from PF 2.2. I'm currently on PF 3.1, Weblogic 10.3.4 and Mojarra 2.0.4
<p:tab title="Test">
<h:form prependId="false">
<p:commandButton id="testStringCheck"
value="Test String Check"
<h:panelGroup id="testPanel" layout="block">
<ui:repeat value="#{testBean.voList}" var="entry">
<h:outputText value="#{entry.randomString}"/>
<p:inputText style="display:block;"
As a workaround I've used a p:datagrid instead of a ui:repeat. This achieves the look I had in the the ui:repeat so I'm happy. Hopefully this bug will be fixed on future releases.
This is something of a bug in Primefaces commandButton. See the following thread:
You can try replacing
<p:commandLink id="testStringCheck" ... update="#form" />
With an <h:commandLink>
<h:commandLink id="testStringCheck" render="#form"/>
Also from the above link here is an interesting method that somebody posted that enables you to correctly find the correct clientId to update.
temp solution: insert outside h:panelGroup:
<p:outputPanel defered="true" delay="1" ..>
and update outputPanel instead of panelGroup
Or use a datalist component instead of ui:repeat.
One more, i'm not sure but you can try, so update class instead id:
<h:panelGroup id="testPanel" layout="block" styleClass="testPanelCl" ../>
and update : #(.testPanelCl), don't forget id of panelGroup, without id JSF can not update by class
