Changing Gantry v4 menu color - menu

I can't seem to figure out how to change the menu color or add a background to the menu bar in Gantry 4 for Joomla. Tired of the gray or dark gray default.
I could change the font and selection through the .less file but not the menu itself.
The documentation on the Gantry website is too general.
Thank You in advance.

Also check: menu-light.less & menu-dark.less in the less\ directory.
The folks at RocketTheme don't recommend editing the compiled CSS (but it works great as #Adriana pointed out).

Hi Gantry framework for joomla as you probably notice uses Less to really understand how to change things on the template you first have to learn how less works even that Gantry compiles the less files for you. Less it is fantastic so it worth it. Basically you use a code to define css in a clever way much more economic and then you compile this into more efficient css files
If you change the compiled files as our friends are saying here make not sense at all because as soon you compile again (and you will) this files will be override and all your work lose.
I will give you the direction and you will see that it is not that difficult as look.
1- check the menu you had selected on your Gantry template under Templates Manager - Style - menu style.
2- on your less folder you will see a less file for each of the menu styles with the main variables
for example menu-dark.less try to make sense of the variables and the colors and change them to see what is what.
3- on the same folder you have menu.less and there is where the magic is done using the variables from the previous file. You will see that for example define first level of menu you will have something like:
&.l1 {
> {
background: #menuActiveBack;
So that menuActiveBack variable will be the background value of the active li of the level 1.
4- the last part will be the menu-hovers.less that i thinks it is over complicate things because it is not a need to have a different file to do the hovers but there it is.
You can control CSS compression, Compile Wait Time and Debug Header, as well as manually clear the cache with the Clear Cache button at Extensions → Template Manager → gantry → Advanced → Less Compiler.
more info at: ganty less documentation
Hope it helps to start with....
Happy coding,

it took me a while maybe half an hour to go through the "menu" css file in the "css-compiled" folder.
You can find all the css to alter the background and colors of Gantry's default menu.. I'm using Gantry v4 also.
Go here:
Please view my image to see my results:

Use FireBug or similar to find the default CSS styling.
Create a file /templates/gantry/css/gantry-custom.css and add your own CSS to override the default CSS.
This is a better method than editing compiled or other template less or css files which can be overwritten during compilation or when the template is updated.


What is this yellow-orange color bar at the top of Sublime Text?

What is this yellow-orange color bar at the top of Sublime Text?
Hi all,
I've used sublime text before, but last time I used it I think I tinkered with the theme among other things, but I cannot figure out what this orange bar is at the top of the window or how to remove it. I've looked at the documentation but I've had no luck.
That image is the placeholder image that Sublime uses when a theme references a texture image whose underlying image file can't be found. That can happen if the file is missing or if the .sublime-theme file is using the wrong name, for example.
The only way to get rid of it is thus to either:
Fix the theme to use the correct image name
Put the missing image in place
Switch to an alternate theme (e.g. Default or Adaptive, which ship with Sublime)
If you're using a custom theme it should be an easy thing to check your sublime-theme file to see what images it's referencing and compare that to images you've added to the theme package to see what's missing.
The most expedient would be the theme switch to one of the ones that ship with Sublime.
If you're already using one of those two themes and you're having this problem, then the issue is that you're augmenting the existing theme and causing it to break. In that case, there are two things to check.
Use Preferences > Browse Packages from the menu or command palette; do you see a folder named Theme - Default? If so, move it away, the files in it are overriding the default themes (including Adaptive; they're both in the same package).
Using the same command as above, look in the User package; look for sublime-theme files and move them away; such files will be combined with other files of the same name, which allows you to add rules to an existing theme in a way that could be breaking it.

How to delete aui.css from pages in Liferay 7

How to disable aui.css for custom pages in Liferay 7. Is it possible to do this somehow via portal-notmal.ftl
aui.css is coming in through the unstyled theme, which typically is the basis for every theme there is. That being said, you can override it and remove it this way. It's refined in the styled theme, and also in the classic theme (in the same github repo, you'll find it).
If you do so, note that you'll still have to deal with a lot of formatting on your own - the classes and other DOM elements will be generated, but it looks like aui now includes the Lexicon CSS that you'll have to simulate if you get rid of it. Why you'd want to do so, instead of accepting the defaults and overriding what you don't like, is beyond me.
Edit, answering to your comment:
You'd simply create your own theme (Linking to 7.1 here, see below) with any overrides that you'd like to have. There's not a single file with an option, as this configuration file would be too complex and unmanageable.
Also, you sound like you've just started building your site - my recommendation would be to always go with the latest release and use 7.1 (at this time) and note that 7.2 is around the corner, Beta 3 has just been released

Can the Sublime Text sidebar have line guides for its treeview?

Edit: For clarity, I am not asking how to turn the sidebar on.
Not sure what to call them but this is what I mean:
In red, is what I'm calling a "folder guide". Just a nice line to help your eye better visually track the hierarchy of folders.
I'm using the Cobalt2 theme and haven't looked into alternate themes yet but it would be nice if it was possible to add something like this without changing to a new theme.
It's not possible (at least at the time of this writing) to have hierarchy lines in the tree view of the side bar such as in your image above. There is an open issue in the unofficial issue tracker for it, however.
That issue has been open for a while, but prior to the recent-ish release of Sublime Text 3 a lot of work went into the sidebar behind the scenes, so possibly something like this might be added in a future update.

Additional icon to ratchet Ratchicon set

I am using Cordova, Phonegap and Ratchet for an iOS application.
How can I have additional icons with last version of Ratchet?
We tried to use bootstrap icon set but it has some kind of conflict with Ratchet CSS.
I added ratchet-ios7.css from Github, and it seems have more icons but I can not use them and the documentation link of the package is not working too.
Is there any solutions?
I had a similar problem, and managed to fix it as below. BUT, I didn't use this ratchet-ios7.css, and after looking a bit into that, it doesn't look like my answer will apply to that part of your question. This answer is specifically to add icons to the ratchet icons.
So then:
Go to
Import the ratchicons.svg (found in the ratchet/ratchicons directory), and import the .svg of the icon set that you want to add to it. (They also have a bunch of their own icon sets as well)
Select any/all of the icons you want included (I suggest at least including all of the ratchicons, just to make sure it doesn't mess up with how the Ratchet stuff works and so you won't have to edit it yourself). When you're satisfied, click the "Font" button at the bottom of the window, and you'll see all the selected icons and their codes (the same ones that can be seen at the bottom of ratchet.css).
In the top left, make sure the "U+" is toggled to true. If it is a darker shade of grey and you see their unicode attributes underneath the icons (ex. "e600"), then it is set to true. I'm not entirely sure what the "fi" toggle does in terms of how it affects the code, but I just left it alone (just to play it safe).
Go through the list and change the names of any icons you want, if they don't accurately convey what they are and/or if they don't conform to the naming convention.
Also in the top-left, click the Preferences button, and in the Font Name input field, replace "icomoon" with "ratchicons". I don't remember if I changed the Class Prefix field or not, though I don't think it particularly matters (someone feel free to correct me on that). Lastly, make sure "Encode & Embed Font in CSS" is checked. Click the "X" button in the top-right.
When everything looks schpick-n-schpam, click the download button in the footer, and you'll get a zip folder.
Unpack that sucker and inside that you will see several folders/files; the one we're looking for is "fonts". Open that one. Inside that you will see 4 files, each one named ratchicons and each with a different file extension (all of which are the ones we need!). Copy all 4 files.
Nagivate to your ratchicons folder (the one you got the initial ratchicons.svg from), and just rename all these to something else (ex. "ratchicons.woff" -> "ratchicons_old.woff"), just to keep the working ones available. Now Paste the new files here.
Now, editing the ratchet.css file directly isn't the best practice, but this doesn't pose any problems as far as I've experienced, so we're going to do just that. Open up ratchet.css and go right to the bottom. You'll see all the .icon- css selectors that come standard with ratchet, and now we're going to add our new ones. Go back to the folder you downloaded and unpacked and open style.css. See all those .icon-*:before{} selectors, like the ones in ratchet.css? Copy all of those, and paste them over the ones in ratchet.css
You should now be able to use your new icons in the exact same way as the standard ratchet icons! Just use the icon's name you gave on the website in the class="" attribute. If you need to change a name or something, just make the edits in the ratchet.css. Also, for anything I missed and/or if you're curious, here's the docs for IcoMoon:
As pointed out in the comments, in the unicode strings, the numbers in the code must be higher than 255. Otherwise, they will conflict with normal ASCII character unicodes. I'm not sure exactly what the lower limit is, but if you stick to much higher numbers (500s-900s) you shouldn't have to worry about it.

Orchard v1.6: customising a theme

New to Orchard in that I just started to play around with it in the past few days. My question is about customising a theme (in this instance the Bootstrap one that can be installed from the gallery)
I tried to have a look and see if there was a non-source code way of doing it but was unable to find this way of doing it so I went spelunking through the theme folder and edited the Layout.cshtml file myself. Is this 'wrong' or is there another 'supported' way of doing it?
What I specifically wanted to do was to have the logo to the left and the menu to the right (see here for the OOB behaviour) and this was the way that I achieved it.
I'm sure if there are any updates to this theme then the customisations will be overwritten hence the question about a supported way to achieve this.
What you may want to do is look up Derived themes, you should create a new theme based off the theme you're modifying, then you can just modify the parts you want, and if the original theme needs updates or w/e you can update it without overwritting all your changes. I'm pretty sure this is the way you should be doing it.
This page should describe how that is done
This is how themes are customized.
