SharePoint server is not installed on this computer - sharepoint

I am new to SharePoint and I am using SharePoint 2013. I have installed the SharePoint server 2013 on one server and I want to create web parts from vs 2010. But my vs 2010 is present on different pc and I am getting the below error.
"A SharePoint server is not installed on this computer” in SharePoint 2013".
I have search on net and found some links. I have used the below link to create the web parts.
Link :
So I have done the below chagnes to create a web parts.
I have Copy the whole registry keys to my local pc.
Copy the SharePoint dlls at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI from sharepoint server to local machine.
Copy the necessary sharepoint dlls to GAC by using below command.
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC> gacutil.exe -i "c:\Microsoft.SharePoint.dll"
I have restared my pc and geting the same error as "A SharePoint server is not installed on this computer” in sharepoint 2013".
Can any one help me to resolve this problem.

As far as I know you need Visual Studio 2013 to develop SharePoint 2013 application.
Just one thing, if you are creating sharepoint apps you don't need to go through all steps in your link. Just go to this page and download the napa development tools.
And as the other people said, it is NOT a good idea to develop farm solutions on a server where SharePoint is not installed. You are practically begging for trouble and to be honest, it's really hard to produce anything without debugging possibilited.
Just my five cents.

In my experience it is still better to have SharePoint installed locally for development purposes. I highly encourage you to just virtualize your development environment as cod

AFAIK you need to have the visual studio together with the SharePoint Server installed (in your case, VS2010 must be installed in you server). It seems that you have the same problem as this guy, check out Eric Herlitz answer SharePoint 2010 Development with Visual Studio as the other answer only pertains you to installing either sharepoint in your pc or vs2010 in your sharepoint server. You would only be limited to using Rest API and/or ClientContext API or external connectors.


Develop sharepoint project without having local sharepoint installation

I have a SharePoint 2013 server on a remote machine.
I installed this:
on my development system then follow this steps.
Right click on VS 13.
Run as administrator.
File >> NEW >> Project
Templates >> SharePoint Solution
Select SharePoint 2013 - Empty Project
I got this error.
The required version of SharePoint Foundation 2013 or SharePoint Server 2013 is not installed on this system. SharePoint must be installed on the local system to develop SharePoint solutions.
Is it possible to develop SharePoint project on development system?
It depends on what type of solution you want to develop. The error you get says:
SharePoint must be installed on the local system to develop
SharePoint solutions.
so you can't develop SharePoint solutions
but you can develop apps for SharePoint.

Develop Solution/Web Parts/Apps for SharePoint 2013 in Visual Studio 2012 (From Local Machine)

I have SharePoint Foundation 2013 installed in the windows server 2012.
Is it possible to develop SharePoint solution/web parts/Apps using Visual Studio 2012 in my local machine(Windows 7 64Bit) without having SharePoint installed in local machine?
if i need to develop SharePoint solution/web parts/Apps in visual studio 2012, do i need to install visual studio in the Server that contain share point Foundation 2013?
Cant i develop in local machine and deploy it to server?
Can someone help me on this issue?
Try this;
• How to Perform SharePoint Development On A Client Workstation
15 Feb 2011 by Bryant Sombke in Guides, Web, Windows 16 Comments 
One of the most difficult restrictions for a SharePoint developer to deal with can be the requirement to do development on a SharePoint server.  Personally, I prefer doing my development on my local machine, eliminating the need to establish a remote desktop connection to a different machine in order to write code.
Unfortunately, SharePoint development requires many DLL files which are included with an installation of SharePoint on a server.  To make matters worse, SharePoint 2010 requires an x64 server, further complicating the issue.  Fortunately, there is an easy workaround that can allow a SharePoint developer to be productive, even while using their laptop on the road without an available internet connection.
Copy the SharePoint DLLs
As I mentioned before, SharePoint development requires DLL files that are included with a SharePoint 2007 or 2010 installation.  The first step is to grab these off of a SharePoint server.  For SharePoint 2007, they are located in the hive at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\ISAPI\, and for 2010 at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\ISAP\.  Copy the DLL files in this directory from the server, and paste them at the exact same file path on your local machine.  Since your PC likely does not have SharePoint installed, you may have to create the directory structure yourself.
SharePoint 2007 DLL Directory
Register the Assemblies to the GAC
Now that you have the DLL files on your workstation, you will be able to include them as references in your Visual Studio projects just as you would with any other DLLs.  However, if you want them to auto-register with your project when you use a Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint template or a WSPBuilder template, you must register the DLL files in your local Global Assembly Cache.  To do this, open the directory on your workstation that contains the SharePoint DLLs and drag them into the C:\Windows\assembly\ directory.  This will register them with the GAC on your workstation, and Visual Studio should successfully find the assemblies when a template is loaded up.  Although these assemblies may be 64-bit, this will work fine even though your workstation may be 32-bit.
Global Assembly Cache
If you’ve successfully completed the two steps above, you should be able to write your code and successfully compile your project.  Once you generate your WSP file, you can then deploy it like any other WSP.
Please Use Caution
If you do development for both 2007 and 2010, you can do this for both on the same workstation; just be sure to complete both steps for each version.  Since the 2007 and 2010 assemblies have different Assembly Versions ( and, you don’t have to worry about conflicts in the GAC.  Be sure to use caution, however, because in my experience, Visual Studio tends to grab the SharePoint 2010 version of the DLL even for a SharePoint 2007 project if they’re both registered on your workstation.  If this happens, remove the incorrect reference, and add a reference to the correct 2007 DLL from your 12\ISAPI directory.
You can develop SharePoint Apps from anywhere -- this is even more convenient when you're using the SharePoint 2013 development site template to do your testing on.
For farm/sandbox solutions things get more complicated...
If you want to develop webparts or other farm/sandbox solutions you need to have visual studio and sharepoint installed on the same machine (visual studio depends on the sharepoint dlls to build and debug properly). You also need to run Visual Studio as an admin for this scenario (so you'll need to be a local administrator for the machine in question).
It's possible to run SharePoint 2010 on Windows7, but this is not supported by SharePoint 2013 -- you'll have to run Windows Server for the development machine.
You can move your files from a development environment to your production SharePoint farm by building a WSP file for your farm solution on the development machine then sending it to your farm admin who can then deploy it to the production sharepoint environment... For a sandbox solution the site collection admin can add the solution file (WSP) to the site collection 'solution gallery' then active it (for more info on sandbox solution installation see the msdn documentation here:
Hope that summary helps, for more info on setting up development environments see:
Yes, you can definately develop SharePoint solutions from your local machine where you dont have SharePoint installed.
For doing this you need to follow some steps -
Go to the server where SharePoint 2013 is installed and follow steps from 1 to 3
Go to Run and type "regedit"
Navigate towards HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office
Right click on 15.0 and click Export. Save the exported file
Now go to your machine where sharepoint is not installed and follow below steps:
Now open Registry on your machine
Import the 15 directory which was exported from SharePoint server
Open Powershell
Run this command
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\web server extensions\15.0\" -Name "Location" -Value "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\"
Now open visual studio 2013 and you will be able to create SharePoint 2013 project without error.

Do I need to have SharePoint 2013 installed on my local machine for web part development?

We have a SharePoint 2013 server on a remote machine. Can I develop web parts without installing SP server on my development PC or VS2012 on the remote machine? There seem to be conflicting messages about this on various sites.
I simply want to be able to build my apps locally and deploy to SP2013. Is there an SP2013 "lite" solution that will help me achieve this on my dev machine?
Yes, you can develop Apps for SharePoint 2013 without installing SharePoint itself. You will need to install the following:
Install the Microsoft Web Platform Installer from
Install the SharePoint 2013 Development SDK from
You will also need to set up an App Catalog for your SharePoint site to make use of the apps you create.
Note: If you want to develop solution (wsp) files then you will still need to have SharePoint installed on the dev machine.
In SP 2013, it is now available to develop apps without installing SP directly, using Visual Studio 2012.
Please refer to this article
As noted:
With previous versions of the SharePoint tools in Visual Studio,
developers had to install SharePoint Foundation or SharePoint
Server locally before they could build SharePoint solutions in
Visual Studio. This requirement increased the cost of development not
only because more copies of SharePoint were needed but also because
more capable systems were required to host them.
By using the SharePoint development tools in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 with
Microsoft SharePoint 2013, however, you can create app for SharePoint
solutions on a system by using a remote installation of SharePoint.
You don't have to install SharePoint 2013 on your local system. This
capability is known as remote development.
..and, for WSP SharePoint 2013 solutions, SharePoint 2013 requires Windows 2008 R2, so your development workstation can't be Windows 7 ... so slap on some memory, stand up a 2008 VM and reinstall everything again. Not good - wish there were a better way for sure.

Sharepoint is installed but still get the error "Sharepoint server must be installed on this computer"

I am a newbie and I have installed Win server 2003, SP 2007 and VS 2010 for creating a web part. However, when I try creating a web part, it says
A sharepoint Server is not installed on this computer. A Sharepoint server must be installed to work with Sharepoint projects
Please help!!!
It's because the out-of-the-box Visual Studio 2010 templates are meant for SharePoint 2010 development. If you want to use Visual Studio 2010 for SharePoint 2007 development, you cannot use these templates.

VS 2010 installed but i have share point server 2010 in my remote machine

I have VS 2010 installed and i have share point server 2010 in my remote machine. So is it possible to do share point 2010 development in VS 2010 without having share point 2010 server on same machine?? Currently it is prompting me and giving message that share point server should be installed. Is there any hack to get out of this.
Thanks in advance !!
It is possible but you won't be able to use the tooling in Visual Studio. You'll have to build, deploy and test everything manually.
Instructions on how to do this can be found in Chapter 2 of Inside SharePoint Foundation 2010
If you wish to use the Visual Studio 2010 tooling for SharePoint development, you'll need to install SharePoint 2010 on your development box. Instructions on how to do so can be found here
No you can not do the development unless untill you have visual studio installed on server hosting SharePoint. You can use Window7 or Windows 2008 server with sharepoint installed on them
