set a image in browser cache - browser

Is there any way to set image in browser's cache? I am googing, but I couldn't find anything. If setting image at cache is possible, please give me the right direction.

try this
img2=new Image();
function changeImage()


Is there a way to make an image displayable in one website only?

I need to make a website with an private image inside of <img /> tag, which mean you cannot view it any where outside that website. I need the image to not be displayed even if the user try to copy the src of the image and open it in another tab of the same browser.
Is it possible? If so, how can i achieve that?
Short answer: no. Long answer: not possible :-)
If you can get at it in any way (and you must be able to do that to get it to render in a browser), you can save it locally.
All someone would have to do is access it with a munged copy of a browser that saves all incoming data to disk.
There are ways to obfuscate the image so that the user won't be able to just copy and paste the URL, you can use the Javascript Image object to create a new image and drawImage to draw it into a canvas, however you'll still need to obtain the image data somehow, perhaps making an ajax request for the actual image on the server. However a really persistent user can inspect your javascript code and do some reverse engineering to get the image source.
A more naive user will just take an screenshot of the image and achieve the same effect.
So any attempt to try to prevent the user from copying the image is futile.

OpenSeaDragon clear tiles cache

Please help me. How can I clear tiles cache.
I'm using customTilesSource and changing paramenters of image "on fly" and need redraw viewer.
By API in TileCache there isnnt direct method for clear all cache.
For using clearTilesFor(tiledImage) I need to know tiledImage, but I dont know how to get tiledImage
To clear all tiles for all images do

Send path of SDWebImage stored image to a UIWebView

I need to be able to get a path to images that cached.
While I am wondering if there is a way to do this using SDWebImage, I could probably get away with just having the knowledge to return a path to an image stored in the cache so I can display it within a uiwebview inside an image tag.
According to this it would seem you can simply refer to the image by it's original url and it will be correctly picked up from cache.

Is there a way to lazyload images before they become visible in the viewport using mod_pagespeed?

I configured my .htaccess to lazyload images using mod_pagespeed, but I don't want to affect the user experience by showing an image that is not loaded yet.
Is there a way to set a configuration and lazyload images some pixels before they become visible in the viewport using mod_pagespeed?
If you enable image lazy-loading in mod_pagespeed, the default behavior is to load images on "on scroll". We do have existing code paths to change this to "onload" - aka, load images after onload has fired, but unfortunately we haven't yet exposed it as a configuration flag. A feature for one of the upcoming releases! :-)
Current filter documentation:
Unfortunately, there is no current way to add an "offset" to when lazyload starts loading the image. It's currently set to the bottom of the viewport, and no option is exposed to configure this. However, I think this would be a valuable option to expose, and I've recorded your feature request at

Automatic Text Scale

On my website I have made it so that when the browser window scales down the website also scales down. However the text inside the divs need to scale down with the background, and images at the same time. Can anyone help?
i assume you will require some Javascript to adjust font size of the BODY based on some fraction of the browser's width:
(untested pseudo-code; since i never write anything HTML, CSS, or ECMAScript)
var body = document.getElementById("theBody");
var fontSizeInPixels = (16*1680)/document.documentElement.­clientHeight;
//nominal font size of 12pt (16px) with a 1650px wide browser window = fontSizeInPixels+"px";
Microsoft had a good article on handling dpi changes:
Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8
Maybe this answer that I just wrote in other question about the same problem can help you
