Can't access to my Magmi subfolder in my Magento folder - .htaccess

I useing Magmi to import/export products, but when I visit my Magmi subfolder ( is allways redirect me to my homepage. If I rename - delete - move - turn off the magento main folder .htaccess file I can access to my Magmi subfolder. Can somebody help me please how I can visit the Magmi subfolder without turning of the main .htaccess file?

Inside your Magento's .htaccess just after RewriteBase line add this rule:
RewriteRule ^magmi/ - [L,NC]
This will skip Magento's rewrite handling for /magmi/ URIs.

Add this to your .htaccess file in the magmi folder:
ErrorDocument 401 "Unauthorized Access"
This way, the browser will ask for a user/password, instead of 404'ing.

in my case, the magmi folder had the wrong permissions. Try setting 755 permission on magmi folder and subfolders


Redirect existing second page to non-existing url

I have a site (example). So, full path to page is On ftp server there is folder /web which also contain second page file - index-2.php. How to avoid creating /web-2/ folder and redirect index-2.php to ?
Easy, create an .htaccess file inside the root folder of your site, then add the following lines to it:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^web-2$ index-2.php [QSA,L,NC]
This site might help you with htaccess:
A nice tutorial on .htaccess files also below:

Redirect everything to 404 except files in public folder

How redirect everything inside rootfolder to 404, except files in root/public folder? Directory listing must be disabled everywhere and .htaccessredirected to 404 as well. It's possible to make that with one .htaccess file?
Currently i have Redirect 404 / in root, but when trying to access .htaccess, it's forbidden. Thanks
To redirect everything inside rootfolder to 404, except files in root/public folder ,you can use the following Rule in your /root/.htaccess .
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule !public - [R=404,L]
and to disable directory listing for all folder/subfolders, add this line to your /root/.htaccess
Options -Indexes

Rewrite rule to redirect to file and not folder with same name

I am working on a new website and I want the following url /newsite/products to redirect to /newsite/products/product.php.
My .htaccess file is as follows:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^newsite/products$ /newsite/products/product.php
My problem is that there is already a folder called products within newsite and when requesting newsite/products it tries to open that folder rather than go to the php file.
I get:
You don't have permission to access /newsite/products/ on this server.
Is there any way to make this work?
EDIT: Requested url is: and location of .htaccess is in root.
You need to turn off the directory slash to rewrite your file :
Try :
DirectorySlash off
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^newsite/products$ /newsite/products/product.php [NC,L]
Don't add a trailing slash in rule pattern
will rewrite to
will open your "products" directory
Note- this is not a safe solution, if you remove the rule and DirectorySlash is off, Your index file will be ignored ,all directories will start listing files and folders.

.htaccess force 404 and prevent directory listing

Is it possible to force a 404 error if someone tries to access any directory in my root directory (/var/www) provided the directory name contains .git?
I.e if someone tried to access, it would show a 404 page?
Furthermore, how could I prevent directory listing in the same file?
I am using Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu).
Using mod_rewrite, you can put these rules in the htaccess file in your document root:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule \.git$ - [R=404,L]
Or, you can replace the brackets with a [F,L] to return a 403 Forbidden instead.

Disable access to a subfolder using .htaccess

I have a site in /public_html folder and I have another one in /public_html/
I want to disable acesss to but users should still be able to access (contained inside public_html/ folder). I have an .htaccess in public_html folder. How do I do this?
Thanks in advance.
RewriteRule ^ /this.file.does.not.exist
