.htaccess rewrite from subdirectory - .htaccess

Any help with this would really be appreciated.
I am setting up 301 redirects in a .htaccess file to redirect hundreds of old urls to the latest live pages.
My .htaccess file is currently located in the root of the domain and looks something like this:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^pName=product-one$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^pName=product-two$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^pName=completely-different-name$
RewriteRule ^catalog/product_info.php$ http://www.mydomain.com/new-product-name-p-123.html? [R=301,L]
While researching for answers on how to bulk redirect to one url using .htaccess, I read that it would wise to change the location of the .htaccess file and place it in the specific directories to which it apply's, so requests to other directories won't even these rules.
So I have placed the .htaccess file in the specific sub directory, which is catalog, but the redirect no longer works. What am I missing here? I want the rules for the urls to be redirected to be placed in the .htaccess file inside the catalog folder so all those rewrite rules wont be loaded each time the root .htaccess is loaded.

I would suggest you change your redirect 301 line to contain the path directly to you catalog folder of OSCommerce.
So instead of using
RewriteRule ^catalog/product_info.php$ http://www.mydomain.com/new-product-name-p-123.html? [R=301,L]
use e.g.:
Redirect 301 /website/catalog http://www.mydomain.com/page2.htm
Redirect 301 /catalog http://www.mydomain.com/page2.htm
Option 1) is if your catalog is located at http://youdDomain.com/website/catalog/ .
If it is located at http://youdDomain.com/website/aaa/catalog/ you would use:
Redirect 301 /website/aaa/catalog http://www.mydomain.com/page2.htm
I tested this in my own webserver - hope it helps.

When you put the .htaccess in a subdirectory, you must adjust the RewriteRule pattern accordingly. mod_rewrite strips the directory prefix, where the .htaccess file is located, see RewriteRule - What is matched?.
You must change the rule to
RewriteRule ^product_info.php$ ...
If you have lots of URL paths to rewrite, you might also want to look into RewriteMap.


htaccess rewrite being overwritten

I have the following htaccess file in the root of my site to redirect a directory 'MyDirectory' to another URL (to stop google indexing both sites)
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^myurl\.co\.uk$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.myurl\.co\.uk$
RewriteRule ^mydirectory\/(.*)$$ "http\:\/\/www\.redirectURL\.com/" [R=301,NC]
I then have another htaccess file in the 'MyDirectory' directory above which handles the URL and query string in a user friendly way:
RewriteRule ^Answers/(.+)$ Answers.php?articleName=$1 [QSA]
However, when i have the ReWriteRule ^Answers... section in my other htaccess it stops the redirect in the root of my site from working.
Any suggestions why the ^Answers/... rewrite is overwritting my redirect to www.redirectURL.com.
.htaccess is per directory directive and for any URI path it current directory's .htaccess is processed first. If no .htaccess is found then it starts going 1 level up the directory tree until it finds one. It processes DocumentRoot/.htaccess in the end.
In your case since you have a /MyDirectory/.htaccess therefore all the directives are read from that file only thus overriding all the rules of DocumentRoot/.htaccess.
However you can add this line after RewriteEngine On in /MyDirectory/.htaccess
RewriteOptions inherit
This will process parent .htaccess after completing current one.

htaccess multiple 301 redirects

I am looking for some help with setting up some redirect rules in my htaccess file. I have switched the site to run on Codeigniter, and basically all pages ending in .php, now just have that ending removed, ie www.mysite.com/foo/bar.php is now www.mysite.com/foo/bar
I have tried just listing the redirects like so:
Redirect 301 http://mysite.com/foo/bar.php http://mysite.com/foo/bar
Redirect 301 http://mysite.com/foo/bar/bar.php http://mysite.com/foo/bar/bar
Redirect 301 http://mysite.com/foo/bar/foo.php http://mysite.com/foo/bar/foo
etc (About 12 rules needed). Bizarrely, it works for the first rule but not the others? Am I not listing them correctly? Everything I've read tells me this is how it is to be written. So what am I doing wrong?
Additional Information that may be relevant:
My htaccess file already contains the following code (for removing 'index.php' from urls):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
Not sure if it matters if this is placed before or after the rewrites? Also, the site in question is an addon domain. I am not entirely sure whether these rewrites should be placed in the .htaccess file in the public folder of the master site, or in the addon domain's subdirectory? (I've tried both, with the same result).
Help please! Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I've just solved this. I removed the base URL from each rule and now it works. ie:
Redirect 301 /foo/bar.php /foo/bar
Instead of:
Redirect 301 http://mysite.com/foo/bar.php http://mysite.com/foo/bar
Not entrirely sure why... need to read up.

How to redirect any folders within a subdirectory to a specific file using htaccess?

I want to redirect any folder to a specific php file with the folder name as variable using htaccess, for example:
www.domain.com/subdirectory/folder1 redirects to www.domain.com/subdirectory/file.php?id=folder1
www.domain.com/subdirectory/folder2 redirects to www.domain.com/subdirectory/file.php?id=folder2
This should work if the folders have "/" at their end, for example,
www.domain.com/subdirectory/folder3/ redirects to www.domain.com/subdirectory/file.php?id=folder3
It will be better if I can put the .htaccess file in the subdirectory and get redirect rule according to it.
I created a .htaccess file with the following code while putting the file in the subdirectory:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*)$ file.php?id=$1
but it does not work.
RewriteRule ^folder(.*)$ file.php?id=$1
use these i am not tested but it will be work.

htaccess redirect remove /app/webroot in cakephp

I have an htaccess file that I want to redirect the all pages to the another folder. I am using cakephp for the site, except for this folder which I want to redirect.
"/app/webroot/" is added to the new directory so the url is /app/webroot/new/ instead of just new.
I am placing this htaccess file (below) in the "new" directory and want anything at /app/webroot/new/ to redirect to /new/ and remove the /app/webroot/ This folder is independent of cakephp and thus does not need to be processed by cake.
The code below loops and I am not sure why.
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /new/
# If your concerned about direct access to a particular page without the sub-dir
# you will want to add something like this
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/new
RewriteRule (.*) /new/$1 [R=301,L,NC]
You should NOT place the .htaccess file in /new/ but in /app/webroot/new/.

How do I rewrite the url?

Could someone tell me how to rewrite this URL. I have looked at a lot of questions on stackoverflow but they seem to be missing my answer.
RewriteEngine On
That is what I have... its a bit poor.
I need to rewrite url's if they do not point to a directory.
I need to do this...
To be rewritten to the correct url of...
Does anyone have any ideas on how this can be achieved?
1) Rewriting product.php?id=12 to product-12.html
It is a simple redirection in which .php extension is hidden from the browser’s address bar and dynamic url (containing “?” character) is converted into a static URL.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^product-([0-9]+)\.html$ product.php?id=$1
2) Rewriting product.php?id=12 to product/ipod-nano/12.html
SEO expert always suggest to display the main keyword in the URL. In the following URL rewriting technique you can display the name of the product in URL.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^product/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([0-9]+)\.html$ product.php?id=$2
3) Redirecting non www URL to www URL
If you type yahoo.com in browser it will be redirected to www.yahoo.com. If you want to do same with your website then put the following code to .htaccess file. What is benefit of this kind of redirection?? Please check the post about SEO friendly redirect (301) redirect in php and .htaccess.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^optimaxwebsolutions\.com$
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.optimaxwebsolutions.com/$1 [R=301,L]
4) Rewriting yoursite.com/user.php?username=xyz to yoursite.com/xyz
Have you checked zorpia.com.If you type http://zorpia.com/roshanbh233 in browser you can see my profile over there. If you want to do the same kind of redirection i.e http://yoursite.com/xyz to http://yoursite.com/user.php?username=xyz then you can add the following code to the .htaccess file.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ user.php?username=$1
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/$ user.php?username=$1
5) Redirecting the domain to a new subfolder of inside public_html.
Suppose the you’ve redeveloped your site and all the new development reside inside the “new” folder of inside root folder.Then the new development of the website can be accessed like “test.com/new”. Now moving these files to the root folder can be a hectic process so you can create the following code inside the .htaccess file and place it under the root folder of the website. In result, www.test.com point out to the files inside “new” folder.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^test\.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.test\.com$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/new/
RewriteRule (.*) /new/$1
TO do this you need to write a front controller.
See here, here, here, and here.
Alternatively in Apache you can rewrite this
or this:
or even this:
to this:
One way or another to do this with only apache you need to supply the page id in some fashion. Keep in mind even with format any.domain.com/some-slug/32/login the content of the slug is irrelevant and won't necessarily link to the correct page. Which I imagine is undesirable and bad for SEO.
Another alternative is using RewriteMap. But this will be tricky and require reloading apache configurations whenever a page/slug is created/edit.
I understand that pages and login are static in this case and some-page-slug is changing. And you always want to redirect to static page /pages/login.php?page=32
So this is how to do it:
1) Rewrite
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^pages/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/login(.*)$ /pages/login.php?page=32
or 2) Redirect Pernament
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^pages/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/login(.*)$ /pages/login.php?page=32 [R=301,L]
or 3) Redirect Temporary
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^pages/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/login(.*)$ /pages/login.php?page=32 [R=302,L]
Here is great article about htaccess trics
