counting results from a defined matrix - haskell

So I am very new to programming and Haskell is the first language that I'm learning. The problem I'm having is probably a very simple one but I simply can not find an answer, no matter how much I search.
So basically what I have is a 3x3-Matrix and each of the elements has a number from 1 to 3. This Matrix is predefined, now all I need to do is create a function which when I input 1, 2 or 3 tells me how many elements there are in this matrix with this value.
I've been trying around with different things but none of them appear to be allowed, for example I've defined 3 variables for each of the possible numbers and tried to define them by
value w =
let a=0
if matrix 1 1==1 then a=a+1 else if matrix 1 1==2 then b=b+1
etc. etc. for every combination and field.
<- ignoring the wrong syntax which I'm really struggling with, the fact that I can't use a "=" with "if, then" is my biggest problem. Is there a way to bypass this or maybe a way to use "stored data" from previously defined functions?
I hope I made my question somewhat clear, as I said I've only been at programming for 2 days now and I just can't seem to find a way to make this work!

By default, Haskell doesn't use updateable variables. Instead, you typically make a new value, and pass it somewhere else (e.g., return it from a function, add it into a list, etc).
I would approach this in two steps: get a list of the elements from your matrix, then count the elements with each value.
-- get list of elements using list comprehension
elements = [matrix i j | i <- [1..3], j <- [1..3]]
-- define counting function
count (x,y,z) (1:tail) = count (x+1,y,z) tail
count (x,y,z) (2:tail) = count (x,y+1,z) tail
count (x,y,z) (3:tail) = count (x,y,z+1) tail
count scores [] = scores
-- use counting function
(a,b,c) = count (0,0,0) elements
There are better ways of accumulating scores, but this seems closest to what your question is looking for.
Per comments below, an example of a more idiomatic counting method, using foldl and an accumulation function addscore instead of the count function above:
-- define accumulation function
addscore (x,y,z) 1 = (x+1,y,z)
addscore (x,y,z) 2 = (x,y+1,z)
addscore (x,y,z) 3 = (x,y,z+1)
-- use accumulation function
(a,b,c) = foldl addscore (0,0,0) elements


non-linear programming problem using python

I have this (non?) linear programming problem which am not sure on how to go about solving it. So i have the following variables x,y and their bounds:
I want to pass these through the following terms:
where x is a random integer with bounds 0 and term x_upper[i] and is paired with a term 'y' from list_y[i]
This is in order to get the combination of x's that minimizes the difference between the maximum of the sums of the terms in the three lists while keeping the minimum value of each sum result non-negative.
the maximum of each would therefore be given by using the the following lsits paired with list_y:
for x in [100,0,0,200,0,50] >>> res = 439.9634 (max); res2 = -13.59 ; res3 = -159.362
for x in [0,20,50,0,0,50] >>> res = -243.59 ; res2 = 404.0293 (max); res3 = -182.381
for x in [0,20,0,50,200,0] >>> res= 92.5531; res2 = -32.381; res3 = 1848.257 (max)
sum(res (max),res2 (max) ,res3 (max))= 2692.25
i want to get the combination which minimizes the sum of the max values for the three res terms. As you can see what maximizes the term for one violates the non negative constraint in at least one other.
I not only want to keep these all above zero but get the highest possible sum of the three 'res' terms, that is:
find list of combinations of 'x' that mininimizes [sum(res,res2,res3) (maxes) minus sum(res,res2,res3) using x combination], while each of res, res2, res3 >=0
Does any one know how i could go about this?
I was playing round with linprog from scipy optimize but it doesn't seem to take more complex terms like the ones i want to use so not sure if i can use this for it.

Search and remove algorithm

Say you have an ordered array of values representing x coordinates.
You might notice that without the 60, the values would be evenly spaced (25). This would be indicative of a repeating pattern, something that I need to extract using this list (regardless of the length and the values of the list). In this particular example, the algorithm should find and remove the 60.
There are no time or space complexity requirements.
Both the values in the list and the ideal spacing (e.g 25) are unknown. So the algorithm must obtain this by looking at the values. In addition, the number of values, and where the outliers are in the array are not guaranteed. There may be more than one outlier. The algorithm should return a list with the outliers removed. Extra points if the algorithm uses a threshold for the spacing.
Edit: Here is an example image
Here there is one outlier on the x axis. (green-line) There are two on the y axis. The x-coordinates of the array represent the rho of the line on that axis.
arr = [0,25,50,60,75,100]
First construct the distances array
dist = np.array([arr[i+1] - arr[i] for (i, _) in enumerate(arr) if i < len(arr)-1])
>> [25 25 10 15 25]
Now I'm using np.where and np.percentile to cut the array in 3 part: the main , the upper values and the lower values. I arbitrary set them to 5%.
cond_sup = np.where(dist > np.percentile(dist, 95))
>> (array([]),)
cond_inf = np.where(dist < np.percentile(dist, 5))
>> (array([2]),)
You now got indexes where the value is different from the others.
So, dist[2] has a problem, which mean by construction the problem is between arr[2] and arr[2+1]
I don't know if you want to remove 1 or more numbers from this array. So I think the way to solve this problem will be like this:
array A[] = [0,25,50,60,75,100];
sort array (if needed).
create a new array B[] with value i-th: B[i] = A[i+1] - A[i]
find the value of B[] elements that appear most time. It's will be our distance.
find i such that A[i+1]-A[i] != distance
find k (k>i and k min) such that A[i+k]-A[i] == distance
so, we need remove A[i+1] => A[i+k-1]
I hope it is right.

Applying function to cartesian product of two unequal vectors

I am trying to avoid looping by using an documented apply function, but have not been able to find any examples to suit my purpose. I have two vectors, x which is (1 x p) and y which is (1 x q) and would like to feed the Cartesian product of their parameters into a function, here is a parsimonious example:
x = c("cranapple", "pear", "orange-aid", "mango", "kiwi",
"strawberry-kiwi", "fruit-punch", "pomegranate")
y = c("apple", "cranberry", "orange", "peach")
sk <- stringdot(type="boundrange", length = l, normalized=TRUE)
sk_map = function(x, y){return(sk(x, y))}
I realize I could use an apply function over one dimension and loop for the other, but I feel like there has to be a way to do it in one step... any ideas?
Is this what you had in mind:
sk <- stringdot(type="boundrange", length = 2, normalized=TRUE)
# Create data frame with every combination of x and y
dat = expand.grid(x=x,y=y)
# Apply sk by row
sk_map = apply(dat, 1, function(dat_row) sk(dat_row[1],dat_row[2]))
You can use the outer function for this if your function is vectorized, and you can use the Vectorize function to create a vectorized function if it is not.
outer(x,y, FUN=Vectorize(sk))

Generating triangular number using iteration in haskell

I am trying to write a function in Haskell to generate triangular number, I am not allowed to use recursion, I am supposed to use iteration
here is my code ...
triSeries 0 = [0]
triSeries n = take n $iterate (\x->(0+x)) 1
I know that my function after iterate is wrong .
But It has been hours looking for a function, any hint please?
Start by writing out some triangular numbers
T(1) = 1
T(2) = 1 + 2
T(3) = 1 + 2 + 3
An iterative process to generate T(n) is to start from [1..n], take the first element of the list, and add it to a running total. In a language with mutable state, you might write:
def tri(n):
sum = 0
for x in [1..n]:
sum += x
return sum
In Haskell, you can iteratively consume a list of numbers and accumulate state via a fold function (foldl, foldr, or some variant). Hopefully that's enough to get started with.
Maybe wikipedia could be a hint, where something like
triangular :: Int -> Int
triangular x = x * (x + 1) `div` 2
could be got from.
triSeries could be something like
triSeries :: Int -> [Int]
triSeries x = map triangular [1..x]
and works like that
> triSeries 10
Talking about iterate. Maybe there is some way to use it here, but as John said, foldl would be sufficient. Take a look at this page, what are you looking is in the very beginning.
It is not clear what is meant by "recursion is not allowed, use iteration". All functions that appear to be "iterative" are recursive inside.
iterate in all your uses can only modify the input with a constant, and iterate (+1) 1 is the same as [1..]. Consider using a Data.List function that can combine a number from infinite range [1..] and the previously computed sum to produce a infinite list of such sums:
This is definitely cheaper than x*(x+1) div 2
Consider using a Data.List function that can produce an infinite list of finite lists of sums from a infinite list of sums. This is going to be cheaper than computing a list of 10, then a list of 11 repeating the same computation done for the list of 10, etc.

Haskell function taking a long time to process

I am doing question 12 of project euler where I must find the first triangle number with 501 divisors. So I whipped up this with Haskell:
divS n = [ x | x <- [1..(n)], n `rem` x == 0 ]
tri n = (n* (n+1)) `div` 2
divL n = length (divS (tri n))
answer = [ x | x <- [100..] , 501 == (divL x)]
The first function finds the divisors of a number.
The second function calculates the nth triangle number
The 3rd function finds the length of the list that are the divisors of the triangle number
The 4th function should return the value of the triangle number which has 501 divisors.
But so far this run for a while without returning a result. Is the answer very large or do I need some serious optimisation to make this work in a realistic amount of time?
You need to use properties of divisor function:
Notice that n and n + 1 are always coprime, so that you can get d(n * (n + 1) / 2) by multiplying previously computed values.
It is probably faster to prime-factorise the number and then use the factorisation to find the divisors, than using trial division with all numbers <= sqrt(n).
The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a classical way of finding primes, which may be modified slightly to find the number of divisors of each natural number. Instead of just marking each non-prime as "not prime", you could make a list of all the primes dividing each number.
You can then use those primes to compute the complete set of divisors, or just the number of them, since that is all you need.
Another variation would be to mark not just multiples of primes, but multiples of all natural numbers. Then you could simply use a counter to keep track of the number of divisors for each number.
You also might want to check out The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes, which explains why
trial division is way slower than the real sieve.
Last off, you should look carefully at the different kinds of arrays in Haskell. I think it is probably easier to use the ST monad to implement the sieve, but it might be possible to achieve the correct complexity using accumArray, if you can make sure that your update function is strict. I have never managed to get this to work though, so you are on your own here.
If you were using C instead of Haskell, your function would still take much time.
To make it faster you will need to improve the algorithm, using suggestions from the above answers. I suggest to change the title and question description accordingly. Following that I'll delete this comment.
If you wish, I can spoil the problem by sharing my solution.
For now I'll give you my top-level code:
main =
print .
head . filter ((> 500) . length . divisors) .
map (figureNum 3) $ [1..]
The algorithmic improvement lies in the divisors function. You can further improve it using rawicki's suggestion, but already this takes less than 100ms.
Some optimization tips:
check for divisors between 1 and sqrt(n). I promise you won't find any above that limit (except for the number itself).
don't build a list of divisors and count the list, but count them directly.
