System.OutOfMemoryException error - c#-4.0

We are working on a rich client application in which many threads are running as well third party controls are used, after running application for 1 hour it starts giving error of 'System.OutOfMemoryException' unless and until we restart the application, i have search many sites for help but no particular and specified reason is giving.

It sounds pretty self-explanatory, you're system doesn't have enough memory. If you're still running the application as 32-bit then moving to 64-bit might solve the problem. I had exactly that problem on a server-2008-r2 recently, and moving to 64 bit did solve my problem. But if you're already 64 bit then perhaps the server doesn't have enough physical memory. In which case, you need to add more memory, or work out how to make your application less memory hungry. There could be objects that could be discarded that it's keeping references to, etc, and if that's the case you should try profiling to try and identify what's hogging the most memory. Beyond that, does the application use any unmanaged DLLs, e.g. COM objects written in C++ or similar. Maybe there's a memory leak outside of the managed framework?

I recommend using a profiler to identify and find where does the high memory consumption come from.


Is there a non-cpu intensive way to gather system usage data in Nodejs?

Context; I'm writing a monitoring/management app for a VPS, which is running Linux
Reasons; I need to quickly be able to identify overloaded threads, high ram usage, badly behaving tasks.
Problems and current stage; Right now my code works well, I'm using systeminformation npm module to gather some system information like CPU usage, memory usage, disk status and task list, I put it into an object and send to all connected clients on a server. Problem is, it seems that this approach literally brings the host machine to it's knees (Both server and client are running locally, because I'm still working on them), by that I mean my CPU usage going from 6% to 80% in an instant, which is ridiculous. I want this updating to be atleast once a second, but if possible, 60/s. Point is, I need to either find a different way of retrieving the usage data of CPU (ideally with each thread as well), memory, disks and the list of tasks. I know this question is not very specific, but I believe this is something more people than just me encounter, that being that NodeJS just kills the machine (irony). The question remains, looking forward towards any help!
I tried different approaches before but they seemed to lower the usage by a bit or just up it because of the need to have more modules loaded. This generally leads me to the conclusion I just need a better module to handle this stuff.

Memory profiling of a multithreaded haskell program

I have a Snap web app which serves some JS files and 1-pixel images (it's main task is to rather work fast then serve huge html/media content). There are several servers behind HAProxy.
I upgraded it from GHC 7.6 to 7.8, also upgrading some libs. After upgrade, app started leaking little by little (on all servers), ending in OOM every 15 minutes on 8GB-RAM machines (and much longer on 16Gb) and restarting afterwards.
The problem is, if I compile app for profiling and run app for some time, I can't see any memory leaks anymore. It just consumes 1 CPU and works in constant small memory.
So I wanted to ask for some general advices on how to find such a bottleneck, if running under profiling doesn't help much.
UPDATE: I noticed after playing with an app that if I remove -A100M runtime option it doen't OOM that fast, but with default value HAProxy's "sessions" gets to it's limit (so, basically it chokes). I'm playing with different RTS options now, hope some will help getting both, performance and long-lived memory consumption.
UPDATE 2: just for the record, I found that with -A30 rts option app, while being memory hungry, lives quite well. 8Gb machines OOM-kill app, but 16Gb one looks like this: (green line is "RAM available", you can see deploy-procedure which restarted app on a graph). I'm happy with the result, but would be glad to know any techniques to profile memory of multi-threaded app anyway.
UPDATE 3: I'm voting to close this question as "too broad". In general, I see that if such generic set of tools that'll let you profile memory easier would exist, they'd definitely be documented elsewhere on wiki etc.
I have never used it myself but maybe ticky-ticky profiling could help? It's supposed to be immune to the optimization changes caused by ordinary profiling, but at the cost of being harder to interpret.
Basically compile and link the relevant modules with the -ticky and -rtsopts flags, and run with +RTS -rfoo.ticky flag to get heaps of data in foo.ticky.

What are some effective strategies to track down native memory leaks in a node.js process?

I've been trying to track down a very slow, but persistent, native memory leak in a node.js app, and I've run out of strategies.
The process has what appears to be a level heap, but as the hours and days roll on, the RSS of the node.js process slowly grows. The process is a job handler that runs the same type of job for different parameters, over and over. The growth of the RSS of the process takes the same shape as the line plotting the cumulative number of jobs run, so each job run is somehow leaking a bit of memory.
Since the heap is more or less constant, the standard heap inspection tools don't seem to be much help.
Here's an example of what the memory consumption looks like:
Currently running on node 0.8.7. Each job does a number of database reads/writes, communicates with a redis instance, and does some web requests using mikael/request.
Have you updated to the newest release?
I know everyone says that :), I just felt like I should join the band wagon of updating my version of node.js on my production servers every two weeks when I think I have an issue. Sounds like a great idea doesn't it?
So I have been wondering the same thing, I have several node.js projects that I have been managing for a few months now (and also that I wrote last year). It seems that very slowly the V8 engine, or my node application, just eats memory and never frees it. (its slow enough that I only have to restart them every now and then)
Which is very stressful, especially considering that it should free up the RSS memory, or eventually peak out.
If you are interested in tracking objects being leaked inside of the runtime (and by that i mean javascript objects, functions, etc), mozilla has a very complete blog post about tracking down memory leaks and a few links to projects that can be used to do this.
For what ever reason they don't have this one on the list though. (it seems simple enough, I'm trying it out now on my own projects to see if it works, I tend to not get any of the V8 based ones to compile correctly)
heapdump and here is a link to a how to guide.
From my own experience the V8 engine seems to allocate memory, and hold onto it just incase it needs that exact same memory chunk later. Also my brother who has been using Node.js heavily for about 3 years has seen the same thing.
Also just for completeness (I know you already have), if any one would like to verify that you are not leaking memory inside of V8, an engineer from joyent has a pretty decent write up of how to track V8 memory leaks down.

User-Contributed Code Security

I've seen some websites that can run code from the browser, and the code is evaluated on the server.
What is the security best-practice for applications that run user-contributed code? Besides of accessing and changing the server's sensitive information.
(for example, using a Python with a stripped-down version of the standard library)
How to prevent DoS like non-halting and/or CPU-intensive programs? (we can't use static code analysis here) What about DoSing the type check system?
Python, Prolog and Haskell are suggested examples to talk about.
The "best practice" (am I really the only one who hates that phrase?) is probably just not to do it at all.
If you really must do it, set it up to run in a virtual machine (and I don't mean something like a JVM; I mean something that hosts an OS) so it's easy to restore the VM from a snapshot (or whatever the VM in question happens to call it).
In most cases, you'll need to go a bit beyond just that though. Without some extra work to lock it down, even a VM can use enough resources to reduce responsiveness so it can be difficult to kill and restart it (you usually can eventually, but "eventually" is rarely what you want). You also generally want to set some quotas to limit its total CPU usage, probably limit it to using a single CPU (and run it on a machine with at least two), limit its total memory usage, etc. In Windows, for example, you can do (at least most of that) by starting the VM in a job object, and limiting the resources available to the job object.

Memory Leaks and Apache

My VPS account has been occasionally running out of memory. It's using Apache on Linux. Support says it's a slow memory leak and has enabled MaxRequestsPerChild to deal with it.
I have a few questions about this. When a child process dies, will it cause my scripts to lose session data? Does anyone have advice on how I can track down this memory leak?
No, when a child process dies you will not lose any data unless it was in the middle of a request at the time (which should not happen if it exits due to MaxRequestsPerChild).
You should try to reproduce the memory leak using an identical software stack on your test system. You can use tools such as Valgrind to try to detect it.
You can also try a debug build of your web server and its modules, which will enable you to detect what's going on.
It's difficult to reproduce the behaviour of production systems in non-production ones. If you have auto-test coverage of your web application, you could try using your full auto-test suite, but in practice this is unlikely to cover every code path therefore may miss the leaky one.
When a child process dies, will it cause my scripts to lose session data?
Without knowing what scripting language and session handler you are using (and the actual code) it rather hard to say.
In most cases, using scripting languages in modules or via [fast] cgi, then its very unlikely that the session data would actually be lost - although if the process dies in the middle of processing a request it may not get the chance to write the updated session back to whatever is storing the session. And in the very unlikely event it dies during the writeback, it may corrupt the session data. These are quite exceptional circumstances.
OTOH if your application logic is implemented via a daemon (e.g. a Java container) then its quite probable that memory leaks could accumulate (although these would be reported against a different process).
Note that if the problem is alleviated by setting MaxRequestsPerChild then it implies that the problem is occurring in an Apache module.
The production releases of Apache itself, in my experience, is very stable without memory leaks. However I've not used all the modules. Not sure if ExtendedStatus gives a breakdwon of memory usage by module - might be worth checking.
I've previously seen problems with the memory management of modules loaded by the PHP module not respecting PHP's memory limits - these did clear down at the end of the request though.
