Events or functions on javascript class - node.js

I'm using EventEmitter in some classes, but i'm really confused whether event listening and events emitting are more efficient than calling object methods?
I want the object to be able to listen for a number of events that are emitted to it, and also emit a number of events to the object that originally emitted the events to the object and some others objects as well.
And i pretty much confused whether when should i use functions which in turn call other object methods and so on.

Events improve module decoupling. It is all about this simple question: "How many files do I have to touch to modify or add feature X?"
A simple example: You have a web server, a logging module and a starting script, which ties both together on startup. The function call way looks like this:
// Startup.js
var Startup = function() {
var logger = new Logger();
var server = new Server(logger);
// Logger.js
var Logger = function() {
Logger.prototype.log = function(msg) {
// Server.js
var Server = function(logger) {
this.logger = logger;
Server.prototype.start() {
this.logger.log("Start server...");
You can see that Startup knows all classes and Server knows about logger and how to use it. If I want to rename Logger's function log to write I have to touch Logger and Server.
Now let's have a look at a event driven approach:
// Startup.js
var Startup = function() {
var logger = new Logger();
var server = new Server();
// Logger.js
var Logger = function() {
this.on("startup", function(msg) {
Logger.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype;
// Server.js
var Server = function() {
Server.prototype.start() {
this.emit("startup", "Start server...");
Server.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype;
Now Logger and Server don't know each other. I can rename log and all I have to touch is Logger.js. I can even remove Logger or add more Loggers, all of them working with Server. But I never have to touch Server.js.
This is a simple example and decoupling doen't look important here. But the larger a project gets, the more benefits come up.
You can Unit-Test Server without having to mock Logger. And Logger is only one dependency. Imagine the advantage if Server had five or more submodules you have to simulate.
I hope this helps you to understand the benefits of event driven architectures.


Trigger function in app.js from module.js

First time poster — please forgive (and call me out) on any formatting mistakes!
So let's say I have app.js, which requires module.js. In module.js I have an express server running that can receive simple webrequests (GET / POST). Is there any way for me to trigger functions in app.js when I receive a request in module.js?
Something along the lines of:
var webModule = require('./module.js')
webModule.on('GET', async function (req) {
//do stuff with the request
The reason I'm not just putting the express server in app.js is that I want to run a certain amount of code to verify that the request is legitimate, and then re-use module.js in separate scripts to minimise the amount of code — and avoid having to update 5-6 scripts everytime I want to update the authentication process.
You can use the Event system that exists in Node.js. If you set it up correctly you can emit an event on each call and have a listener respond to the event.
Example from the Node.JS documentation:
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {}
const myEmitter = new MyEmitter();
myEmitter.on('event', () => {
console.log('an event occurred!');
In your case you could create a class that extends EventEmitter that you use in each request. This class can then emit an event when the request gets call which is then handled in your app.js file by setting up the listener.
I might have a solution, will take some time to code (since my question is obviously very simplified).
In module.js:
var functionActions = {};
module.exports = {
on : (async function(requestType, returnFunction){
functionActions[requestType].do = returnFunction;
//general express code
app.get('*', function(req,res) {
if (verifyRequest(req) == 'okay'){ //authentication
return functionActions['GET'].do();
} else { //if the request is not authorised
res.status(403).send('Stop trying to hack me you stupid hacker ಠ╭╮ಠ');
I'll try it out and update this answer once I've figured out the potential kinks.

What is the difference between addListener(event, listener) and on(event, listener) method in node.js?

Here i cannot understand what is the basic difference between these two methods.
var events = require('events');
var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
var listner1 = function listner1() {
console.log('listner1 executed.');
var listner2 = function listner2() {
console.log('listner2 executed.');
eventEmitter.addListener('connection', listner1);
eventEmitter.on('connection', listner2);
.on() is exactly the same as .addListener() in the EventEmitter object.
Straight from the EventEmitter source code:
EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;
Sleuthing through the GitHub repository, there is this checkin from Jul 3, 2010 that contains the comment: "Experimental: 'on' as alias to 'addListener'".
Update in 2017: The documentation for EventEmitter.prototype.addListener() now says this:
Alias for emitter.on(eventName, listener).
Yes you can use "removeListener" with with a listener created with "on". Try it.
var events = require('events');
var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
// listener #1
var listner1 = function listner1() {
console.log('listner1 executed.');
// listener #2
var listner2 = function listner2() {
console.log('listner2 executed.');
// Bind the connection event with the listner1 function
eventEmitter.addListener('connection', listner1);
// Bind the connection event with the listner2 function
eventEmitter.on('connection', listner2);
var eventListeners = require('events').EventEmitter.listenerCount(eventEmitter,'connection');
console.log(eventListeners + " Listner(s) listening to connection event");
// Fire the connection event
// Remove the binding of listner1 function
eventEmitter.removeListener('connection', listner2);
console.log("Listner2 will not listen now.");
// Fire the connection event
eventListeners = require('events').EventEmitter.listenerCount(eventEmitter,'connection');
console.log(eventListeners + " Listner(s) listening to connection event");
console.log("Program Ended.");
Added in: v10.0.0, listener)
Alias for emitter.removeListener()
Their functionalities are exactly the same, however, they can be used in different ways to make your code efficient. Lets assume you created a server and you create a listener, by using ".addListener(event, listener)", for every user that connects to your server. Now as soon as a user is disconnected, you can remove that listener by using the command "removeListener", but you cannot remove the ".on(event, listener)" command. So, you can use these two commands for different situations.
Also can ref to addEventListener vs onclick: Which one should you draft into your fantasy football team?
And can use HTML browser like events by event-target-shim, just what #flyskywhy/react-native-browser-polyfill did.

Continuous tasks in nodejs

i'am using nodejs with express for my webapp and i need to to run continuously
some code which checks if some data change and then update my mongodb.
How can i easily create a background process which runs the whole time together with the main task? So that the background task/process can inform the main task.
What i have tried already:
to solve this problem with a "setInterval" Function in the main process --> I works with no problem but think its not a good idea because it blocks the node event loop
Use child processes -> i could not found a good tutorial on them --> is there a easier method, perhaps a library which could help me?
some background worker libraries -->But do heavy-load tasks on the a child-process and finish but i need to do the work all the time
Final Solution:
var events = require('events');
function Updater(time) {
this.time = time;
this.array = [
{number: 1},
{number: 2}
var that;;
this.init = function()
that = this;
//Start interval
}; = function()
that.array.forEach(function (item) {
if(item.number === 2)
Updater.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype;
module.exports = Updater;
and then the code that uses it:
var Updater = require('./UpdaterEvent');
var u = new Updater(10000);
u.on('Event',function () {
console.log("Event catched!");
I followed the tutorial at:
The problem is the way you export your Updater constructor function:
exports.Updater = Updater;
When you require it, you do
var Updater = require('./UpdaterEvent');
and then try to run:
var u = new Updater(10000);
The problem is that you do not expose the function itself, but an object with a property called Updater which contains the function. Hence you either have to export it using
module.exports = Updater;
or you have to require it using:
var Updater = require('./UpdaterEvent').Updater;
Either way, then calling new Updater() will work. At the moment, you try to initialize a new object by calling an object instead of a constructor function, hence the error message:
TypeError: object is not a function
You should look into Events and EventEmitter
You could use child-process you don't really need to since JS is asynchronous. Just create a function for your background process and pass it your eventEmitter object. You can use setInterval or a while(true) loop to continuously check for the data change. When the data changes, call eventEmitter.emit('someEvent'); which will trigger a function in your main task to update your mongoDB.

Inheriting Node.js' eventemitter fails

I'm trying to add the event listener to my class, but it fails, telling me the object has no 'on' method.
Here's the class in its own file:
var events = require('events');
var util = require('util');
var Motion = function Motion (app) {;
// Load models
app.loadModel('motion', 'motion');
this.on('testevent', function () {
console.log('an event has happened');
util.inherits(Motion, events.EventEmitter);
module.exports = Motion;
And here's how I instantiate it:
var Motion = require('./plugins/motion.js');
var motion = new Motion(app);
It looks like you may be asking for the constructor function itself to be an event emitter. Your code makes the objects produced by new with the constructor. i.e., the object motion produced at the end of your snippet should have an on method (as Vadim Baryshev notes, your code should work as you have it if this is the intent, and if that is the case you can ignore the rest of this answer).
If you really want the constructor to emit events, then take a look at this question and the answer I provided to it. However, it's not a great solution, and there appears to be no way of doing it without using the non-standard __proto__.
A better solution is to make a separate event emitter object for the constructor function to use for emissions. As much as I like the constructor-module pattern, it has to be discarded. Many node modules make the module itself the emitter, and have a function exposed by the module as a constructor. For example:
var events = require('events');
var util = require('util');
exports = module.exports = new events.EventEmitter();
exports.Motion = function (app) {
// Load models
app.loadModel('motion', 'motion');
// Emit event
and to instantiate:
var motion = require('./plugins/motion');
motion.on('testevent', function () {
console.log('an object was constructed');
var motionObj = new motion.Motion(app);

Custom Events in Node.js with Express framework

So, I'd like to know how to create custom events in node.js, and I'm hitting a wall. I'm pretty sure I'm misunderstanding something about how express works and how node.js events work. That's the app.
When a user creates a new "activity" (something that will happen many times) they send a POST request. Then within my route, if that POST succeeds I'd like to emit an event, that tells to create a new namespace for that activity.
In my route file:
var eventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
// Tell about the new space.
eventEmitter.emit('new activity', {activityId:});
// When someone creates a new activity
eventEmitter.on('new activity', function (data) { // this gives and error
var newActivity = '/activity?' + data.activityId;
io.of(newActivity).on('connection', function (socket) {
// code for an activity
So the error I get is CANNOT CALL METHOD ON OF UNDEFINED and it refers to what would be line 2 in the above. I think I'm messing up my requires, maybe...or I'm not quite understanding how events work.
Any help, even a reference to good reading on Node.js events would rock!
If using express you can also just listen for event on the express 'app' which inherits from EventEmitter. For example:"myEvent", function)
and emit to it like"myEvent", data)
You should treat EventEmitter as a class you can inherit from. Try this:
function MyEmitter () {;
util.inherits(MyEmitter, events.EventEmitter);
Now you can use your class to listen and emit events:
var e = new MyEmitter;
e.on("test", function (m) { console.log(m); });
e.emit("test", "Hello World!");
