awk command with pipe lining some doubts - linux

I know in the below code the pipe command will pass the output to next command. But I have a doubt in the case of awk execution. My doubt is that
Is each awk block will iterate through all the lines in the file or it will iterate one by one through the line. More clearly and as I assumed ...
1) 1st awk block will iterate through 1st line.
2) print that line if condition satisfies. (pass this out put to next awk block)
3) else do nothing
4) next awk block recieves this output and process that particular line.
5) write it in the filereceipt.tmp
In this way it processing or
1) 1st awk block will iterate through all the lines in that file.
2) pass the out put to next awk block
3) next awk block will operate up on the out put passed 1st awk block.
Please help me. I have no option torun this commands. Thanks in advance!
cat > /tmp/pay.dat
grep -v '^TRAILER' /tmp/pay.dat
| \
awk '{
if ((substr($0,145,2) != "CA")
print $0
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=""} \
if (substr($0,38,1) == "X") \
print substr($0,1,37), "S", substr($0,39)
} \
else {
print $0
}' > /tmp/receipt.tmp

Either and/or both.
What? How?
Each awk will iterate over the lines given to it - the first awk receives lines that don't start with "TRAILER", the second receives the lines that the first gives to it. The processes execute in parallel, each reading and writing data as it pleases. (A process that tries to read data that has not yet been written will sleep until that data is available.)
The order in which any side effects happen is unpredictable, depending on system process scheduling (including current load), pipe buffer sizes, awk execution overhead, etc.
Shellscript formatting
The grep and the first awk are on their own lines, which do not end in pipes or backslashes. That's not a pipeline, it's just a bunch of commands. And if you're using the Bourne shell or any shell descended from it, quoted strings don't need backslashes - they continue until interrupted by a closing quote.
Try something like this:
# This assumes that your data is already in "/tmp/pay.dat".
grep -v "^TRAILER" /tmp/pay.dat |
awk 'your first
awk script' |
awk 'your second
awk script' > /tmp/receipt.tmp
(In a Bourne-derived shell, lines ending in | are automatically continued - no trailing backslash required.)


extracting text from one file and creating new file with that text using linux/bash

I have a sequence file that has a repeated pattern that looks like this:
$>g34 | effector probability: 0.6
$>g104 | effector probability: 0.65
$>g115 | effector probability: 0.99
and so on.
I want to extract the text between and including each >g## and create a new file titled protein_g##.faa
In the above example it would create a file called "protein_g34.faa" and it would be:
$>g34 | effector probability: 0.6
I was trying to use sed but I am not very experienced using it. My guess was something like this:
$ sed -n '/^>g*/s///p; y/ /\n/' file > "g##"
but I can clearly tell that that is wrong... maybe the right thing is using awk?
Yeah, I would use awk for that. I don't think sed can write to more than one different output stream.
Here's how I would write that:
< input.txt awk '/^\$>/{fname = "protein_" substr($1, 3) ".faa"; print "sending to " fname} {print $0 > fname}'
Breaking it down into details:
< input.txt This part reads in the input file.
awk Runs awk.
/^\$>/ On lines which start with the literal string $>, run the piece of code in brackets.
(If previous step matched) {fname = "protein_" substr($1, 3) ".faa"; print "sending to " fname} Take the first field in the previous line. Remove the first two characters of that field. Surround that with protein_ .faa. Save it as the variable fname. Print a message about switching files.
This next block has no condition before it. Implicitly, that means that it matches every line.
{print $0 > fname} Take the entire line, and send it to the filename held by fname. If no file is selected, this will cause an error.
Hope that helps!
If awk is an option:
awk '/\|/ {split($1,a,">"); fname="protein_"a[2]".faa"} {print $0 >> fname}' src.dat
awk is better than sed for this problem. You can implement it in sed with
sed -rz 's/(\$>)(g[^ ]*)([^\n]*\n[^\n]*)\n/echo '\''\1\2\3'\'' > protein_\2.faa/ge' file
This solution is nice for showing some sed tricks:
-z for parsing fragments that span several lines
(..) for remembering strings
\$ matching a literal $
[^\n]* matching until end of line
'\'' for a single quote
End single quoted string, escape single quote and start new single quoted string
\2 for recalling the second remembered string
Write a bash command in the replacement string
e execute result of replacement
awk procedure
awk allows records to be extracted between empty (or white space only) lines by setting the record separator to an empty string RS=""
Thus the records intended for each file can be got automatically.
The id to be used in the filename can be extracted from field 1 $1 by splitting the (default white-space-separated) field at the ">" mark, and using element 2 of the split array (named id in this example).
The file is written from awk before closing the file to prevent errors is you have many lines to process.
The awk procedure
The example data was saved in a file named all.seq and the following procedure used to process it:
awk 'BEGIN{RS="";} {split($1,id,">"); fn="protein_"id[2]".faa"; print $0 > fn; close(fn)}' all.seq
tests results
(terminal listings/outputs)
$ ls
all.seq protein_g104.faa protein_g115.faa protein_g34.faa
$ cat protein_g104.faa
$>g104 | effector probability: 0.65
$ cat protein_g115.faa
$>g115 | effector probability: 0.99
$ cat protein_g34.faa
$>g34 | effector probability: 0.6
Tested using GNU Awk 5.1.0

changing two lines of a text file

I have a bash script which gets a text file as input and takes two parameters (Line N° one and line N° two), then changes both lines with each other in the text. Here is the code:
awk -v var="$1" -v var1="$2" 'NR==var {
for(i=var+1; i < var1 ; i++) {
getline; s1=s1?s1 "\n" $0:$0
getline; print; print s1 s
}1' Ham > newHam_changed.txt
It works fine for every two lines which are not consecutive. but for lines which follows after each other (for ex line 5 , 6) it works but creates a blank line between them. How can I fix that?
I think your actual script is not what you posted in the question. I think the line with all the prints contains:
print s1 "\n" s
The problem is that when the lines are consecutive, s1 will be empty (the for loop is skipped), but it will still print a newline before s, producing a blank line.
So you need to make that newline conditional.
awk -v var="4" -v var1="6" 'NR==var {
for(i=var+1; i < var1 ; i++) {
getline; s1=s1?s1 "\n" $0:$0
getline; print; print (s1 ? s1 "\n" : "") s
}1' Ham > newHam_changed.txt
Using getline makes awk scripts always a bit complicated. It is better to prevent the use of getline and just make use of the awk pattern { action } syntax. This will make perfectly readable scripts. In any other language you would just do a loop and get the next line, but in awk I think it is best to make good use of this feature.
awk -v var="$1" -v var1="$2" '
NR==var {s=$0; collect=1; next;}
NR==var1 {collect=0; print; printf inbetween; print s}
collect {inbetween=inbetween""$0"\n"; next;}
1' Ham
Here I capture the first line in s when I found it and set the collect flag. This will trigger the collect block on the next iteration which collects all lines in between. Whenever the second line is found it sets the collect back to zero and prints first the current line, than the inbetween lines and then s. If the lines are consecutive inbetween is empty and printf will than do nothing.
Too complex for my taste, here is something quite simple that achieves the same task:
ORIGFILE='original.txt' # original text file
PROCFILE='processed.txt' # copy of the original file to be proccesed
CHGL1=`sed "$1q;d" $ORIGFILE` # get original $1 line
CHGL2=`sed "$2q;d" $ORIGFILE` # get original $2 line
sed -i "$2s/^.*/$CHGL1/" $PROCFILE # replace
sed -i "$1s/^.*/$CHGL2/" $PROCFILE # replace
More code doesn't mean more useful, keep it simple. This code do not use for and instead goes directly to the specific lines.
A simple way on one line to do this task:
printf '%s\n' 14m26 26-m14- w q | ed -s file
Found in this answer.

Using awk to delete multiple lines using argument passed on via function

My input.csv file is semicolon separated, with the first line being a header for attributes. The first column contains customer numbers. The function is being called through a script that I activate from the terminal.
I want to delete all lines containing the customer numbers that are entered as arguments for the script. EDIT: And then export the file as a different file, while keeping the original intact.
bash 1 3 5
Currently only the last argument is filtered from the csv file. I understand that this is happening because the output file gets overwritten each time the loop runs, restoring all previously deleted arguments.
How can I match all the lines to be deleted, and then delete them (or print everything BUT those lines), and then output it to one file containing ALL edits?
delete_customers () {
echo "These customers will be deleted: "$#""
for i in "$#";
awk -F ";" -v customerNR=$i -v input="$inputFile" '($1 != customerNR) NR > 1 { print }' "input.csv" > output.csv
delete_customers "$#"
Here's some sample input (first piece of code is the first line in the csv file). In the output CSV file I want the same formatting, with the lines for some customers completely deleted.
Klantnummer;Nationaliteit;Geslacht;Title;Voornaam;MiddleInitial;Achternaam;Adres;Stad;Provincie;Provincie-voluit;Postcode;Land;Land-voluit;email;gebruikersnaam;wachtwoord;Collectief ;label;ingangsdatum;pakket;aanvullende verzekering;status;saldo;geboortedatum
1;Dutch;female;Ms.;Josanne;S;van der Rijst;Bliek 189;Hellevoetsluis;ZH;Zuid-Holland;3225 XC;NL;Netherlands;;Sourawaspen;Lae0phaxee;Klant;CZ;11-7-2010;best;tand1;verleden;-137;30-12-1995
2;Dutch;female;Mrs.;Inci;K;du Bois;Castorweg 173;Hengelo;OV;Overijssel;7557 KL;NL;Netherlands;;Hisfireeness;jee0zeiChoh;Klant;CZ;30-8-2015;goed ;geen;verleden;188;1-8-1960
3;Dutch;female;Mrs.;Lusanne;G;Hijlkema;Plutostraat 198;Den Haag;ZH;Zuid-Holland;2516 AL;NL;Netherlands;;Digum1969;eiTeThun6th;Klant;Achmea;12-2-2010;best;mix;huidig;-335;9-3-1973
4;Dutch;female;Dr.;Husna;M;Hoegee;Tiendweg 89;Ameide;ZH;Zuid-Holland;4233 VW;NL;Netherlands;;Hatimon;goe5OhS4t;Klant;VGZ;9-8-2015;goed ;gezin;huidig;144;12-8-1962
5;Dutch;male;Mr.;Sieds;D;Verspeek;Willem Albert Scholtenstraat 38;Groningen;GR;Groningen;9711 XA;NL;Netherlands;;Thade1947;Taexiet9zo;Intern;CZ;17-2-2004;beter;geen;verleden;-49;12-10-1961
6;Dutch;female;Ms.;Nazmiye;R;van Spronsen;Noorderbreedte 180;Amsterdam;NH;Noord-Holland;1034 PK;NL;Netherlands;;Whinsed;Oz9ailei;Intern;VGZ;17-6-2003;beter;mix;huidig;178;8-3-1974
7;Dutch;female;Ms.;Livia;X;Breukers;Everlaan 182;Veenendaal;UT;Utrecht;3903
Try this in loop..
awk -v variable=$var '$1 != variable' input.csv
awk - to make decision based on columns
-v - to use a variable into a awk command
variable - store the value for awk to process
$var - to search for a specific string in run-time
!= - to check if not exist
input.csv - your input file
It's awk's behavior, when you use -v it can will work with variable on run-time and provide an output that doesn't contain the value you passed. This way, you get all the values that are not matching to your variable. Hope this is helpful. :)
This bash script should work:
FILTER="!/(^"$(echo "$#" | sed -e "s/ /\|^/g")")/ {print}"
awk "$FILTER" input.csv > output.csv
The idea is to build an awk relevant FILTER and then use it.
Assuming the call parameters are: 1 2 3, the filter will be: !/(^1|^2|^3)/ {print}
!: to invert matching
^: Beginning of the line
The input data are in the input.csv file and output result will be in the output.csv file.

BASH - Extract Data from String

I have a log that returns thousands of lines of data, I want to extract a few values from that.
In the log there is only one line containing the unquie unit reference so I can grep for that using:
grep "unit=Central-C152" logfile.txt
That produces a line of output similar to the following:
a3cd23e,85d58f5,53f534abef7e7,unit=Central-C152,locale=32325687-8595-9856-1236-12546975,11="School",1="Mr Green",2="Qual",3="SWE",8="report",5="channel",7="reset",6="velum"
The format of the line may change in that the order of the values won't always be in the same position.
I'm trying to work out how to get the value of 2 and 7 in to separate variables.
I had thought about cut on , or = but as the values aren't in a set order I couldn't work out that best way to do it.
I' trying to get:
var state=value of 2 without quotes
var mode=value of 7 without quotes
Can anyone advise on the best way to do this ?
Could you please try following to create variable's values.
state=$(awk '/unit=Central-C152/ && match($0,/2=\"[^"]*/){print substr($0,RSTART+3,RLENGTH-3)}' Input_file)
mode=$(awk '/unit=Central-C152/ && match($0,/7=\"[^"]*/){print substr($0,RSTART+3,RLENGTH-3)}' Input_file)
You could print them too by doing following.
echo "$state"
echo "$mode"
Explanation: Adding explanation of command too now.
awk ' ##Starting awk program here.
/unit=Central-C152/ && match($0,/2=\"[^"]*/){ ##Checking condition if a line has string (unit=Central-C152) and using match using REGEX to check from 2 to till "
print substr($0,RSTART+3,RLENGTH-3) ##Printing substring starting from RSTART+3 till RLENGTH-3 characters.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
You are probably better off doing all of the processing in Awk.
awk -F, '/unit=Central-C152/ {
if($i ~ /^[27]="/) {
b[++k] = $i
sub(/^[27]="/, "", b[k])
sub(/"$/, "", b[k])
gsub(/\\/, "", b[k])
print "state " b[1] ", mode " b[2]
}' logfile.txt
This presupposes that the fields always occur in the same order (2 before 7). Maybe you need to change or disable the gsub to remove backslashes in the values.
If you want to do more than print the values, refactoring whatever Bash code you have into Awk is often a better approach than doing this processing in Bash.
Assuming you already have the line in a variable such as with:
line="$(grep 'unit=Central-C152' logfile.txt | head -1)"
You can then simply use the built-in parameter substitution features of bash:
f2=${line#*2=\"} ; f2=${f2%%\"*} ; echo ${f2}
f7=${line#*7=\"} ; f7=${f7%%\"*} ; echo ${f7}
The first command on each line strips off the first part of the line up to and including the <field-number>=". The second command then strips everything off that beyond (and including) the first quote. The third, of course, simply echos the value.
When I run those commands against your input line, I see:
which is, from what I can see, what you were after.

rearranging column based on condition

I have a *.csv file. with value as below
or sometimes the value is as below
I just want to put the numeric value (e.g. 8801989353984) always in 1st column. Is it possible using BASH script?
Sed is also your friend here
cat 41189347
sed -E 's/^("[[:alpha:]]+.*"),("[[:digit:]]+")$/\2,\1/' 41189347
awk to the rescue!
$ awk -F, -v OFS=, '$1~/[A-Z]/{t=$2;$2=$1;$1=t}1' file
if first field has alpha chars, swap first and second columns and print.
Bash can do the work but awk might be a better choice for rearrange your file:
awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","}{$1=$1;if(substr($1, 2, length($1) - 2) + 0 == substr($1, 2, length($1) - 2)){print $1,$2}else{print $2,$1}}' sample.csv
substr($1, 2, length($1) - 2) + 0 == substr($1, 2, length($1) - 2) checks the column is numeric or not. If it is, print the original line otherwise switch column1 and column2
You can create a pure bash script to generate other file which has the structure you need:
rm -rf "${output_file}"
readarray -t LINES < <(cat < "${csv_file}" 2> /dev/null)
for item in "${LINES[#]}"; do
if [[ $item =~ ^\"([0-9A-Z]+)\"\,\"([0-9]+)\" ]]; then
echo "\"${BASH_REMATCH[2]}\",\"${BASH_REMATCH[1]}\"" >> "${output_file}"
echo "$item" >> "${output_file}"
This works even if your file is "mixed" I mean with some lines in the right format and other lines in the bad format.
The following commands assume that the cells in the CSV files do not contain newlines and commas. Otherwise, you should write a more complicated script in Perl, PHP, or other programming language capable of parsing CSV files properly. But Bash, definitely, is not appropriate for this task.
perl -F, -nle '#F = reverse #F if $F[0] =~ /^"\d+"$/;
print join(",", #F)' file
Beware, If the cells contain newlines, or commas, use Perl's Text::CSV module, for instance. Although it is a simple task in Perl, it goes beyond the scope of the current question.
The command splits the input lines by commas (-F,) and stores the result into #F array, for each line. The items in the array are reversed, if the first field $F[0] matches the regular expression. You can also swap the items this way: ($F[0], $F[1]) = ($F[1], $F[0]).
Finally, the joins the array items with commas, and prints to the standard output.
If you want to edit the file in-place, use -i option: perl -i.backup -F, ....
awk -F, -vOFS=, '/^"[0-9]+",/ {print; next}
{ t = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = t; print }' file
The input and output field separators are set to , with -F, and -vOFS=,.
If the line matches the pattern /^"[0-9]+",/ (the line begins with a "numeric" CSV column), the script prints the record and advances to the next record. Otherwise the next block is executed.
In the next block, it swaps the first two columns and prints the result to the standard output.
If you want to edit the file in-place, see answers to this question.
