I want to protect against incorrect case being placed within a parameter in a nant script.
I want to take the value of x and convert it to lower case, I tried using
but that did not work hoping someone has come across this and has a simple solution.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="test" Default="test" value="net-4.0" >
<property name="x" value="default" unless="${property::exists('x')}"/>
<target name="test">
<echo message="${x}" />
I tried the suggestion put forward by Yan with the code below this still outputs capitals I will explain further
I have a nant script that has a parameter that can be passed into it, a property checks for the existence of the parameter and if it exists it uses it, if not there is a default value. I want to take the parameter in whatever form it is given and convert it to lower case while still checking for its existence.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<property overwrite="true" name="x" value="default" unless="${property::exists('x')}"/>
<property overwrite="true" name="x" value="${string::to-lower(x)}" />
<target name="test">
<echo message="${x}" />
I believe this to be the way you think I should do it Yan. I have tested this with the following command line arguments.
nant -buildfile:nant.build test -D:x=TEST
This produces the output
Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Target(s) specified: test
[property] Read-only property "x" cannot be overwritten.
[echo] TEST
BUILD SUCCEEDED - 0 non-fatal error(s), 1 warning(s)
Total time: 0.1 seconds.
any solution would be much appreciated
When you say parameter, so you mean its name or its value? ie, do you want to ensure x is lowercase, or test (I assume the latter)? If I have the following nant script:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="test" Default="test" value="net-4.0" >
<property overwrite="false" name="x" value="default"/>
<property overwrite="false" name="x_internal" value="${string::to-lower(x)}" />
<target name="test">
<echo message="${x_internal}" />
And call it like this:
nant.exe -buildfile:nant.build test -D:x=TESTx
nant.exe -buildfile:nant.build test -D:X=TESTX
I receive the following response:
Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Target(s) specified: test
[echo] testx
Total time: 0 seconds.
Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Target(s) specified: test
[echo] default
Total time: 0 seconds.
Is this what you are after?
I think this is what is tripping you up:
Note: properties set on the command-line are always read-only.
(From section 4 in the NAnt Properties documentation)
The function you mentioned should work. See if you spelled the syntax correctly:
<echo message="${string::to-lower(x)}" />
Our C++ project uses MSBuild to build on Windows and GNU make on *nix. I'm trying to recreate the functionality of the following single line of GNU make in MSBuild:
GENN_PATH:=$(abspath $(dir $(shell which genn-buildmodel.sh))../userproject/include)
Essentially setting a variable to a path relative to an executable in the path. However, this is proving to be a battle to implement in MSBuild...
The following are the (hopefully) pertinent sections from my vcxproj. For testing purposes I am first setting the variable I want to override to something obvious:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<PropertyGroup Label="Configuration">
Then, in my ClCompile item definitions, I am adding the value of this property to the additional include directories
In order to find this path, I'm using the where command and redirecting it's output to a property. Then, from this, I'm finding the include directory and printing it out - this works!
<Target Name="FindUserProjects">
<Exec Command="where genn-buildmodel.bat" ConsoleToMsBuild="true">
<Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="GeNNBuildModelPath" />
<Message Text="MAGIC GENN-FINDING! $(GeNNBuildModelPath) -> $(GeNNUserProject)"/>
I've tried a variety of ways of making this a dependency of ClCompile including setting the Target as BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild" and the following:
Whatever I do, my custom target runs but the property is not being overriden. Google suggests that if properties are overriden in depencies they should be visible from targets and from digging into Microsoft.CPP*.targets this is what setting BeforeClCompileTargets is doing.
The problem here was not that the target wasn't setting the property, it's that the AdditionalIncludeDirectories item metadata was being set from the original value. The solution is to set this directly from the target instead:
I have a question based from this question
Replacing characters in Ant property
I want to build a variable (i can't use a property because i'm in a loop) that is pretty much StringA - StringB.
(maybe this is a misunderstanding of properties on my part but they can only be assigned once correct?)
I guess I could build a script function to calculate that, but my guess is that it must be possible to do it in an already existing function, probably something i'm missing.
this would be an example of the code
<for param="file">
<fileset dir="${mydir}" >
<include name="*.war"/>
<var name="undeploy_name" value="#{file} function_here ${mydir}" />
<JBossCLI port="${jboss.port.management-native}">
<undeploy namePattern="${undeploy_name}" />
<deployToLiferay file="#{file}" />
in general I want to deploy several wars. this works fine when I run it once but if I want to make it re-runnable I need to undeploy them first.
I'm just a consumer of this interfaces, Ideally deployToLiferay would auto undeploy but it does not.
thanks for an feedback
edit: if I use something similar to what is define on the linked page i get:
<loadresource property="file-to-deploy">
<propertyresource name="#{file}"/>
<replacestring from="${mydir}" to=""/>
10:52:49.541: * /data/contribution.xml:171: The following error occurred while executing this line:
10:52:49.541: * /data/contribution.xml:178: null doesn't exist
line 178 is my loadresource part
ANT is not a programming language. Personally I'd recommend embedding a scripting language like Groovy to process a group of files:
<target name="process-files" depends="resolve">
<taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy" classpathref="build.path"/>
<fileset id="wars" dir="src/wars" includes="*.war"/>
project.references.wars.each {
ant.echo(message: "I want to do something with this ${it} file")
├── build.xml
└── src
└── wars
├── app1.war
├── app2.war
└── app3.war
[echo] I want to do something with this /../src/wars/app1.war file
[echo] I want to do something with this /../src/wars/app2.war file
[echo] I want to do something with this /../src/wars/app3.war file
The following working example shows how Apache ivy can be used to manage build dependencies. This is a capability that exists in other Java build tools like Maven.
<project name="demo" default="process-files" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<available classname="org.apache.ivy.Main" property="ivy.installed"/>
Normal ANT targets
<target name="process-files" depends="resolve">
<taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy" classpathref="build.path"/>
<fileset id="wars" dir="src/wars" includes="*.war"/>
project.references.wars.each {
ant.echo(message: "I want to do something with this ${it} file")
Dependency management targets
<target name="resolve" depends="install-ivy">
<ivy:cachepath pathid="build.path">
<dependency org="org.codehaus.groovy" name="groovy-all" rev="2.4.7" conf="default"/>
<target name="install-ivy" unless="ivy.installed">
<mkdir dir="${user.home}/.ant/lib"/>
<get dest="${user.home}/.ant/lib/ivy.jar" src="http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/apache/ivy/ivy/2.4.0/ivy-2.4.0.jar"/>
<fail message="Ivy has been installed. Run the build again"/>
I have a continuous integration server that discovers and runs assemblies with NUnit tests. I would like to add some assemblies with xUnit.net tests to the mix. How would I do that?
Download xunit-build-xyzw.zip from xUnit.net on CodePlex and extract it to, for example, C:\Program Files\xUnit.net. Add this location to PATH environment variable
be sure to have no trailing semicolon
Modify your CC.NET *.build script to discover assemblies by convention, as outlined below
note that command line argument syntax no longer has equals sign
In C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\ccnet.config, Merge XML files produced by NUnit runner and by xUnit.net runner, as outlined below
merging happens after build, irrespective of build status
be sure results of test run get deleted in the beginning of build script
Restart CC.NET
Download xUnitSummary.xsl from xUnit.net on GitHub and place it in C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\WebDashboard\xsl
In C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\WebDashboard\dashboard.config, modify buildPlugins element as outlined below
Restart IIS
Additional info:
CruiseControl.Net – Server Installation at Neal's Blog
Step 2:
<project default="RunTests_xUnit">
<target name="RunTests_xUnit" description="Runs the discovered xUnit.net unit tests" depends="someCompileStep">
<!-- Outer loop to search through a list of different locations -->
<!-- Folders to be searched should listed as a semicolon deliminated list in the 'in' attribute -->
<foreach item="String" in="${TestAssemblyOutputPath}" delim=" ;" property="testsPath">
<echo message="Searching for xUnit.net test suites in ${testsPath}" />
<!-- Inner loop to search for dlls containing unit tests -->
<foreach item="File" property="filename">
<items basedir="${testsPath}">
<!-- see http://nant.sourceforge.net/release/0.91/help/types/fileset.html for how to include or exclude specific files or file patterns -->
<!-- attempt to run tests in any dlls whose name ends with UnitTestSuite.dll' -->
<include name="**UnitTestSuite.dll" />
<property name="testDLLName" value="${path::get-file-name-without-extension(filename)}" />
<echo message="Testing ${testDLLName} with xUnit.net" />
<exec program="${xunit-console.exe}" failonerror="true" resultproperty="resultVal">
<arg line="${testsPath}\${testDLLName}.dll /xml ${xUnitTestLogsFolder}${testDLLName}-xUnitResults.xml" />
<fail message="Failures reported in ${testDLLName}." failonerror="true" unless="${int::parse(resultVal)==0}" />
Step 3:
<xmllogger />
<statistics />
Step 5:
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="xUnit.net Report" actionName="xUnitReport" xslFileName="xsl\xUnitSummary.xsl" />
I'd like to store ccnet.config file (or other cc.net configuration file for this project) in the repository (git) of my project and make CC.NET use it when I force building from dashboard. How can I do it?
Thank you!
Your "ccnet.config" should remain fairly static.
If you need different "logic" for your solution/project building, then I suggest:
1. Write your ccnet.config code to pull source code from repository. (aka, Task #1)
2. In your repository, include a MasterBuild.proj (msbuild definition).
3. Have cc.net call msbuild.exe on MasterBuild.proj (aka, Task #2).
4. Have the majority of your logic inside the MasterBuild.proj file. That is what you check in/out of source control.
If you think of CC.NET as a "super fancy msbuild.exe executor", you're world will make more sense IMHO.
Here is a very basic msbuild (definition) file.
You can call it
MySolutionMasterBuild.proj (or similar)
Put this in the same directory as your .sln file (in source control).
Use CC.NET to download the code.
Then wire up msbuild.exe to call the below file.
Then have any extra logic inside the .proj file.
You can do some of the other CC.NET stuff, like post build emailing and merging any results xml, but the majority of the logic (my preference anyways)..........would be in the file below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" DefaultTargets="AllTargetsWrapped">
<!-- Always declare some kind of "base directory" and then work off of that in the majority of cases -->
<Target Name="AllTargetsWrapped">
<CallTarget Targets="CleanArtifactFolder" />
<CallTarget Targets="BuildItUp" />
<CallTarget Targets="CopyFilesToArtifactFolder" />
<Target Name="BuildItUp" >
<MSBuild Projects="$(WorkingCheckout)\MySolution.sln" Targets="Build" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration)">
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="TargetOutputsItemName"/>
<Message Text="BuildItUp completed" />
<Target Name="CleanArtifactFolder">
<RemoveDir Directories="$(ArtifactDestinationFolder)" Condition="Exists($(ArtifactDestinationFolder))"/>
<MakeDir Directories="$(ArtifactDestinationFolder)" Condition="!Exists($(ArtifactDestinationFolder))"/>
<Message Text="Cleaning done" />
<Target Name="CopyFilesToArtifactFolder">
<MyExcludeFiles Include="$(WorkingCheckout)\**\*.doesnotexist" />
<MyIncludeFiles Include="$(WorkingCheckout)\bin\$(Configuration)\**\*.*" Exclude="#(MyExcludeFiles)"/>
Take a look at the scenario's at
Step 1 Setting up Source Control
Step 2 Build on Check-in
Step 3 Add unit tests
Step 4 Add Coverage
Step 5 Add source code analysis
There are build scripts foreseen in each step where you can base yourself on.
Currently the file is only keeping the latest revision. I want to use a different file where the history is kept. Each time ANT is used, I want it to append the time and revision number on that file. On the home screen I will just have a link to that file.
This is how its written now:
<target name="compile-java" depends="prepare,compile">
<exec dir="${project.dir}" executable="tools/version.sh" output="${src.web.dir}/date_compile.jsp">
<arg line="" />
<propertyfile file="${src.web.dir}/date_compile.jsp">
I want to append new revision while keeping old revision data too.
This is just a matter of using the BuildNumber or PropertyFile task to create the build version number file and then read the file to get that number, create also a timestamp of the build and then append them both to another file.
Here is a basic idea of how to do it. Starting from that you should be able to write something of the likes of this:
<project default="increment">
<target name="increment">
<format property="build.time" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" />
<propertyfile file="build.properties">
<entry key="build.number" type="int" operation="+" default="0" />
<property file="build.properties" />
<echo message="Build ${build.number} on ${build.time}
" append="true" file="build.history" />
This creates two files: build.properties with your build number (always the last number as it is overwritten on each build) and build.history that contains a list of build numbers and a timestamp of each build.
EDIT : Based on the comments, if the version.sh outputs the revision and date to date_compile.jsp and overrides it on each build then - to keep history - you just need to load date_compile.jsp in your build and append its content to another file, something like this:
<target name="compile-java" depends="prepare,compile">
<exec dir="${project.dir}" executable="tools/version.sh" output="${src.web.dir}/date_compile.jsp">
<arg line="" />
<loadfile property="revision" srcfile="${src.web.dir}/date_compile.jsp" />
<echo message="${revision}<br>
" append="true" file="${src.web.dir}/compile_history.jsp" />
Not 100% sure what you want, but it looks like a combination of <tstamp/>, <echo>, and <propertyfile/>.
You can use <propertyfile> to specify the property file where the build number is stored, and for editing it:
<propertyfile file="${build.prop.file}">
<entry key="build.number"
Now, you can include that property file in your build:
<property file="${build.prop.file}"/>
Which will set ${build.number}.
Next, you're going to get the date and time:
<format property="build.time.stamp"
Now, you'll append this to your log file
<echo append="true" file="${build.log}"
message="Building build # ${build.number} on ${build.time.stamp}"/>