Fetch XML Using a Field Value - dynamics-crm-2011

Can Fetch-XML for a sub-grid view be written to include a field value on the record?
I have a custom entity with a lookup to Account.
I would like to have a sub-grid of Cases related to that Account; the grid would show Cases related to the Account related to this custom entity instead of Cases related to the custom entity.

Yes is possible, but is an unsupported customization.
You can find an example here: Filter Sub-Grid Dynamics CRM 2011 Rollup 12 (Polaris)
Pay attention to the rollup version of your crm environment.


Mapping Appointment Entity for Data Migration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015

I need to migrate data from CRM 2011 to CRM 2015 for different entities. I am using scribe insight for this purpose. I am stuck with the the migration of different entities belonging to Activities like Appointment, Letter, Fax, etc.
If its a normal lookup field i would have used something like
DBLOOKUP(S25,"CRM 2015","Lookup Entity name","Matching field","Primary key")
There is a field type named 'Party List' which is lookup to multiple entities. How do I map this? So that I can easily migrate data from 2011 to 2015?
I think you're saying you want to migrate Activity records from CRM2011 to CRM2015. I've done something very similar from CRM4 to 2011, using Scribe Insight.
PartyList is a composite field, built from ActivityParty records. You don't write to it directly.
An ActivityParty record links an Activity (eg, email, task) to a Party (eg, account, contact, user, lead).
The sequence of events is:
Migrate Party records (contacts, accounts etc).
For each Activity in CRM 2011
Create an Activity in CRM 2015
For each ActivityParty belonging to the Activity in CRM2011
Create an ActivityParty in CRM2015
Set the status of the CRM2015 Activity to that of the CRM2011 Activity.
Some points to note:
ActivityParty records are somewhat special in CRM. They don't support all messages. Specifically, the can't be updated - only created or deleted.
You can only set the status of the Activity after you've added all the activity parties. CRM will generate an error if you try to add an activityparty to a completed activity.
Hope this helps
Based on your DBLookup code you use Scribe for migration. I'm not an expert in Scribe so I would suggest to use search engine to find relevant information. Try to use this search.

Source from which dynamic CRM 2011 data is edited

In CRM 2011, a CRM user modified a contact information. I can check that through audit logs the changes that the user made.
Now the user modified the First Name and Last Name of the Contact (required fields in CRM) to blank. Now I know that this is not possible through CRM form as the fields are required in the form.
Also there is no JS or any other code written on the form that can disable that required functionality.
I want to know from where these records have been modified in MS CRM.
Also tracing is been disabled in CRM so we do not have logs for this edit :-(
Any help in this regards will be really helpful.
These fields do not need to be updated on a CRM form directly. They can be updated in various ways. Common suspects are:
Custom plugins
External parts accessing the Organization.svc or OrganizationData.svc endpoints
In all scenerio's the Business Required constraint is bypassed. In CRM plugins and workflows can actually act on behalf of the user and doing so it appears as if the user modified affected records himself directly.

Is there an API can retrieve Dynamics CRM's updating information

I want to show some latest dynamics crm updating information, such as rollup 12, in my application. But i'm not sure the API is existed or not. Did you guys resolve this kind of requirements before?
If you query the organisation entity it will contain the attribute InitialVersion. This will tell you the build number, this page will then allow you to translate that into a rollup http://blogs.msdn.com/b/crminthefield/archive/2012/08/15/microsoft-dynamics-crm-4-0-and-2011-update-rollup-release-dates-build-numbers-and-collateral.aspx

Dynamics CRM 2011 Online - How to total the duration for activities

I have a requirement to total the durations of all activities related to a custom entity. I have created a custom entity that allows the user to add activities for that instance of the custom entity. Every time an activity is added to the custom entity I need to total the duration and update the custom entity. I started by creating a plugin for an activity. The problem is the only messages you can create the plugin for is retrieve and retrivemultiple. I then went to service activity to create the plugin and I cold create it using the create message.
My question is, is every activity a service activity? Has anyone done this and do you have any tips on the best way to go about it?
It sounds like you are looking for a plugin or custom workflow that operates on the “parent” entity (the entity the activities are related to.) You would write your code to use the RetrieveMultiple method and then loop through the result totaling the value as you go.
IOrganizationService.RetrieveMultiple Method
Rolling Up Custom Entities in Microsoft CRM 2011 and CRM Online

Email Invoice Details from Invoice Workflow in CRM 2011

In CRM 2011, I have a workflow configured to "Send Email" once Invoice status is marked "Paid". However, in the Email Template, it does not appear I have access to fields from the Invoice Details entity. How can I include the line items from the Invoice (via Invoice Details)?
I've also tried with Order record, but I also cannot insert fields from the Sales Order Details entity.
I do not want to create a custom workflow plugin. Do I have any other options? If I must create a custom workflow plugin, is there an example of where to start?
Out of the box email templates aren't designed to handle the relationship between a header record and the line items (Opportunity, Quote, Order, & Invoice).
If you are looking to generate the email from a workflow, custom code if probably your only option. The CRM 2011 SDK would be the best place to start. It contains lots of examples and great documentation.
Also out of the box, CRM 2011 doesn't appear to let you mail merge the Invoice entity, but I believe C360's Documents Pack will let you do this. It would be a manual process and it is a paid product but it allow you to avoid writing code.
