Forever + Nodemon running together - node.js

Is there any way to have both of this packages running together?
So basically I want to have best from both worlds. Running server automatically (and restarting when there is an error) and also automatic updates when there is .js file change happening.

You should run something like this
forever start -c nodemon

Toxa was on the right track, the issue that cfogelberg raised is valid, but to avoid that issue you can do the following:
forever -c "nodemon --exitcrash" app.js
this makes sure nodemon actually exits (rather than giving you the "app crashed" message) and then forever picks it up again.
In forever --help this -c specifies a command to run otherwise it defaults node. Without -c results in the error that is mention in the comments to this answer.

There is an entry about it in the nodemon FAQ:
If you're using nodemon with
forever (perhaps in a
production environment), you can combine the two together. This way if
the script crashes, forever restarts the script, and if there are file
changes, nodemon restarts your script. For more detail, see issue
To achieve this you need to add the following on the call to
Use forever's -c nodemon option to tell forever to run nodemon instead of node.
Include the nodemon --exitcrash flag to ensure nodemon exits if the script crashes (or exits unexpectedly).
Tell forever to use SIGTERM instead of SIGKILL when requesting nodemon to stop. This ensures that nodemon can stop the watched node
process cleanly.
Optionally add the --uid parameter, adding a unique name for your process. In the example, the uid is set to foo.
bash forever start --uid foo --killSignal=SIGTERM -c nodemon
--exitcrash server.js
To test this, you can kill the server.js process and forever will
restart it. If you touch server.js nodemon will restart it.
To stop the process monitored by forever and nodemon, simply call the
following, using the uid we assigned above (foo):
bash forever stop foo
This will stop both nodemon and the node process it was monitoring.
Note that I would not recommend using nodemon in a production
environment - but that's because I wouldn't want it restart without my
explicit instruction.

I have not found a way of getting both packages running together. I tried to do #toxa's technique, but when my node.js app threw an exception nodemon would not automatically restart it, instead outputting an error message to the forever log:
nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
However, forever has a -w option and the following command is effectively the same as if I'm running nodemon and forever together:
forever start -w my-app.js
The downside of forever -w versus nodemon: forever does not have a --delay option, so my server gets restarted once for each file that is changed.

I prefer a combo of what Toxa and Jubair suggest.
forever start -c nodemon --exitcrash

If you need to pass arguments:
forever start -c "nodemon --harmony" app.js --exitcrash

I'm using forever-service . . .
This is what worked for me. It does the following: everytime a json or raml file in the applications dist/assets folder is modified, wait 10 seconds and then restart the node app (server.js script):
$ forever-service install raml --script server.js -f " -c nodemon" -o " --delay 10 --watch dist/assets -e json,raml --exitcrash" -e "PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
Then I can run:
$ service raml start|stop|restart|status
I can also have the service start on server reboot with the chkconfig utility:
$ chkconfig --add raml
$ chkconfig raml on

when using in the package.json use single quotes to make nodemon --existcrash as a single argument.
"start": "forever -c 'nodemon --exitcrash' server.js"
app_1 | [nodemon] app crashed
app_1 | error: Forever detected script exited with code: 1
app_1 | error: Script restart attempt #1
app_1 | [nodemon] 1.19.4
app_1 | [nodemon] to restart at any time, enterrs
app_1 | [nodemon] watching dir(s): *.*
app_1 | [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
app_1 | [nodemon] startingnode /app/server.js`
app_1 | app is running on port 3000

Use like this: "start": "firever -c \"nodemon --exitcrash\" <main>.js"


How to properly restart nodemon server

When I run a nodejs server with the following command:
"start": "nodemon --max-old-space=8192 ./src/app.js --exec babel-node"
and I change anything in the code, nodemon automatically reloads the code and restarts the server with the following message.
[nodemon] restarting due to changes...
[nodemon] starting `babel-node --max-old-space=8192 ./src/app.js`
How do I restart the server manually the same way?
Or in other words: What do I write in the package.json scripts "restart" command to simulate the same behaviour that is done by nodemon automatically?
As stated in the documentation, you can restart manually by typeing rs in the console where nodemon is running.
There is no external command to trigger a restart from a different process.
One workaround would be to trigger a restart by simulating a change of a file.
A simple touch on a watched file is enough. So you could write a npm script that touches one of the watched files.
"restart": "touch app.js"
The purpose of nodemon is to listen changes of the file and restart the server. If you want manually to restart the server then you no need to use nodemon, you can use just node command.
The below code would serve the purpose.
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./src/app.js",
"restart": "kill -9 $(ps aux | grep '\snode\s' | awk '{print $2}') && node ./src/app.js "
Tried a few things to restart nodemon from within a running script.
var fs = require('fs');
This will touch the current file, which should trigger a restart if nodemon is watching.
Say goodbye to nodemon.
Node v18.11.0
Running in 'watch' mode using node --watch restarts the process when an imported file is changed.
try as follow:
node --watch app.js
For more information
Manual restarting
Whilst nodemon is running, if you need to manually restart your
application, instead of stopping and restart nodemon, you can type rs
with a carriage return, and nodemon will restart your process.
If you are specifically looking to resolve "listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use" error after a while, you can check what application is using the port that nodemon wants to use:
sudo lsof -i :4500
The above will give you the PID of the app that is using that port. Then you may kill the process by:
kill -9 <PID>

forever with nodemon (command line)

I'm trying to use nodemon with forever.
I have no problems with nodemon alone:
nodemon --exitcrash node/index.js -- "user/verbs/config"
However, in following the instructions in the nodemon FAQ, and putting quotes around "nodemon --exitcrash" as per the comment at (to avoid forever thinking the argument "user/verbs/config" is the file) to produce:
forever start --minUptime 1000 --spinSleepTime 1000 --killSignal=SIGTERM -c "nodemon --exitcrash" node/index.js -- "user/verbs/config"
...I get the message
info: Forever processing file: node/index.js
and no continuation of the script. Running forever list shows "No forever processes running".
(Note: I eventually want this working with forever-monitor, but I figure the above will need to work first.)
Is there something I'm missing?
forever -c "nodemon --exitcrash" app.js
this makes sure nodemon actually exits (rather than giving you the "app crashed" message) and then forever picks it up again.
In forever --help this -c specifies a command to run otherwise it defaults node. Without -c results in the error that is mention in the comments to this answer.

nodejs forever : How to run my npm application

Right now i am runnign my nodejs application as npm start. i want to run it in background. I found forever package for this but dont know how can i run a application that i usually run as npm start. So how can i run it using forever ?
I follow this SO but getting this error:
ENVIRONMENT=production forever start app.js
warn: --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms
warn: --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms
info: Forever processing file: app.js
apart of this Is there any other better way to run nodejs in background ?
You are doing it right.
The warnings are just reminding you that some essential information is missing, so it assigns the defaults. To be exact, if your script crashes/exits sooner than a second after start, forever will exit as well.
If you would like to get rid of those warnings:
forever start --minUptime 1000 --spinSleepTime 1000 app.js
Furthermore, you can open the package.json file, find the:
"scripts": {
"start": "node app.js"
and change it to:
"scripts": {
"start": "forever start --minUptime 1000 --spinSleepTime 1000 app.js",
"stop": "forever stop app.js"
Now you can use npm start and it will invoke forever automatically.
In 2022
Use forever npm package ( )
forever start -c "npm <command\>" /path/to/app/dir/
./ means current directory
forever start -c "npm start" ./
For Linux
Use terminal and enter in superuser mode, and try these code
$ nohup node <location of of js file> &
$ exit
Note: This '&' is must before you press enter
or for npm command, just goto the location by cd command where your package.json is stored. Then
$ nohup npm start &
$ exit
Note: This '&' is must before you press enter
To stop it
$ top
You can see process id here, then use following code
$ kill -9 <PROCESS_ID>

Nodemon + Forever not detecting changes to files

I have the following command:
/usr/local/bin/forever start -o /home/username/path/out.log -e /home/username/path/err.log /usr/local/bin/nodemon --watch /home/username/scriptpath --exitcrash /home/username/scriptpath/example.js
Which I understand should:
Run Forever as a daemon
Run Nodemon, which will restart the script when a change is seen in /home/username/scriptpath, and will also 'exit' to forever on crashing, allowing forever to restart it all.
However I'm observing Nodemon not restarting upon changes to the files in the watched folder. (Though forever is restarting on crash, when I intentionally cause one.)
Note: Running only "nodemon example.js" works as expected, and restarts on change to file.
What do I need to change to allow Nodemon to re-start the script upon file changes?
My knowledge of linux commands are limited unfortunately, I may well be using the wrong ones.
It will only watch changes in files that are liked to the script you are running by require.
For instance: forever ./script.js ...
var x = require("./test")
Will restart ./script if ./test is changed.
I use forever-service and nodemon.
Here is an example of how I use it to do all you mention.
This example does the following: everytime a json or raml file in the applications dist/assets folder is modified, wait 10 seconds and then restart the node app (server.js script):
forever-service install raml --script server.js -f " -c nodemon" -o " --delay 10 --watch dist/assets -e json,raml --exitcrash" -e "PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
It will also dump a log file to /var/log/raml.log
I hope that helps!

nodejs + nodemon + forever give me an error

I just installed forever globally (-g). Before that I used to run with
$ npm start
Now after installed forever, I tried to lunch the node app
$ NODE_ENV=development forever nodemon server.js
but I receive this error
warn: --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms
warn: --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms
error: Cannot start forever
error: script /path/to/app/nodemon does not exist.
the same also with
$ NODE_ENV=development forever nodemon server.js
any idea?
The error you received in your output:
error: script /path/to/app/nodemon does not exist.
It appears that forever is looking for nodemon in the current working directory, and can't find it because it doesn't exist there. Try providing the absolute path when starting nodemon, which can be found with which nodemon.
forever start /usr/local/bin/nodemon server.js
Note that the start flag is what puts the application in daemon mode.
Try this
NODE_ENV=development forever start -c nodemon server.js
The -c is for execute commands, forever send you that error because it's looking for a app called nodeamon, but your app is server.js
