Stopped QRunnable cause Mainwindow un-closable - multithreading

Platform: Qt 4.8.2 (built from source using MinGW x64), Win 7
I'm using QRunnable to separate long running tasks from main GUI thread, and I sometimes experience random crash/strange behavior with no traceable errors. Please help to provide suggestions on what/how to debug. Thanks
Runner class: multi-inherit for signal/slot connection to main window
class MyRunner : public QObject, public QRunnable
void feedbackLog(QString text);
void finished();
explicit MyRunner(/* some args */) { /* some initialization */ }
void run() {
stopped_ = false;
for (int run = 0; run < SOME_COUNT; run++) {
Q_EMIT feedbackLog("Resetting everything ...");
if (stopped_) return;
/* start the daily interaction until the epidemic is over */
if (stopped_) return;
if (stopped_) return;
if (stopped_) return;
while (conditionNotReached());
} // end: for(run)
stopped_ = true;
Q_EMIT finished();
bool isStopped() { return stopped_; }
public Q_SLOTS:
void stop() {
Q_EMIT feedbackLog("Cancel ...");
stopped_ = true;
bool stopped_;
/** other class members follow */
MainWindow segment
void MainWindow::callMyRunnable() {
runner_ = new MyRunner(/* args */); // runner_ is class member */
runner_->setAutoDelete(true); // (a)
progress_dialog_ = new QProgressDialog("Running", "Cancel", 0, 0, this);
connect(runner_, SIGNAL(feedbackLog(QString)), SLOT(logMessage(QString)));
connect(runner_, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(endLengthyJob()));
connect(runner_, SIGNAL(finished()), progress_dialog_, SLOT(close()));
connect(progress_dialog_, SIGNAL(canceled()), runner_, SLOT(stop()));
connect(progress_dialog_, SIGNAL(canceled()), SLOT(endLengthyJob()));
/* flu_runner_->deleteLater(); */ // (b)
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) {
if (runner_ && !runner_->isStopped()) runner_->stop(); // (c)
if (QThreadPool::globalInstance()->activeThreadCount())
/* display a dialog to notify user about shutdown */
Dialog::WaitDialog dlg(5 * 1000);
} // end_event(MainWindow::closeEvent)
1) If I disable autodelete at (a), should I add statement (b) to prevent leaking? Or any better way to handle the leaking?
2) Sometimes, when the Runnable task completed, I cannot close the app normally (neither [x] button nor Alt-F4 work), and I have to kill the app from within QtCreator (I'm debugging, right?). What would be possible cause to this?
[Edit]: 3) For un-closable mainwindow, sometimes it happens after I cancelled the task handled by MyRunner class, will this be a possible cause?
[Edit]: I added qDebug() statement around (c), and found that it stop at (c) and refuse to proceed to display the waiting dialog in case if the [x] button is not responding.

The problem is solved by changing the 'close-strategy' of the mainwindow: remove 'auto-killing' and force user to wait for spawned thread. Variables runner_ and progress_dialog_ are now localized to the function callMyRunnable()


Creating new thread causing exception

I have a timer that will create a new thread and wait for the timer to expire before calling the notify function. It works correctly during the first execution, but when the timer is started a second time, an exception is thrown trying to create the new thread. The debug output shows that the previous thread has exited before attempting to create the new thread.
class TestTimer
std::atomic<bool> active;
int timer_duration;
std::thread thread;
std::mutex mtx;
std::condition_variable cv;
void timer_func();
TestTimer() : active(false) {};
~TestTimer() {
TestTimer(const TestTimer&) = delete; /* Remove the copy constructor */
TestTimer(TestTimer&&) = delete; /* Remove the move constructor */
TestTimer& operator=(const TestTimer&) & = delete; /* Remove the copy assignment operator */
TestTimer& operator=(TestTimer&&) & = delete; /* Remove the move assignment operator */
bool IsActive();
void StartOnce(int TimerDurationInMS);
void Stop();
virtual void Notify() = 0;
void TestTimer::timer_func()
auto expire_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(timer_duration);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{ mtx };
while (active.load())
if (cv.wait_until(lock, expire_time) == std::cv_status::timeout)
bool TestTimer::IsActive()
return active.load();
void TestTimer::StartOnce(int TimerDurationInMS)
if (!active.load())
if (thread.joinable())
timer_duration = TimerDurationInMS;;
thread = std::thread(&TestTimer::timer_func, this);
void TestTimer::Stop()
if (active.load())
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{ mtx };;
The error is being thrown from my code block here:
thread = std::thread(&TestTimer::timer_func, this);
during the second execution.
Specifically, the error is being thrown from the move_thread function: _Thr = _Other._Thr;
thread& _Move_thread(thread& _Other)
{ // move from _Other
if (joinable())
_XSTD terminate();
_Thr = _Other._Thr;
return (*this);
_Thrd_t _Thr;
And this is the exception: Unhandled exception at 0x76ED550B (ucrtbase.dll) in Sandbox.exe: Fatal program exit requested.
Stack trace:
thread::move_thread(std::thread &_Other)
thread::operator=(std::thread &&_Other)
TestTimer::StartOnce(int TimerDurationInMS)
If it's just a test
Make sure the thread handler is empty or joined when calling the destructor.
Make everything that can be accessed from multiple threads thread safe (specifically, reading the active flag). Simply making it an std::atomic_flag should do.
It does seem like you are killing a thread handle pointing to a live thread, but hard to say without seeing the whole application.
If not a test
...then generally, when need a single timer, recurreing or not, you can just go away with scheduling an alarm() signal into itself. You remain perfectly single threaded and don't even need to link with the pthread library. Example here.
And when expecting to need more timers and stay up for a bit it is worth to drop an instance of boost::asio::io_service (or asio::io_service if you need a boost-free header-only version) into your application which has mature production-ready timers support. Example here.
You create the TestTimer and run it the first time via TestTimer::StartOnce, where you create a thread (at the line, which later throws the exception). When the thread finishes, it sets active = false; in timer_func.
Then you call TestTimer::StartOnce a second time. As active == false, Stop() is not called on the current thread, and you proceed to creating a new thread in thread = std::thread(&TestTimer::timer_func, this);.
And then comes the big but:
You have not joined the first thread before creating the second one. And that's why it throws an exception.

Qt thread ID is equal to MainWindows? (moveToThread)

Now I want to create a thread and put in my class "AVC_file" inatance.
But when I print currentThreadId in textBroswer, I found MainWindows's threadID is same with the thread I created. show pitures like below.
Framework::Framework(QWidget * parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
int threadID = (int)QThread::currentThreadId();
ui.textBrowser->append("Main Tread ID : " + QString::number(threadID));
void Framework::on_OpenAVCFile_clicked()
QString filePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
this, tr("Open File"), "C:\\", "AVC File (*.avc)"
if (!filePath.isEmpty())
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("File Name"), filePath);
QFile file(filePath);
if (!
QMessageBox::information(0, "info", file.errorString());
else {
QThread *thread = new QThread(this);
int threadID = (int)thread->currentThreadId();
ui.textBrowser->append("Second Tread ID : " + QString::number(threadID) + "\n");
AVC_File *AVC_file = new AVC_File();
connect(AVC_file, SIGNAL(requestFileContent(QString)), this, SLOT(addFileContent(QString)));
connect(AVC_file, SIGNAL(requestFileDebug(QString)), this, SLOT(addFileDebug(QString)));
connect(AVC_file, SIGNAL(requestFileCorrectness(bool, int)), this, SLOT(adddFileCorrectness(bool, int)));
connect(AVC_file, SIGNAL(requestNewValue(unsigned int, int)), this, SLOT(addNewValue(unsigned int, int)));
Images about my code and results-->
Main Windows, create thread and results
Oh!I also try emit info in my "AVC_file" instance?like below.
void AVC_File::AVC_FileCheck(QFile &file)
int threadID = (int)QThread::currentThreadId();
emit requestFileContent("Thread ID by emit" + QString::number(threadID) + "\n");
QTextStream in(&file);
Emit threadID info
Anyone can help me?
BTW, I use visual studio Qt add-in to develop this project.
QThread::currentThreadId() is a static method.
When you call it, it returns the thread ID of the thread that executes it.
In both your cases that's the main thread.
There are several issues that I'll address in random order.
First of all, using thread IDs is bad user experience. Give the threads a descriptive name:
int main(...) {
QApplication app(...);
QThread myThread;
MyObject myObject;
Then use QThread::currentThread()->objectName() to retrieve it. You can also pass QObject* to qDebug() to display the name of the thread:
qDebug() << QThread::currentThread();
Your signal invocation would then become:
QString currentThreadName() {
return QThread::currentThread()->objectName().isEmpty() ?
QStringLiteral("0x%1").arg(QThread::currentThread(), 0, 16) :
emit requestFileContent(
QStringLiteral("Emitting from thread \"%1\"\n").arg(currentThreadName));
Then, use the above to deal with the thread you've created:
auto thread = new QThread(this);
ui.textBrowser->append(QStringLiteral("Worker thread: \"%1\").arg(thread->objectName()));
auto AVC_file = new AVC_File;
But AVC_FileCheck is invoked from the main thread. Whether that's OK or not depends on how that method is implemented. It needs to be thread-safe, see this question for a discussion of that. TL;DR: The following pattern could be a starting point:
class AVC_file : public QObject {
Q_SLOT void fileCheck_impl(QIODevice * dev) {
Q_SIGNAL void fileCheck_signal(QIODevice *);
void fileCheck(QIODevice *dev) { fileCheck_signal(dev); }
AVC_file(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {
connect(this, &AVC_file::fileCheck_signal, this, &AVC_file::fileCheck_impl);
Finally, your existing AVC_fileCheck API is broken. You pass QFile by reference: this won't ever work since it ceases to exist as soon as on_OpenAVCFile_clicked returns. When AVC_file uses that file in its thread, it's a dangling object reference.
Instead, you must pass the ownership of the file to AVC_file, and pass a pointer to an instance that AVC_file will dispose when done with. Or simply let AVC_file open the file for you!

DoModal in critical section

in an parallel loop, there is a critical section. I try to execute an mfc dialog with DoModal in the critical section, however since main thread waits for parallel threads, there is no way for my dialog to show up and execute. In order to break this dependency, I create an executable and I run it as a process within my parallel loop. When the process shows dialog and gets the information. It returns and other threads keeps running.
However my team leader insist that there is a better way to do it which I couldn't figure out after doing hours of search :\
I tried a seperate thread in parallel for. It didn't worked.
I tried CWinThread (google say it is gui thread :\ which didn't helped)
I tired creating an exe and running it. That worked :)
int someCriticDialog()
#pragma omp critic (showCriticDlg)
CMyDialog ccc;
/* However the code below works
CreateProcess("someCriticDlg.exe", null, &hProcess);
WaitForSingeObject(hProcess, INFINITE);
#pragma omp parallel
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Let's say here is the problem:
void trouble_maker()
Sleep(10000);//application stops for 10 seconds
You can use PostMessage + PeekMessage + modal dialog to wait for it to finish through GUI window:
void PumpWaitingMessages()
MSG msg;
while (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_NOREMOVE))
if (!AfxGetThread()->PumpMessage())
ON_COMMAND(2000, OnDoSomething)
CMyDialog::CMyDialog(CWnd* par /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(IDD_DIALOG1, par)
working = false;
stop = false;
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
BOOL res = CDialog::OnInitDialog();
//call the function "OnDoSomething", but don't call it directly
PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, 2000, 0);
return res;
void CMyDialog::OnCancel()
if (working)
stop = true;
void CMyDialog::OnDoSomething()
HANDLE h = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&trouble_maker, NULL, 0, NULL);
working = true;
for (;;)
if (WAIT_TIMEOUT != WaitForSingleObject(h, 100)) break;
//update progress bar or something...
if (stop)
//terminate if it's safe
//BOOL res = TerminateThread(h, 0);
working = false;

OBSE and Boost.Asio: Threaded async UDP server with deadline_timer on the same io_service

Platform: Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
Compiler: VS2010 Express
Boost: Version 1.49
Plugin System: OBSE 20 (for the Oblivion game by Bethesda)
I have a class based upon the async udp examples. I run the io service itself as a thread. Here is the code for the class:
// udp buffer queues
extern concurrent_queue<udp_packet> udp_input_queue; // input from external processes
extern concurrent_queue<udp_packet> udp_output_queue; // output to external processes
using boost::asio::ip::udp;
class udp_server
udp_server(boost::asio::io_service& io_service, short port)
: io_service_(io_service),
socket_(io_service_, udp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address_v4::from_string(current_address), port))//, // udp::v4()
// start udp receive
boost::asio::buffer(recv_buf), sender_endpoint_,
boost::bind(&udp_server::handle_receive_from, this,
send_timer_ = NULL;
delete send_timer_;
void start(){
// start send timer
send_timer_ = new boost::asio::deadline_timer(io_service_, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(500));
void handle_send_to(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_recvd);
void handle_receive_from(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_recvd);
//void handle_send_timer(const boost::system::error_code& error);
void handle_send_timer();
void send_timer_restart();
void stop()
boost::asio::io_service& io_service_;
udp::socket socket_;
udp::endpoint sender_endpoint_;
std::vector<udp::endpoint> clientList;
//std::auto_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work> busy_work;
udp_buffer recv_buf;
boost::asio::deadline_timer* send_timer_;
Now I instantiate the class and thread like this:
udp_server *udp_server_ptr=NULL;
boost::asio::deadline_timer* dlineTimer=NULL;
static void PluginInit_PostLoadCallback()
_MESSAGE("NetworkPipe: PluginInit_PostLoadCallback called");
_MESSAGE("NetworkPipe: Starting UDP");
udp_server_ptr = new udp_server(io_service, current_port);
//dlineTimer = new boost::asio::deadline_timer(io_service);
udp_thread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &io_service));
_MESSAGE("NetworkPipe: UDP Started");
NetworkPipeEnable = true;
_MESSAGE("NetworkPipe: Running in editor, not starting UDP");
Now notice that dlineTimer is commented out above. If I enable that it ceases to function. The only way I can get the dlineTimer to function with this io service is to create it during the udp_server::handle_receive_from call. I think this is because it is running inside the other thread. So for some reason the deadline_timer object does not like being created outside the thread it needs to run inside.
Now, in order to communicate to the main thread I use concurrent_queue objects. So these allow me to send messages in and out of the thread pretty simply. I could theoretically run the dlineTimer inside its own thread and use the output queue to manage its activity. However, I like the simplicity of having is in the same thread as the udp_server. For instance the udp_server object keeps track of clients in a vector. When the deadline_timer expires I cycle through the known clients and send them messages. Then I restart the timer. This makes my response independent of the udp packets that are sent to the server. So when packets arrive they are put on a queue for another part of the process. Then later data is placed on the output queue and the deadline_timer processes those responses and sends them to the appropriate clients.
So my main question is:
How do I more cleanly create the deadline_timer object using the same thread and same io_service as the udp_server object?
Okay, I was thinking about this really stupidly.
First the deadline_timer needs to be completely inside the thread I want it to time in. That means it needs to be created inside the thread.
Second I need to define the function called in the thread loop and not set it to the io_service::run function. So I made it the udp_server::start function. Inside the start call I create my deadline_timer.
So here is the class:
class udp_server
udp_server(boost::asio::io_service& io_service, short port)
: io_service_(io_service),
socket_(io_service_, udp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address_v4::from_string(current_address), port))//, // udp::v4()
// start udp receive
boost::asio::buffer(recv_buf), sender_endpoint_,
boost::bind(&udp_server::handle_receive_from, this,
send_timer_ = NULL;
delete send_timer_;
void start();
void startSendTimer();
void handle_send_to(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_recvd);
void handle_receive_from(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_recvd);
void handle_send_timer();
void send_timer_restart();
void stop()
boost::asio::io_service& io_service_;
udp::socket socket_;
udp::endpoint sender_endpoint_;
std::vector<udp::endpoint> clientList;
udp_buffer recv_buf;
boost::asio::deadline_timer* send_timer_;
Here are the relevant functions:
void udp_server::start(){
// startup timer
// run ioservice;
void udp_server::startSendTimer(){
// start send timer
send_timer_ = new boost::asio::deadline_timer(io_service_, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(500));
void udp_server::send_timer_restart(){
// restart send timer
send_timer_->async_wait(boost::bind(&udp_server::handle_send_timer, this));
void udp_server::handle_send_timer(){
for(std::vector<udp::endpoint>::iterator itr = clientList.begin(); itr != clientList.end(); ++itr){
boost::asio::buffer("heart beat", strlen("heart beat")), *itr,
boost::bind(&udp_server::handle_send_to, this,
So I was thinking about this all wrong in the first place. I need to define my starting point of where the thread begins execution. The I can create the objects that need to reside in that thread inside the thread.
The udp_server is now started like this:
static void PluginInit_PostLoadCallback()
_MESSAGE("NetworkPipe: PluginInit_PostLoadCallback called");
_MESSAGE("NetworkPipe: Starting UDP");
udp_server_ptr = new udp_server(io_service, current_port);
udp_thread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&udp_server::start, udp_server_ptr));
_MESSAGE("NetworkPipe: UDP Started");
NetworkPipeEnable = true;
_MESSAGE("NetworkPipe: Running in editor, not starting UDP");
The deadline_timer creation occurs within the udp_thread now. Creating the deadline_timer object in the main thread would cause the program to fail to load properly.

Program still crashes after using mutex(can i use mutex in the same thread?)

I created two threads, and use mutex to synchronize them.
In the mainwindow program(which i regard as the main thread) in which the other thread is created, I have to use mutex in at least two functions, because one is a slot to accept signals from UI when user selects a menu and configure the data, and there is also a timer which runs out 1 time per sec and triggers a slot function which reads the data.
My program often crashes even i use mutex. In 'main thread' there are different functions which have mutex's lock and unlock operations, one of the functions is a slot linked to the timer. Also the other thread continuously writes the data.
I am so confused, why ?
(:) I really need a better phone to edit my question before this time :) )
My code:
In thread:
class Background : public QThread
void Background::run(void)
rcv(); //writes map here
In thread's rcv():
void Background::rcv()
DEVMAP::iterator dev_r;
for(dev_r= DevMap.begin(); dev_r!= DevMap.end(); dev_r++)//DevMap is a refrence to the dev_map in mainwindow.
... ....//writes the map
In mainwindow:
void MainWindow::initTimer()
refreshTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect(refreshTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(refreshLogDisplay()));
void MainWindow::refreshLogDisplay()
......//read the map
In the thread's construction:
Background(DEVMap& map,...,QMutex* mutex):DevMap(map)...,Mutex(mutex){}
In mainwindow which creates the thread:
void MainWindow::initThread()
mutex = new QMutex;
back = new Background(dev_map,..., mutex);
void MainWindow::on_Create_triggered()//this function is a slot triggered by a menu item in the MainWindow UI
......//get information from a dialog
BitState* bitState = new BitState(string((const char *)dlg->getName().toLocal8Bit()),
string((const char *)dlg->getNO().toLocal8Bit()),
dlg->getRevPortNo().toInt(), dlg->getSndPortNo().toInt());
dev_map.insert(DEVMAP::value_type (string((const char *)dlg->getPIN().toLocal8Bit()), *bitState));
//writes map here
You can use mutex in any thread. It was designed for this purposes. But you should not create dead locks, for instance if you do 'nested' calls of the 'lock'.
mutex->lock(); //dead lock
Be accurate when using locks in functions:
void foo()
foo(); //dead lock
Also you need to lock as less code as possible. Placing sleep() inside the lock is not
not a good idea as far other threads will wait while it's sleeping.
Not good:
