tmux: C-PageUp and C-PageDown seem not to work [closed] - vim

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The default VIM key sequence to navigate to the previous/next tab is C-PageUp and C-PageDown, respectively. It appears that these sequences do not work under either tmux 1.5 or 1.6, and I've tried under Centos as well as Ubuntu. I tried unbinding the sequence in my .tmux.conf, but that had no effect.
Easy enough to recreate:
Start a tmux session
vim xxx.dat
:tabnew yyy.dat
Try to alternate tabs with C-PageUp/C-PageDown. Nada.
Repeat steps 2-4 outside of tmux and the tab switching works as it should.


Why does my Linux prompt show only ">" sign? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I m learning very basic Linux command where i was typing very basic command ,and i don't know exactly what i typed or happened i got only ">" in my terminal.
Don't know what i should type?
This is shown when the terminal is expecting you to finish typing in your command. For example:
git commit -m 'asdasdasdasd <enter>
will lead to a > shown in the next line, because the terminal is waiting for you to finish the input (because you haven't typed in the closing ' sign).
What command have you typed? Try Ctrl+C .

How to tab-complete in terminal while stay on the same line? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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When double-tab, the terminal shows a list of command candidates, but the cursor line also moves downwards. How to make it stay on the same line while showing all the candidates below?
I'm guessing there must be some config file that can specify this behavior. This also applies to the case when ctrl-c in the middle of typing a command. I'd like the cursor to stay on the current line.
You need shell with rich terminal support.
For example Z Shell. Bash build with readline library for user interaction and it operate only line-by-line...
This behavior allow to run Bash on most platform as does not require special abilities from terminal.

Starting GVim at size and position it was last closed [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Is there a way that GVim could be set up in Windows XP, so that when it starts it has exactly the same size and position as the instance that was last closed?
It is annoying when you're working with a documentation file in the browser in the background, a command prompt window (constantly open) and a Vim instance that keeps jumping all over the place upon starting/closing. Naturally, it always starts over the paragraph you're currently reading :)

Nano Editor on Remote Server broken after OS X Lion Upgrade on Local [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am having a problem with my remote servers. I typically use the nano editor to modify files but suddenly after installing OS X lion on my local pc the editor seems broken. After some time suddenly the cursor seems randomly jumping around (it stays at the same position), text is written over other text. That makes it impossibile to do any text editing.
I have the same issue on two Macs.
I am using several aliases in /etc/bashrc. Could that be the issue?

Window short cuts for XFCE4 [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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This is not a programming question per se, but this is certainly about something which would help increasing my programming productivity.
In KDE, one can assign short-cuts to particular windows. This eliminates alt-tabbing completely and, is very very convenient when multiple apps(browser, console, emacs etc) are open.
My question is - can window short cuts be assigned in XFCE4 ? And if yes, how ? I very recently switched to XFCE from KDE4 and would appreciate any help regarding this.
I'm using xdotool.
For example command below moves Firefox to foreground:
xdotool search --onlyvisible --name 'Mozilla Firefox' windowraise
You can update your keyboard settings with needed parameters (Applications Menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard):
