Display sql query result in ejs file using node express - node.js

newbie here, I want to display my sql query result into my ejs file but I don't know how to.
any help will be appreciated.

To use ejs, the Express render engine must be set.
app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile);
Then you can pass variables to templates a SQL query:
connection.query('SELECT 1', function (err, rows) {
res.render('file.html', {
'sql': rows
In your template, then you can use code like so:
<%= sql.property %>
and even use scripts inside tags:
<% sql.forEach(function(field){ %>
<%= field.property %>
<% }) %>

Use EJS template url and send sql results using:


content is not defined in node js when i router get home page ' / '

content is not defined in node js when i router get home page ' / '
**Here i will show you my router page name page.js **
title: pages.title,
content: pages.content
and here i will show you my index from views
<%- include ("./_layouts/header") %>
<%- content %>
<%- include ("./_layouts/footer") %>
i dont now what can i do please help me thanks
content in your index.ejs needs to be marked as a variable.
This can be done by using the = sign in your file.
<%= content %>

Use console.log in EJS

Is it possible to use console.log in a node / ejs template? It doesn't seem to do anything when I try, even something as simple as:
<% console.log('test') %>
I've also tried:
<%= console.log('test') %>
Nothing shows up in the console.
I think you are expecting it to show in the developer console. It will not show up there.
console.log() in EJS file will show the log in the terminal where the server is running.
This worked perfectly
<% console.log('heheeh', JSON.stringify(doc, null, '\t')) %>
console.log() is working fine, but its log does not display in dev tools.
So, check your terminal first:
<% console.log("test") %>
It's perfect.
console.log(test) in ejs file will show the log in the terminal
And if you want to see test object or value in browser than try
<%= test %>
This will show objects as string
I know this is a really old thread, but I just had this issue and this is what I ended up doing:
<% var data = JSON.stringify(htmlWebpackPlugin) %>
console.log(<%= data %>)
It doesn't look pretty, but it works
<% console.log(posts) %>
NB: Make sure you define your variable in any other file you have eg app.js file...
let posts = [];
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.render("home", {
posts: posts
Click me
first, Your home route inside your index.js/server.js/app.js, render a variable you want console log in another ejs file; in the code below, nposts is a variable or an array;
res.render("home", {posts: nposts});
then in your ejs file, in this example in the home.ejs console.log in the <% %> tags
<% console.log(posts); %>
send from serve-side
let item = [arr1, arr2, arr3]
res.send("index", { item })
in client-side
use in script
console.log('<%- item %'>
console.log('<%- JSON.stringify( item ) '%>
["arr1","arr2","arr3"] //text
var newArray = JSON.parse('<%- JSON.stringify( item )%>')
console.log(newArray )
<% { %>
<% } %>
this code is work well.
create { } by <% %> from ejs.
We can add javascript code inside { }.
The simple answer would be:
If you are in your home route and you want to test any condition you would have to use ejs tags. inside the tags drop your normal console.log.
<% console.log(test) %>

how to include dynamic html file in html page in node.js?

I have set value in variable {action:'page1.html'} after render this value in index.html layout then I want to use include dynamically page but not working.
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
res.render('users/index', {action:'page1.html'});
<% include+"./"+action %>
Please suggest..
First of all you must have versione 2.x of EJS, then you need to include it as:
<%- include(action) %>
Ref: https://github.com/mde/ejs#includes

node/express retrieving html templates from mongodb

Hi I'm new to node and I'm trying to make a simple blog.
I want to route /pages/:post to search a database for "post" and return an html template file that I can use as a partial.
var posts = {
'myarticle': {
template: partial1.html
var findPost = function (post, callback) {
if (!posts[post])
return callback(new Error(
'No post matching '
+ post
return callback(null, posts[post]);
app.get('/pages/:post', function(request, response) {
var post = request.params.post;
findPost(post, function(error, post) {
if (error) return;
return response.render('posttemplate', post);
and posttemplate is a template file like ejs (i'm not comfortable with Jade as of yet) that looks like
<% include ../partials/header %>
<% include /thereturnedpost %>
Is this possible? I've looked through documentation/tutorials but none of them are clear.
I'l answer with codes examples from my current project
<%- body %>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/vendors.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/main.js"></script>
res.render('index', {
body: content
So your example is almost correct. After fetching the data from the database you send it to render function (in my case I render content ).
It is for the case when you keep in the db html string.
Also I can recommend you to use markdown (e.g. markdown-js) for the blog posts. It may be simpler to write and edit well formatted content, and less information to keep (comparing to html).
As per your coding, your blog post contents are static and are in template htmls.
If you get the data from db, you should modify your code such that the template file is with the HTML markup/ejs variables and send the data values separately.
This can be accomplished through ejs.renderFile method...https://www.npmjs.com/package/ejs2
Hope it will help you...

Using interpolation within Node.js EJS includes

My Express app is using EJS, and my views directory looks like this:
I'm trying to load home.ejs in my layout.ejs view conditionally based on a local variable named contents in my routes/index.js. That file looks like this:
* GET home page.
exports.index = function(req, res){
res.render('index', { title: 'Home', contents: 'home.ejs' });
Ideally I could simply write (in layout.ejs):
<% include '/contents' + contents %>
where the trailing "contents" is the local variable which contains the relative path to the body text to load.
But alas, it appears EJS always interprets the text following an include directive literally, and there is no chance for any interpolation magic to happen.
I've also tried to no avail:
<% function yieldContent(contents){ %>
<% var contentPath = 'contents/' + contents; %>
<% include contentPath %>
<% }; %>
<% loadContent(); %>
Does anyone have a creative solution for conditionally including a view based on a variable passed in routes?
I think there is no way to do this kind of dynamic includes in EJS. It might break the separation of business logic and view.
The solution can be to rendering the subtemplate in the controller, and passing its content to the layout.
For rendering subtemplate in the controller use something like this:
var ejs = require('ejs'),
, fs = require('fs')
, home = ejs.render(fs.readFileSync("contents/home.ejs", "utf-8"))
In the version 2 of EJS, the include function does it well. With it, includes are inserted at runtime so variables can be used as pathnames.
In this case, the solution may be :
<%- include('contents/' + contents) %>
The function can also have another argument if necessary :
<%- include('mypathname', {foo:"bar"}) %>
The pathname has to be relative to the template which calls the function.
Currently this hasn't been implemented into ejs but, there is this discussion and pull request that offers the functionality.
in your render function you can include fs.readFileSync and __dirname.
Render your page with options like this
Then you can use it in your .ejs page like this. This remains in server side.
<% var products=JSON.parse(file_get_contents(__dirname+'/web/data/products.json','utf8')) %>
You can print the data on client HTML like this.
<%- JSON.stringify(products)%>
Note : Using this method means you have fs included somewhere at the top of your script.
var fs = require('fs')
