How to run a callback when all running in parallel function done their job? - node.js

I got stack with the question:
"How to run a callback after all async functions done their job"
Here an example:
function doTasks(**callback**) {
doTask1(function() {
doTask2(function() {
I do not want to run a task after another. The idea to run them in parallel, but I need that callback right after all done. Does nodeJs have build-in feature for it?
For now I'm using a combination of an EventEmitter and counter. Every time when a task is finished it runs an event. Because I know how many tasks have ran. I can count it and emit callback. But must be more flexible way. Here what I use now.
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
var MakeItHappen = module.exports = function (runAfterTimes, callback) {
this._aTimes = runAfterTimes || 1;
this._cTimes = 0;
this._eventEmmiter = new EventEmitter();
this._eventEmmiter.addListener("try", callback);
MakeItHappen.prototype.try = function () {
this._cTimes += 1;
if (this._aTimes === this._cTimes) {
this._cTimes = 0;
this._eventEmmiter.emit("try", arguments);
Is there another way to do it?

You can use the async library,
function(){ ... },
function(){ ... }
], callback);

Use a counter:
var a = function (cb){
//Asynchronous stuff
cb ();
var b = function (cb){
//Asynchronous stuff
cb ();
var remaining = 2;
var finish = function (){
if (!--remaining){
//a and b finished...
a (finish);
b (finish);


Call a async function every minute for 5 minutes in nodejs

I am trying to call a async function every minute for 5 minutes before exiting the main function. Below is the print_data() function which I am calling in main() function.
var print_data = async () => {
async function main() {
var data = await print_data()
Very new to writing async function. What is the best way to call print_data function every minute for 5 minutes and print the output each minute? I tried something using setInterval and was not able to execute the function completely.
Any help would be good. Thank you in advance.
This is one way to do it using setInterval and clearInterval. Read more about it here:
Using IIFE to prevent polluting of the global scope.
(function (){
let counter = 0; //counter to keep track of number of times the setInterval Cb is called
let data; // to store reference of Timeout object as returned by setInterval, this is used in clearInterval
const print_data = async () => {
if (counter == '5') {
async function main() {
data = setInterval(print_data, 1000*60); //60 seconds
Please check if the below code can be a solution.
var print_data = async () => {
return "Hello";
var call_print_data = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var count = 0;
var interval = setInterval(async () => {
var res = await print_data();
count += 1;
if (count === 5) { // if it has been run 5 times, we resolve the promise
resolve(res); // result of promise
}, 1000 * 60); // 1 min interval
async function main() {
var data = await call_print_data(); // The main function will wait 5 minutes here

Asynchronous nodejs module exports

I was wondering what the best approach is for configuring a module export. "async.function" in the example below could be a FS or HTTP request, simplified for the sake of the example:
Here's example code (asynmodule.js):
var foo = "bar"
async.function(function(response) {
foo = "foobar";
// module.exports = foo; // having the export here breaks the app: foo is always undefined.
// having the export here results in working code, but without the variable being set.
module.exports = foo;
How can I export the module only once the async callback has been executed?
a quick note on my actual use-case: I'm writing a module to configure nconf ( in an fs.exists() callback (i.e. it will parse a config file and set up nconf).
Your export can't work because it is outside the function while the foodeclaration is inside. But if you put the export inside, when you use your module you can't be sure the export was defined.
The best way to work with an ansync system is to use callback. You need to export a callback assignation method to get the callback, and call it on the async execution.
var foo, callback;
async.function(function(response) {
foo = "foobar";
if( typeof callback == 'function' ){
module.exports = function(cb){
if(typeof foo != 'undefined'){
cb(foo); // If foo is already define, I don't wait.
} else {
callback = cb;
Here async.function is just a placeholder to symbolise an async call.
In main
var fooMod = require('./foo.js');
//Here code using foo;
Multiple callback way
If your module need to be called more than once you need to manage an array of callback:
var foo, callbackList = [];
async.function(function(response) {
foo = "foobar";
// You can use all other form of array walk.
for(var i = 0; i < callbackList.length; i++){
module.exports = function(cb){
if(typeof foo != 'undefined'){
cb(foo); // If foo is already define, I don't wait.
} else {
Here async.function is just a placeholder to symbolise an async call.
In main
var fooMod = require('./foo.js');
//Here code using foo;
Promise way
You can also use Promise to solve that. This method support multiple call by the design of the Promise:
var foo, callback;
module.exports = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
async.function(function(response) {
foo = "foobar"
Here async.function is just a placeholder to symbolise an async call.
In main
var fooMod = require('./foo.js').then(function(foo){
//Here code using foo;
See Promise documentation
An ES7 approach would be an immediatly invoked async function in module.exports :
module.exports = (async function(){
//some async initiallizers
//e.g. await the db module that has the same structure like this
var db = await require("./db");
var foo = "bar";
//resolve the export promise
return {
This can be required with await later:
(async function(){
var foo = await require("./theuppercode");
ES6 answer using promises:
const asyncFunc = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Where someAsyncFunction takes a callback, i.e. api call
someAsyncFunction(data => {
export default asyncFunc
import asyncFunc from './asyncFunc'
asyncFunc().then(data => { console.log(data) })
Or you could return the Promise itself directly:
const p = new Promise(...)
export default p
import p from './asyncModule'
Another approach would be wrapping the variable inside an object.
var Wrapper = function(){ = "bar";
Wrapper.prototype.init = function(){
var wrapper = this;
async.function(function(response) { = "foobar";
module.exports = new Wrapper();
If the initializer has error, at least you still get the uninitialized value instead of hanging callback.
You can also make use of Promises:
module.exports = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve.bind(null, 'someValueToBeReturned'), 2000);
var asyncModule = require('./some-async-module');
asyncModule.then(promisedResult => console.log(promisedResult));
// outputs 'someValueToBeReturned' after 2 seconds
The same can happen in a different module and will also resolve as expected:
var asyncModule = require('./some-async-module');
asyncModule.then(promisedResult => console.log(promisedResult));
// also outputs 'someValueToBeReturned' after 2 seconds
Note that the promise object is created once then it's cached by node. Each require('./some-async-module') will return the same object instance (promise instance in this case).
Other answers seemed to be partial answers and didn't work for me. This seems to be somewhat complete:
var Wrapper = function(){
this.callbacks = []; = null;
Wrapper.prototype.init = function(){
var wrapper = this;
async.function(function(response) { = "foobar";
Wrapper.prototype.get = function(cb) {
if(typeof cb !== 'function') {
return this.connection; // this could be null so probably just throw
if( {
return cb(null,;
module.exports = new Wrapper();
var wrapper = require('./some-module');
// foo will always be defined
var wrapper = require('./some-module');
// foo will always be defined in another script

this.emit is not working but self.emit is working. why?

The following node.js script is not working
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var util = require('util');
var TickE = function() {
util.inherits(TickE, EventEmitter); //TickE.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype;
TickE.prototype.ticker = function() {
var self = this;
setInterval (function () {
}, 1000);
var t = new TickE ();
//console.log (util.inspect(t));
t.on('tick', function() { console.log ('Tick...');});
It is not working if I call the emit method like below
TickE.prototype.ticker = function() {
//var self = this; // commented this line
setInterval (function () {
this.emit('tick'); // using this in place of self
}, 1000);
self is just a variable holding reference of this and why this is throwing error ?
Because the this keyword has a different value in the function that is invoked by setInterval.
You already know the solution with the self variable in a closure, a different (and shorter) solution would be binding the emit method:
setInterval(this.emit.bind(this, "tick"), 1000);

Sequential execution in node.js

I have code like
common.findOne('list', {'listId': parseInt(request.params. istId)}, function(err, result){
if(err) {
else {
var tArr = new Array();
if(result.tasks) {
var tasks = result.tasks;
for(var i in tasks) {
common.findOne('tasks', {'taskId':parseInt(tasks[i])}, function(err,res){
tArr[i] = res;
return response.send(result);
It is not executed sequentially in node.js so I get an empty array at the end of execution. Problem is it will first execute console.log(tArr); and then execute
tArr[i] = res;
Is there any mistake in my code or any other way for doing this.
As you are probably aware, things run asynchronously in node.js. So when you need to get things to run in a certain order you need to make use of a control library or basically implement it yourself.
I highly suggest you take a look at async, as it will easily allow you to do something like this:
var async = require('async');
// ..
if(result.tasks) {
async.forEach(result.tasks, processEachTask, afterAllTasks);
function processEachTask(task, callback) {
common.findOne('tasks', {'taskId':parseInt(task)}, function(err,res) {
tArr.push(res); // NOTE: Assuming order does not matter here
function afterAllTasks(err) {
The main things to see here is that processEachTask gets called with each task, in parallel, so the order is not guaranteed. To mark that the task has been processed, you will call callback in the anonymous function from findOne. This allows you to do more async work in processEachTask but still manage to signify when it is done. When every task is done, it will then call afterAllTasks.
Take a look at async to see all the helper functions that it provides, it is very useful!
I've recently created a simple abstraction named "wait.for" to call async functions in sync mode (based on Fibers):
Using wait.for and async your code will be:
var wait = require('waitfor');
//execute in a fiber
function handleRequest(request,response){
var result = wait.for(common.findOne,'list',{'listId': parseInt(request.params.istId)});
var tArr = new Array();
if(result.tasks) {
var tasks = result.tasks;
for(var i in tasks){
var res=wait.for(common.findOne,'tasks',{'taskId':parseInt(tasks[i])});
tArr[i] = res;
return response.send(result);
// handle errors
return response.end(err.message);
// express framework
app.get('/posts', function(req, res) {
// handle request in a Fiber, keep node spinning

What is the variable scope for async tasks?

var itemIds, result, taskQueue, _i, _len;
itemIds = [];
taskQueue = async.queue(function(task, callback) {
console.log('Hello ' +;
return callback();
}, 10);
for (_i = 0, _len = results.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
result = results[_i];
taskQueue.push({}, function(err) {
var item;
item = new Item(result);
return, new_item) {
itemIds[itemIds.length] = new_item._id;
return console.log(itemIds);
taskQueue.drain = function() {
console.log('Queue Done!');
return console.log(itemIds.length);
is my code. But itemIds shows as empty when the drain is run. This is using the async module for node.js by the way
I'd personally recommend you heavily simplify the code using after
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
var cb = after(results.length, function() {
var items =;
console.log("All done");
results.forEach(function(result) {
item = new Item(result);, newItem) {
The problem isn't variable scope, it's that async.queue doesn't know about all the async functions you're scheduling. Specifically, it doesn't know about the calls - it only knows about the outer function that schedules The actual save and resulting callback invocation are done asynchronously, after drain() has been called, which is why itemIds appears empty. (Make sense?)
To solve this, I would suggest you use the Step module instead of async. Specifically, look at Step's group() feature, which allows you to indicate when nested asynchronous control flows like this have finished.
