I have a function
import System.Exit
exit_and_report_type_mismatch :: String -> IO ExitCode
exit_and_report_type_mismatch error_message = do
putStrLn error_message
and a section of another like so
interpret_expr :: Vars -> Expr -> Val
interpret_expr vars (Plus (ConsE _ _) (NumE _)) = exit_and_report_type_mismatch "Type Error: Can only concatenate list (not int) to list"
Haskell complains to me that it is expecting type Val (another data type I have defined) but it actually receives type IO Exitcode. Fair enough - exit_and_report_mismatch is returning IO ExitCode which is not a Val.
How do I completely abort the Haskell program from within "exit_and_report_type_mismatch"? I have read a bit about Haskell exceptions but the explanations either do not make sense or mention having to call ExitWith from the main function, which is not an option.
This is what error is for. From the documentation:
error :: [Char] -> a
error stops execution and displays an error message.
For instance:
zsh% runhaskell <<<'main = putStrLn (error "Message") >> print "Not reached."'
runghcXXXX7729.hs: Message
The effect of putStrLn is ignored, and the program terminates as soon as the value produced by error is demanded (lazy evaluation means that just putting error somewhere doesn't immediately cause an error; as you might or might not expect, let x = error "Message" in putStrLn "Printed" causes no errors). It is possible to catch these exceptions with the functions from Control.Exception.Base, such as catch, but I've never done this nor have I seen this done.
Also, as a final note, consider avoiding the use of error. Partial functions (functions that aren't defined over their entire input domain) are best avoided when possible, as it's much easier to reason about your code with the stronger guarantees total functions provide. It's nice when, as for total functions, f :: A -> B really means "the function f returns something of type B"; for partial functions, f :: A -> B means only "if the function f returns, then what it returns is of type B". In your case, this might mean having a type like interpretExpr :: Vars -> Expr -> Either RuntimeError Val, or something suitably isomorphic (in the simplest case, perhaps data Result = Error String | Value Val, and interpretExpr :: Vars -> Expr -> Result).
This will do it:
import System.IO.Unsafe
exit_and_report_type_mismatch :: String -> a
exit_and_report_type_mismatch error_message = unsafePerformIO $ do
putStrLn error_message
The function error might work the same though.
In The acquire-use-release cycle section from Real World Haskell, the type of bracket is shown:
ghci> :type bracket
bracket :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c
Now, from the description of bracket, I understand that an exception might be thrown while the function of type a -> IO c is running. With reference to the book, this exception is caught by the calling function, via handle:
getFileSize path = handle (\_ -> return Nothing) $
bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> do
size <- hFileSize h
return (Just size)
I can't help but thinking that when the exception does occur from within bracket's 3rd argument, bracket is not returning an IO c.
How does this go well with purity?
I think the answer might be exactly this, but I'm not sure.
I can't help but thinking that when the exception does occur from within bracket's 3rd argument, bracket is not returning an IO c.
Prelude> fail "gotcha" :: IO Bool
*** Exception: user error (gotcha)
As you note, no Bool (respectively, c) value is produced. That's ok, because the action does not conclude – instead it re-raises the exception. That exception might then either crash the program, or it might be caught again somewhere else in calling code – importantly, whoever catches it will a) not get the result value (“the c”), you never do that in case of an exception; b) doesn't need to worry about closing the file handle, because that has already been done by bracket.
I tried the following code :
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Data.Text as T
import Data.ByteString.Builder
it = toLazyByteString $ encodePath (Prelude.map T.pack ["foo","bar"]) [(read "stuff",Nothing)]
main = print it
ghci 7.10.3 accepts to give me a type but somehow cannot compute "it" :
"*** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse
ghc 7.10.3 links but gives :
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
What is wrong with this expression ? I know it is an ugly expression and that it may look better with OverloadedStrings, but still, I am perplexed.
The thing that puzzled me was what type you were reading the string "stuff" to, so I looked at the types.
encodePath :: [Text] -> Query -> Builder
where Query is an alias for [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)]. So in this context you are specializing read to:
read :: String -> ByteString
Looking at the relevant Read instance, we see:
instance Read ByteString where
readsPrec p str = [ (packChars x, y) | (x, y) <- readsPrec p str ]
packChars :: [Char] -> ByteString
So, ByteString just delegates to String for reading, and then packs the result. So your code eventually boils down to:
read "stuff" :: String
which fails, of course. There's no String that Shows itself as the five characters stuff.
Rather, it looks to me like you just want to be using T.pack to convert this to a ByteString, just as you do for your other strings.
Your expression is 'correct' in a strict sense, that is to say it is well-typed, but your problem is what you're computing here:
read "stuff"
This is actually communicated in the error message:
"*** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse"
-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- The underlined means the exception is due to the `read` function.
(Note that this is not an error – it is an exception, which arises when running the program, not when compiling it.)
I don't know what you were trying to construct when you wrote read "stuff", but there's nothing that "stuff" can be interpreted as, so it fails to parse.
Examples of valid uses of read are: read "0" :: Int, read "True" :: Bool and so on. read "stuff" is meaningless and will naturally cause an exception.
Perhaps you meant maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a from Data.(Lazy.)Text.Read?
I've got a function:
unify :: [Constraint] -> [Substitution]
and in certain cases it throws exceptions with the error function:
error "Circular constraint"
I'm using Test.HUnit for unit testing and I'd like to make a test case that asserts these errors are thrown on certain inputs. I found this, which provides a way of testing for exceptions that are instances of Eq, but error seems to give an ErrorCall exception, which is not an instance of Eq, so I get the error:
No instance for (Eq ErrorCall)
arising from a use of `assertException'
How can I write a TestCase that asserts that error was called and (preferably) checks the message?
Ideally I'd refactor your function into
unify' :: [Constraint] -> Maybe [Substitution]
unify' = -- your original function, but return Nothing instead of calling error,
-- and return Just x when your original function would return x
unify = fromMaybe (error "Circular constraint") . unify'
I would then test unify' instead of testing unify.
If there was more than one possible error message, I would refactor it like this instead:
unify' :: [Constraint] -> Either String [Substitution]
-- and return Left foo instead of calling error foo
unify = either error id . unify'
(Incidentally, if this is for a library other programmers will be using, some of them would prefer to call unify' instead of the partial function unify.)
If you can't refactor your code, I'd modify the code you link to, replacing assertException with:
assertErrorCall :: String -> IO a -> IO ()
assertErrorCall desiredErrorMessage action
= handleJust isWanted (const $ return ()) $ do
assertFailure $ "Expected exception: " ++ desiredErrorMessage
where isWanted (ErrorCall actualErrorMessage)
= guard $ actualErrorMessage == desiredErrorMessage
Can anything be done to define a Show instance for an undefined value? Maybe some GHC extensions exist? I want something like this:
> print (1,undefined)
According to the Haskell 2010 report, chapter 9, evaluating undefined should always cause an error:
-- It is expected that compilers will recognize this and insert error
-- messages that are more appropriate to the context in which undefined
-- appears.
undefined :: a
undefined = error "Prelude.undefined"
Since printing a value includes evaluating it, this will always give an error.
The bottom value (of which undefined is one flavor) is a value that is never constructed and hence can't be observed. This implies that you can't print it either. This value can't be compared to null from other languages, which usually can be observed and even checked against.
It is useful to think of undefined as well as error "blah" and all other bottoms as equivalent to results of infinite loops. The result of an infinite loop is never constructed and hence can't be observed.
More conceptually: The "undefined" is not a value like 'X'. The 'X' value has type Char. What type does "undefined" have? The symbol "undefined" is polymorphic, it can have any type (any type of kind *).
Type classes like "Show t" dispatch on the type t. So different type can and do have different show functions that display them. Which function gets your "undefined" depends on the type.
In GHCI most polymorphic types are defaulted to () so it can run the command. One can make a show function for a new type that does not look at the value:
Prelude> data Test = Test
Prelude> instance Show Test where show x = "I did not look at x"
Prelude> show Test
"I did not look at x"
Prelude> show (undefined :: Test)
"I did not look at x"
But as you can see this avoids the error with undefined by never examining the value at all. So this is a bit useless.
You could make your own type class and printing machinery that runs in IO and catches errors and does sort of what you want:
import Control.Exception
perr s = do x <- try (evaluate (show s)) :: IO (Either SomeException String)
return (either show id x))
The above translates errors into the error's string form:
Prelude Control.Exception> perr True
Prelude Control.Exception> perr (undefined :: Bool)
Note: A better 'perr' needs to force the whole String instead of just the WHNF.
Even though (as the others already pointed out) you can't specify a Show instance for undefined, you may be able to put together a workaround by using catch as in the following code:
import qualified Control.Exception as C
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
showCatch :: (Show a) => a -> IO String
showCatch = showCatch' "undefined"
showCatch' :: (Show a) => String -> a -> IO String
showCatch' undef x = C.catch (C.evaluate (show x)) showUndefined
showUndefined :: C.ErrorCall -> IO String
showUndefined _ = return undef
unsafeShowCatch :: (Show a) => a -> String
unsafeShowCatch x = unsafePerformIO (showCatch x)
But this example will only work for simple expressions:
*Main> let v1 = showCatch 1
v1 :: IO String
*Main> let v2 = showCatch $ if True then undefined else 0
v2 :: IO String
*Main> v1
*Main> v2
*Main> let v3 = unsafeShowCatch 1
v3 :: String
*Main> let v4 = unsafeShowCatch $ undefined
v4 :: String
*Main> v3
*Main> v4
It won't work for calls like
showCatch (1,undefined)
I don't think it is a bug, but I am a bit puzzled as to why that doesn't work. A bonus question is why does it mention variable e? There is no variable e.
Prelude> :m +Control.Exception
Prelude Control.Exception> handle (\_-> return "err") undefined
Ambiguous type variable `e' in the constraint:
`Exception e'
arising from a use of `handle' at <interactive>:1:0-35
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Prelude Control.Exception>
Apparently it works fine in ghci 6.8, I am using 6.10.1.
Edit: I have minimized the code. I expect that to have the same result in both 6.8 and 6.10
class C a
foo :: C a => (a -> Int)-> Int
foo _ = 1
arg :: C a => a -> Int
arg _ = 2
bar :: Int
bar = foo arg
trying to compile it:
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( /tmp/foo.hs, interpreted )
Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
`C a' arising from a use of `arg' at /tmp/foo.hs:12:10-12
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Prelude Control.Exception>
The type of Control.Exception.handle is:
handle :: Exception e => (e -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
The problem you are seeing is that the lambda expression (\_ -> return "err") is not of type e -> IO a where e is an instance of Exception. Clear as mud? Good. Now I'll provide a solution which should actually be useful :)
It just so happens in your case that e should be Control.Exception.ErrorCall since undefined uses error which throws ErrorCall (an instance of Exception).
To handle uses of undefined you can define something like handleError:
handleError :: (ErrorCall -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleError = handle
It's essentially an alias Control.Exception.handle with e fixed as ErrorCall which is what error throws.
It looks like this when run in GHCi 7.4.1:
ghci> handleError (\_ -> return "err") undefined
To handle all exceptions a handleAll function can be written as follows:
handleAll :: (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleAll = handle
Catching all exceptions has consequences described well in this excerpt of the Control.Exception documentation:
Catching all exceptions
It is possible to catch all exceptions, by using the type SomeException:
catch f (\e -> ... (e :: SomeException) ...)
HOWEVER, this is normally not what you want to do!
For example, suppose you want to read a file, but if it doesn't exist then continue as if it contained "". You might be tempted to just catch all exceptions and return "" in the handler. However, this has all sorts of undesirable consequences. For example, if the user presses control-C at just the right moment then the UserInterrupt exception will be caught, and the program will continue running under the belief that the file contains "". Similarly, if another thread tries to kill the thread reading the file then the ThreadKilled exception will be ignored.
Instead, you should only catch exactly the exceptions that you really want. In this case, this would likely be more specific than even "any IO exception"; a permissions error would likely also want to be handled differently. Instead, you would probably want something like:
e <- tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (readFile f)
let str = either (const "") id e
There are occassions when you really do need to catch any sort of exception. However, in most cases this is just so you can do some cleaning up; you aren't actually interested in the exception itself. For example, if you open a file then you want to close it again, whether processing the file executes normally or throws an exception. However, in these cases you can use functions like bracket, finally and onException, which never actually pass you the exception, but just call the cleanup functions at the appropriate points.
But sometimes you really do need to catch any exception, and actually see what the exception is. One example is at the very top-level of a program, you may wish to catch any exception, print it to a logfile or the screen, and then exit gracefully. For these cases, you can use catch (or one of the other exception-catching functions) with the SomeException type.
Source: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/libraries/base/Control-Exception.html#g:4
This problem shows up only in GHC 6.10; it can't be duplicated in GHC 6.8 because the type of handle is different:
: nr#homedog 620 ; ghci
GHCi, version 6.8.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> :m +Control.Exception
Prelude Control.Exception> handle (\_ -> return "err") undefined
Prelude Control.Exception>
OK maybe I can get this right at last. I think the problem is not the monomorphism restriction, but rather you've hit an instance of the Read/Show problem: you're offering to handle some type of exception, in the new version of `handle, there is more than one type of exception, and the type of that exception does not appear in your result. So the compiler has no way of knowing which type of exception you're trying to handle. One way to work this is to pick one. Here's some code that works:
Prelude Control.Exception> let alwaysError :: SomeException -> IO String; alwaysError = \_ -> return "err"
Prelude Control.Exception> handle alwaysError undefined
Incidentally, the example use of handle in the GHC library documentation does not compile under 6.10. I have filed a bug report.
A workaround is to use Control.OldException in ghc 6.10.* instead of Control.Exception.
Try giving your handler the type SomeException -> IO x, where x is a concrete type, e.g.
import Control.Exception
let f _ = putStrLn "error" :: SomeException -> IO ()
in handle f undefined
"Exception e" is likely from the type signature of "handle".
The documentation
handle :: Exception e => (e -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
In GHC 6.8 it used to be different, which would explain why I don't get that error.
handle :: (Exception -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
Seems you're running into the monomorphism restriction. That "_"-Pattern must be monomorphic (which it is with ghc 6.8) or explicitly typed. A "workaround" is to put the pattern on the left hand side of a definition, where it constitutes a "simple pattern binding" as specified by the Haskell Report.
Try this:
let f _ = return "err"
handle f undefined