How to Boost a Field In Lucene.Net 3 - c#-4.0

I want to boost a field in Lucene.Net 3.0.3. However the SetBoost Method doesnt appear to be defined anymore in Lucene. How do I boost a field, say, I want the "Title" of a document to carry more weight that the rest of the fields?

You can boost a field in index time or in search time.
To boost a field in index time you can set:
Field titleField = new Field("title", strTitle, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED);
titleField.Boost = 2;
remember that OmitNorms must be set to false.
To boost a field in search time you can set:
TermQuery q = new TermQuery(new Term("title", "cat"));
q.Boost = 2;
_searcher.Search(q, 100);


Lucene (6.2.1) deleteDocuments based on StoredField

I am using few StoredField and few TextField in my indexing (Lucene 6.2.1)
for every document I have my own unique ID
if I create field as
Field docID = new TextField("docID", docId, Field.Store.YES);
I am able to delet document like following
Field transactionIdField = new TextField("transactionId", transactionId, Field.Store.YES);
Term docIdTerm = new Term("docID", docId);
Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(analyzer);
IndexWriter writer = repositoryWriters.getTargetIndexWriter(repositoryUuid);
// 4. remove document with docId
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Document removed from Index, docID: {0}", docId);
But if I create field as
Field docID = new SttoredField("docID", docId);
the document is not deleted
How can I delete a document based on a Stored Field Value?
I want to keep it a StoredField so tat users can not search teh document based on docID
Quoting StoredField documentation,
A field whose value is stored so that IndexSearcher.doc and
IndexReader.document() will return the field and its value.
i.e. it would simply be a stored field for a document and there would be no Terms or Indexing for this field.
Method, IndexWriter.deleteDocuments(Term...terms) wouldn't find that document since there will be no Term for a StoredField.
A TextField on the other hand is indexed and terms generated for it,
A field that is indexed and tokenized, without term vectors. For
example this would be used on a 'body' field, that contains the bulk
of a document's text.
A stored TextField is indexed as well as stored so terms are available and value is stored to re construct the document too.
So in sumamry, you can't delete a document on the basis of only a StoredField , you need an indexed field too - with same name to be able to delete it.

Alfresco slingshot search numberFound and totalRecords number different

I'm using Alfresco 5.0.d
I see in the search json result (with firebug console panel) that in addition to result items , 2 other properties are returned : numberFound and totalRecords. It seems that Alfresco search engine considers numberFound as total items found.
So it display "numberFound results founded" to user.
The problem is that numberFound is not equals to totalRecords.
I see that totalRecords is the correct number of search result (in fact search always return totalRecords number of items).
So i decided to see in the webscript that performs search (alfresco-remote-api-5.0.d.jar\alfresco\templates\webscripts\org\alfresco\slingshot\search\search.lib.js).
We can easly see that the numberFound property comes from this statement
var rs = search.queryResultSet(queryDef);
var numberFound = rs.meta.numberFound ;
About totalRecords property, it comes from the same statement but a little bit different:
var totalRecords = rs.nodes.length
which is the correct value of number of item really found.
So is it an Alfresco api bug?
If no , is it possible that error comes from my query parameters?
Can someone explains me what does mean the numberFound property?
Thank you.
Below is the URL of java file which is getting called when you are executing search.queryResultSet(queryDef) code.
you can refer below method in the java file.It is adding all the things.
public Scriptable queryResultSet() //This is java method which is getting called.
Below is the code which is written for what you are getting in result.
numberFound: long, // total number found in index, or -1 if not known or not supported by this resultset
{ // facets are returned for each field as requested in the SearchParameters fieldfacets
{ // each field contains a map of facet to value
facet: value,

MVC 5 Paging a long list (50 000 object), i used listPaged but it takes time to charge list

I has to display a list of books that containes more than 50 000 book.
I want to display paged list where for each page i invoke a method that gives me 20 books.
List< Books > Ebooks = Books.GetLibrary(index);
But using PagedList doesnt match with my want because it creates a subset of the collection of objects given and accesse to each subset with the index. And refering to the definition of its methode, i had to charge the hole list from the begining.
I also followed this article
var EBooks = from b in db.Books select b;
int pageSize = 20;
int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
return View(Ebooks.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize));
But doing so, i has to invoke (var Books = from b in db.Books select b; ) on each index
I'm searching for indications to achieve this
List< Books > Ebooks = Books.GetLibrary(index);
and of course i has the number of all the books so i know the number of pages
So i'm searching for indication that leads me to achieve it: for each index, i invoke GetLibrary(index)
any suggestions ?
Have you tried something like:
var pagedBooks = Books.GetLibrary().Skip(pageNumber * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
This assumes a 0-based pageNumber.
If that doesn't work, can you add a new method to the Books class that gets a paged set directly from the data source?
Something like "Books.GetPage(pageNumber, pageSize);" that way you don't get the entire collection every time.
Other than that, you may have to find a way to cache the initial result of Books.GetLibrary() somewhere.

Is it possible to use the search results of one search as the criteria for a new search in NetSuite

Using NetSuite is it possible to embed a search within another search? I have a search that I need that will be effectively using another search's results in the criteria.
The basic structure of my search is:
Return all non-inventory skus, starting with a specific prefix,
Where the occurrence of the previously mentioned skus on a custom field on
Inventory-Part records is greater than 0.
This is then intended to be used for alerts
I'm not sure how to build this within NetSuite's search builder.
I don't think this pertains to any scripting as m_cheung suggested.
To answer your question, yes this is doable via saved search.
Transaction > Management > Saved Search > New
Select 'Item' from the list
In the criteria section:
Type = 'Non-Inventory Items'
External ID = starts with (...your desired prefix) (NOTE: Assuming that prefix is the external ID from your question)
Select the Custom field and criteria is greater than 0.
Save and Run to confirm if this is the desired result.
using nlapiSearchRecord(RECORDTYPE, JOIN_, __SEARCHFILTERSARRAY, __SEARCHCOLUMNSARRAY) you can return the results of a search and pass the returned data further into script logic
for example if you build search1 using a searchFilter array and a searchColumn array then pass these arrays into nlapiSearchRecord('item'), you can assign this call to a variable:
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('item', null, searchFiltersArray, searchColumnsArray);
then using searchresults (which is an nlobjSearchResults object) you can pull out your returned search data for criteria in search2:
for(i=0;i<searchresults.length; i++)
var search2FilterAndColumnData = searchresults[i].getAllColumns();
You can use a saved search for creating another search in suitescript.
Somewhat like ,
var arrSearchResult = nlapiSearchRecord( null , SAVED_SEARCH_ID , FILTERS , COLUMNS);

Exact phrase search using

I am having trouble searching for an exact phrase using Lucene.NET
For example I am searching for "scope attribute sets the variable" (including quotes) but receive no matches, I have confirmed 100% that the phrase exists.
Can anyone suggest where I am going wrong? Is this even supported with Lucene.NET? As usual the API documentation is not too helpful and a few CodeProject articles I've read don't specifically touch on this.
Using the following code to create the index:
Directory dir = Lucene.Net.Store.FSDirectory.GetDirectory("Index", true);
Analyzer analyzer = new Lucene.Net.Analysis.SimpleAnalyzer();
IndexWriter indexWriter = new Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter(dir, analyzer,true);
//create a document, add in a single field
Lucene.Net.Documents.Document doc = new Lucene.Net.Documents.Document();
Lucene.Net.Documents.Field fldContent = new Lucene.Net.Documents.Field(
"content", File.ReadAllText(#"Documents\100.txt"),
//write the document to the index
I then search for a phrase using:
//state the file location of the index
Directory dir = Lucene.Net.Store.FSDirectory.GetDirectory("Index", false);
//create an index searcher that will perform the search
IndexSearcher searcher = new Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher(dir);
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser("content", new SimpleAnalyzer());
// txtSearch.Text Contains a phrase such as "this is a phrase"
Query q=qp.Parse(txtSearch.Text);
//execute the query
Lucene.Net.Search.Hits hits = searcher.Search(q);
The target document is about 7 MB plain text.
I have seen this previous question however I don't want a proximity search, just an exact phrase search.
Shashikant Kore is correct with his answer, you need to enable term positions...
However, I would recommend not storing the text of the document in the field unless you absolutely need it to return back to you in the search results... Setting the store to 'NO' might help reduce the size of your index a bit.
Lucene.Net.Documents.Field fldContent =
new Lucene.Net.Documents.Field("content",
You have not enabled the term positions. Creating field as follows should solve your problem.
Lucene.Net.Documents.Field fldContent =
new Lucene.Net.Documents.Field("content",
