Filtering a PivotTable by Boolean - excel

The source data for my Excel PivotTable looks like the following (this is a simplification):
id name score
1 john 15
2 james 2
3 pat 14
4 jake 12
I have a PivotTable that uses this as a data source. Now, what I want to do is have the PivotTable only consider entries if their id is less than 100. This is theoretically achievable by having a Report Filter on id, and de-selecting any number greater than 100. But that's rather absurd.
How can I filter out data using a Boolean constraint? I've tried various methods, none of which worked. It seems like calculated fields are the key, but it doesn't seem possible to create a filter on calculated fields.
I'm using Excel 2011 for Mac, if that makes a difference. I'm a programmer, but I've never programmed in Excel, so if that's the solution, I'd request baby steps. :) Thank you!

AFAIK, In Excel 2011, you cannot use a report filter to apply any kind of filter. You have to manually check/uncheck the values that you want or don't want.
The alternative that I can think of is to insert a column before your data and enter the formula
and copy it down using Autofill. (See screenshot below)
Now create a pivot and put the field "Less Than 100" in the report filter and simply select TRUE (See screenshot below)
If you don't want to go down that path then move the ID field to ROW LABEL from REPORT FILTER where you can use a filter.

A Report Filter is exactly what I would do, but rather than manually de-selecting the fields as you suggest you would do I would apply a Label filter to be less than the cut-off point, which in your example is 100.
I haven't used Excel on Mac, but on Windows on the PivotTable Field List, to the right of the id field click the little black arrow, and select Label Filters -> Less Than and then enter 100 in the dialogue that pops up.
Given the inherent value of PivotTables is the ability to apply filters exactly for this sort of scenario I don't think I'd do anything more complicated.


Taking means of irregular amounts data

I'm not able to take the means for a large dataset given that the amount of attributes is irregular.
I have posted a simplified case for the problem. It explains the problem very well.
An idea that I came up with: Make a filter to condition on a single attribute. However, still, I don't see a way to do this in an efficient way (other then doing it all by hand).
see excel file:
All help is much appreciated.
I'm basically looking for a function/method to achieve taking means of all different attributes conditioned on each person for a large dataset without doing it by hand.
You can use AVERAGEIFS() inside an IF:
the ifrst part of the if tests whether the row starts a new group either by the person or the attribute changing. Then it uses AVERAGEIFS() to return the correct average of that group. otherwise it returns a blank
What you want to do can be accomplished very simply with a pivot table.
Simply select one of the cells inside the range of data you want to process(See the video for general use of a pivot table )
go the insert tab and insert pivot table.
Once you have it, simply check people, attribute, and values. Then drag people and attribute into rows, drag valut into the values window, select the drop down list and change it from sum of value to average and you should be done.

Column to rows and highlight difference between values in the same group

I have a huge table with data structured like this:
And I would like to display them in Spotfire Analyst 7.11 as follows:
Basically I need to display the columns that contain "ANTE" below the others in order to make a comparison. Values that have variations for the same ID must be highlighted.
I also have the fields "START_DATE_ANTE" and "END_DATE_ANTE" which have been omitted in the example image.
Amusingly, if you were limited to just what the title asks, this would be a very simple answer.
If you wanted this in a table where the rows are displayed as usual, and the cells are highlighted, you can do this by going to properties, adding a newGrouping where you select VAL_1 and VAL_1_ANTE and add a Rule, Rule type "Boolean expression", where the value is:
[VAL_1] - [VAL_1_ANTE] <> 0
This will highlight the affected cells, which you can place next to each other. You can even throw in a calculated column showing the difference between the two columns, and slap it on right next to it. This gives you the further option to filter down to only showing rows with discrepancies, or sorting by these values.
However, if you actually need it to display the POSTs on different lines from the ANTEs, as formatted above, things get a little tricky.
My personal preference would be to pivot (split/union/etc) the data before pulling it in to Spotfire, with an indicator flag on "is this different", yes/no. However, I know a lot of Spotfire users either aren't using a database or don't have leeway to perform the SQL themselves.
In fact, if you try to do it in Spotfire using custom expressions alone, it becomes so tricky, I'm not sure how to answer it right off. I'm inclined to think you should be able to do it in a cross table, using Subsets, but I haven't figured out a way to identify which subset you're in while inside the custom expressions.
Other options include generating a table using IronPython, if you're up to that.

SUM(column) / COUNT(column) not working in Excel PivotTable

I have a PivotTable in Excel, and I'm trying to add a custom field with a custom calcuation, but it doesn't seem to work. As of right now, the PivotTable looks like this...
Part Count of Ordered Sum of Ordered myCustomField
ABC 4 3500 3500
The formula for myCustomField looks like this:
= SUM(Ordered) / COUNT(Ordered)
The value for myCustomField should read 875, but it's not. What am I doing wrong or not understanding about this? Also, even though this custom calculation could be added in a column outside of the PivotTable and work, I need it part of the table which is why I'm adding it through a custom field. Thank you.
Instead of using a calculated field like this, put another Value in your pivot table and make it the Average of Ordered.

Excel - Nested IF/Nested AND/OR in 'calculated field' option - pivot table

I have the following problem:
A datasheet with a column (HOUR) and another column (AM/PM). Entries in the first column consist of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, or 12, the second column consists of 'AM's or 'PM's. Together they define the time of an incident (regarding the below problem, note that I am not allowed to create a new column in the source datasheet or change existing columns). The below formulas 1.) to 3.) work excellent for getting '1's or '0's for incidents that happened either between 8AM and 4PM, or outside of this time window, as long as I create a new column somewhere.
1.) =IF(AND(A1>=8, A1<=11),IF(B1="AM",1,0),0) + IF(AND(A1>=1, A1<=4),IF(B1="PM",1,0),0) + IF(AND(A1=12),IF(B1="PM",1,0),0)
2.) =--OR(AND(A1>=8, B1="AM", A1<>12), AND(OR(A1<=4, A1=12), B1="PM"))
3.) =--OR(AND(OR(A1={8,9,10,11}),B1="AM"), AND(OR(A1={1,2,3,4,12}), B1="PM"))
However, I want the "1"s to be summarized - without creating an extra column - as calculated field in a pivot table. While excel doesn't accept the 3.) formula at all in the calculated field option, excel accepts 1.) and 2.), but puts out only "0"s in all pivot cells. The below is one of the formulas that puts out only "0"s in the pivot table.
=--OR(AND(HOUR>=8,'AM/PM'="AM",HOUR<>12), AND(OR(HOUR<=4,HOUR=12),'AM/PM'="PM"))
The field value settings don't make a difference, and the fields that are created new with 1.) or 2.) cannot be filtered for "1"s or 0"s, so something must be wrong with the field calculation I guess. Does anybody know what I need to change to make it work? Are there special rules for formulas in pivot tables that apply to formula 1.) and 2.) to make them work?
Thanks for any help on this
I think the limitation is not you, but Excel.
See here for description of what is possible, as well as this question
I tried your code and indeed I see it's not working. Even with a simple if code it doesn't seem to work. I think it's is explicitly called a calculated field because you are only able to calculate the fields in the Sum/Total/Count etc. column.
Have a look at MS, this function is quite limited.
I would try to make another work-around to accomplish your goal.

Can I get relational data into an Excel Pivot Table

I have a sheet (let's go with wines as an example) that lists every bottle of wine in my cellar, when I bought it, how much I paid etc.
There's a column that describes the wine in comma-separated tags such as "Fruity, White".
I've created a pivot table from that data, with the description as a filter column. However I can't filter it by "White". I have to find every description that contains "White" such as "Dry, White", "White, Crisp" etc.
Being from an RDBMS background, my natural inclination is to put the tags in their own table keyed against the wine row so there's zero-or-more tag rows per wine row.
How, how on earth can I use that to filter the wine rows?
Yes you can do it within Excel and the description fields can remain as "Dry, White" etc as you do not need to split the comma separated values.
Lets say the Table source comprises a text column for Description, a number column for Value and a number column for Year Bought.
Your pivot is setup with the the following
Fields: Description, Value and Year Bought.
Column labels: Year Bought
Row Labels: Description
Sum of values: Sum of Value
There is a drop down label filter on the row labels - click on this and there should be an option to select Label Filters. Select this and then select Contains. You can enter say "White" which will select all your descriptions that contain white e.g. "Dry, White", "White, Crisp". The filter includes ? to represent a single character and * to represent any series of characters.
There are similar label filters for "begins with" and "ends with" as well as there negation.
I tried this in Excel 2007 and it should also work in 2003. I think in Excel 2003 you could even combine the filters e.g. contains "White" and does not contain "Dry" but in 2007 I could not find a way of doing this.
Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but the reason you're having problems here is that the description column is not in 1NF, and the Excel pivot interface isn't flexible enough to allow pattern-based searching.
The simplest option will be to normalise the CSV into a series of columns, each of which represents a single attribute - one column for wine colour, one for sweetness, one for country of origin and so on - and apply the filter across multiple columns. However, if (as your comment on the question suggests) wine is a metaphor for your real problem, you may not have the luxury of revisiting the design of the source data.
Another possibility might be to use a macro (or a database query - I'm not clear from your question whether you have implemented the tag system already) to pre-filter the input data on the pivot table's source sheet based on the tag values you want to search for, then re-refresh the pivot table based on that data.
A third possibility is the VBA used in this question, which looks like it will custom-filter the pivot table's visible rows.
create an extra column and add a formula. There are 2 tricks to this. One is to search for WHITE in the description column using upper - to beat the fact that excel find is case sensitive. Two is that it returns a value error if the string does not exist - so iserr will allow you to trap that and return in this example 0 if it doesn't or 1 if it does. You could substitute white and blank for 1 and 0.
you could write a script that loops through the data and adds new lines for each comma separated item in the description column. This would allow the pivot table to filter better.
