FUSE Extended Attributes - fuse

I'm trying to implement a FUSE file system including the ability to set/get extended file attributes. In this case, the attribute that I am interested in is one to create a boolean condition to mark a file as encrypted. Let's say that I have a file called test.txt. From a terminal window, I can easily do the following:
setfattr -n user.encrypted -v 1 test.txt
getfattr -n user.encrypted test.txt
and get the output:
# file: test.txt
So, I know that my system is correctly set to work with extended attributes.
But I'm stuck on setting and getting these attributes programatically from within FUSE. For example, I have the following function:
/* File open operation */
int bb_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
int retstat = 0;
int fd;
int isEncrypted;
char user[] = "user";
char encAttr[] = "encrypted";
fd = open(path, fi->flags);
if (fd < 0)
retstat = bb_error("bb_open open");
log_msg("\nAbout to get encryption attribute\n");
/* get the encryption attribute */
isEncrypted = fgetxattr(fd, user, encAttr, 1);
log_msg("\nisEncrypted: %d\n", isEncrypted);
return retstat;
When I run this, even after setting this attribute from the command line, fgetxattr always fails (i.e. it returns a value of -1). The output in my log file is:
isEncrypted = -1
Clearly I'm calling this function incorrectly, but I don't know how to correct this. Can anyone help? Thanks.

You need to implement the following functions in your FUSE filesystem:
listxattr to get the list of supported Extended Attributes
getxattr to get the value of Extended Attribute


eBPF Maps : How to get MAP FD from another user space program

I have attached eBPF XDP program(port_filter_kern.c) in my network Interface.
port_filter_kern.c - It will drop the incoming traffic which comes to the specific ports(port numbers are present in "port_map" as key).
port_filter_user.c - It will load my eBPF program to the given interface and update the eBPF map "port_map" after reading the text file(which has port numbers).
map_fd = bpf_object__find_map_fd_by_name(obj, "port_map");
printf("map_fd %d ",map_fd); //to see the map fd integer
int result = bpf_map_update_elem(map_fd, &portkey, &value, BPF_ANY);
Now, I want to access the same map "port_map" using another user space program (port_filter_runtime.c) which will get the port numbers from user/text file during run time and need to update the same map "port_map", to drop the incoming traffic which comes to the newly given port number.
I have tried below ways to find same map FD. I didnt get correct FD,(verified through the FD, which is printed in first user space program port_filter_user.c).
struct bpf_object *obj = bpf_object__open_file("port_filter_kern.o", NULL);
struct bpf_map *map = bpf_object__find_map_by_name(obj, "port_map");
int map_fd = bpf_map__fd(map);
printf("map_fd %d ",map_fd); //to see the map fd integer
and tried with below code also,
struct bpf_object *obj = bpf_object__open_file("port_filter_kern.o", NULL);
int map_fd = bpf_object__find_map_fd_by_name(obj, "port_map");
printf("map_fd %d ",map_fd); //to see the map fd integer
If I gets the same map FD, I can use that to update my map.
Any guidance? Thanks in Advance...
The file descriptor is an integer value that only makes sense in the context of its process. You cannot just share the value with any process and expect that it will point to the same resource.
Typically you would share a reference between processes by pinning the map (in the user space program that created it) to the bpffs (/sys/fs/bpf/), then retrieving the file descriptor in the other program from the pinned path with a bpf() syscall (see for example int bpf_obj_pin(int fd, const char *pathname), and then int bpf_obj_get(const char *pathname) from libbpf).
Once you have the file descriptor in your second process, you can assign it to the map in the struct bpf_object with libbpf's bpf_map__reuse_fd().

How to access input device driver from userspace

I'm currently developing an input subsystem driver for touchscreen. What I don't know is how to access the device from userspace, e.g. how to open a file that should be created in filesystem.
What I've done so far is this:
After I insmod the driver, I get the following message in dmesg:
input: driver_name as /devices/platform/soc/3f804000.i2c/i2c-1/1-0038/input/input0
Now when I go at this location, I find input0, which is a directory. In this directory, I can find files such as name, properties, uevent, but none of the files here contains touch data.
My question here is, where does input subsystem puts touch data after I call
input_report_abs(data.input, ABS_X, coord_x);
input_report_abs(data.input, ABS_Y, coord_y);
Once you do insmod, new file is created under /dev/input, in my case it was event0 file. In order to test the functionality, you can do evtest input0. This file can be used from a userspace program in the following way:
struct input_event ev;
FILE* fd = open("/dev/input/event0", O_RDWR);
int count = read(fd, &ev, sizeof(struct input_event);
for(int i = 0; i < (int)count / sizeof(struct input_event); i++)
if(EV_KEY == ev.type) // printf ...
if(EV_ABS == ev.type) // printf ...
Hope this will help somebody because I feel like this isn't covered enough in Documentation.

fuse: Setting offsets for the filler function in readdir

I am implementing a virtual filesystem using the fuse, and need some understanding regarding the offset parameter in readdir.
Earlier we were ignoring the offset and passing 0 in the filler function, in which case the kernel should take care.
Our filesystem database, is storing: directory name, filelength, inode number and parent inode number.
How do i calculate get the offset?
Then is the offset of each components, equal to their size sorted in incremental form of their inode number? What happens is there is a directory inside a directory, is the offset in that case equal to the sum of the files inside?
Example: in case the dir listing is - a.txt b.txt c.txt
And inode number of a.txt=3, b.txt=5, c.txt=7
Offset of a.txt= directory offset
Offset of b.txt=dir offset + size of a.txt
Offset of c.txt=dir offset + size of b.txt
Is the above assumption correct?
P.S: Here are the callbacks of fuse
The selected answer is not correct
Despite the lack of upvotes on this answer, this is the correct answer. Cracking into the format of the void buffer should be discouraged, and that's the intent behind declaring such things void in C code - you shouldn't write code that assumes knowledge of the format of the data behind void pointers, use whatever API is provided properly instead.
The code below is very simple and straightforward, as it should be. No knowledge of the format of the Fuse buffer is required.
Fictitious API
This is a contrived example of what some device's API could look
like. This is not part of Fuse.
// get_some_file_names() -
// returns a struct with buffers holding the names of files.
// * path - A path of some sort that the fictitious device groks.
// * offset - Where in the list of file names to start.
// * A name_list, it has some char buffers holding the file names
// and a couple other auxiliary vars.
name_list *get_some_file_names(char *path, size_t offset);
Listing the files in parts
Here's a Fuse callback that can be registered with the Fuse system to
list the filenames provided by get_some_file_names(). It's arbitrarily named readdir_callback() so its purpose is obvious.
int readdir_callback( char *path,
void *buf, // This is meant to be "opaque".
fuse_fill_dir_t *filler, // filler takes care of buf.
off_t off, // Last value given to filler.
struct fuse_file_info *fi )
// Call the fictitious API to get a list of file names.
name_list *list = get_some_file_names(path, off);
for (int i = 0; i < list->length; i++)
// Feed the file names to filler() one at a time.
if (filler(buf, list->names[i], NULL, off + i + 1))
break; // filler() returned 1, requesting a break.
if (all_files_listed(list))
return 1; // Tell Fuse we're done.
return 0;
The off (offset) value is not used by the filler function to fill its opaque buffer, buf. The off value is, however, meaningful to the callback as an offset base as it provides file names to filler(). Whatever value was last passed to filler() is what gets passed back to readdir_callback() on its next invocation. filler()
itself only cares whether the off value is 0 or not-0.
Indicating "I'm done listing!" to Fuse
To signal to the Fuse system that your readdir_callback() is done listing file names in parts (when the last of the list of names has been given to filler()), simply return 1 from it.
How off Is Used
The off, offset, parameter should be non-0 to perform the partial listings. That's its only requirement as far as filler() is concerned. If off is 0, that indicates to Fuse that you're going to do a full listing in one shot (see below).
Although filler() doesn't care what the off value is beyond it being non-0, the value can still be meaningfully used. The code above is using the index of the next item in its own file list as its value. Fuse will keep passing the last off value it received back to the read dir callback on each invocation until the listing is complete (when readdir_callback() returns 1).
Listing the files all at once
int readdir_callback( char *path,
void *buf,
fuse_fill_dir_t *filler,
off_t off,
struct fuse_file_info *fi )
name_list *list = get_all_file_names(path);
for (int i = 0; i < list->length; i++)
filler(buf, list->names[i], NULL, 0);
return 0;
Listing all the files in one shot, as above, is simpler - but not by much. Note that off is 0 for the full listing. One may wonder, 'why even bother with the first approach of reading the folder contents in parts?'
The in-parts strategy is useful where a set number of buffers for file names is allocated, and the number of files within folders may exceed this number. For instance, the implementation of name_list above may only have 8 allocated buffers (char names[8][256]). Also, buf may fill up and filler() start returning 1 if too many names are given at once. The first approach avoids this.
The offset passed to the filler function is the offset of the next item in the directory. You can have the entries in the directory in any order you want. If you don't want to return an entire directory at once, you need to use the offset to determine what gets asked for and stored. The order of items in the directory is up to you, and doesn't matter what order the names or inodes or anything else is.
Specifically, in the readdir call, you are passed an offset. You want to start calling the filler function with entries that will be at this callback or later. In the simplest case, the length of each entry is 24 bytes + strlen(name of entry), rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8 bytes. However, see the fuse source code at http://sourceforge.net/projects/fuse/ for when this might not be the case.
I have a simple example, where I have a loop (pseudo c-code) in my readdir function:
int my_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
(a bunch of prep work has been omitted)
struct stat st;
int off, nextoff=0, lenentry, i;
char namebuf[(long enough for any one name)];
for (i=0; i<NumDirectoryEntries; i++)
(fill st with the stat information, including inode, etc.)
(fill namebuf with the name of the directory entry)
lenentry = ((24+strlen(namebuf)+7)&~7);
off = nextoff; /* offset of this entry */
nextoff += lenentry;
/* Skip this entry if we weren't asked for it */
if (off<offset)
/* Add this to our response until we are asked to stop */
if (filler(buf, namebuf, &st, nextoff))
/* All done because we were asked to stop or because we finished */
return 0;
I tested this within my own code (I had never used the offset before), and it works fine.

How to wrap the IO functions in Lua to prevent the user from leaving X directory

How could you wrap the IO functions in Lua to prevent someone from leaving your top level directory.
You place them in "MyDoc" and they have full IO access to everything sub of MyDoc but couldn't for example .. back into the C drive or anywhere else.
open up liolib.c. head over to these 3 functions
static void opencheck (lua_State *L, const char *fname, const char *mode) {
LStream *p = newfile(L);
p->f = fopen(fname, mode);
if (p->f == NULL)
luaL_error(L, "cannot open file " LUA_QS " (%s)", fname, strerror(errno));
static int io_open (lua_State *L) {
const char *filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
const char *mode = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "r");
LStream *p = newfile(L);
const char *md = mode; /* to traverse/check mode */
luaL_argcheck(L, lua_checkmode(md), 2, "invalid mode");
p->f = fopen(filename, mode);
return (p->f == NULL) ? luaL_fileresult(L, 0, filename) : 1;
static int io_popen (lua_State *L) {
const char *filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
const char *mode = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "r");
LStream *p = newprefile(L);
p->f = lua_popen(L, filename, mode);
p->closef = &io_pclose;
return (p->f == NULL) ? luaL_fileresult(L, 0, filename) : 1;
these are the functions you want to edit.
the first one receives the file name as the parameter fname, the second and the third
pop it out of the lua stack as the local variable filename.
now all you need to do is
1) get your own process path
2) canonize the given file path
3) compare them so that they are the same up until the last slash on both
4) if they are not the same then in opencheck use luaL_error(L,"access denied to %s", fname);
in the other two return luaL_fileresult(L,0,filename);
Presumably you have sandboxed your user environment, so for instance they can't use the builtin "require" or "dofile" or "setatable"? Basically you have to limit the functions they can call to only what you want, and create your own versions of anything you want to control. There are several ways to do this and they each have their pros and cons and nothing is unbreakable, all you can do is up the bar of experience, effort and time required to break your "jail".
This means you have to work at the C API level, but I would not recommend modifying the source unless you are very familiar with it and can easily determine that your modifications aren't easiy breakable. By staying at the C API level, at least other Lua users can help validate the solidity of the sandbox.
You have to figure out a way to enable your code to call Lua builtin without allowing the user to call the builtin. I believe you can store tables in the lua registry, where only the C code can look. It's been a while. Or maybe if you don't put getmetable in user environment, that allows you to call the builtins via metatable but user can't get to them.
For example, from C
you load the builtins such as io module and save the functions you will wrap (such as open) in a (meta)table table;
delete the builtin table io from _G so user only has access to the version you created; you've saved the functions you will need for later
create a global table called io and set its metatable to what you created in step 1, so it defines only functions you want to give access to, such as a function called "open".
In that function you do whatever filtering you need, before calling the builtin you saved.
The details will make a big difference, and implementation will be different if you use Lua 5.1 vs 5.2, but there are several good articles on sandboxing in Lua on the web (sorry no time to find), take a look and come up with something, then maybe post on Lua user mailing list or SO for pros/cons. ;)

linux get process name from pid within kernel

i have used sys_getpid() from within kernel to get process id
how can I find out process name from kernel struct? does it exist in kernel??
thanks very much
struct task_struct contains a member called comm, it contains executable name excluding path.
Get current macro from this file will get you the name of the program that launched the current process (as in insmod / modprobe).
Using above info you can use get the name info.
Not sure, but find_task_by_pid_ns might be useful.
My kernel module loads with "modprobe -v my_module --allow-unsupported -o some-data" and I extract the "some-data" parameter. The following code gave me the entire command line, and here is how I parsed out the parameter of interest:
struct mm_struct *mm;
unsigned char x, cmdlen;
mm = get_task_mm(current);
cmdlen = mm->arg_end - mm->arg_start;
for(x=0; x<cmdlen; x++) {
if(*(unsigned char *)(mm->arg_start + x) == '-' && *(unsigned char *)(mm->arg_start + (x+1)) == 'o') {
if(x == cmdlen) {
printk(KERN_ERR "inject: ERROR - no target specified\n");
return -EINVAL;
strcpy(target,(unsigned char *)(mm->arg_start + (x+3)));
"target" holds the string after the -o parameter. You can compress this somewhat - the caller (in this case, modprobe) will be the first string in mm->arg_start - to suit your needs.
you can look at the special files in /proc/<pid>/
For example, /proc/<pid>/exe is a symlink pointing to the actual binary.
/proc/<pid>/cmdline is a null-delimited list of the command line, so the first word is the process name.
