ActionBarSherlock Missing libary.jar - actionbarsherlock

I was trying to add the actionbarsherlock libary moet I'm getting the following error:
The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved Unknown Java Problem
When I look into the tab 'Builth path' I see libary.jar is missing. But there isnĀ“t a file called libary.jar?
I've already set the compiler to Java 1.6, but it's still not working. The target SDK of both projects is Android 4.0
I hope anyone can help!

I tried to switch to Java 1.7 and let Android fix my project properties. (I got a message). After that, it worked for me!


Unknown attribute android:scaleType

This is the error. As shown in the image. This is not letting the app run.
This happens when I set the compile sdk version to 33. What to do?
Thanks in advance.
You can either ignore it or upgrade to Android Studio - Dolphin; it is a known bug. I had literally hundreds of these Unknown Attribute errors in my project, but they went away when I upgraded to Dolphin v2021.3.1.
Here's a link to Google's issue tracker indicating it is resolved in Dolphin:

libGDX, project build fail. Could not detemine java version '9.0.1'

I am new to libGDX, just planning to create a new project. but the generation of project fail with this error displayed
"Could not detemine java version '9.0.1'.
I have linked the SDK path like how I linked it in android studio. need help. I found it might be something to do with the gradle version. do you guys know how to let libGDX uses the latest gradle?
Check this issue, already in libgdx issue tracker.
According to this discussion, Gradle update may solve this issue so wait for this issue to be resolved.

"com.dsi.ant.plugins.antplus.pcc does not exist" error for ANT+ in Android Studio 2.1.3

I am trying to use the runnerup project but I get the below error. My Android Studio is 2.1.3:
I am adding one more thing, I have faced same problem and fixed by downloading below source code via below github link and placed on ANT-Android-SDKs folder (if folder is empty).
I believe you do not have the correct ant+ library
For the runner up project you need to make sure that you have the code pointing towards the correct .jar file. In this case I do not think it is picking up the ../ANT-Android-SDKs/ANT+_Android_SDK/API/antpluginlib_3-1-0.jar in your hrdevice build.gradle.
dependencies {
provided files('libs/samsung_ble_sdk_200.jar')
compile files('../ANT-Android-SDKs/ANT+_Android_SDK/API/antpluginlib_3-1-0.jar')

The parameter is incorrect

When I try to add a service reference to my project in Visual Studio I keep getting the error " The parameter is incorrect" I know it's not the code because it doesn't happen on my coworkers computer. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio to see if the problem is with my installation. But that doesnt seem to fix it.
I am using visual Studio 2012.
Did anyone come across this issue before? Please help!
I had this problem with a project that was copied out of ClearCase. the .csproj file still had the reference telling visual studio that its still under CC. I removed the following references and it worked.
<SccProjectName>Rational ClearCase</SccProjectName>
<SccLocalPath>Rational ClearCase</SccLocalPath>
<SccAuxPath>Rational ClearCase</SccAuxPath>
<SccProvider>Rational ClearCase</SccProvider>
I had the same issue after updating SQLite plugin for windows phone.
It seems like the sqlite-net-wp8 project (which is a wrapper to work with the plugin) had some import method from that plugin and when the version changed the wrapper didn't work anymore.
The solution was to downgrade the sqlite plugin to a version that is compatible with the wp8 wrapper.
Edit: The wrapper had an update so I've upgraded both the plugin and wrapper and now the issue is fixed.
If it shows any project in your solution with "(failed)" next to it's name try to remove it and re-add it to your solution and it will tell you what the issue exactly is.
In addition to Frisons answer - the issue works aswell the other way round:
If you are using ClearCase, make sure that the entries mentioned by Frison are available in your project file. I just had this case that one of the projects in my solution did not (however) had these entries and i got the very same error. Adding these lines fixed this issue for me.
I got the same error for WindowsPhone project, after make a clear manifest the error disappeared.

IntelliJ unable to recognize groovy String

I am using IDEA - 11.1.1 and gradle - gradle-1.0-milestone-9 (I tried with release candidate 3 also) on windows-7 (if this matters)
After importing gradle porject, IDEA complains about String object. I think I am missing something about grrovy configuration. I have also marked - main and test folder as Sources and Test Resources respectively. Did I miss something obvious?
Most likely the JDK isn't set correctly in IDEA. Go to File -> Project Structure -> Project and check/fix Project SDK.
Try checking your project and module sdk.
On your module select F4 or Right click "Open Module Settings"
Check your SDK and Moduel SDK
I am sure that will resolve your problem.
Check your IDEA project settings and look if your JDK is configured properly.
I suggest you use the gradle idea plugin to create your IDEA project files, instead of using the import function of existing gradle projects into IDEA, since from my experience it gave me troubles. Also adding new jars via gradle and updating your IDEA project files via gradle seems more consistent.
I uploaded a build.gradle gist, which might give you a good start:
It contains some explanatory comments.
