I am aware that Foursquare's /users/search works if you are searching a venue via its twitter handle. Is there is a way to achieve this through userless access?
Thanks for your help.
Nope, the users/search endpoint requires authentication: https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/users/search
I am looking for another way to get Instagram media from public accounts. I don't want to provide any credentials. I know that it is possible with the access token from Instagram Basic API, but it is short-lived. Is there any official public endpoint available? I found a ?__a=1, but it is deprecated. Also, there is a https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?query_hash=HASH&variables={"id":"ID","first":COUNT}, but it isn't mentioned in any official documentation.
Do you guys have any ideas?
What do you mean deprecated? Use such a link https://www.instagram.com/username/?__a=1 and get all the data in json format, then process it how you need.
I searched into the Instagram API docs and I discovered that posting images and tagging products through API requests is not (yet?) possible.
Is it true?
Depends from type of account that you use:
Personal account. Not possible to post via API
Business account. Posible via API Graph for Instagram. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/overview
I am using new Instagram Graph APIs for my application, I am interested in knowing if there is any way I can get profile information about the user who comments on my Instagram posts and what are possible ways to get the direct message exchanging with those users, as far I found that Instagram Graph APIs do not provide any direct messaging support for now, though I found some private APIs but these are not reliable as they can be restricted any time in future.
So all I need is to get those user`s information who commented on my Posts ie- I get only comment_id from the web-hook request from Instagram Graph APIs but when using that comment I try to get its owner/user it does not return any user information except username.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you!
try this endpoint:
We have integrated hereNow api in our appliction to show the checked in customers for the particular venue. Now because of the policy change in the hereNow api we are not getting any results. Is there any way to get the checkedin user details for the venue without being as a store manager?
No. The identities of users currently checked in to a venue are only available to apps making requests on the behalf of friends, other people checked in to the venue, or to a manager of the venue.
Is it possible to crawl check-in data from foursquare in a greedy way? (even if I don't have friendship with all the users) Just like crawling publicly available twitter messages. If you have any experience or suggestions, please share. Thanks.
If you have publicly available tweets containing links to foursquare, you can resolve the foursquare short links (4sq.com/XXXXXX) by making a HEAD request. The head request will return a URL with a check-in ID and a signature. You can use those two values to retrieve a check-in object via the foursquare API /checkins/ endpoint. You're only allowed to access 500 of these per hour.
You must abide by both the Twitter and foursquare terms of service -- in fourquare's case, you may not display this information to anyone, nor may you retain any user information for more than 3 hours (since the user has not authorized your application).
You can only get the check-in data for a location if the manager of the location gives you OAuth access to your application. If you have that, you can use the real-time API defined here: https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/realtime.html
No, it is not possible to crawl check-in data similar to Twitter. This information is considered personal data and is not public.
You can crawl twitter data for foursquare data =)