I just can't get this to work:
It should set var_2 based on the URL query string value of var_1
The problem is where I call var_1 with {{var_1}}
I've tried various other methods but all throw different errors.
// var_3 set elsewhere
{% set var_1 %}test-{{var_3}}{% endset %}
{% set var_2 = app.request.get({{var_1}}) %}
// need var_2 set for rest of script
You can't use another tag ({{ ... }}) inside a twig tag ({% ... %}). So this is not going to work:
{% set var_2 = app.request.get({{var_1}}) %}
A solution is to just put the variable in function argument:
{% set var_2 = app.request.get(var_1) %}
You don't need to (and often cannot) use {{ }} within twig logic. {{ }} is used to output something to the response. To use a variable in line just name the variable. Also remember that ~ will join strings, but some people don't like using it for some reason!
{% set var_1 = 'test-' ~ var_3 %}
{% set var_2 = app.request.get(var_1) %}
I'm not able to access template variable in TWIG macro.
Here is a simplified example:
{% set myname = "Ligio" %}
{{ _self.pagedurl(1) }}
{% macro pagedurl(page) %}
Hi {{ _self.myname }}! This is Page Num {{ page }}
{% endmacro %}
How can I access the variable myname without passing it to the macro?
You can not.
As stated in the documentation:
As PHP functions, macros don't have access to the current template
Your only solution is to pass the parameter to the macro:
{% import _self as flow %}
{{ flow.pagedurl(1, "Ligio") }}
{% macro pagedurl(page, myname) %}
Hi {{ myname }}! This is Page Num {{ page }}
{% endmacro %}
You may have noticed in my example, I call {% import _self as flow %}.
This is something you MUST do:
When you define a macro in the template where you are going to use it,
you might be tempted to call the macro directly via _self.input()
instead of importing it; even if seems to work, this is just a
side-effect of the current implementation and it won't work anymore in
Twig 2.x.
If you need to pass more than one global variable into the macro, you might find the _context variable useful:
{% macro mymacro(globalvars) %}
Value of the global variable pi is {{ globalvars.pi }}
{% endmacro %}
{% set pi = 3.14159 %}
{{ _self.mymacro(_context) }}
Ref: this or this answer.
You can set a global variable and access it anywhere in the template
$loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem('path/to/templates');
$twig = new \Twig_Environment($loader);
$twig->addGlobal('V_Name', 'V_Value');
I'm learning to use the Craft CMS, which uses Twig templating. I'm trying to output a JSON object in Twig, but instead of 2 items in the JSON I'm getting info about a single item.
Here is my code:
{% set newsitems = craft.entries.section('newsitems').orderBy('PostDate desc').limit(100) %}
{% set response = [] %}
{% for newsitem in newsitems %}
{{ 'Here' }}
{% set response = response|merge({'type':0, 'id':newsitem.id, 'link':newsitem.sourceLink}) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ response|json_encode() }}
And here is the output I get:
Here Here {"type":0,"id":"25","link":"https:\/\/gadgets.ndtv.com"}
As can be seen, the loop executes two times ('Here' is printed 2 times) but there is only one item in the JSON array which is printed.
Am I missing something basic? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Twig's merge filter uses array_merge in the background.
The manual states the following
If the input arrays have the same string keys, then the later value for that key will overwrite the previous one. If, however, the arrays contain numeric keys, the later value will not overwrite the original value, but will be appended.
This is what is happening to your output, in the first iteration you've create an associative array with the key: type, id, link. In the x'th iteration you are just overwriting the values stored in said keys. The solution is also stated in the manual, numeric indices will be appended to the array instead of overwriting it.
In twig you would solve it as this:
{% set response = [] %}
{% for newsitem in newsitems %}
{% set response = response|merge([{ 'type': 0, 'id': newsitem.id, 'source': newsitem.source,},]) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ response|json_encode|raw }}
I need to set an object property name dynamically in Twig:
{% set featureId = feature.id %}
{% set gridEnabled = gridEnabled|merge({featureId: true}) %}
But that sets "featureId" as a property of gridEnabled. Is there a way to tell Twig that featureId is a variable? I'm surprised it interprets that as a string without quotes.
Follow-up question: Here is the full set--I was able to further reduce to "feature.id". Can these lines be combined?
{% set gridEnabled = grid.enabled %}
{% set gridEnabled = gridEnabled|merge({(feature.id): true}) %}
{% set grid = grid|merge({'enabled':gridEnabled}) %}
Very easy actually,
{% set gridEnabled = gridEnabled|merge({(featureId): true}) %}
(edit) follow-up
{% set grid = grid | merge({'enabled' : (grid.enabled | merge({(featureId):1,}))}) %}
I want to reuse pretty heavy logic only code a few times, in php I would use a function, but in twig I went with a solution from this old question.
In short, I use a macro like that:
{% import _self as test %}
{% macro check() %}
{{ test }}
{% endmacro %}
{% set v = test.check() %}
{% if v == 'test' %}
this should display
{% endif %}
Here is a fiddle: https://twigfiddle.com/kyv3zr/2
The problem is that v is a Twig_markup object. It doesn't seem to have any public properties. Running dump on it gives me this:
object(Twig_Markup)#1244 (2) { ["content":protected]=> string(13) " 1 " ["charset":protected]=> string(5) "UTF-8" }
How do I use it in an if statement?
Or is there a better way of storing a logic only code for reuse across templates?
If the object is called v then the dump seems to show it has a content value, so try:
{% if v.content == '1' %}
{# do something here #}
{% endif %}
not certain though, but try it.
EDIT #2 - based on comments question.
So I guess if you want to use v in an if statement, you would use it like so:
{% if v == '1' %}
{# do something here #}
{% endif %}
This presumes it does equal to "1".
How would you append more data to the same variable in Twig? For example, this is what I'm trying to do in Twig:
var data = "foo";
data += 'bar';
I have figured out that ~ appends strings together in Twig. When I try {% set data ~ 'foo' %} I get an error in Twig.
The ~ operator does not perform assignment, which is the likely cause of the error.
Instead, you need to assign the appended string back to the variable:
{% set data = data ~ 'foo' %}
See also: How to combine two string in twig?
Displaying dynamically in twig
{% for Resp in test.TestRespuestasA %}
{% set name = "preg_A_" ~ Resp.id %}
{% set name_aux = "preg_A_comentario" ~ Resp.id %}
<li>{{ form_row(attribute(form, name)) }}</li>
{% endfor %}
You can also define a custom filter like Liquid's |append filter in your Twig instance which does the same thing.
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('./path/to/views/dir');
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);
$twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('append', function($val, $append) {
return $val . $append;
Resulting in the following markup:
{% set pants = 'I\'m wearing stretchy pants!' %}
{% set part2 = ' and they\'re friggin\' comfy!' %}
{% set pants = pants|append(part2) %}
{{ pants }}
{# result: I'm wearing stretchy pants! and they're friggin' comfy! #}
IMHO I find the above sample more intuitive than the ~ combinator, especially when working on a shared codebase where people new to the syntax might get a bit mixed up.