XML File Changes using Installshield2011 - installshield

I am developing an add-on installer using Installshield 2011 and project type is Basic MSI. I got a requirement where i need to update app.config file; the mentioned app.config is not part of current installer; app.config will be available by installing the base product. And on top of this my add-on installer will update the app.config file.
I am using XML File Changes feature provided by Installshield, i have configured it in the following steps:
Import the updated app.config file under XML File changes view.
Create a new element and assign key and value to it.
Repeated 1 and 2 and added 7 to 8 new entries as per the requirement
During testing i am seeing that the app.config file has been updated but entries are in single line instead of one below the other. I cannot enable "Format XML after changes" because one of the service which is referenced to app.config is not working and when i revoke the option services runs perfectly.
Is there any workaround/option to tell/ask installshield insert xml tag one below the other not in sinlge line using XML File Changes?

If XML Changes isn't formatting the document in a way that's acceptable, you could consider using the Text File Changes which is just a simpler search and replace without understanding the schema of XML. Otherwise options are to check out Windows Installer XML ( you can use the XmlConfig elements found in the Util extension in a merge module and then use that merge module in InstallShield ) or to just write your own custom actions.


APEX: Read uploaded excel file with as_read_xlsx

As far as I understand, APEX 5.1 does not support Excel files to be loaded into tables.
I found this package that seems to make it possible to SELECT from Excel files, but it does not show how to use it with, for example, files loaded via the "File Browse" Item.
Now, I am very new to this environment, so please explain it from the beginning.
What I did is I upload the package script to the SQL workshop and executed it, without errors. But now?
APEX 5.1 doesn't support it out of the box, but you can use the EXCEL2COLLECTION plugin (available here).
It is very straightforward, just create a file browse page item with an upload button which calls an onsubmit process (e.g. CreateCollection) of type Excel2Collection[Plug In] - specify the file browse item, a collection name and the CSV separator, then you can do as you please with the data (e.g. you may want to run some validations on the data then insert it into a table where you can access it as normal).

Biztalk template with non-static namespace - Visual Studio

I've exported an orchestration template using Visual Studio 2012, based on one I previously constructed. It generates a .zip with the following .vstemplate file:
<VSTemplate Type="Item" Version="2.0.0"
<Description>Custon Orchestration</Description>
<ProjectItem TargetFileName="$fileinputname$.odx" ReplaceParameters="true">Orchestration.odx</ProjectItem>
Using this item template in VS2012 creates an orchestration with the properties shown in the fig. below.
Notice the namespace is that of the original project from which the template was exported.
I want to set the default namespace of this item to include the project name (or even better the path leading to this item within the project). After searching I've yet to find a working example of how to accomplish this in a BizTalk item, namely an .odx.
Thank you for taking the time to read my question. I really hope you will be able to help me with this.
After searching and tinkering around I found out how to accomplish this.
When you export a template from Visual Studio two files are created, a .vstemplate and a template of the exported item, in this case a .odx. In order to alter the namespace, and other attributes, you need to edit this second file and add the information you want.
It is also possible to pass dynamic values by using template parameters in the form of $parameter$, which are documented in Microsoft's library.
So, for example, if you wanted to modify the namespace to include the project name, you would have to edit the exported .odx file and add the parameter $safeprojectname$ or $rootnamespace$ to dynamically set the namespace uppon creation of a new item based on the template.

Modify .csproj in pre-build event

tl;dr: How to modify the .csproj file during publishing with ClickOnce while executing pre-build events?
I'm using TFS hosted by Microsoft for version control of my solution.
When publishing with ClickOnce, I get the latest revision number + 1 without problems. I also can successfully write the new version number into the .csproj file outside my build-process.
The problem is, that the .csproj file doesn't get updated during the build process - it might be in a write-lock. I get a notification inside Notepad++ about the modification of the file, but the file still contains the old version and VS didn't notice any changes.
The only solution by now I found to resolve this issue:
Move the revision update into the post-build events and add 2 instead of one to the actual revision number. Unfortunately this would cause that revision number would be out of date whenever other developers check-in code.
Ok, strike that... :(.
After some more diffing, you'll need to override the GenerateApplicationManifest target to get this to work. That target doesn't use a *DependsUpon propertygroup, so it's harder to overwrite. The whole flow is defined in the Microsoft.Common.Targets file which you can find in the %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework{cpu}\{version} folder.
See also:

Adding a custom t4 template to DDL Generation Template dropdownlist

I know I can add the template in the folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Entity Framework Tools\DBGen
to make it visible in the DDL Generation Template dropdownlist, but then I need to distribute the template to my team members so they can add the template to the same folder.
I was hoping that I could achieve the same result by adding the template to the VS 2012 solution somehow and make it visible in the same dropdownlist
Do you know a way to achieve this?
I'm using VS 2012 and to generate the database I use Model First approach
I played around with this tonight and found it is possible, but it's kind of a hack. You'll have to edit your edmx file by hand, and make sure it is version controlled because you have to edit the designer section of the edmx file (auto-generated). First thing is to copy the t4 template to the root of your project (might actually have to be in the same folder as the edmx, not sure). Then add the t4 template to your project. Now remove the custom tool entry (in properties) so it doesn't try and auto gen the t4 template. finally add the designer property below in the correct location in the edmx file (i included context to find the right place):
<!-- EF Designer content (DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY BELOW HERE) -->
<edmx:Designer xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/edmx">
<DesignerProperty Name="DDLGenerationTemplate" Value="SSDLToSQLite3.tt" />
I ended up making a custom template to generate datetime2 fields. Although I could not get the template to show in the drop down in the properties box, I was able to add the template to the same folder as my .edmx, include it in the solution, then type the file name of the template directly into the designer's property field replacing the default. The value appears to be retained after generating databases and entities, I didn't need to directly edit the edmx XML, and my custom template is now source controlled right next to where it is used.

Binding Modified schema file to xsd file in livecycle designer tool

i am using adobe livecycle 8.2 for documents template generation,
i am new to adobe livecycle designer tool.
in my template we are using xsd file to bind data to xdp file.
i have done some changes in schema file.
and want to reflect changes in my designer tool.
if i create new Data Source then all my previous bindings are lost.
i want to keep all my previous binding and also want to bind newly added field.
please help me..
in Data view tab right click on the current schema root node and select Connection Properties.
There you can update the location of the new XSD file and this way you'll preserve all the bindings
