Installing locally express and stylus - node.js

I am really new at node js. I was wondering if any one can tell how to install express framework and stylus in a directory which i want. I have installed both globally but cannot find a way to install it locally.A simple suggestion will suffice.

> cd myFolder
create a
> npm init
fill in details
> npm install express stylus --save
You'll then have a express and stylus installed locally and contained in your package.json


How to create dynamic routes in electron?

How can I create dynamic routes in electron? I am confused because electron doesn't make use of URLs if am not mistaken
You have to use build in packages such as express. The command to install it is: npm install express --save (to install locally in the project directory) or npm install express -g to install it globally.

ExpressJS installation methods

Firstly, I understand that since version 4 (express), the boilerplate HTML generator has been splintered off. However, does executing the command...
npm install -g express-generator
... and not...
npm install -g express
... automatically install the core express engine as well? I am asking this because, surprisingly, I was only instructed to install the first.
Secondly, an online tutorial instructs something similar to the following...
npm install -g express-generator
express --ejs pineapple-news
cd pineapple-news
npm install
However, on the contrary, I found that the official express documentation recommended this instead...
mkdir pineapple-news
cd pineapple-news
npm init
... hitting return for all the defaults and then ending with...
npm install express --save
As a newbie, I need to understand the differences between the two approaches and the reason for the differences. Any pointers would be highly appreciated.
Let me explain the two cases.
First case :
npm install -g express-generator
express --ejs pineapple-news
cd pineapple-news
npm install
Here, with the first line, you're installing express-generator globally. That is, after installing it globally, you can use it like any other program that can be invoked from the terminal. In the second line, you are invoking the express generator and specifying ejs as the template engine and pineapple-news as the project name. So, the express generator creates a folder named pineapple-express with the necessary sub folders, a default app.js file and a default package.json file. The package.json file thus created will have all the dependecies including express and ejs, the template engine to be used listed in it. Then, when you execute npm intall ,all the dependencies will be installed automatically.
Second case:
mkdir pineapple-news
cd pineapple-news
npm init
With the first and second line, you're creating a folder with the name as pineapple-express and entering inside it. The npm init command creates the package.json file after prompting you to specify some parameters such as project name, version, repository etc. The package.json file thus created will not have any dependencies listed in it. When you do npm install express --save, it will add express as a dependency in the package.json file and install express in the pineapple-express folder. I hope things are clear now.
In first case, all the necessary folder structure and and app.js file with the all the necessary settings to start an express application is also generated. It contains the configuration related to template engine, static file path, cookies configuration etc. Some of the dependencies like morgan, jade template engine etc are also installed by the express-generator.
In the second case, you will have to create the app.js file and write the configurations manually. This includes creating the express app.
The app.js(you can name it anything like server.js or engine.js) file contains the configuration for starting a node js server. This file is executed with node to start the server.
npm install -g install the package globally on your system. express-generator is a module that setup a directory to contain your express app. Creates a directory structure and adds a package.json file with express as a dependency plus other common used modules. So you just can start to write your app. Express-generator install express just locally on your app directory. that's why you have to run npm install on the created directory after creating the directory with express myapp

Globally instaling packages doesn't work (node.js, npm)

For example I installed express with global (-g) parameter. In node.js/node_modules folder express doesn't exists.
I tried to install it without global parameter and it works perfectly.
How to install it globally?
Installing modules via npm with -g is only for modules that provide command-line utilities, not for making any ordinary module accessible from anywhere.
So if you are looking to use the command-line express project generator utility/command, you need to use npm install -g express-generator instead.
If you want to require('express'); in your application, then you need to install express with npm install express.

express not installed on my machine

I downloaded node.js onto my linux fedora core 18 machine.
After that using npm -g install express installed express. The problem is I am unable to find the express file to be supplied to Nodeclipse in the preference.
Hence, my application using express is not able to compile saying express not found.
Am I missing anything here?
try installing it with this command and see if it works:
npm install -g express
then go to cd myapp
npm link express
this could do the trick..
Nodeclipse is using express executable only for wizard. Everything else works as for node.js from command line (try node myapp.js)
As advised by #isaacs in Express module not found when installed with NPM, do npm install express for local project folder.

Configuring a Node JS App to Use NPM

I have a really simple Node JS app and I'd like to include the Express JS framework. I've installed Express with NPM (and NPM with Homebrew) without any errors using:
brew install npm
npm install express
And my server.js file contains only:
var express = require('express');
When I run my application I get Error: Cannot find module 'express'. How can I tell my Node application to include the library?
You need to tell node where your libs are.
extract from
An array of search paths for require(). This array can be modified to add custom paths.
Example: add a new path to the beginning of the search list
Here's a walkthrough of using npm's bundle command:
