When i compile my code in ghci, there is no problem. It can compile correctly. However, if i try to compile it in hugs, I get the error "compiled code too complex". I think the problem is due to many | conditions.
If I change it to use if/else, there is no problem. I can add if/else statements 100 times but this will be very tiresome and annoying. Rather than that, I tried to put if/else statements after 20-30 | conditions, but i cannot make | work inside if statements like the below:
f x y z
| cond1 = e1
| cond2 = e2
if (1)
| cond30 = e30
| cond31 = e31
| cond61 = e61
| cond62 = e62
How can I fix the code with the least effort? The complete code is on hpaste because it is longer than StackOverflow's question size limit.
Avoiding repetitive guards
Firstly, you can rewrite
function input
| this && that && third thing && something else = ... -- you only actually needed brackets for (head xs)
| this && that && third thing && something different = ....
| this && that && a change && ...
| notthis && ....
function input | this = function2 input'
| notthis = function4 input'
function2 input | that = function3 input''
| notthat = ...
That should simplify your 200 lines of copo code down, but it's still the wrong approach.
Use a function to deal with the same problem just once, not every time
The 4 cases for dealing with operations that you deal with time after time could be replaced with one function, perhaps like:
operation :: Num a => Char -> a -> a -> a
operation x = case x of
'+' -> (+)
'-' -> (-)
'*' -> (*)
'/' -> (/)
_ -> error ("operation: expected an operation (+-*/) but got " ++ [c])
Use list functions instead of testing characters one at a time
You should use some standard functions to help reduce all the single character checks into just grabbing as much number as is there. takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a], so
takeWhile isDigit "354*243" = "354"
takeWhile isDigit "+245" = ""
and there's the corresponding dropWhile:
dropWhile isDigit "354*1111" = "*1111"
dropWhile isDigit "*1111" = "*1111"
So the most dramatic shortening of your code would be to start copo with
copo xs = let
numText = takeWhile isDigit xs
theRest = droWhile isDigit xs
num = read numText
in answer....
but there's a shortcut if you want both takeWhile and dropWhile, called span, because span p xs == (takeWhile p xs, dropWhile p xs)
copo xs = let
(numText,theRest) = span isDigit xs
num = read numText
in answer....
Use recursion instead of repeating code
You deal with 234 then 234*56 then 234*56/23 then ....
You could replace this with a recursive call to copo, or produce a tree. This depends on whether you're supposed to obey the normal operator precedence (* or / before + or -) or not.
If you insist on guards, instead of
foo a b c d
| cond1, cond2, cond3 = ...
| cond1, cond2, cond4 = ...
| cond5, cond6, cond7 = ...
| cond5, cond6, cond8 = ...
foo a b c d
| cond1, cond2 = case () of
() | cond3 = ...
| cond4 = ...
| cond5, cond6 = case () of
() | cond7 = ...
| cond8 = ...
I'm trying the solve the first question in Advent of Code 2017, and come up with the following solution to calculate the needed value:
checkRepetition :: [Int] -> Bool
checkRepetition [] = False
checkRepetition (x:xs)
| x == ( head xs ) = True
| otherwise = False
test :: [Int] -> Int
test [] = 0
test [x] = 0
test xs
| checkRepetition xs == True = ((head xs)*a) + (test (drop a xs))
| otherwise = test (tail xs)
a = (go (tail xs)) + 1
go :: [Int] -> Int
go [] = 0
go xs
| checkRepetition xs == True = 1 + ( go (tail xs) )
| otherwise = 0
However, when I give an input that contains repetitive numbers such as [1,3,3], it gives the error
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
However, for 1.5 hours, I couldn't figure out exactly where this error is generated. I mean any function that is used in test function have a definition for [], but still it throws this error, so what is the problem ?
Note that, I have checked out this question, and in the given answer, it is advised not to use head and tail functions, but I have tested those function for various inputs, and they do not throw any error, so what exactly is the problem ?
I would appreciate any help or hint.
As was pointed out in the comments, the issue is here:
checkRepetition (x:xs)
| x == ( head xs ) = True
xs is not guaranteed to be a non-empty list (a one-element list is written as x:[], so that (x:xs) pattern matches that xs = []) and calling head on an empty list is a runtime error.
You can deal with this by changing your pattern to only match on a 2+ element list.
checkRepetition [] = False
checkRepetition [_] = False
checkRepetition (x1:x2:_) = x1 == x2
-- No need for the alternations on this function, by the way.
That said, your algorithm seems needlessly complex. All you have to do is check if the next value is equal, and if so then add the current value to the total. Assuming you can get your String -> [Int] on your own, consider something like:
filteredSum :: [Int] -> Int
filteredSum [] = 0 -- by definition, zero- and one-element lists
filteredSum [_] = 0 -- cannot produce a sum, so special case them here
filteredSum xss#(first:_) = go xss
-- handle all recursive cases
go (x1:xs#(x2:_)) | x1 == x2 = x1 + go xs
| otherwise = go xs
-- base case
go [x] | x == first = x -- handles last character wrapping
| otherwise = 0 -- and if it doesn't wrap
-- this should be unreachable
go [] = 0
For what it's worth, I think it's better to work in the Maybe monad and operate over Maybe [Int] -> Maybe Int, but luckily that's easy since Maybe is a functor.
digitToMaybeInt :: Char -> Maybe Int
digitToMaybeInt '0' = Just 0
digitToMaybeInt '1' = Just 1
digitToMaybeInt '2' = Just 2
digitToMaybeInt '3' = Just 3
digitToMaybeInt '4' = Just 4
digitToMaybeInt '5' = Just 5
digitToMaybeInt '6' = Just 6
digitToMaybeInt '7' = Just 7
digitToMaybeInt '8' = Just 8
digitToMaybeInt '9' = Just 9
digitToMaybeInt _ = Nothing
maybeResult :: Maybe Int
maybeResult = fmap filteredSum . traverse digitToMaybeInt $ input
result :: Int
result = case maybeResult of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> 0
-- this is equivalent to `maybe 0 id maybeResult`
Thank you for the link. I went there first to glean the purpose.
I assume the input will be a string. The helper function below constructs a numeric list to be used to sum if predicate is True, that is, the zipped values are equal, that is, each number compared to each successive number (the pair).
The helper function 'nl' invokes the primary function 'invcap' Inverse Captcha with a list of numbers.
The nl function is a list comprehension. The invcap function is a list comprehension. Perhaps the logic in this question is at fault. Overly complicated logic is more likely to introduce errors. Proofs are very much easier when logic is not cumbersome.
The primary function "invcap"
invcap l = sum [ x | (x,y) <- zip l $ (tail l) ++ [head l], x == y]
The helper function that converts a string to a list of digits and invokes invcap with a list of numeric digits.
nl cs = invcap [ read [t] :: Int | t <- cs]
Invocation examples
Prelude> nl "91212129" ......
9 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Prelude> nl "1122" ......
count_instances :: (Int)->([Int])->Int
count_instances x [] = 0
count_instances x (t:ts)
| x==t = 1+(count_instances x ts)
| otherwise = count_instances x ts
i just want to know whats so good about using guards in this Question ?
A guard can be a way to write only one half of an if-then-else expression; you can omit the else and have a partial function.
-- Leave the function undefined for x /= y
foo x y | x == y = ...
You can do the same with a case statement, but it's more verbose
foo x y = case x == y of
True -> ...
It's also easier to list several unrelated conditions as a set of alternatives than it is with a nested if-then-else or case expressions.
foo x y | p1 x y = ...
foo x y | p2 x y = ...
foo x y | p3 x y = ...
foo x y = ...
foo x y = if p1 x y then ...
else (if p2 x y then ...
else (if p3 x y then ... else ...))
Patterns with guards are probably the most concise way to write code that otherwise would require nested case/if expressions.
Not the least advantage is that a where clause applies to all the guards right hand sides. This is why your example could be even more concise:
count_instances :: (Int)->([Int])->Int
count_instances x [] = 0
count_instances x (t:ts)
| x==t = 1+rest
| otherwise = rest
where rest = count_instances x ts
A guard is haskell's most general conditional statement, like if/then/else in other languages.
Your code shows a straight forward implementation of counting contents of a list equal to a given parameter. This is a good example to learn how haskell's recursion works.
An alternative implementation would be
count_instances :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
count_instances i = length . filter (==i)
that reuses already existing functions from the Prelude module. This is shorter and probably more readable.
I have a piece of Haskell code below. The problem is the clause (enigmaInput,_) = (filter (\(a,b) -> b == cipherChar0) stecker)!!0 will fail for the first 2 guards. How can I assign it for the last 2 guards only. Thanks!
followMenu :: Crib->Menu->Stecker->Offsets->Maybe Stecker
followMenu c [] s o = Just s
followMenu crib menu stecker offsets
| (length stecker) == 1 && initAdd == Nothing = Nothing
| (length stecker) == 1 && initAdd /= Nothing = followMenu crib (tail menu) (fromMb initAdd) offsets
| (length stecker) /= 1 && normalAdd == Nothing = Nothing
| otherwise = followMenu crib (tail menu) (fromMb normalAdd) offsets
where (_,_,cipherChar0) = crib!!(menu!!0)
(_,_,cipherChar1) = crib!!(menu!!1)
(enigmaInput,_) = (filter (\(a,b) -> b == cipherChar0) stecker)!!0
enigmaOutput = enigmaEncode enigmaInput (SimpleEnigma rotor3 rotor2 rotor1 reflector1) offsets
(_,initInput) = stecker!!0
initOutput = enigmaEncode initInput (SimpleEnigma rotor3 rotor2 rotor1 reflector1) offsets
(_,_,initCipher) = crib!!(menu!!0)
initAdd = steckerAdd initOutput initCipher stecker
normalAdd = steckerAdd enigmaOutput cipherChar1 stecker
You don't really need to, since (filter (\(a,b) -> b == cipherChar0) stecker)!!0 won't be evaluated until the value of enigmaInput is needed, and you don't use enigmaInput in the first two guard cases. This is a nice feature of lazy evaluation.
There is no way to attach a where clause to some but not all of a set of guarded equations, besides restructuring your pattern matches and guards of course.
given a String "3 + a * 6" how do I determine the lexeme one by one? I know that my code is missing classify xs part but I don't know where to put it. Can anyone help me with this?
(the language is in Haskell)
classify :: String -> String
classify (x:xs)
|x == '+' = "PLUS"
|x == '-' = "MINUS"
|x == '*' = "MULT"
|x == '/' = "DIV"
|x == '(' = "LP"
|x == ')' = "RP"
|isAlpha x = "VAR"
|isDigit x = "CONST"
|otherwise = error "Cannot determine lexeme"
This kind of tokenisation is best left to lexer generators or parser combinators. You can try Alex, at http://www.haskell.org/alex/ , or Parsec, at http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Parsec .
These tools are designed specifically to make tokenisation/scanning (and parsing, in the case of Parsec) easy to use.
If you really only need a tokenizer, here's how you could do it without parsec. I defined an additional ADT for the token types (you can of course convert that back to strings), and had to change the return type, since you get a sequence of tokens.
type Error = String
data Token = Plus | Minus | Mult | Div | Lp | Rp
| Var | Const | Whitespace deriving (Show, Eq)
tokenTable = [('+', Plus), ('-', Minus), ('*', Mult), ('/', Div), ('(', Lp), (')', Rp)]
tokenize :: String -> Either Error [Token]
tokenize "" = Right []
tokenize (x:xs) = case lookup x tokenTable of
Just t -> fmap (t:) (tokenize xs)
Nothing -> recognize x where
recognize x
| isAlpha x = fmap (Var:) (tokenize xs)
| isDigit x = fmap (Const:) (tokenize xs)
| isSeparator x = fmap (Whitespace:) (tokenize xs)
| otherwise = Left "Cannot determine lexeme"
However, this quickly becomes tedious. It already is, somehow, since we have to lift the list consing to Either using fmap. Imagine how you would implement indicating the location of the error? Going further essentialy becomes implementing a monad stack and reimplementing a parser combinator like Parsec. That's why it's often recomminded to use a combinator library directly, and also let it do the lexing.
And if you can't or don't want to use full Parsec, it's not too difficult to implement the basic functionality by yourself.
You don't need to parse spaces in general. Here is a combination of your and phg's solutions:
import Data.Char
data Token = Plus | Minus | Mult | Div | Lp | Rp | Var | Digit | Undefined
deriving Show
tokenMap :: String -> Token
tokenMap "+" = Plus
tokenMap "-" = Minus
tokenMap "*" = Mult
tokenMap "/" = Div
tokenMap "(" = Lp
tokenMap ")" = Rp
tokenMap [c]
| isAlpha c = Var
| isDigit c = Digit
tokenMap _ = Undefined
classify :: String -> [Token]
classify = map tokenMap . words
Today, I found myself typing the following code:
case () of
_ | x < 15 -> ...
_ | x < 25 -> ...
_ | x < 50 -> ...
_ -> ...
The meaning of this is straight-forward enough, but it just feels... wrong to utter case (). Does anybody have a better suggestion?
I suppose since I'm branding on x, I could have written case x. But that still leaves me with nothing to actually pattern-match on; it's all about the guards. And that still feels weird.
There is nothing wrong with case (); it is the best you have for this use-case unless you want to use very recent syntactic and non-standard-extensions like GHC’s multi-way-if.
Others have mentioned that case if fine and mutli-way if exists, but I'd go for a local function via a where or let statement:
someFunction = do
x <- monadicOp
let f y | y < 5 = expr1
| y < 15 = expr2
| y < 25 = expr3
| True = expr4
f x
This is syntactically cleaner than the case statement solution and more portable than multi-way if.
In case it isn't clear, if the value being compared, x in this case, is already in scope when you define the guarded function (f) then you could just define a value instead:
someFunction = do
x <- monadicOp
let r | x < 15 = expr1
| x < 25 = expr2
You can exploit lazy evaluation to come up with something like this:
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Applicative
cases :: [(Bool,a)] -> a -> a
cases lst d = snd $ fromJust $ (find fst lst) <|> Just (True,d)
main = do
let x = 20
r = cases [(x < 15, putStr "15"),
(x < 25, putStr "25"),
(x < 50, putStr "50")] $ putStr "None"