How can I make a section in NSIS unchecked by default - nsis

I have a NSIS installer, here I have some components that user can choose to install:
Section "Modules" SecModules
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
CreateDirectory $INSTDIR\modules
Section "Freenode util" SecFreenode
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
CreateDirectory $INSTDIR\modules
how can I make the second one unchecked? By default they all are checked

; unselected because it is /o
Section /o "Modules" SecModules
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
CreateDirectory $INSTDIR\modules
; selected
Section "Freenode util" SecFreenode
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
CreateDirectory $INSTDIR\modules

Apart from Section /o, you can also use SectionIn to control default sections. The latter might be useful if you have several sections and you plan to offer several installation types (see InstType). Lastly, you can control the state of a section based on logic, using SectionSetFlags.


NSIS nsi script error :- !insertmacro: macro named "SECTION_BEGIN" not found

In nsi script with MUI2.nsh
Section ""
Call zip2exe.SetOutPath
But If I want to define two or more section then in that case how to incorporate SECTION_BEGIN part?
Section "Main Component" MainCom
#SectionIn RO # Just means if in component mode this is locked
Call zip2exe.SetOutPath
;Store installation folder in registry
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${ZIP2EXE_NAME}" "" $INSTDIR
;Registry information for add/remove programs
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${ZIP2EXE_NAME}" "DisplayName" "${ZIP2EXE_NAME}"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${ZIP2EXE_NAME}" "NoRepair" 1
;Create optional start menu shortcut for uninstaller and Main component
;Create uninstaller
WriteUninstaller "${ZIP2EXE_NAME}_uninstaller.exe"
;Uninstaller Section
Section "Uninstall"
;Delete the appdata directory + files
RMDir /r "${INSTDIR_DATA}\*.*"
;Delete Start Menu Shortcuts
If we omit SECTION_BEGIN part then error comes. If we mention SECTION_BEGIN in both sections then also error comes.
What will be the solution to this problem?
If actually want to use Zip2Exe then you can modify parts of NSIS\Contrib\zip2exe\Base.nsh from
to something like this
!if /FileExists "c:\mycustomzip2exefiles\mycustomsections.nsh"
!include "c:\mycustomzip2exefiles\mycustomsections.nsh"
You can then put whatever code you want in c:\mycustomzip2exefiles\mycustomsections.nsh:
Section "My other section"
SetOutPath $InstDir
File "anotherfile.txt"
However, Zip2Exe is mainly something you use to create simple self-extracting executables, you should not use it to create full installers.
When you create a real installer you don't use Zip2Exe, you use MakeNSIS and there is no such thing as a SECTION_BEGIN macro, you just add as many sections as you want to your .NSI file.
Example2.nsi contains a basic installer/uninstaller.

NSIS do things if section is not checked

I have created an NSIS Installer which works fine. Now I want to add another section called "install as update" which only will do things when it is NOT checked.
When the full version is installed, it will overwrite certain files which contain the activation codes of the software.
I can do it otherwise, and make a section called "install full version", but that makes less sense.
Section /o "Install as update" SecUpdate
*if(checked == false){
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\data"
File "data\ConfigFile.xml"
File "..."
File "..."
File "..."
File "..."
File "..."
File "..."
File "..."
*these two lines represent what I would like to do.
If a section is unchecked then the code in it will not execute no matter what you do so you have to put the code somewhere else. A hidden section is a good solution:
!include LogicLib.nsh
!include Sections.nsh
Page Components
Page InstFiles
Section "Program files"
SectionIn RO
;SetOutPath ...
;File ...
Section /o "Install as update" SID_UPDATE
Section -OverwriteActivation SID_OWACTIVATION
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\data"
File "whatever.xml"
Function .onSelChange
${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SID_UPDATE}
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${SID_OWACTIVATION}
!insertmacro SelectSection ${SID_OWACTIVATION}

how I can do a section in other section?

I want to make a section in other section, how I can do this thing ?
Section /o "Control System Toolbox"
Section "Communications Toolbox"
SectionIn RO
FileWrite $9 "product=Control System Toolbox$\r$\n"
AddSize 0
FileWrite $9 "product=Control System Toolbox$\r$\n"
AddSize 0
You can organize sections in section groups. The groups cannot execute code but you can put hidden sections in them:
Page Components
Page InstFiles
SectionGroup /e "Main Component"
Section "" SID_MAIN
DetailPrint "Installing Main Component..."
Section /o "Bonus feature" SID_BONUS
DetailPrint "Installing bonus Component..."
!include Sections.nsh
!include LogicLib.nsh
Function .OnSelChange
${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SID_BONUS}
!insertmacro SelectSection ${SID_MAIN} ; The main component is required when installing the bonus component

NSIS uninstaller doesn't delete files/folders

I'm writing a NSIS installer for one of the apps that the company I work for uses internally, the install process works fine, with no problems all the REG keys are created, and so are the files folders and services, that the App uses. For some reason I can't understand, the uninstall process doesn't work's.
The services created by the app are deleted and so are the Registry keys, the most simple part, the files themselves, I can't delete them through the uninstaller!
!include "x64.nsh"
#Defines and Installer Properties
Outfile "ESTvnc Installer.exe"
Name ESTvnc
Icon "${NSISDIR}\contrib\graphics\icons\VNCON.ico"
#Detect OS Version
Function .onInit
StrCpy $instdir $PROGRAMFILES
${If} ${RunningX64}
StrCpy $instdir $PROGRAMFILES32
SetShellVarContext all
CreateDirectory $instdir\EST\ESTvnc
setOutPath $instdir\EST\ESTvnc
File /r installfiles\*
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ESTvnc\" \
"DisplayName" "ESTvnc"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ESTvnc"\
"UninstallString" "$instdir\EST\ESTvnc\uninstaller.exe"
writeUninstaller $instdir\EST\ESTvnc\uninstaller.exe
ExecWait '"$instdir\EST\estvnc\estvnc.exe" -install'
section "Uninstall"
SetShellVarContext all
SimpleSC::StopService "ESTVNC" 1 30
pop $0
SimpleSC::StopService "ESTVNCSR" 1 30
pop $0
SimpleSC::RemoveService "ESTVNC"
SimpleSC::RemoveService "ESTVNCSR"
RMDir /r "$instdir\EST\ESTvnc"
Delete $instdir\EST\ESTvnc\uninstaller.exe
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ESTvnc"
In the uninstaller, $instdir is the directory the uninstaller is in!
Either place the uninstaller in $instdir and delete $instdir\EST\ESTvnc or if you want to keep it in $instdir\EST\ESTvnc, delete $instdir...

Is it possible to conditionally add a file/folder to NSIS installer

Is it possible to conditionally add a file/folder and installation option to a NSIS installer?
My idea is that if the folder Foo exists at a given location it should be added to the installer and the option to install Foo should be added to the installer as well. But if the folder Foo does not exist, the NSIS script should just create the installer but leave Foo and the option to select Foo out of it.
You can try to include a file with /NONFATAL. If it exists, it will be included by the compiler. In runtime, you can check if installer was able to extract it.
${If} ${FileExists} "$OUTDIR\"
In NSIS 2 File /NONFATAL /R "c:\foo" is the best you can do without external tools and you need a little hack to hide the section when there are no files:
!include LogicLib.nsh
Page Components
Page InstFiles
Section "Main"
SetOutPath $InstDir
# File "C:\myfiles\myapp.exe"
Section "Install Foo" SID_FOO
SetOutPath $InstDir
File /NONFATAL /r "C:\myfiles\foo\*.*"
Function .onInit
SectionGetSize ${SID_FOO} $0
StrCmp $0 0 "" +3
SectionSetFlags ${SID_FOO} 0 ; Force all flags off including the checkmark
SectionSetText ${SID_FOO} "" ; Hide the section because its size is 0
If this is unacceptable you can use !system and get a little help from cmd.exe to check if something exists:
!tempfile INCEXIST
!system 'if exist "C:\myfiles\foo\*.*" echo !define HAVE_FOO > "${INCEXIST}"'
!include "${INCEXIST}"
!delfile "${INCEXIST}"
!ifdef HAVE_FOO
Section "Install Foo"
SetOutPath $InstDir
File /r "C:\myfiles\foo\*.*"
In NSIS 3 !if supports a /FileExists switch:
!if /FileExists "C:\myfiles\foo\*.*"
Section "Install Foo"
SetOutPath $InstDir
File /r "C:\myfiles\foo\*.*"
Example to replace file what depends on running service and exists or not at targget location
IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\my_file.dll" exist notexist
ExecWait 'net stop desired_service'
SetOutPath $SYSDIR
SetOverwrite on
File "/oname=$SYSDIR\my_file.dll" "Path to my file\my_file.dll"
ExecWait 'net start desired_service'
.....what you want to do if doesn't exists
