DW CS6 - phone gap - dreamweaver

trying to dip my toe in mobile web apps, my new version of CS6 Dreamweaver seems to be missing phone gap examples.
Create new, from samples has
jQuery Mobile(CDN)
jQuery Mobile (local)
jQueryMobile with Theme (local)
all of the videos on adobes site seem to indicate
jQuery (phonegap)
jQueryMobile with Theme (phonegap)
Do I need these - why are they missing, where can I get them (or other samples)

I found this on a support form... Answers my question but makes me wonder why all the Adobe videos still show these two options when presenters are showing you CS6
Carey Burgess (Customer Advocate) 4 months ago
... The jQuery Mobile samples pages under Mobile Starters are the right pages to use to get you started developing for PhoneGap Build in Dreamweaver.
The only reason that CS5.5 had separate listings in there for PhoneGap was to automatically insert the Phonegap JavaScript file (cordova.js), which would be extraneous when building apps with PhoneGap Build.
found at:


Rotate screen orientation on Web App Tizen [TV]

I'm developing a Web Application on Tizen. My application was first developed on other platforms like iOS and Android.
Basically it starts on Landscape mode and plays remote content such as image, video or opens a web page. It has a menu inside the app to offer people the ability to change the screen orientation inside the app manually.
This approach is quite easy on iOS and Android but on Tizen seems it doesn't work that easy.
I'm following Tizen's official documentation which send's us to : https://w3c.github.io/screen-orientation/
But, can't make it work even though I followed steps written on the link above.
This is what I got when I try to rotate:
Trying with :
Error :
Promise {}
index.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The page needs to be fullscreen in order to call screen.orientation.lock().
P.S. The app is already in fullscreen. The error is not relevant.
Do you have any ideas ?
Thank you
For all to those who are still trying to achieve this:
After having a long discussion with Samsung, they claimed that supporting the TV orientation via code is not possible right now (Not sure if it's gonna be implemented in the future).
These restrictions come due to different operability of the hardware components on different orientation.
The only way to rotate your screen is to do it via Samsung's TV Settings so that it can prepare its hardware for the chosen orientation.
There are a special Samsung TVs for Advertising market (Digital Signage series) that are ready to set the orientation of the screen.
I comercial Samsung TV sets Tizen is not able to rotate some kind of elements (as far I know the video object are one of the HTML elements that cannot be rotated)
I've developed some apps for Tizen and for one customer I tried to make a video wall but it was impossible due the firmware limitation of Tizen (it's a marketing strategy in order to avoid having hotel and digital signage capabilities in commercial TV sets)

Playing Flash Files (SWF/FLV) in C# Win Form

I have spent lots of time in doing google, but everywhere i have found only 2 way to play swf/flv in win form application and both are not working for me.
1.Using Shockwave flash object:
I am able to add "Shockwave flash object" to toolbar but when i drop it on form, my visual studio gets restart immediately..
2.Playing swf in webbrowser control in winform:
This is also not working.
NOTE: I have done re-installation of flash player but still issue is same. Adobe Flash Player is installed on my machine.
I have event though of converting swf/flv into video and then play in some player in c# but for that also i am not able to find any free library/code to convert flv/swf to video.
Please provide any link or suggest.
Finally got the solution..
I had to install the IE specific version of flash player to get the things working correctly..
its very easy in three step
drag web browser from toolbox
in the properties of web browser go to URL and paste the address of your SWF file
now run the application

How to separately style HTML5 apps using the Sencha framework for iOS and Android?

App development in native Apps happens separately for iPhone and Android. But in HTML5 Sencha framework apps, the same HTML5 code is used. Should we use same visual styling for alert boxes or buttons for both platforms or should they look different depending on the platform?
Since the same HTML5 code is used, how do you to take care of different look and feel for both platforms? For example, the menu bar is at bottom for iPhone and for android it is at the top. Or for Android we need to hide the top back button Or how to style the alert boxes or buttons differently for both platforms?
Do we need to use different set of CSS files for iOS and for An?
I was going thru the kitchen sync Sencha application and it shows a very basic styling for alert boxes.
You can use the iOS/Android classes that Sencha Touch will add when detecting user agent. For example, if the device is running iOS the body element has the class "x-ios". For android it will be "x-android". This also applies for specific OS versions (ex: "x-ios-4"). Try overriding your user agent in Chrome and inspect the elements under different agents to get an understanding of the classes. Using these classes you can avoid multiple stylesheets and just set up the CSS accordingly depending on the class.
As for specific layout tweaks that cannot be performed with simple CSS - this is where profiles come into play (http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2-1/#!/api/Ext.app.Profile). Set up a profile for Android and iOS, and use the launch function to manipulate specific components as needed.
Using these methods you should be able to keep things organized and minimize the number of separate files needed.

Embed browsers components

Is there an application that lets you pack it with a bunch of html files and it will render them? Basically, I want an app that all it does is that it has an embedded browser, and I can pack it with my files. Is there such thing?
It would be nice if it was cross-platform or offered additional APIs.
My end goal is I wanna build an app that produces html and then compiles it and gives it to the user.
One solution is to use Opera Widgets, my app can build the html files, and then pack it as a desktop widget. But that requires user to have Opera installed. It would be nice if there was an embedded browser solution.
Try Adobe Air. It is basically a JS-heavy application packed in a platfrom-independent package. Also includes a WebKit-compatible browser.
May be less or more than what you need.

how to record audio without flash and java from browser and upload to server

I want to upload the audio from user to server. How can i do it from browser itself. My main application is browser based. I am looking for browser and non browser based solution but It should be Open Source. That is why i put "without flash" in subject. With Java applet user will face problem in installing jre !! is there any hope that in near future browser will support such feature. Do we have any addon in firefox which can help in this regard.
What is the requirement for Open Source specifically relating to? There are open source/free software ways to produce flash content for the browser. You aren't tied to the Adobe Flash IDE.
Look into these products:
Adobe Flex SDK (Free download)
At the time of this question, there wasn't a way to do this. Today we can use html5 and the GetUserMedia function for the main browsers (safari is the exception) . There are many articles and examples on that subject.
One good example can be found here:
