Increment Rows in Excel by one (1) up to line 100, repeat until reach row 25000 - excel

I have a spreadsheet where I increment the value/string in a cell by one up to row 25000
="User_"&ROW(A1) or =CONCATENATE("User_",ROW(A1),"")
This works fine.
Now, my question is how do I put a conditional in where I want to increase the value for each row by one up to 100 but then want to start at one again?

Instead of ROW(A1) (or simply ROW()), use IF(MOD(ROW(),100)=0,ROW,MOD(ROW,100))

=IF( MOD(ROW()-1,100)=0,ROW()-1,MOD(ROW()-1,100) )
If you have headers.
And with the email info it should be like:
="User_" & IF(MOD(ROW()-1,100)=0,ROW()-1,MOD(ROW()-1,100)) & ""

The -2is because you said it starts on row 2, so if it starts in another row, replace the 2 with that number.
Replace the 100with whatever number you want it to go up to before repeating.
The +1is to eliminate the IFlogic needed by the other answers to this question.
Sorry this is well after the fact of the question, but hopefully it'll help someone else!
**bonus tip - if you want it to be "" (pad out the number to 3 digits), use the TEXT function like this: ="User_"&TEXT(MOD(ROW()-2,100)+1,"000")&""


How/which formula to use, to show combine text results for false condition (for pending task reporting usage)?

Wanted to check if CONCATENATE is the one to use (not sure if my excel has TEXTJOIN), and how to show just the text that has empty value in the cells.
For example in my attachment below, I want the intended result shown like in B2 and B3, where the texts shown with delimiter, when the values are false (empty).
If I were to use CONCATENATE like in Row 10 and Row 11, it's rather manual and it only capture "positive values" as in non-blank cells.
Purpose: To show pending tasks (empty/blank status cells)
I would use TEXJOIN and FILTER if you have the newest version of Excel.
For example: =TEXTJOIN("/",1,FILTER($E$2:$I$2, ISBLANK(E3:I3)))
EDIT: For older versions, a temporary workaround is as follows:
make a temporary array the same size as your original dataframe where each value is determined by a formula such as =IF(ISBLANK(E3), E$2&"/","")
Use something like =LEFT(CONCAT(E15:J15), LEN(CONCAT(E15:J15))-1) to get the desired result (where E15:J15 is where I elected to store the first row of the temporary array created in step 1).
I am not sure of your Excel version, but I think this would work in older versions (formatted for readability - will work if you paste it directly into cell B2 and copy down):
=LEFT(CONCAT( INDEX( CHOOSE({1;2;3},$C$1:$H$1,{"/","/","/","/","/","/"},{"","","","","",""}),
INDEX( IF(ISBLANK(C2:H2),{1;2},{3;3}),
(COLUMN(A1:INDEX(1:1,,12))-1)/2+1 ),
(COLUMN(A1:INDEX(1:1,,12))-1)/2+1 ) ),
SUM(7*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1 )
As this is an array formula, you may have to enter it with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER with an older version of Excel.
The stat labels must all have a length of 6 characters as shown in your post. If not, then they must at least have the same length and the last line SUM(7*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1 must be changed to replace the 7 with the string length + 1, e.g. a length of 9 would be SUM(10*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1.
If they don't have the same length, the LEFT( can be removed along with the SUM(10*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1) at the end. You will end up having a trailing / delimiter at the end. You could fix that for the case of stat F being the last part by changing {"/","/","/","/","/","/"} to {"/","/","/","/","/",""}, but the other cases would still have a trailing /. Another approach is much more complex, but the component SUM(10*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1) could be shaped to identify what to cut off or maybe a helper column could be built - in any case, let's hope your situation is that the stat labels all have the same length.
The delimiter "/" can be changed, but must always be a single character. If not, then then last line must be changed to SUM( [label length + delimiter length] *ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1.
This formula is fixed to 6 stat columns. If you need for it to accommodate more, it is possible by extending the {"/","/","/","/","/","/"} and {"","","","","",""} (one element for each new column) and replacing every 12 with 2 times the number of columns. Also, obviously, the references $C$1:$H$1 and C1:H2 must be changed to read in your new columns.

VLOOKUP with conditions

I have an issue at the moment which I'm not able to resolve even with multiple combinations of If and Vlookups. I'm not doing this right.
I have a sheet which has the names of the products and an empty column for the Sl Number. The Sl number needs to be retrieved from Sheet 2 if it matches the value in the adjacent cell of the formula (This I know can be possible with Vlookup). However, I am trying to display the value even if the match is not exact. By that I mean if the product name has all the values as on the sheet 1 but also has additional information in brackets, then the value should still be displayed.
Sheet 1
Formula in A2 - A7 = "=VLOOKUP(B2, Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0)"
Sheet 2
The complete data
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
Apologies, I'm new here and not sure how this works. So trying to do the right thing but may take some time.
Thanks Frank and Tim. I have another extended question to this.
Is there a way to retrieve the value by ignoring text in brackets on the lookup cell itself?
For example:
Sheet 1
Sl Number Name
123454 Cream SPF 30+ 50g
**NA** Bar Chocolate 70g X 6 (Sample)
234256 Hand Wash 150ml
26786 Toothpaste - Whitening 110g
Sheet 2
ID Name Sl number Manufacturer Quantity
8 Collagen Essence 10ml 456788 AL 87
9 Hand Wash 150ml 234256 AD 23
10 Bar Chocolate 70g X 6 835424 AU 234
Row 2 on Sheet 1 has the name that includes (Sample) and the same product on sheet 2 does not contain the (Sample) for that product. Is there a way I can use lookup in the above scenario?
Thank you
Tim's comment
=VLOOKUP(B2 & "*", Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0) as long as the "Extra" info is tagged onto the end of the name, and none of your product names is a
substring of another product name. – Tim Williams 53 mins ago
Will get what you are looking for, as for getting rid of text between "(...)" use
To create a new column that will cut out anything that has parentheses "(...)" this presumes that all of your entries has the "(...)" at the end, i.e. far right side.
As you are new, I presume you might be interested in an explanation. I'll explain what Tim and I did. If I am incorrect, anyone is free to edit.
Based on your question, it would appear that you are familiar with Excel but not the site. This said, my understanding of the key difference between your attempt and Tim's was =VLOOKUP(B2 & "*", Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0) or specifically & "*". This introduces a Wildcard to the search parameter. So if you typed "Bob" but the actual reference was "Bob's Burger" That "*" would allow ['s Burger] to be included as part of the possible search given that you set vLookup to search for Approximate rather than exact matches. =VLOOKUP(B2 & "*", Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0) specifically , 0).
As for my part, IFERROR is effectively an catch-all for errors in IF functions. If there is a error, then X. In this case, if it does not find "(" in the cell, then it will throw an error. Since it is an error, display the original cell.
As for IF(FIND("(",A2),LEFT(A2,FIND("(",A2)-1),A2) It asks Excel to look for "(" in the cell A2, if it finds it, then it it counts from the LEFT until it finds the "(" and deletes the text one space to the left of the first "(". Thus removing the "(...)".

How do I sum data based on a PART of the headers name?

Say I have columns
/670 - White | /650 - black | /680 - Red | /800 - Whitest
These have data in their rows. Basically, I want to SUM their values together if their headers contain my desired string.
For modularity's sake, I wanted to merely specify to sum /670, /650, and /680 without having to mention the rest of the header text.
So, something like =SUMIF(a1:c1; "/NUM & /NUM & /NUM"; a2:c2)
That doesn't work, and honestly I don't know what i should be looking for.
Additional stuff:
I'm trying to think of the answer myself, is it possible to mention the header text as condition for ifs? Like: if A2="/650 - Black" then proceed to sum the next header. Is this possible?
Possibility it would not involve VBA, a draggable formula would be preferable!
At this point, I may as well request a version which handles the complete header name rather than just a part of it as I believe it to be difficult for formula code alone.
Thanks for having a look!
Let me know if I need to elaborate.
EDIT: In regards to data samples, any positive number will do actually, damn shame stack overflow doesn't support table markdown. Anyway, for example then..:
| A | B | C | D | E |
| 1 |/650 - Black |/670 - White |/800 - White |/680 - Red |/650 - Black |
| 2 | 250 | 400 | 100 | 300 | 125 |
I should have clarified:
The number range for these headers would go from /100 - /9999 and no more than that.
Progress so far:
(MID($A$1:$D$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($H$1)=4,$H$1&"",$H$1&" ")))+(A2:D2*
(MID($A$1:$D$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($I$1)=4,$I$1&"",$I$1&" ")))+(A2:D2*
(MID($A$1:$D$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" "))))
Apparently, each MID function is returning false with each F9 calculation.
Okay! I found my issue, it's the /being read when you ALSO mentioned that it wasn't required. Man, I should stop skimming!
Final Edit:
(MID(HEADER,2,4)=IF(LEN(Match5)=4,Match5&"",Match5&" ")))+(RETURNSUM*
(MID(HEADER,2,4)=IF(LEN(Match6)=4,Match6&"",Match6&" ")))+(RETURNSUM*
(MID(HEADER,2,4)=IF(LEN(Match7)=4,Match7&"",Match7&" ")))
The idea is that Header and RETURNSUM will become match criteria like the matches written above, that way it would be easier to punch new criterion into the search table. As of the moment, it doesn't support multiple rows/dragging.
I have knocked up a couple of formulas that will achieve what you are looking for. For ease I have made the search input require the number only as pressing / does not automatically type into the formula bar. I apologise for the length of the answer, I got a little carried away with the explanation.
I have set this up for 3 criteria located in J1, K1 and L1.
Here is the output I achieved:
Formula 1 - SUMPRODUCT():
=SUMPRODUCT((A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" ")))+(A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($K$1)=4,$K$1&"",$K$1&" ")))+(A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($L$1)=4,$L$1&"",$L$1&" "))))
Sumproduct(array1,[array2]) behaves as an array formula without needed to be entered as one. Array formulas break down ranges and calculate them cell by cell (in this example we are using single rows so the formula will assess columns seperately).
(A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" ")))
Essentially I have broken the Sumproduct() formula into 3 identical parts - 1 for each search condition. (A4:G4*: Now, as the formula behaves like an array, we will multiply each individual cell by either 1 or 0 and add the results together.
1 is produced when the next part of the formula is true and 0 for when it is false (default numeric values for TRUE/FALSE).
(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" "))
MID(text,start_num,num_chars) is being used here to assess the 4 digits after the "/" and see whether they match with the number in the 3 cells that we are searching from (in this case the first one: J1). Again, as SUMPRODUCT() works very much like an array formula, each cell in the range will be assessed individually.
I have then used the IF(logical_test,[value_if_true],[value_if_false]) to check the length of the number that I am searching. As we are searching for a 4 digit text string, if the number is 4 digits then add nothing ("") to force it to a text string and if it is not (as it will have to be 3 digits) add 1 space to the end (" ") again forcing it to become a text string.
The formula will then perform the calculation like so:
The MID() formula produces the array: {"650 ","670 ","800 ","680 ","977 ","9999","143 "}. This combined with the first search produces {TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE} which when multiplied by A4:G4
(remember 0 for false and 1 for true) produces this array: {250,0,0,0,0,0,0} essentially pulling the desired result ready to be summed together.
Formula 2: =SUM(IF(Array)): [This formula does not work for 3 digit numbers as they will exist within the 4 digit numbers! I have included it for educational purposes only]
The formula will need to be entered as an array (once copy and pasted while still in the formula bar hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER)
This formula works in a similar way, SUM() will add together the array values produced where IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH() columns match the result column.
SEARCH() will return a number when it finds the exact characters in a cell which represents it's position in number of characters. By using ISNUMBER() I am avoiding having to do the whole MID() and IF(LEN()=4,""," ") I used in the previous formula as TRUE/FALSE will be produced when a match is found regardless of it's position or cell formatting.
As previously mentioned, this poses a problem as 999 can be found within 9999 etc.
The resulting array for the first part is: {250,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE} (if you would like to see the array you can highlight that part of the formula and calculate with F9 but be sure to highlight the exact brackets for that part of the formula).
I hope I have explained this well, feel free to ask any questions about stuff that you don't understand. It is good to see people keen to learn and not just fishing for a fast answer. I would be more than happy to help and explain in more depth.
I start this solution with the names in an array, you can read the header names into an array with not too much difficulty.
Sub test()
Dim myArray(1 To 4) As String
myArray(1) = "/670 - White"
myArray(2) = "/650 - black"
myArray(3) = "/680 - Red"
myArray(4) = "/800 - Whitest"
For Each ArrayValue In myArray
'Find position of last character
endposition = InStr(1, ArrayValue, " - ", vbTextCompare)
'Grab the number section from the string, based on starting and ending positions
stringvalue = Mid(ArrayValue, 2, endposition - 2)
'Convert to number
NumberValue = CLng(stringvalue)
'Add to total
Total = Total + NumberValue
Next ArrayValue
'Print total
Debug.Print Total
End Sub
This will print the answer to the debug window.

Excel - 2 tables - If 2 cells in a single row match, return another cell of same row

Working with 2 separate data sets (with duplicates)
Dataset is unique identified by an ID.
There may not be an entry for the timestamp I require.
Datasets are quite large, and due to duplicates, can't use vlookup.
Table 1:
Device Name|Time Bracket| On/Off?
ID1 |06:20:00 |
ID2 |06:20:00 |
ID3 |06:30:00 |
Table 2:
Device Name |Timestamp |On/Off?
ID1 |06:20:00 |On
ID2 |06:50:00 |Off
ID3 |07:20:00 |Off
What I want to achieve:
I want an if statement to check if:
1) device ID matches AND
2) timestamp matches
If so, return the value of On/Off from Table 2.
If not, then I want it to return the value of the cell above it IF it's the same device, otherwise just put "absent" into the cell.
I thought I could do this with some IF statements like so:
=if(HOUR([#[Time Bracket]]) = HOUR(Table13[#[Timestamp Rounded (GMT)]]) and
minute([#[Time Bracket]]) = minute(Table13[#[Timestamp Rounded (GMT)]]) and
[#[Device Name]]=Table13[#[Device Name]], Table13[#[On/Off?]],
IF([#[Device Name]]=Table13[#[Device Name]], INDIRECT("B" and Rows()-1), "absent"))
(I put some newlines in there for readability)
However, this doesn't seem to resolve at all... what am I doing wrong?
Is this even the correct way of achieving this?
I've also tried something similar with a VLookUp, but that failed horribly.
Thanks all!
To not deal with array formulas or merging strings which, (not in your case) can still be wrong at the end, I suggest the use of COUNTIFS due to the fact, you have a very small amount of outcomes (just on or off)...
for the first table (starting at A1, so the formula is at C2):
OR(COUNTIFS(Table13[Device Name],[#[Device Name]],Table13[Timestamp],[#[Time Bracket]],Table13[On/Off?],"On"))+
OR(COUNTIFS(Table13[Device Name],[#[Device Name]],Table13[Timestamp],[#[Time Bracket]],Table13[On/Off?],"Off"))*2
,"On","Off","Error"),IF(A1=[#[Device Name]],C1,"Absent"))
this will also show "Error" of a match for "On" and "Off" is shown... to skip that and increase the speed, you also could use:
=IF(COUNTIFS(Table13[Device Name],[#[Device Name]],Table13[Timestamp],[#[Time Bracket]],Table13[On/Off?],"On"),"On",
IF(COUNTIFS(Table13[Device Name],[#[Device Name]],Table13[Timestamp],[#[Time Bracket]],Table13[On/Off?],"Off"),"Off",
IF(A1=[#[Device Name]],C1,"Absent")))
For both the "Device Name" is at column A, "Time Bracket" at column B and "On/Off?" at column C while the table starts at row 1... If that is not the case for you, then change A1 and C1 so they match
(Also inserted line-breaks for better reading)
Picture to show the layout:
I picked the second formula to show how it works... also, this formula should not be able to return 0's... I'm confused
Couple of good suggestions, however using the helper column as suggested in the topic by Scott Craner above worked.
Created a helper column of concat'd device ID and timestamp for both tables, then did a simple VlookUp.
Another lesson learned: Think outside of the box, and go with simple solutions, rather than try + be too clever like I was doing... :)

Need formula for excel, to subtract the number "9" to each number individually and

I want you to have some fun. I need something specific.
First i must explain what i do. I use a simple codification for product prices at retail store, because i dont want people know the real price for themselves. So i change the original numbers to another subtracting the number 9 for each number.
Normally I manually write down all the prices with this codification for every product.
So.. for example number 10 would be 89. (9-1 = 8) and (9-0 = 9)
Other examples:
$128 = 871
$75 = 24
$236 = 763
$9 = 0
Finally i put 2 number nines (9) at the beginning of the codified price also, to confuse people who might think that number could be the price.
So the examples i used before are like this:
99871 (means $128)
9924 (means $75)
99763 (means $236)
990 (means $9)
Remember that i need 2 (two) nines before the real price. The real prices never start with 0 so, the nines at the beginning exist only to confuse people.
Ok. So, now that you understand, here comes the 2nd part.
I have an excel whith hundreds of my products added, with prices, description, etc. And i decided it is time to use a printer and start to print this information from excel. I have a software to do that, but first i need to have the codified prices in the excel also.
The fun part begins when i want to convert the real prices that are already written in my excel document into a new column AUTOMATICALLY. So that way i don´t have to type again all the prices in codified form for the old and new items i add in the future.
Can someone help me with this? Is it even possible?
I tried with =A1-9999 but, it works well with 2 character number only. Because if the real price is 5, i will get 3 nines: 9994(code). And if the price is 234 i will get only 1 nine 9765(code). And it is a condition i need to have the TWO nines at first.
Thank you very much in advanced!
Though you have requested for formula , I am suggesting VBA program which seems to me very convenient.
You have to open VBE and insert a module and copy the program. Change the code lines wherever indicated to suit your requirements for sheets etc.
Sub NumberCode()
Dim c As Range
Dim LR As Integer
Dim numProbs As Long
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim s As Integer
Dim v As Long
Dim v1 As Long
Set sht = Worksheets("Sheet1") ' change as per yr requirement
numProbs = 0
LR = sht.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For Each c In sht.Range("A1:A" & LR).Cells
s = Len(c)
v = c.Value
v1 = 99
For s = 1 To Len(c)
v1 = v1 & (9 - Mid(c, s, 1))
c.Offset(0, 1).Value = v1
v1 = 99
numProbs = numProbs + 1
MsgBox "Number coding finished"
End Sub
Sample sheet of results is appended below.
I will be using helper cells but you could dump it all into one cell if you want since you are only dealing with 4 characters.
For the purpose of this example, I am assuming your original price list starts in B11.
Place that in D11 and copy to the right three more times so you have it from D11 to G11. That formula strips off 1 character from your price and subtracts that character from 9. When you go the next column it repeats itself. If you do not have that many characters, it will return "".
In C11 you will build your number based on the adjacent 4 columns using this formula:
It places 99 in front then adds the numbers from the adjacent 4 columns.
Select cells C11 to G11 and copy and paste downward beside your data column as far as you need to go.
An alternate more concise method would be:
Perhaps I'm missing something, though simply:
seems good to me.
