plot dashline using gnuplot - gnuplot

I want to know how to plot the dashlines in this graph. I mean the gray dashlines which are related to the points.


Contour plot with labels using the Visit plotting software and data set in vtk format

I am trying to make a contour plot labels in Visit. The initial file format I am using is VTK. The data is on a regular spaced rectangular grid
Visit offer a contour option, however it is not possible to add any labels.
My idea is to make a contour plot, use the cut operator and create a 2D slice that looks something like this :
I know how to use the pseudo color option and overlay the contour curves, however I have no idea how to put labels on the curves. This is a standard graph type and I am assuming that this should be possible.
I tried using a label plot, but this does not solve the problem.
I was reading online that python can plot VTK data, however, I have no experience with this python library.

Interpolating graph in gnuplot

Im trying to plot a graph in gnu plot using this command
plot 'temp.txt' using 1:3 title 'humidity' with lines smooth csplines,
'temp.txt' using 1:2 title'temprature' with lines smooth splines
but the curves are not smooth enough as you can see in the image
I want the curves to be more smooth by interpolating the existing data.
"smooth kdensity" will get you smoother curves, but it won't be from interpolation. The curves will not go exactly through any of the points.
Your data sampling is probably higher than your csplines sampling. Try set samples 1000 before the plot command.

Gnuplot: How to plot heat maps on three coordinate facets to visualize 4D data

I am new to Gnuplot and unfortunately have to start with a (for me) nontrivial problem. I have X-Y-Z-Temperature data. So I have for every spatial coordinate a temperature value.
This comes somewhat closest
However, I would like to create a heat map (not contour) on the XY XZ and YZ plane to visualise the 4D data better (in the link it is just 3D).
So on each plane just a heat map using the same color code so that the temperatures can be compared.
Many thanks!
You can make '4d' plot with palette, e.g:
splot '3d.dat' u 1:2:3:4 palette pt 9
So you mean e.g. plotting a triedron T(x,y,z=0), T(x=0,y,z) and T(x,y=0,z) ? This should be possible with multiplot and rotating the view between each plot. This will be a fair amount of hacking, so the first question would be why you don't use other visualization software like paraview or mayavi ? These are more suited for this type of data, unless you need the flexibility of gnuplot either in terms of scripting, or in terms of plotting analytical functions on the same graph.

gnuplot: filling the whole space when plotting sampled data

I have a problem with gnuplot. I've searched and I don't find the correct solution. I'm plotting some data arranged in three columns with the command splot, and the steps in x and y are different. The plot I get with:
set view map
splot 'data.dat' using 1:2:3 with points palette
and I would like the white space to be filled, making each tile size adapt, avoiding interpolation.
Some ideas are given here Reduce distance between points in splot.
I've tryed too, but with image doesn't seem to work :(
I should avoid pointsize as my grid changes from time to time.
You can try
set pm3d map interpolate 1,1 corners2color c1
splot 'data.dat' using 1:($2-5e-5):3
This uses no interpolation, and the color of each polygon depends on the value of corner 'c1'. You may need to test if this is the correct one, or if you need 'c2', 'c3', or 'c4'.
Another solution to my problem, better than this one for some terminals at least, is given in the answers to my other question about maps appearance in pdfcairo terminal, where the solution comes when using plot with image insted of this splot. I tried to use that before, as I mention here, but maybe it also needed this specific data format.

Drawing a straight line averaging a curve

I would like to draw a straight line that makes the average of a curve. I am plotting my data like that:
plot 'dataset' u 2:4 w p smooth bezier
My data consists of multiple columns and I would get something like that:
Any ideas of how to do it? I guess it is more an interpolation than an average. It is not relevant the ups and downs of the curve, and it would be much better to have a straight line interpolating the curve...
Using a straight line could be more or less easy to fit using fit however, how could I fit a curve that does not look like a well know curve? Let me show you an example? How could I fit a smooth curve among the main group of points? Please notice that there is some noise on the lower part of the graph that I wouldn't like to represent.
If you want to do some basic statistics on your data, gnuplot has a builtin command stats which may do what you want. Gnuplot offers some internal variables after plotting that contain data about min, max, etc. To see what these are, type show variables all after plotting your data.
Otherwise if you want to fit your data to a line, gnuplot does that as well:
f(x) = a*x + b
fit f(x) 'data.dat' using 2:4 via a,b
plot 'data.dat' using 2:4, f(x)
