Adding Fields to Sharepoint Organization Browser webpart - sharepoint

There is a webpart available in Sharepoint 2010 that lets you view an org chart of users related by the AD manager field. OOB it displays their names, job titles and the content of the 'about me' field. I have been given the requirement to display further user profile fields, in particular telephone numbers. Is there any way this can be achieved?

I'm not sure it is possible. You can use third party alternatives which can display telephone number. For example Plumsail Org Chart or 1OrgChart


Embedded PowerBI in SharePoint - Targeted Audience?

I have a number of PowerBI dashboards on our SharePoint 2013 online site. We are working on a plan to only display relevant dashboards to the user based on their user group. For example, a salesperson will only see their personal dashboard on the page. I can do this for image viewer, etc., but I cannot figure out how to edit a PowerBI webpart to target an audience. Any suggestions would be most welcomed.
I suggest you to use Row level security.
Select the Modeling tab.
Select Manage Roles.
3.Select Create
4.Provide a name for the role.
5.Select the table that you want to apply a DAX rule.
6.Enter the DAX expressions. This expression should return a true or false. For example: [UserID] = userprincipalname().
And Save.
For this you need a field where the username is registered, means that user has visibility on that row. If you don't have this information, then you will need to add some information to the row, to give visibility to whom deserve it.
After you have created your role, you can test the results of the role within Power BI Desktop. To do this, select View As Roles.
And then play around to check if what you get is what you want.
Hope that helps!
I had to revert the SP page to a Classic interface, then create individual Web Parts for each dashboard on the page, limiting each Web Part by the targeted audience. The Web Parts are not visible on the main Dashboard Portal page unless you are in the targeted audience, so you could see 1 or up to 5 dashboard previews on the page. An individual page was needed for each Power BI dashboard. A user cannot be prevented from seeing the dashboard if they are provided the URL, but hiding the hyperlink and preview screenshot on the Portal page is close enough. This should be easier to execute in SP... Oh well...

MS Dynamics CRM, adding tracking codes to links in email campaign

With MS Dynamics CRM 2012, is there a way of adding tracking codes to the end of each of the links within the email?
So we can identify which contacts clicked on the links to our website.
Not out of the box.
But CRM is xRM, so you can do this multiple ways. Probably the easiest that comes to mind is to modify the email template to include the GUID of the recipient in the URL as a parameter. Then inside your website (where the link directs to), log the visit based off of the GUID parameter.

Add Custom Meta Data to a Team Site Programmatically

I have been asked to write a custom webpage in a web application integrated into a MOSS 2007 solution to allow users to create a teamsite using a custom template. No problem.
However, the user must have the ability to assign custom meta tags to the created team site to allow for specific searches, i.e. to assign country ("USA") and department ("Accounting") tags. Can anyone suggest a way of adding custom properties to the newly created team site via the SharePoint API?
Thanks, MagicAndi
There are 2 options:
You can use the Propertybag (SPWeb.Properties) of the SPWeb object of the new team site
You can add a list (invisble to users except admins) called "site tags" and add some items in there with key value pair fields i.e. item Country with value "USA" etc.

Can SharePoint's Select People and Groups dialog box's Title and Department fields be customized with a custom membership provider?

I have created a custom membership provider for a SharePoint application but would like to populate the Title and Department columns for the MembershipUsers that are displayed with data from my user repository.
Is this possible? How can it be done?
I don't see anything in the System.Web.Security.MembershipUser class that could store this information. How does the Windows AD MembershipProvider have a different Display Name than the Account Name? Are some of these values coming from someplace else?
What happens in the AD is that, SharePoint runs the User Profile Sync Job that will pull all the required information from AD and updated the SharePoint UserProfile DB which In turn pushes to Each of the Site. Whereas in the case of the Custom Membership we don't have a direct option to update the Profile Information.
One method you can do is to update those information using code.There are two options you can update the User Profile information in the SSP so that it will be displayed in all the Site Collection or to Update the SPWeb.SiteUserInfo List. Please refer these link1 , link2 on how to do that. In case you want to update in SiteUserInfo list it is just another list just search for Item based on the user account name and update that item.

SharePoint Registration Form - How to Hide Fields

I created a basic registration form using a SharePoint 2007 custom list where users complete fields on the form. I created an 'Approver' field that I'm trying to hide from customers so that only the form's approver will edit that field (approve the request - Customers tend to approve their own request). How can I hide this approval field so it can be edited by the approver only?
Attempted Solutions:
1. I set the content type for that approval column to 'hidden'. How would I access the URL to the hidden approval field so the approver can access the field and update it for that specific item? The hidden field is not visible if I click 'Edit Item'. Did I miss something with the hidden content type so that I would see the column on the edit page?
2. I customized newform.aspx in designer by removing the hidden approval field and it worked. But 'Attach File' doesn't work when the new form is customized. It spews out an errors.
Any suggestions?
Have a look at the SPListDisplaySettings component from codeplex. Adding this solution will allow you to specify how to show the fields in display, new and edit mode based on SharePoint users and groups.
May be create a custom field control (how?) that will check the current users role agains the site before choosing to display the field.
This is pretty hard core customisation compared to creating lists though.
Why not just use the Approval workflow with this list? Users would be able to create approval requests, which would automatically trigger the Approval workflow, which would create a task and send an e-mail for the approver to approve the request. Once it's approved - the status of the request would change to approved. The approver can also add a comment on the approval form, if needed.
