Visual Studio 2012 not recognizing all pending changes? - visual-studio-2012

I'm working in TFS with my team for project and the problem occurs when I'm trying to make new modeling project for my classes, it doesn't show up in pending changes.
So here is how I go:
First I enter my folder where I keep my classes. I've tried from there many combinations: I've tried first right-clicking on my folder and putting "check-out for edit" and then continued to * (see later); next I've tried clicking on .csproj of my classes so I activate my project when I'll be adding modeling project and then moved to *; last I tried to activate whole solution of our whole projects which is connecting them and then to moved to *.
None of it worked. (I was always having last version)
here is what I did next for all the possibilities:
I went to Architecture -> New diagram (named diagram and left create new project) -> Create (then windows shows up for creating new project in which folder and I always select my folder where I keep my classes).
After when that was done, I went to check to "pending changes" in Team Explorer, because there should be some available since I created already Modeling project. But there was none. Since I couldn't do it like that, the last solution how I made it was by right-clicking to Source-control Explorer on my project and going to Add items to folder and selected my project which was created locally where I wanted it to be created.
But, this last solution was giving me errors while trying to open my modeling project after. I know I should activate first modeling project, so I clicked to .modelproj and while clicking to it, it was giving me this "notice" or rather "warning":
The solution you have opened is under source control but not currently configured for integrated source control in Visual Studio. Would you like to bind this solution to source control now?
What am I doing wrong? Why solutions are not integrated by default while creating my project (my friends are doing it automatically, they don't need to right-click in Source Control Explorer to add item to be able to see pending changes)?
I hope I made myself understandable.

It looks like your solution binding is broken. Either click yes on the question to bind your solution to source control, this is information that must be stored in the solution file and while Visual Studio does see that the folder is mapped to source control, it also sees that your solution isn't (did you check the add solution to source control checkbox when you created it?)
Optionally try opening file -> Source Control -> (optionally) Advanced -> Manage Source Control. You can select project in your solution individually and then click the bind button on the toolbar to bind them to sourcecontrol manually.

I had a similar issue and, in my case, the solution was to right click on my project and choose Source Control->Go online. Apparently I must have somehow been switched to the offline mode.

I have successfully checked in files from source control explorer instead of solution explorer in this case. Then after that it has worked again
VIEW > Other Windows > Source Control Explorer

Other way to do it:
File--> Source Control --> Advance --> Change Source Control.
In the window displayed select all the projects you want to bind to the TFS

I had the same issue and solve it by clicking:
File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Refresh Status

In VS2013+, you can check if your solution is online. In my case, due to VSO service outage, my solutions went offline. I had to open the solution, File > Source Control > Go Online.


How to disable automatic check out from Visual Studio 2012?

Whenever I open any solution in VS2012 from local path (which is mapped in TFS), the files are automatically checking out. I want to disable this feature.
I tried to disconnect from TFS and to work on it, But it is closing the solution. Plesase help me out in achieving this. I didn't get this problem before when I was using VS2010
You need to unbind your project(s) from TFS source control.
Select the project or solution from the Solution Explorer
From the main menu select File->Source Control->Advanced->Change Source Control...
Select one or all projects and press the "Unbind" button on the top of the dialog
select ok to the warning popup
You can later bind the projects again, personally I don't do this so I can't say how well it works. I found some more info here
Here are the visual steps:
This brings up the dialog to select projects to bind/unbind.
I had to select one at a time.
Select "Unbind" for each project
Here's what it should look like when unbound.
You can later come back and bind the projects again and TFS will try and reconcile your changes.
Try rather change Checked-in items (Saving, Editing) to 'Prompt for check out'
Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Enviroment -> Checked-in items
Disable the following option. It should solve your problem.
Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Enviroment -> Get everything when a solution or project is opened

Add existing project to blank solution in source control

I am trying to put several existing projects in one blank solution. This solution plus existing projects then need to be added to TFS source control.
Is there any way to achieve this? I simply am not able to find out how to get this done. Adding the project to a blank solution is relatively easy. Except it only places references to the existing project, rather than adding the files to the solution.
So when checking-in at sourcecontrol, it does not recognise the projectfiles as they do not get added to the solution, just references.
How can I get this done?
I managed to figure it out.
Add projectfiles of the project to be added to the solutiondirectory.
Add a reference to existing project (the one now in your solution directory).
In Windows Explorer, rightclick on the projectmap you just added and navigate to "Team Foundation Server" --> "Add".
The showing messagebox will describe which files will be added (they should be ONLY projectfiles, no bindirectory or anything).
Then reopen the solution in Visual Studio and the project should appear to be in source control.
Edit: The changes to show up in the pending-changeswindow, you just have to add them manually. They should show as "detected". Select these to be promoted and you should be able to check them in.

No index in Eclipse CDT project checked out from SVN

I have checked out a cross-compilation project from SVN on Eclipse (on a Linux system). I am unable to open a functions declaration from the functions's right-click context menu (or by pressing F3). Upon research, I found out I don't even have anything like Index -> .. in the project's right-click menu. I have tried a lot with the Preferences -> C/C++ -> indexer but no useful results. I am not using Eclipse to build it but there are no errors since I can build it using makefile
PS: Though there are a few questions with the matching title, but none of them helped me
Here is the solution found after a million attempts. The project should be checked-out as C/C++ project, by selecting import using new project wizard.. The index will NOT be available in the SVN projects checked-out directly. Hope it saves some one's time
Eclipse Kepler SR2 on Windows 7 here.
Faced the same issue, the following sequence of inputs made it work for me:
"Checkout projects from SVN."
Select branch etc.
Check the "Check out project configured using the New Project Wizard" radio button.
Select "C/C++ -> C Project."
Pick a toolchain, doesn't matter which if you use an external one.
Now you can right click on the project (once fully checked out) and rebuild the indexer.
I am using Indigo and solved it as follows (without checking out again!)
Right click on project in question and select New->Convert to a C/C++ Project
After selecting toolchain, indexing gets built automatically.

Visual Studio 2012- How do you delete a new file?

I have Visual Studio 2012 with TFS. I created a new file (call it "x.h") and before I checked it in I decided I didn't need it.
MSDN makes it sound so simple:
In either Solution Explorer or Source Control Explorer, browse to the folder or file that you want to delete.
Select the items that you want to delete, open their shortcut menu, and choose Delete.
When you are ready, check in your changes.
So I went to Source Control Explorer, right-clicked the file, and chose Delete. It was removed from source control and my pending changes but is still on disk and in the Solution Explorer. When I right-click the file in Solution Explorer, Delete is not an option and Exclude From Project is disabled.
I might have more luck if I check it in first then delete it but that seems very unnecessary. Hopefully I'm just missing something obvious!
How do I delete this new file ("x.h") from my solution?
Yep. It was something obvious.
You can't delete files from the Solution while it is building.
I just tried again and the Delete option magically reappeared. I realized that it has stopped a build since I last tried.
In short, there are three different angles that a user can try to delete a file while a build is occurring and the behavior is different for each.
Undo the file add from Pending Changes -> Nice error messages are given.
Delete the file from Source Control Explorer -> It lets you remove the file as I described in the question but leaves it on disk and in Solution Explorer (same behavior regardless of whether or not a build happening).
Delete the file from Solution Explorer -> It quietly prevents you from shooting yourself in the foot and doesn't explain why.
The right way to do this is to cancel the build (or let it complete), then delete from Source Control AND from Solution Explorer.

How to choose which file to debug in Visual Studio 2012 prof

Kinda stupid question, but I've only been using this IDE for two days now. I havent found anything in google yet and I figured that once in a while you're entitled to a stupid question:
I have a project (or solution as Microsoft chose to call it) with two .cs-files. When I click on debug, it's alwys the same file that opens. How can I get VS to open the other .cs-file?
It sounds like you have multiple static Main methods in your project. If that's the case then you have to set the startup object to the object that you want to run.
Right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer and select
Properties (or select Project >> Projectname Properties from the
On the Application form, select the appropriate value
for Startup Object.
