How to write latex comments in visual studio 2012 - visual-studio-2012

I want to write comments in visual studio (2012 ultimate) that contain latex syntax.
There is some plug-in to add to visual studio that will enable me to write comment in latex and then see it as latex (e.g. pop up window when im pressing some key shortcut or moving over the comment with the mouse)?
I found that someone asked it before at:
Latex plugin for visual studio 2010
But this didn't help me.
I'm also found this:
But this didn't help me either (I got a message of "This extension is not installable on any currently installed products").


Visual Studio dots showing brace connection ( similar to sublime )

I write C#, UnrealScript and C++. I do C++ and C# in Visual Studio 2012, while I do UnrealScript in Sublime 2 with UnrealScript IDE plugin
In Sublime 2 there is a cool effect that shows the line connection between the open and close braces as shown in the image:
( Note: I'm not talking about the underlining of the braces - VS already has that feature. I'm referring to the dotted lines )
I can't find a way to have this in Visual Studio, the closest so far is Show White Space which while is OK, I don't like it that much. Is there a way I can have this feature? Plugin or otherwise?
Try installing a free version of DevExpress Plugin for Visual Studio. Its got all those designes....

Change TODO item color in Visual Studio 2012 with Resharper 8

After installing Resharper 8 on Visual Studio 2012 my TODOs are now a retina-searing blue of which this screenshot does not do justice:
I've found similar questions here and here they don't seem to apply to VS2012 and/or RS8, as there is no "Resharper Todo Item" nor any other Resharper items under the Display Items for Fonts & Colors.
Just to post a possible workaround if somebody has the same behavior - apply actions from the following article. It looks oddly but works.
Close all Visual Studio instances
Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio {VS
version}\Common7\IDE\Extensions\extensions.configurationchanged file
Type anything there
Save the file
Open VS and check Fonts and Colors in Tools | Options | Environment
Navigate to environment settings using Visual Studio (Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors) and change the colour of the TODO items in the text editor. Scroll to the item in the "Display items" list which shows as "Resharper TODO item"
A Visual Studio crash and restart later, Resharper display items are suddenly showing up under fonts and colors. I contacted Jetbrains and apparently this was a verified bug, though that link is now dead which would lead me to believe that they fixed it, but for some reason this answer is still getting upvoted so maybe not.
Maybe the next upvoter can edit this answer or provide a comment with the current state of affairs?
This is not a Win 8.x issue; I am using Windows 7 and encountered the problem when I applied Resharper 8 to VS2013. The link that Alexander posted resolved the problem for me. I did, however, have to copy the file to My Documents, make my edit there (a simple hash symbol) and then copy it over the source location.
Adding an empty line in the file extensions.configurationchanged worked for me.
Visual studio 2013 with Resharper 10

Auto collapse to definitions visual studio 2012

I have been looking high and low for a way to auto collapse to definitions in visual studio 2012 when you open a file.
I found a solution for VS2010 here Any way to auto collapse to definitions whenever you close a document? but that requires a Macros which has been taken out in VS2012.
Any Solution would be much appreciated!
Yes, macros are definitely gone from Visual Studio 2012.
Not exactly what you requested, but the Ctrl-M, Ctrl-O keyboard shortcut is fast.
Third party tools like CodeRush! or Resharper may help here. I know that CodeRush is very customizable.
You can also create your own Visual Studio Extension. Extensions are more powerful than macros, but have a bit of a learning curve.

How to highlight occurrences of a search term in text in Visual Studio 11 / 2012?

How to highlight occurrences of a search term in text in Visual Studio 11 / 2012? There are solutions in VS 2010 and 2008, any one know of one for VS2012?
The fix mentioned in the solution is to download the SelectionHighlight.vsix file then.
Change the Extension to .zip
Open the zip file and edit the manifest file in a text editor.
Change the Visual Studio Version attribute to 11.
After saving the file back into the zip, change the extension back to .vsix
Just move forward with installing the file and you are set.
okay... just checked a plugin for VS2010 and they have a "Fix" for 2012. Check the Q and A here:

Free Visual Studio Pluggin For Code COmpletion in Visual C++

I am doing some C++ projects in visual c++ using Visual Studio Pro 2010. But unfortunately, auto complete support, automatic brace completion are not there. For example, If you type "in", there is not auto completion pop up windows showing that "Int", if u type "ret", nothing is shown for "return", these simple auto completion feature are available in netbeans, eclipse. But not in VS.
I used Visual assist x for a month but it is not a free extension. Can someone help???? is there any free pluggin that can do these things in C++...
There are also good pluggin that serves these issues like resharper. But all these works for C# and VB
Auto completion should be available trough Visual Studio directly. As for extra options this may not do all that you're used to with Visual Assist X, but it's free and it helps you make some changes to the code very easily: DevExpress Refactor! for C++
