apache thrift fails generating recursive structs - struct

I wanted to represent a standard tree structure in apache thrift, but I encountered
following problem:
[ERROR:/path_to_project/thrift/service.thrift:31] (last token was 'TCategoryTree')
Type "TCategoryTree" has not been defined.
These are my thrift structures:
struct TCategory {
1: required string name
struct TCategoryTree {
1: required TCategory element,
2: optional list<TCategoryTree> children
Line 31 is 2: optional list<TCategoryTree> children, where I define a field
that has the same type I'm defining right now.
Could it be that apache thrift doesn't support recursive structures or am I making
some kind of mistake here?
edit: I'm using version 0.9.0

Yes, unfortuantely Thrift does not allow recursive structures yet. There are workarounds for this limitation, e.g. flatten your data structures while transmitting them. In most cases this is feasible, although it requires some extra code on both sides.
Here's a good example how to do it:
The current Thrift development trunk supports this for a while now. Be careful, as it allows for endless reference loops (A references B references A ...) resulting in an stack overflow when trying to serialize.


Serialization in Haskell

From the bird's view, my question is: Is there a universal mechanism for as-is data serialization in Haskell?
The origin of the problem does not root in Haskell indeed. Once, I tried to serialize a python dictionary where a hash function of objects was quite heavy. I found that in python, the default dictionary serialization does not save the internal structure of the dictionary but just dumps a list of key-value pairs. As a result, the de-serialization process is time-consuming, and there is no way to struggle with it. I was certain that there is a way in Haskell because, at my glance, there should be no problem transferring a pure Haskell type to a byte-stream automatically using BFS or DFS. Surprisingly, but it does not. This problem was discussed here (citation below)
Currently, there is no way to make HashMap serializable without modifying the HashMap library itself. It is not possible to make Data.HashMap an instance of Generic (for use with cereal) using stand-alone deriving as described by #mergeconflict's answer, because Data.HashMap does not export all its constructors (this is a requirement for GHC). So, the only solution left to serialize the HashMap seems to be to use the toList/fromList interface.
Current Problem
I have quite the same problem with Data.Trie bytestring-trie package. Building a trie for my data is heavily time-consuming and I need a mechanism to serialize and de-serialize this tire. However, it looks like the previous case, I see no way how to make Data.Trie an instance of Generic (or, am I wrong)?
So the questions are:
Is there some kind of a universal mechanism to project a pure Haskell type to a byte string? If no, is it a fundamental restriction or just a lack of implementations?
If no, what is the most painless way to modify the bytestring-trie package to make it the instance of Generic and serialize with Data.Store
There is a way using compact regions, but there is a big restriction:
Our binary representation contains direct pointers to the info tables of objects in the region. This means that the info tables of the receiving process must be laid out in exactly the same way as from the original process; in practice, this means using static linking, using the exact same binary and turning off ASLR. This API does NOT do any safety checking and will probably segfault if you get it wrong. DO NOT run this on untrusted input.
This also gives insight into universal serialization is not possible currently. Data structures contain very specific pointers which can differ if you're using different binaries. Reading in the raw bytes into another binary will result in invalid pointers.
There is some discussion in this GitHub issue about weakening this requirement.
I think the proper way is to open an issue or pull request upstream to export the data constructors in the internal module. That is what happened with HashMap which is now fully accessible in its internal module.
Update: it seems there is already a similar open issue about this.

How do you get struct-copy to create a struct of the same type as the original?

To illustrate, here's a little immutable struct and a function to update it:
(struct timeseries (variable observations) #:transparent)
(define (add-observation ts t v)
(struct-copy timeseries ts
[observations (conj (timeseries-observations ts) `(,t ,v))]))
My question is: If I make a struct that inherits from timeseries, then add-observation will return a timeseries struct rather than a struct of the type that it was passed. How do you update a struct and retain its type?
By the way, if the above code is just not how things are done in Racket, please let me know the conventional way. The fact that I haven't found a function in the Racket libraries like struct-copy but that retains the type of the original struct makes me suspect that I'm going about this the wrong way. Is there some ordinary way to accomplish the same purpose without encountering the problem of returning a struct of a different type than you started with?
Unfortunately this is one of struct-copy's well-known limitations, most of which stem from it being implemented by what Sam Tobin-Hochstadt has aptly described as "unhygenically pasting bits of structs together" (rather than a low-level notion of copying structs), and is part of the reason that "struct-copy is hopeless and can't be fixed without major changes to how structs work." Matthias Felleisen described this as "an Achilles' heel in our world." There is definitely a desire in the Racket community to improve this situation, but for a number of reasons it seems daunting. I'm not aware of anyone actively working on it, and what a principled solution would look like seems to be an open question.
Structs are in many ways very fundamental to Racket. Conceptually, every value in Racket could be an instance of some struct type, though in reality the runtime system has specialized representations for certain built-ins. In fact, I think the ongoing work of replacing C with Chez Scheme in the Racket implementation may use structs for some things that are built-ins in the legacy Racket VM. This is possible because structs offer strong encapsulation capabilities, especially through inspectors. Improving the way structs work would touch essentially all of Racket and involve many disparate considerations, especially around backwards-compatibility.
Here are a few pointers for further reading about the issues:
This message from Sam sketches out how struct could start providing more static information while preserving backwards compatibility.
This GitHub issue, particularly the last comment from Alexis, points out (a) that it isn't obvious what the right static information to add would be and (b) that adding static information about the field names wouldn't be enough to solve the subtyping issues.
This thread points out a different limitation of struct-copy and includes a good summary from Alexis:
… struct-copy is irreparably broken and cannot be fixed without
fundamental changes to Racket’s struct system. Namely, it has the
“slicing” problem familiar to C++ programmers when using struct
inheritance, and the way it synthesizes field accessors from the
provided field names is unhygienic and can be easily thwarted.
The good news is that, while figuring out The Right Thing to do the general case is hard, Racket's languages-as-libraries approach makes it possible for all programmers and library-writers to try different approaches in their own code. There are various Racket packages to help with functional update and other features. Alexis' struct-update provides a macro to synthesize functions like timeseries-observations-update. Jay McCarthy has also experimented with enhancements to struct in library code. You can also implement a solution tailored to your specific use-case, ranging from implementing a consistent copy method (with racket/generic or racket/class) to creating a domain-specific language that can more naturally express your problem domain. This mailing-list thread, despite the subject line, covers a lot of approaches to functional update in Racket (including some thoughts from me about DSLs).
Answer from 2022: "unhygenically pasting bits of structs together" and "struct-copy is hopeless and can't be fixed without major changes to how structs work." which were referring to the hygiene problems, are no longer true. These problems have been mostly fixed.
For the original post's problem (which is not really related to the hygiene issues), it remains difficult to solve this problem with function abstraction. However, if we are allowed to use syntactic abstraction, we can do the following:
#lang racket
(struct timeseries (variable observations) #:transparent)
(define-syntax-rule (add-observation id ts t v)
(struct-copy id ts
#:parent timeseries
(cons (list t v) (timeseries-observations ts))]))
(struct good-timeseries timeseries (goodness) #:transparent)
(define val (good-timeseries 'id (list (list 1 2)) "goodness value"))
(add-observation good-timeseries
10 11)
;=> (good-timeseries 'id '((10 11) (1 2)) "goodness value")
Here, add-observation is changed to be a macro, and it accepts a struct transformation binding as the first argument, which allows struct-copy to produce a struct of the desired type.

Can Haskell functions be serialized?

The best way to do it would be to get the representation of the function (if it can be recovered somehow). Binary serialization is preferred for efficiency reasons.
I think there is a way to do it in Clean, because it would be impossible to implement iTask, which relies on that tasks (and so functions) can be saved and continued when the server is running again.
This must be important for distributed haskell computations.
I'm not looking for parsing haskell code at runtime as described here: Serialization of functions in Haskell.
I also need to serialize not just deserialize.
Unfortunately, it's not possible with the current ghc runtime system.
Serialization of functions, and other arbitrary data, requires some low level runtime support that the ghc implementors have been reluctant to add.
Serializing functions requires that you can serialize anything, since arbitrary data (evaluated and unevaluated) can be part of a function (e.g., a partial application).
No. However, the CloudHaskell project is driving home the need for explicit closure serialization support in GHC. The closest thing CloudHaskell has to explicit closures is the distributed-static package. Another attempt is the HdpH closure representation. However, both use Template Haskell in the way Thomas describes below.
The limitation is a lack of static support in GHC, for which there is a currently unactioned GHC ticket. (Any takers?). There has been a discussion on the CloudHaskell mailing list about what static support should actually look like, but nothing has yet progressed as far as I know.
The closest anyone has come to a design and implementation is Jost Berthold, who has implemented function serialisation in Eden. See his IFL 2010 paper "Orthogonal Serialisation for Haskell". The serialisation support is baked in to the Eden runtime system. (Now available as separate library: packman. Not sure whether it can be used with GHC or needs a patched GHC as in the Eden fork...) Something similar would be needed for GHC. This is the serialisation support Eden, in the version forked from GHC 7.4:
data Serialized a = Serialized { packetSize :: Int , packetData :: ByteArray# }
serialize :: a -> IO (Serialized a)
deserialize :: Serialized a -> IO a
So: one can serialize functions and data structures. There is a Binary instance for Serialized a, allowing you to checkpoint a long-running computation to file! (See Secion 4.1).
Support for such a simple serialization API in the GHC base libraries would surely be the Holy Grail for distributed Haskell programming. It would likely simplify the composability between the distributed Haskell flavours (CloudHaskell, MetaPar, HdpH, Eden and so on...)
Check out Cloud Haskell. It has a concept called Closure which is used to send code to be executed on remote nodes in a type safe manner.
Eden probably comes closest and probably deserves a seperate answer: (De-)Serialization of unevaluated thunks is possible, see https://github.com/jberthold/packman.
Deserialization is however limited to the same program (where program is a "compilation result"). Since functions are serialized as code pointers, previously unknown functions cannot be deserialized.
Possible usage:
storing unevaluated work for later
distributing work (but no sharing of new code)
A pretty simple and practical, but maybe not as elegant solution would be to (preferably have GHC automatically) compile each function into a separate module of machine-independent bytecode, serialize that bytecode whenever serialization of that function is required, and use the dynamic-loader or plugins packages, to dynamically load them, so even previously unknown functions can be used.
Since a module notes all its dependencies, those could then be (de)serialized and loaded too. In practice, serializing index numbers and attaching an indexed list of the bytecode blobs would probably be the most efficient.
I think as long as you compile the modules yourself, this is already possible right now.
As I said, it would not be very pretty though. Not to mention the generally huge security risk of de-serializing code from insecure sources to run in an unsecured environment. :-)
(No problem if it is trustworthy, of course.)
I’m not going to code it up right here, right now though. ;-)

Atomic Compare And Swap with struct in Go

I am trying to create a non-blocking queue package for concurrent application using the algorithm by Maged M. Michael and Michael L. Scott as described here.
This requires the use of atomic CompareAndSwap which is offered by the "sync/atomic" package.
I am however not sure what the Go-equivalent to the following pseudocode would be:
E9: if CAS(&tail.ptr->next, next, <node, next.count+1>)
where tail and next is of type:
type pointer_t struct {
ptr *node_t
count uint
and node is of type:
type node_t struct {
value interface{}
next pointer_t
If I understood it correctly, it seems that I need to do a CAS with a struct (both a pointer and a uint). Is this even possible with the atomic-package?
Thanks for help!
If I understood it correctly, it seems that I need to do a CAS with a struct (both a > pointer and a uint). Is this even possible with the atomic-package?
No, that is not possible. Most architectures only support atomic operations on a single word. A lot of academic papers however use more powerful CAS statements (e.g. compare and swap double) that are not available today. Luckily there are a few tricks that are commonly used in such situations:
You could for example steal a couple of bits from the pointer (especially on 64bit systems) and use them, to encode your counter. Then you could simply use Go's CompareAndSwapPointer, but you need to mask the relevant bits of the pointer before you try to dereference it.
The other possibility is to work with pointers to your (immutable!) pointer_t struct. Whenever you want to modify an element from your pointer_t struct, you would have to create a copy, modify the copy and atomically replace the pointer to your struct. This idiom is called COW (copy on write) and works with arbitrary large structures. If you want to use this technique, you would have to change the next attribute to next *pointer_t.
I have recently written a lock-free list in Go for educational reasons. You can find the (imho well documented) source here: https://github.com/tux21b/goco/blob/master/list.go
This rather short example uses atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer excessively and also introduces an atomic type for marked pointers (the MarkAndRef struct). This type is very similar to your pointer_t struct (except that it stores a bool+pointer instead of an int+pointer). It's used to ensure that a node has not been marked as deleted while you are trying to insert an element directly afterwards. Feel free to use this source as starting point for your own projects.
You can do something like this:
if atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(
unsafe.Pointer(&pointer_t{&node, next.count + 1})

Is there an object-identity-based, thread-safe memoization library somewhere?

I know that memoization seems to be a perennial topic here on the haskell tag on stack overflow, but I think this question has not been asked before.
I'm aware of several different 'off the shelf' memoization libraries for Haskell:
The memo-combinators and memotrie packages, which make use of a beautiful trick involving lazy infinite data structures to achieve memoization in a purely functional way. (As I understand it, the former is slightly more flexible, while the latter is easier to use in simple cases: see this SO answer for discussion.)
The uglymemo package, which uses unsafePerformIO internally but still presents a referentially transparent interface. The use of unsafePerformIO internally results in better performance than the previous two packages. (Off the shelf, its implementation uses comparison-based search data structures, rather than perhaps-slightly-more-efficient hash functions; but I think that if you find and replace Cmp for Hashable and Data.Map for Data.HashMap and add the appropraite imports, you get a hash based version.)
However, I'm not aware of any library that looks answers up based on object identity rather than object value. This can be important, because sometimes the kinds of object which are being used as keys to your memo table (that is, as input to the function being memoized) can be large---so large that fully examining the object to determine whether you've seen it before is itself a slow operation. Slow, and also unnecessary, if you will be applying the memoized function again and again to an object which is stored at a given 'location in memory' 1. (This might happen, for example, if we're memoizing a function which is being called recursively over some large data structure with a lot of structural sharing.) If we've already computed our memoized function on that exact object before, we can already know the answer, even without looking at the object itself!
Implementing such a memoization library involves several subtle issues and doing it properly requires several special pieces of support from the language. Luckily, GHC provides all the special features that we need, and there is a paper by Peyton-Jones, Marlow and Elliott which basically worries about most of these issues for you, explaining how to build a solid implementation. They don't provide all details, but they get close.
The one detail which I can see which one probably ought to worry about, but which they don't worry about, is thread safety---their code is apparently not threadsafe at all.
My question is: does anyone know of a packaged library which does the kind of memoization discussed in the Peyton-Jones, Marlow and Elliott paper, filling in all the details (and preferably filling in proper thread-safety as well)?
Failing that, I guess I will have to code it up myself: does anyone have any ideas of other subtleties (beyond thread safety and the ones discussed in the paper) which the implementer of such a library would do well to bear in mind?
Following #luqui's suggestion below, here's a little more data on the exact problem I face. Let's suppose there's a type:
data Node = Node [Node] [Annotation]
This type can be used to represent a simple kind of rooted DAG in memory, where Nodes are DAG Nodes, the root is just a distinguished Node, and each node is annotated with some Annotations whose internal structure, I think, need not concern us (but if it matters, just ask and I'll be more specific.) If used in this way, note that there may well be significant structural sharing between Nodes in memory---there may be exponentially more paths which lead from the root to a node than there are nodes themselves. I am given a data structure of this form, from an external library with which I must interface; I cannot change the data type.
I have a function
myTransform : Node -> Node
the details of which need not concern us (or at least I think so; but again I can be more specific if needed). It maps nodes to nodes, examining the annotations of the node it is given, and the annotations its immediate children, to come up with a new Node with the same children but possibly different annotations. I wish to write a function
recursiveTransform : Node -> Node
whose output 'looks the same' as the data structure as you would get by doing:
recursiveTransform Node originalChildren annotations =
myTransform Node recursivelyTransformedChildren annotations
recursivelyTransformedChildren = map recursiveTransform originalChildren
except that it uses structural sharing in the obvious way so that it doesn't return an exponential data structure, but rather one on the order of the same size as its input.
I appreciate that this would all be easier if say, the Nodes were numbered before I got them, or I could otherwise change the definition of a Node. I can't (easily) do either of these things.
I am also interested in the general question of the existence of a library implementing the functionality I mention quite independently of the particular concrete problem I face right now: I feel like I've had to work around this kind of issue on a few occasions, and it would be nice to slay the dragon once and for all. The fact that SPJ et al felt that it was worth adding not one but three features to GHC to support the existence of libraries of this form suggests that the feature is genuinely useful and can't be worked around in all cases. (BUT I'd still also be very interested in hearing about workarounds which will help in this particular case too: the long term problem is not as urgent as the problem I face right now :-) )
1 Technically, I don't quite mean location in memory, since the garbage collector sometimes moves objects around a bit---what I really mean is 'object identity'. But we can think of this as being roughly the same as our intuitive idea of location in memory.
If you only want to memoize based on object identity, and not equality, you can just use the existing laziness mechanisms built into the language.
For example, if you have a data structure like this
data Foo = Foo { ... }
expensive :: Foo -> Bar
then you can just add the value to be memoized as an extra field and let the laziness take care of the rest for you.
data Foo = Foo { ..., memo :: Bar }
To make it easier to use, add a smart constructor to tie the knot.
makeFoo ... = let foo = Foo { ..., memo = expensive foo } in foo
Though this is somewhat less elegant than using a library, and requires modification of the data type to really be useful, it's a very simple technique and all thread-safety issues are already taken care of for you.
It seems that stable-memo would be just what you needed (although I'm not sure if it can handle multiple threads):
Whereas most memo combinators memoize based on equality, stable-memo does it based on whether the exact same argument has been passed to the function before (that is, is the same argument in memory).
stable-memo only evaluates keys to WHNF.
This can be more suitable for recursive functions over graphs with cycles.
stable-memo doesn't retain the keys it has seen so far, which allows them to be garbage collected if they will no longer be used. Finalizers are put in place to remove the corresponding entries from the memo table if this happens.
Data.StableMemo.Weak provides an alternative set of combinators that also avoid retaining the results of the function, only reusing results if they have not yet been garbage collected.
There is no type class constraint on the function's argument.
stable-memo will not work for arguments which happen to have the same value but are not the same heap object. This rules out many candidates for memoization, such as the most common example, the naive Fibonacci implementation whose domain is machine Ints; it can still be made to work for some domains, though, such as the lazy naturals.
Ekmett just uploaded a library that handles this and more (produced at HacPhi): http://hackage.haskell.org/package/intern. He assures me that it is thread safe.
Edit: Actually, strictly speaking I realize this does something rather different. But I think you can use it for your purposes. It's really more of a stringtable-atom type interning library that works over arbitrary data structures (including recursive ones). It uses WeakPtrs internally to maintain the table. However, it uses Ints to index the values to avoid structural equality checks, which means packing them into the data type, when what you want are apparently actually StableNames. So I realize this answers a related question, but requires modifying your data type, which you want to avoid...
