Facebook native share dialog feature "is not available presently" on iOS - facebook-ios-sdk

I am trying to integrate SDK 3.5 into my iOS app. I can make the facebook app to pop up the share dialog and ask me to input text. But once I tap "Post" it shows me an alert "Beta Feature This feature is not available presently". Is this a temporary error or something I need to turn on in my app settings? Here is a screenshot of the error:

This feature is enabled only in Beta as of now. You need to add this line to your share dialog code to make this work.
// Set this flag on to enable the Share Dialog beta feature
[FBSettings enableBetaFeature:FBBetaFeaturesShareDialog];
For more details, you can see the how-to here:https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/share-dialogs-ios-sdk/


Blue Prism applicaton modeler fails to identify authentication pop up window on firefox

I am trying to automate a web application using firefox on blue prism. When I use the application modeler to launch the web application, first it is asking for credentials to login on a pop up window. Application modeler cannot identify this pop up has appeared. So I cannot automate the login. However after login manually, I can spy other elements in the application as normal. Any idea on how to automate the pop up window asking for user name and password?
I assume that you specified your application as browser based in application modeler. It's hard to answer your question without knowing how this web application looks and works like. There are few options that you can try nevertheless:
In the latest version (6.4) Blue Prism introduced Firefox plug-in. If you would be able to upgrade your version to the latest one (if you are not using it already), then maybe you'll be able to spy the pop up.
If this web application does not necessarily need be launched via Firefox in particular, then you can test its behavior and spying possibilities on other browsers - Internet Explorer and Google Chrome (supported by BP since 6.3 version).
You can spy the whole browser's window using Region mode and use Surface Automation techniques to input credentials and log in. SA functionalities are greatly improved since version 6.
You can try using web services (if applicable with this website) to connect with the API of the web application, you'll be able to pass/validate your credentials via web services as well. Blue Prism natively supports SOAP based web services, you might need to come with some code stages to wrap it up. It's pretty advanced stuff though and I wouldn't recommend it as a 1st choice.
Hope this helps.

Actions on Google - My alpha tester could not access my action

Initially, I built up a test agent on DialogFlow console according to the document, and it works well on the Actions On Google which is a simulator of Google Assistant on mobile devices.
Then, I deployed it through the Release in the left menu as you can see the pic attached.
deployed successfully
After that, I added some Alpha Testers including my colleague and sent my opt-in link to my colleague, besides, I granted them all the viewer permission in IAM.
However, problem appeared. It didn't work well on my testers’ phone(IOS 10+) but only worked well on developer's account(mine). When they opened the link I sent to them, and clicked send to devices, then clicked the notification on top of the screen.
send to device
The result is shown as below.
Google Assistant didn't respond to "Talk to mytest app"
In my case the command was set as "Talk to hello qad", and it did work well on my phone used the developer account.
developer account works well
If my tester input the text "Talk to hello qad", it just replied some direct searching results not hello qad diaglog.
To recap:
My action has already been in "deployed" status for couple of days
I've added the tester accounts in whitelist and give them "Viewer" permission in IAM
Testers could see the action directory page in devices by open opt-in link, but they couldn't see the "I'm In" button and couldn't access the action
Appreciate for any help or advice
During my project development, I also faced a similar issue. This is how managed to do testing:
Made sure all Google Accounts were created with the US as the country.
Through IAM, share AoG project with the tester's Google accounts.
All testers to open the shared simulator link in their browsers. This is important!
Test the app on browser first using the simulator.
Once tested, use any device with the whitelisted Google Accounts.
US country was required for my use case as I was having Transaction API in my Assistant. I had to also mock my location to the US on mobile for testing US specific features.
See if the above steps help you.
I contacted Google and this is what they said:
You have to copy the link to the notes app, and then click it and in the prompt, choose “Open in Assistant”.
Full text:
Please ensure that the opt-in link is opened in Google Assistant app and not in a browser. At this time, Google Assistant app is only available in USA. For opening an opt-in link in iPhone or any iOS device, please follow the steps below:
1. Download the Assistant App in App Store
2. Log in using the included account for Beta testing
3. Copy the opt-in URL to Notes app
4. Hold press the opt-in link then select 'Open in "Assistant"'. Google Assistant and App page in the Assistant Directory will be displayed.
5. Scroll down the page until you see the "Become a Beta tester" section
6. Click the I'M IN button
7. Test the Action
This does not work for me, probably because I am not in the US. However, the app is of course available here.
I ran into a similar issue with Google Actions/Dialog Flow. Here is how I resolved it...
Share the app from within DialogFlow to the test user
Copy the current DialogFlow URL from the address bar
Launch an Incognito Window
Paste the DialogFlow URL from Step 2 in the address bar
Log into DialogFlow using the test account
At the Standard Google Account Access Prompt Allow the access so your Google Action can talk to DialogFlow.
I couldn't find this documented anywhere and wasted about 8 hours figuring it out.
For me it only worked after I shared with the user the link to test on desktop that look likes: https://console.actions.google.com/project/XXX/simulatorcreate?isDeepLink the one you can get the the console menu on the sharing icon.
I asked him to login with same google email he has opted-in in Google Assistant and
to verify if when mouse over on the devices icon on the menu he would see "Testing on Device: Enabled
You currently are able to test your Actions on all
Assistant devices connected to "xxxx#gmail.com". "
Then he could invoque almost right away the alpha version of the BOT.
All that considering that he has already clicked on the opt-in link, I had added his emails as a Alpha tester and I had also added him as a Viewer on Permissions at the console admin https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin.
If you are a developer of the project, the test version is enabled by default on your device. If you want to access the alpha and beta versions, make sure to disable the ‘Testing on device’ option on the Actions Console simulator.
Add users before deploying alpha release
I feel obligated to copy dedman's comment on your question here, since his solution worked for me and is the only one directly addressing the problem at hand: an alpha release is not available to testers you have added after deploying the release.
As stated in question, you first deployed the test version and then added alpha testers. You might have to publish new alpha version "after adding the testers" and then wait till you get "deployed" status on the new alpha release too... – dedman
I was encountering this exact problem with the Alpha release of my Action, i.e. assistant not responding on alpha users devices, even though I had deployed the release, shared the opt-in link with users and had them click on it to opt-in. Deploying a new alpha release after users had clicked the opt-in link solved the problem and the action is now responding correctly for all users.
IAM Viewer status is not mandatory
By the way, I can also confirm your suspicion that "Viewer" permission in IAM is not needed for alpha users to have access to your release - they only need to opt-in before you deploy a new release.

Google Assistant SDK on RBPi 3: "...some basic settings that need your permission first"

I followed all the steps described in Assistant SDK and installed the Assistant on my Raspi 3
I have no problems with recording and playback
Raspi running Python 3.4 in a virtual environment
Assistant Python Library (no gRPC)
Troubleshooting Permission Issues did not help much (I have enabled all my activities)
I have searched a lot for some similar issue but found all related with Google Home App and the enable of activities (I do not have any GH app as the get started example in "Assistant SDK" does not require it)
When I run "google-assistant-demo" or the "hotword.py" script the assistant detects my voice saying "hey Google" but it answers "actually there are some basic settings that need your permission first" to any question.
Is anybody having or had this issue?
Thanks a lot in advance!
After 2 days of trying and trying I found the problem.
Make a click on the option box "Include Chrome browsing history ..." when enabling your "Web & App Activity" ! (see pic below)
If you do not click on it you will receive the message :
"Actually, there are some basic settings that need your permission first. Just go into the Google Home app on your phone for more details"
I hope this is useful for other people too because I did not imagine when I enabled my "Web & App Activity" control that this would be a problem...
The following list of permissions is required to work with Google Assistant API: https://developers.google.com/assistant/sdk/guides/activity-controls
Ensure the following toggle switches are enabled (blue):
Web & App Activity
In addition, be sure to select the Include Chrome browsing history and activity from websites and apps that use Google services checkbox.
Device Information
Voice & Audio Activity

Adding Support Page to Web Store Extension Page

I'm trying to add a support page right in the extension window but all that I can find is adding a link to another page. I've included some pictures, as I don't know how to really describe the feature.
that's what I have currently, and below is what I want to have-
This is a screenshot of what I have on the dev page, concerning the support feature-
I'm not sure what I need to change, so any help would be appreciated! (Directed here from this chrome forum thread)
Go to https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/dashboard
Click "Edit your User Feedback preferences"
Check the "Enable User Feedback for all my apps in Chrome Webstore." box.
Note that neither you nor your users will get notified of new posts made in the webstore support section, so you probably want to direct users to a third party support platform, such as issues on the project's Github repo.

Lightbox Enable in Chrome App/Extension

I have created my first Chrome extension/app and found out that lightboxes do not function inside the app. I created the app from the Google example kiosk app. I'm only using webview in the app and have no other customizations. It just points to a link.
I want to use the app as an auto-launch Kiosk app on a Chromebox. Via this website I found that 'alert' and 'confirm' are a disabled web feature on chrome web apps.
I am wondering if it is possible to enable alert and confirm in the Chrome app so that lightboxes will work when interacting with a website.
Thanks in advance.
Yes you can definitely call alert box inside a chrome extension, just like you would in a normal javasript file as stated in this thread.
alert("Im an alert box triggered by Chrome Extension")
The link you provided suggests that you can create a custom popup/lightbox as a workaround. There's a complete tutorial here.
Happy coding! :)
